/* * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 The HedgeDoc developers (see AUTHORS file) * * SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only */ describe('The status bar text length info', () => { const warningTestContent = ('0123456789'.repeat(10)) const dangerTestContent = ('0123456789'.repeat(20)) const tooMuchTestContent = `${dangerTestContent}a` beforeEach(() => { cy.visitTestEditor() }) it('shows the maximal length of the document as number of available characters in the tooltip', () => { cy.get('.status-bar [data-cy="remainingCharacters"]') .attribute('title') .should('contain', ' 200 ') }) it('color is set to "warning" on <= 100 characters remaining', () => { cy.codemirrorFill(warningTestContent) cy.get('.status-bar [data-cy="remainingCharacters"]') .should('have.class', 'text-warning') }) it('color is set to danger on <= 0 characters remaining', () => { cy.codemirrorFill(dangerTestContent) cy.get('.status-bar [data-cy="remainingCharacters"]') .should('have.class', 'text-danger') }) it('shows a warning and opens a modal', () => { cy.codemirrorFill(tooMuchTestContent) cy.get('[data-cy="limitReachedModal"]') .should('be.visible') cy.getMarkdownRenderer() .find('[data-cy="limitReachedMessage"]') .should('be.visible') }) })