/* * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 The HedgeDoc developers (see AUTHORS file) * * SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only */ describe('Toolbar Buttons', () => { const testText = 'textText' const testLink = 'http://hedgedoc.org' beforeEach(() => { cy.visitTestEditor() cy.get('.CodeMirror') .click() .get('textarea') .as('codeinput') }) describe('for single line text', () => { beforeEach(() => { cy.codemirrorFill(testText) cy.get('.CodeMirror-line > span') .should("exist") .should('have.text', testText) }) describe('with selection', () => { beforeEach(() => { cy.get('@codeinput') .type('{ctrl}a') }) it('should format as bold', () => { cy.get('.btn-toolbar [data-cy="format-bold"]') .click() cy.get('.CodeMirror-activeline > .CodeMirror-line > span') .should('have.text', `**${testText}**`) }) it('should format as italic', () => { cy.get('.btn-toolbar [data-cy="format-italic"]') .click() cy.get('.CodeMirror-activeline > .CodeMirror-line > span') .should('have.text', `*${testText}*`) }) it('should format as underline', () => { cy.get('.btn-toolbar [data-cy="format-underline"]') .click() cy.get('.CodeMirror-activeline > .CodeMirror-line > span') .should('have.text', `++${testText}++`) }) it('should format as strikethrough', () => { cy.get('.btn-toolbar [data-cy="format-strikethrough"]') .click() cy.get('.CodeMirror-activeline > .CodeMirror-line > span') .should('have.text', `~~${testText}~~`) }) it('should format as subscript', () => { cy.get('.btn-toolbar [data-cy="format-subscript"]') .click() cy.get('.CodeMirror-activeline > .CodeMirror-line > span') .should('have.text', `~${testText}~`) }) it('should format as superscript', () => { cy.get('.btn-toolbar [data-cy="format-superscript"]') .click() cy.get('.CodeMirror-activeline > .CodeMirror-line > span') .should('have.text', `^${testText}^`) }) it('should format the line as code block', () => { cy.get('.btn-toolbar [data-cy="format-code-block"]') .click() cy.get('.CodeMirror-code > div:nth-of-type(1) > .CodeMirror-line > span > span') .should('have.text', '```') cy.get('.CodeMirror-code > div:nth-of-type(2) > .CodeMirror-line > span span') .should('have.text', testText) cy.get('.CodeMirror-code > div.CodeMirror-activeline > .CodeMirror-line > span span') .should('have.text', '```') }) it('should format links', () => { cy.get('.btn-toolbar [data-cy="format-link"]') .click() cy.get('.CodeMirror-activeline > .CodeMirror-line > span') .should('have.text', `[${testText}](https://)`) }) it('should format as image', () => { cy.get('.btn-toolbar [data-cy="format-image"]') .click() cy.get('.CodeMirror-activeline > .CodeMirror-line > span') .should('have.text', `![${testText}](https://)`) }) }) it('should format line as heading', () => { cy.get('.btn-toolbar [data-cy="format-heading"]') .click() cy.get('.CodeMirror-activeline > .CodeMirror-line > span') .should('have.text', `# ${testText}`) cy.get('.fa-header') .click() cy.get('.CodeMirror-activeline > .CodeMirror-line > span') .should('have.text', `## ${testText}`) }) it('should format the line as code', () => { cy.get('.btn-toolbar [data-cy="format-code-block"]') .click() cy.get('.CodeMirror-code > div:nth-of-type(1) > .CodeMirror-line > span > span') .should('have.text', '```') cy.get('.CodeMirror-code > div:nth-of-type(2) > .CodeMirror-line > span span') .should('have.text', testText) cy.get('.CodeMirror-code > div.CodeMirror-activeline > .CodeMirror-line > span span') .should('have.text', '```') }) it('should add a quote', () => { cy.get('.btn-toolbar [data-cy="format-block-quote"]') .click() cy.get('.CodeMirror-activeline > .CodeMirror-line > span') .should('have.text', `> ${testText}`) cy.get('.btn-toolbar [data-cy="format-block-quote"]') .click() cy.get('.CodeMirror-activeline > .CodeMirror-line > span') .should('have.text', `> > ${testText}`) }) it('should format as unordered list', () => { cy.get('.btn-toolbar [data-cy="format-unordered-list"]') .click() cy.get('.CodeMirror-activeline > .CodeMirror-line > span') .should('have.text', `- ${testText}`) cy.get('.btn-toolbar [data-cy="format-unordered-list"]') .click() cy.get('.CodeMirror-activeline > .CodeMirror-line > span') .should('have.text', `- - ${testText}`) }) it('should format as ordered list', () => { cy.get('.btn-toolbar [data-cy="format-ordered-list"]') .click() cy.get('.CodeMirror-activeline > .CodeMirror-line > span') .should('have.text', `1. ${testText}`) cy.get('.btn-toolbar [data-cy="format-ordered-list"]') .click() cy.get('.CodeMirror-activeline > .CodeMirror-line > span') .should('have.text', `1. 