import {BelongsTo, Column, DataType, ForeignKey, IsUUID, Model, PrimaryKey, Table} from 'sequelize-typescript' import {ChildProcess} from "child_process"; import {Note} from './note' import {Utils} from "../utils"; import Sequelize from "sequelize"; import async = require('async'); import moment = require('moment'); import childProcess = require('child_process'); import shortId = require('shortid'); import path = require('path'); // core import logger = require('../logger'); const Op = Sequelize.Op; var dmpWorker: ChildProcess | null = createDmpWorker() var dmpCallbackCache = {} function createDmpWorker() { var worker = childProcess.fork(path.resolve(__dirname, '../workers/dmpWorker.js'), ['ignore']) logger.debug('dmp worker process started') worker.on('message', function (data: any) { if (!data || !data.msg || !data.cacheKey) { return logger.error('dmp worker error: not enough data on message') } var cacheKey = data.cacheKey switch (data.msg) { case 'error': dmpCallbackCache[cacheKey](data.error, null) break case 'check': dmpCallbackCache[cacheKey](null, data.result) break } delete dmpCallbackCache[cacheKey] }) worker.on('close', function (code) { dmpWorker = null; logger.debug(`dmp worker process exited with code ${code}`) }) return worker } function sendDmpWorker(data, callback) { if (!dmpWorker) dmpWorker = createDmpWorker() var cacheKey = + '_' + shortId.generate() dmpCallbackCache[cacheKey] = callback data = Object.assign(data, { cacheKey: cacheKey }) dmpWorker.send(data) } @Table export class Revision extends Model { @IsUUID(4) @PrimaryKey @Column id: string; @Column(DataType.TEXT({length: 'long'})) get patch(): string { return Utils.processData(this.getDataValue('patch'), '') } set patch(value: string) { this.setDataValue('patch', Utils.stripNullByte(value)) } @Column(DataType.TEXT({length: 'long'})) get lastContent(): string { return Utils.processData(this.getDataValue('lastContent'), '') } set lastContent(value: string) { this.setDataValue('lastContent', Utils.stripNullByte(value)) } @Column(DataType.TEXT({length: 'long'})) get content(): string { return Utils.processData(this.getDataValue('content'), '') } set content(value: string) { this.setDataValue('content', Utils.stripNullByte(value)) } @Column(DataType.INTEGER) length: number @Column(DataType.TEXT({length: 'long'})) get authorship(): string { return Utils.processData(this.getDataValue('authorship'), [], JSON.parse) } set authorship(value: string) { this.setDataValue('authorship', value ? JSON.stringify(value) : value) } @ForeignKey(() => Note) @Column(DataType.UUID) noteId: string @BelongsTo(() => Note, {foreignKey: 'noteId', constraints: false, onDelete: 'CASCADE', hooks: true}) note: Note; getNoteRevisions(note, callback) { Revision.findAll({ where: { noteId: }, order: [['createdAt', 'DESC']] }).then(function (revisions) { var data: any[] = [] for (var i = 0; i < revisions.length; i++) { var revision = revisions[i] data.push({ time: moment(revision.createdAt).valueOf(), length: revision.length }) } callback(null, data) }).catch(function (err) { callback(err, null) }) } getPatchedNoteRevisionByTime(note, time, callback) { // find all revisions to prepare for all possible calculation Revision.findAll({ where: { noteId: }, order: [['createdAt', 'DESC']] }).then(function (revisions) { if (revisions.length <= 0) return callback(null, null) // measure target revision position Revision.count({ where: { noteId:, createdAt: { [Op.gte]: time } }, }).then(function (count) { if (count <= 0) return callback(null, null) sendDmpWorker({ msg: 'get revision', revisions: revisions, count: count }, callback) }).catch(function (err) { return callback(err, null) }) }).catch(function (err) { return callback(err, null) }) } static checkAllNotesRevision(callback) { Revision.saveAllNotesRevision(function (err, notes) { if (err) return callback(err, null) if (!notes || notes.length <= 0) { return callback(null, notes) } else { Revision.checkAllNotesRevision(callback) } }) } static saveAllNotesRevision(callback) { Note.findAll({ // query all notes that need to save for revision where: { [Op.and]: [ { lastchangeAt: { [Op.or]: { [Op.eq]: null, [Op.and]: { []: null, []: Sequelize.col('createdAt') } } } }, { savedAt: { [Op.or]: { [Op.eq]: null, []: Sequelize.col('lastchangeAt') } } } ] } }).then(function (notes) { if (notes.length <= 0) return callback(null, notes) var savedNotes: any[] = [] async.each(notes, function (note: any, _callback) { // revision saving policy: note not been modified for 5 mins or not save for 10 mins if (note.lastchangeAt && note.savedAt) { var lastchangeAt = moment(note.lastchangeAt) var savedAt = moment(note.savedAt) if (moment().isAfter(lastchangeAt.add(5, 'minutes'))) { savedNotes.push(note) Revision.saveNoteRevision(note, _callback) } else if (lastchangeAt.isAfter(savedAt.add(10, 'minutes'))) { savedNotes.push(note) Revision.saveNoteRevision(note, _callback) } else { return _callback(null, null) } } else { savedNotes.push(note) Revision.saveNoteRevision(note, _callback) } }, function (err) { if (err) { return callback(err, null) } // return null when no notes need saving at this moment but have delayed tasks to be done var result = ((savedNotes.length === 0) && (notes.length > savedNotes.length)) ? null : savedNotes return callback(null, result) }) }).catch(function (err) { return callback(err, null) }) } static saveNoteRevision(note, callback) { Revision.findAll({ where: { noteId: }, order: [['createdAt', 'DESC']] }).then(function (revisions) { if (revisions.length <= 0) { // if no revision available Revision.create({ noteId:, lastContent: note.content ? note.content : '', length: note.content ? note.content.length : 0, authorship: note.authorship }).then(function (revision) { Revision.finishSaveNoteRevision(note, revision, callback) }).catch(function (err) { return callback(err, null) }) } else { var latestRevision = revisions[0] var lastContent = latestRevision.content || latestRevision.lastContent var content = note.content sendDmpWorker({ msg: 'create patch', lastDoc: lastContent, currDoc: content }, function (err, patch) { if (err) logger.error('save note revision error', err) if (!patch) { // if patch is empty (means no difference) then just update the latest revision updated time latestRevision.changed('updatedAt', true) latestRevision.update({ updatedAt: }).then(function (revision) { Revision.finishSaveNoteRevision(note, revision, callback) }).catch(function (err) { return callback(err, null) }) } else { Revision.create({ noteId:, patch: patch, content: note.content, length: note.content.length, authorship: note.authorship }).then(function (revision) { // clear last revision content to reduce db size latestRevision.update({ content: null }).then(function () { Revision.finishSaveNoteRevision(note, revision, callback) }).catch(function (err) { return callback(err, null) }) }).catch(function (err) { return callback(err, null) }) } }) } }).catch(function (err) { return callback(err, null) }) } static finishSaveNoteRevision(note, revision, callback) { note.update({ savedAt: revision.updatedAt }).then(function () { return callback(null, revision) }).catch(function (err) { return callback(err, null) }) } }