Update es.json (POEditor.com)

This commit is contained in:
Sheogorath 2020-11-27 21:48:09 +01:00
parent b8036a19c3
commit c4a618cda4

View file

@ -1,130 +1,130 @@
"Collaborative markdown notes": "Kunlaborataj marksubenaj notoj",
"Realtime collaborative markdown notes on all platforms.": "Tujkunlaborataj marksubenaj notoj ĉe ĉiuj sistemoj.",
"Best way to write and share your knowledge in markdown.": "La plej bona maniero skribi kaj havigi vian scion marksubene.",
"Intro": "Enkonduko",
"History": "Historio",
"New guest note": "Novan gastan noton",
"Collaborate with URL": "Kunlaboru per URL",
"Support charts and MathJax": "Ebleco por skemoj kaj MathJax",
"Support slide mode": "Ebleco por bildvica modo",
"Sign In": "Ensalutu",
"Below is the history from browser": "Malsupre estas la historio de la retumilo",
"Welcome!": "Bonvenon!",
"New note": "Novan Noton",
"or": "",
"Sign Out": "Elsalutu",
"Explore all features": "Esploru ĉiujn eblecojn",
"Select tags...": "Elektu etikedojn..",
"Search keyword...": "Serĉu ĉefvorton...",
"Sort by title": "Ordigu laŭ titolo",
"Title": "Titolo",
"Sort by time": "Ordigu laŭ tempo",
"Time": "Tempo",
"Export history": "Elportu historion",
"Import history": "Alportu historion",
"Clear history": "Malplenigu historion",
"Refresh history": "Refreŝigu historion",
"No history": "Neniu historio",
"Import from browser": "Alportu de retumilo",
"Releases": "Eldonoj",
"Are you sure?": "Ĉu vi certas?",
"Do you really want to delete this note?": "Ĉu vi vere volas forigi tiun noton?",
"All users will lose their connection.": "Ĉiuj uzantoj perdos siaj konektojn.",
"Cancel": "Nuligu",
"Yes, do it!": "Jes, faru ĝin!",
"Choose method": "Elektu metodon",
"Sign in via %s": "Ensalutu per %s",
"New": "Nova",
"Publish": "Dissendu",
"Extra": "Plia",
"Revision": "Versio",
"Slide Mode": "Bildvica modo",
"Export": "Elportu",
"Import": "Alportu",
"Clipboard": "Poŝo",
"Download": "Elŝuti",
"Raw HTML": "Kruda HTML",
"Edit": "Redaktu",
"View": "Vidu",
"Both": "Amb",
"Help": "Helpo",
"Upload Image": "Alŝutu bildon",
"Menu": "Menuo",
"This page need refresh": "Ĉi tiu paĝo bezonas refreŝiĝi",
"You have an incompatible client version.": "Vi havas malkongruan klientversion.",
"Refresh to update.": "Refreŝigu por ĝisdatigi",
"New version available!": "Nova versio disponeblas!",
"See releases notes here": "Vidu elsendajn notojn ĉi tie",
"Refresh to enjoy new features.": "Refreŝigu por ĝui novajn eblecojn.",
"Your user state has changed.": "Via uzantstato ŝanĝiĝis.",
"Refresh to load new user state.": "Refreŝigu por ŝargi novan uzantstaton.",
"Refresh": "Refreŝigu",
"Contacts": "Kontaktuloj",
"Report an issue": "Raportu problemon",
"Meet us on %s": "Renkonti nin ĉe %s",
"Send us email": "Sendu al ni retpoŝton",
"Documents": "Dosieroj",
"Features": "Eblecoj",
"YAML Metadata": "YAML metadateno",
"Slide Example": "Bildvica ekzemplo",
"Cheatsheet": "Gvidfolio",
"Example": "Ekzemplo",
"Syntax": "Sintakso",
"Header": "Paĝokapo",
"Unordered List": "Neordita Listo",
"Ordered List": "Ordita Listo",
"Todo List": "Farenda Listo",
"Blockquote": "Deŝovita cito",
"Bold font": "Dika tiparo",
"Italics font": "Kursiva tiparo",
"Strikethrough": "Trastrekita",
"Inserted text": "Enmetita teksto",
"Marked text": "Markita teksto",
"Link": "Ligilo",
"Image": "Bildo",
"Code": "Kodo",
"Externals": "Eksteraĵoj",
"This is a alert area.": "Ĉi tiu estas avertzono.",
"Revert": "Malfaru ŝanĝojn",
"Import from clipboard": "Alportu de la poŝo",
"Paste your markdown or webpage here...": "Algluu vian marksubenon aŭ retpaĝaron ĉi tie...",
"Clear": "Malplenigu",
"This note is locked": "Ĉi tiu noto estas ŝlosita",
"Sorry, only owner can edit this note.": "Bedaŭrinde, nur la proprulo povas redakti ĉi tiun noton.",
