# Database We officially support and test these databases: - SQLite (for development and smaller instances) - PostgreSQL - MariaDB | environment variable | default | example | description | |-----------------------|---------|---------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | `HD_DATABASE_TYPE` | - | `postgres` | The database type you want to use. This can be `postgres`, `mysql`, `mariadb` or `sqlite`. | | `HD_DATABASE_NAME` | - | `hedgedoc` | The name of the database to use. When using SQLite, this is the path to the database file. | | `HD_DATABASE_HOST` | - | `db.example.com` | The host, where the database runs. *Only if you're **not** using `sqlite`.* | | `HD_DATABASE_PORT` | - | `5432` | The port, where the database runs. *Only if you're **not** using `sqlite`.* | | `HD_DATABASE_USER` | - | `hedgedoc` | The user that logs in the database. *Only if you're **not** using `sqlite`.* | | `HD_DATABASE_PASS` | - | `password` | The password to log into the database. *Only if you're **not** using `sqlite`.* |