/* * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 The HedgeDoc developers (see AUTHORS file) * * SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only */ import request from 'supertest'; import { LoginDto } from '../../src/identity/local/login.dto'; import { RegisterDto } from '../../src/identity/local/register.dto'; import { TestSetup, TestSetupBuilder } from '../test-setup'; describe('Register and Login', () => { let testSetup: TestSetup; const USERNAME = 'testuser'; const DISPLAYNAME = 'A Test User'; const PASSWORD = 'AVerySecurePassword'; beforeEach(async () => { testSetup = await TestSetupBuilder.create().build(); await testSetup.app.init(); }); afterEach(async () => { await testSetup.app.close(); await testSetup.cleanup(); }); test('a user can successfully create a local account and log in', async () => { // register a new user const registrationDto: RegisterDto = { displayName: DISPLAYNAME, password: PASSWORD, username: USERNAME, }; await request(testSetup.app.getHttpServer()) .post('/api/private/auth/local') .set('Content-Type', 'application/json') .send(JSON.stringify(registrationDto)) .expect(201); // log in with the new user and create a session const loginDto: LoginDto = { password: PASSWORD, username: USERNAME, }; const session = request.agent(testSetup.app.getHttpServer()); await session .post('/api/private/auth/local/login') .set('Content-Type', 'application/json') .send(JSON.stringify(loginDto)) .expect(201); // request user profile const profile = await session.get('/api/private/me').expect(200); expect(profile.body.username).toEqual(USERNAME); expect(profile.body.displayName).toEqual(DISPLAYNAME); expect(profile.body.authProvider).toEqual('local'); // logout again await session.delete('/api/private/auth/logout').expect(200); // not allowed to request profile now await session.get('/api/private/me').expect(401); }); test('a username cannot be used twice', async () => { // register a new user const registrationDto: RegisterDto = { displayName: DISPLAYNAME, password: PASSWORD, username: USERNAME, }; await request(testSetup.app.getHttpServer()) .post('/api/private/auth/local') .set('Content-Type', 'application/json') .send(JSON.stringify(registrationDto)) .expect(201); // try to use the same username again await request(testSetup.app.getHttpServer()) .post('/api/private/auth/local') .set('Content-Type', 'application/json') .send(JSON.stringify(registrationDto)) .expect(409); }); test('a user cannot create a local account with a weak password', async () => { // register a new user const registrationDto: RegisterDto = { displayName: DISPLAYNAME, password: 'test123', username: USERNAME, }; await request(testSetup.app.getHttpServer()) .post('/api/private/auth/local') .set('Content-Type', 'application/json') .send(JSON.stringify(registrationDto)) .expect(400); }); test('a user can create a local account and change the password', async () => { // register a new user const registrationDto: RegisterDto = { displayName: DISPLAYNAME, password: PASSWORD, username: USERNAME, }; await request(testSetup.app.getHttpServer()) .post('/api/private/auth/local') .set('Content-Type', 'application/json') .send(JSON.stringify(registrationDto)) .expect(201); // log in with the new user and create a session const loginDto: LoginDto = { password: PASSWORD, username: USERNAME, }; const newPassword = 'ASecureNewPassword'; let session = request.agent(testSetup.app.getHttpServer()); await session .post('/api/private/auth/local/login') .set('Content-Type', 'application/json') .send(JSON.stringify(loginDto)) .expect(201); // change the password await session .put('/api/private/auth/local') .set('Content-Type', 'application/json') .send( JSON.stringify({ currentPassword: PASSWORD, newPassword: newPassword, }), ) .expect(200); // get new session session = request.agent(testSetup.app.getHttpServer()); // not allowed to request profile now await session.get('/api/private/me').expect(401); // login with new password loginDto.password = newPassword; await session .post('/api/private/auth/local/login') .set('Content-Type', 'application/json') .send(JSON.stringify(loginDto)) .expect(201); // allowed to request profile now await session.get('/api/private/me').expect(200); }); test('a user can create a local account and cannot change the password to a weak one', async () => { // register a new user const registrationDto: RegisterDto = { displayName: DISPLAYNAME, password: PASSWORD, username: USERNAME, }; await request(testSetup.app.getHttpServer()) .post('/api/private/auth/local') .set('Content-Type', 'application/json') .send(JSON.stringify(registrationDto)) .expect(201); // log in with the new user and create a session const loginDto: LoginDto = { password: PASSWORD, username: USERNAME, }; const newPassword = 'pasword1'; const session = request.agent(testSetup.app.getHttpServer()); await session .post('/api/private/auth/local/login') .set('Content-Type', 'application/json') .send(JSON.stringify(loginDto)) .expect(201); // change the password await session .put('/api/private/auth/local') .set('Content-Type', 'application/json') .send( JSON.stringify({ currentPassword: PASSWORD, newPassword: newPassword, }), ) .expect(400); }); });