1. ${testText}`) }) it('should format as check list', () => { cy.get('.btn-toolbar [data-cy="format-check-list"]') .click() cy.get('.CodeMirror-activeline > .CodeMirror-line > span') .should('have.text', `- [ ] ${testText}`) cy.get('.btn-toolbar [data-cy="format-check-list"]') .click() cy.get('.CodeMirror-activeline > .CodeMirror-line > span') .should('have.text', `- [ ] - [ ] ${testText}`) }) it('should insert links', () => { cy.get('.btn-toolbar [data-cy="format-link"]') .click() cy.get('.CodeMirror-activeline > .CodeMirror-line > span') .should('have.text', `${testText}[](https://)`) }) it('should insert an empty image link', () => { cy.get('.btn-toolbar [data-cy="format-image"]') .click() cy.get('.CodeMirror-activeline > .CodeMirror-line > span') .should('have.text', `${testText}![](https://)`) }) }) describe('for single line link with selection', () => { beforeEach(() => { cy.codemirrorFill(testLink) cy.get('.CodeMirror-line > span') .should("exist") .should('have.text', testLink) cy.get('@codeinput') .type('{ctrl}a') }) it('should format as link', () => { cy.get('.btn-toolbar [data-cy="format-link"]') .click() cy.get('.CodeMirror-activeline > .CodeMirror-line > span') .should('have.text', `[](${testLink})`) }) it('should format as image', () => { cy.get('.btn-toolbar [data-cy="format-image"]') .click() cy.get('.CodeMirror-activeline > .CodeMirror-line > span') .should('have.text', `![](${testLink})`) }) }) describe('for no text', () => { it('should add an empty code block', () => { cy.get('.btn-toolbar [data-cy="format-code-block"]') .click() cy.get('.CodeMirror-code > div:nth-of-type(1) > .CodeMirror-line > span > span') .should('have.text', '```') cy.get('.CodeMirror-code > div.CodeMirror-activeline > .CodeMirror-line > span span') .should('have.text', '```') }) it('should insert lines', () => { cy.get('.btn-toolbar [data-cy="format-add-line"]') .click() cy.get('.CodeMirror-code > div:nth-of-type(2) > .CodeMirror-line > span span') .should('have.text', '----') }) it('should add a collapsable block', () => { cy.get('.btn-toolbar [data-cy="format-collapsable-block"]') .click() cy.get('.CodeMirror-code > div:nth-of-type(2) > .CodeMirror-line > span span') .should('have.text', ':::spoiler Toggle label') }) it('should add a comment', () => { cy.get('.btn-toolbar [data-cy="format-add-comment"]') .click() cy.get('.CodeMirror-code > div:nth-of-type(2) > .CodeMirror-line > span span') .should('have.text', '> []') }) }) describe('for new tables', () => { beforeEach(() => { cy.get('.table-picker-container') .should('not.be.visible') cy.get('[data-cy="show-table-overlay"]') .last() .click() cy.get('.table-picker-container') .should('be.visible') }) it('should open an overlay', () => { cy.get('.table-container > div:nth-of-type(25)') .trigger('mouseover') cy.get('.table-cell.bg-primary') .should('have.length', 15) cy.get('.table-picker-container > p') .contains('5x3') cy.get('.table-container > div:nth-of-type(25)') .click() }) it('should open a modal for custom table sizes in the overlay', () => { cy.get('.modal-dialog') .should('not.exist') cy.get('[data-cy="show-custom-table-modal"]') .first() .click() cy.get('.modal-dialog') .should('be.visible') cy.get('.modal-content > .d-flex > input') .first() .type('5') cy.get('.modal-content > .d-flex > input') .last() .type('3') cy.get('.modal-footer > button') .click() }) afterEach(() => { cy.get('.CodeMirror-code > div:nth-of-type(2) > .CodeMirror-line > span span') .should('have.text', '| # 1 | # 2 | # 3 | # 4 | # 5 |') cy.get('.CodeMirror-code > div:nth-of-type(3) > .CodeMirror-line > span span') .should('have.text', '| ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |') cy.get('.CodeMirror-code > div:nth-of-type(4) > .CodeMirror-line > span span') .should('have.text', '| Text | Text | Text | Text | Text |') cy.get('.CodeMirror-code > div:nth-of-type(5) > .CodeMirror-line > span span') .should('have.text', '| Text | Text | Text | Text | Text |') cy.get('.CodeMirror-activeline > .CodeMirror-line > span ') .should('have.text', '| Text | Text | Text | Text | Text |') }) }) describe('for the emoji-picker', () => { it('should open overlay', () => { cy.get('emoji-picker') .should('not.be.visible') cy.get('[data-cy="show-emoji-picker"]') .click() cy.get('emoji-picker') .should('be.visible') }) }) })