"OK": "Bone",
"Reach the limit": "Atingi la limigon",
"Sorry, you've reached the max length this note can be.": "Pardonon, ĉi tiu noto jam atingis maksimuman longecon.",
"Please reduce the content or divide it to more notes, thank you!": "Bonvolu malpligrandigi la enhavaĵon, aŭ dividi ĝin en pliajn notojn!",
"Import from Gist": "Alportu el Gist",
"Paste your gist url here...": "Algluu vian gist-an URL-n ĉi tie...",
"Import from Snippet": "Alportu el tekstero",
"Select From Available Projects": "Elektu el disponeblaj projektoj",
"Select From Available Snippets": "Elektu el disponeblaj teksteroj",
"OR": "",
"Export to Snippet": "Elportu al Snippet",
"Select Visibility Level": "Elektu videblecan nivelon",
"Night Theme": "Nokta Temo",
"Follow us on %s and %s.": "Follow us on %s, and %s.",
"Privacy": "Privateco",
"Terms of Use": "Terms of Use",
"Do you really want to delete your user account?": "Do you really want to delete your user account?",
"This will delete your account, all notes that are owned by you and remove all references to your account from other notes.": "This will delete your account, all notes that are owned by you and remove all references to your account from other notes.",
"Delete user": "Forigi uzanton",
"Export user data": "Export user data",
"Help us translating on %s": "Help us translating on %s",
"Source Code": "Source Code",
"Register": "Register",
"Powered by %s": "Powered by %s",
"Help us translating": "Help us translating",
"Join the community": "Join the community",
"Imprint": "Imprint",
"Freely - Anyone can edit": "Libere - Iu ajn povas redakti",
"Collaborative markdown notes": "Notas colaborativas en Markdown",
"Realtime collaborative markdown notes on all platforms.": "Notas colaborativas en Markdown para todas las plataformas en tiempo real.",
"Best way to write and share your knowledge in markdown.": "La mejor forma de escribir y compartir tu conocimiento en Markdown.",
"Intro": "Introduccion",
"History": "Historia",
"New guest note": "Nueva nota como invitado",
"Collaborate with URL": "Colaborar via URL",
"Support charts and MathJax": "Soporte para gráficos y MathJax",
"Support slide mode": "Soporte para diapositivas",
"Sign In": "Ingresar",
"Below is the history from browser": "A continuación se muestra el historial del navegador",
"Welcome!": "¡Bienvenido!",
"New note": "Nueva nota",
"or": "o",
"Sign Out": "Salir",
"Explore all features": "Explorar todas las funciones",
"Select tags...": "Seleccionar etiquetas...",
"Search keyword...": "Buscar palabras clave...",
"Sort by title": "Ordenar por título",
"Title": "Título",
"Sort by time": "Ordenar por fecha",
"Time": "Tiempo",
"Export history": "Exportar historial",
"Import history": "Importar historial",
"Clear history": "Borrar historial",
"Refresh history": "Actualizar historial",
"No history": "Ningún historial",
"Import from browser": "Importar del navegador",
"Releases": "Versiones",
"Are you sure?": "¿Estás seguro?",
"Do you really want to delete this note?": "¿Realmente quieres eliminar esta nota?",
"All users will lose their connection.": "Todos los usuarios perderán su conexión.",
"Cancel": "Cancelar",
"Yes, do it!": "Si, ¡hazlo!",
"Choose method": "Elegir método",
"Sign in via %s": "Ingresar via %s",
"New": "Nuevo",
"Publish": "Publicar",
"Extra": "Extra",
"Revision": "Revision",
"Slide Mode": "Modo presentación",
"Export": "Exportar",
"Import": "Importar",
"Clipboard": "Portapapeles",
"Download": "Descargar",
"Raw HTML": "HTML puro",
"Edit": "Editar",
"View": "Ver",
"Both": "Ambos",
"Help": "Ayuda",
"Upload Image": "Subir imagen",
"Menu": "Menú",
"This page need refresh": "Esta página necesita ser cargada de nuevo",
"You have an incompatible client version.": "Tienes una version del cliente incompatible.",
"Refresh to update.": "Cargar de nuevo para actualizar.",
"New version available!": "¡Nueva versión disponible!",
"See releases notes here": "Ver aquí las notas de publicación",
"Refresh to enjoy new features.": "Actualizar para usar las nuevas funciones.",
"Your user state has changed.": "El estado de tu usuario ha cambiado.",
"Refresh to load new user state.": "Recargar para actualizar el estado de tu usuario.",
"Refresh": "Recargar",
"Contacts": "Contactos",
"Report an issue": "Reportar un problema",
"Meet us on %s": "Encuéntranos en %s",
"Send us email": "Enviarnos un email",
"Documents": "Documentos",
"Features": "Funciones",
"YAML Metadata": "Metadatos en YAML",
"Slide Example": "Ejemplo de diapositiva",
"Cheatsheet": "Ayudamemorias",
"Example": "Ejemplo",
"Syntax": "Sintaxis",
"Header": "Cabecera",
"Unordered List": "Lista desordenada",
"Ordered List": "Lista ordenada",
"Todo List": "Lista de tareas",
"Blockquote": "Bloque de cita",
"Bold font": "Fuente negrita",
"Italics font": "Fuente itálica",
"Strikethrough": "Tachado",
"Inserted text": "Texto subrayado",
"Marked text": "Texto marcado",
"Link": "Enlace",
"Image": "Imagen",
"Code": "Código",
"Externals": "Externos",
"This is a alert area.": "Esto es un área de alerta.",
"Revert": "Revertir",
"Import from clipboard": "Importar del portapapeles",
"Paste your markdown or webpage here...": "Pega tu markdown o página web aquí...",
"Clear": "Limpiar",
"This note is locked": "Esta nota está bloqueada",
"Sorry, only owner can edit this note.": "Disculpa, solo el dueño puede editar esta nota.",
"OK": "OK",
"Reach the limit": "Haz alcanzado el límite",
"Sorry, you've reached the max length this note can be.": "Disculpa, haz alcanzado la longitud máxima que puede tener esta nota.",
"Please reduce the content or divide it to more notes, thank you!": "Por favor, reduce el contenido o dividela en mas notas, ¡gracias!",
"Import from Gist": "Importar de un Gist",
"Paste your gist url here...": "Pega el URL de tu Gist aquí...",
"Import from Snippet": "Importar de Snippet",
"Select From Available Projects": "Elegir de un proyecto disponible",
"Select From Available Snippets": "Elegir de un Snippet disponible",
"OR": "O",
"Export to Snippet": "Exportar a Snippet",
"Select Visibility Level": "Elegir el nivel de visibilidad",
"Night Theme": "Modo nocturno",
"Follow us on %s and %s.": "Síguenos en %s, y %s.",
"Privacy": "Privacidad",
"Terms of Use": "Términos de uso",
"Do you really want to delete your user account?": "¿Estás seguro que quieres eliminar tu cuenta de usuario?",
"This will delete your account, all notes that are owned by you and remove all references to your account from other notes.": "Esta acción eliminará tu cuenta, todas tus notas y las referencias a tu cuenta desde otras notas.",
"Delete user": "Eliminar usuario",
"Export user data": "Exportar información de usuario",
"Help us translating on %s": "Ayúdanos traduciendo en %s",
"Source Code": "Código fuente",
"Register": "Registrar",
"Powered by %s": "Desarrollado por %s.",
"Help us translating": "Ayúdanos traduciendo",
"Join the community": "Únete a la comunidad",
"Imprint": "Huella",
"Freely - Anyone can edit": "Freely - Anyone can edit",
"Editable - Signed-in people can edit": "Editable - Signed-in people can edit",
"Limited - Signed-in people can edit (forbid guests)": "Limited - Signed-in people can edit (forbid guests)",
"Locked - Only owner can edit": "Ŝlosita - Nur la mastro rajtas redakti",
"Protected - Only owner can edit (forbid guests)": "Protektita - Nur la mastro rajtas redakti (gastoj estas malpermesitaj)",
"Private - Only owner can view & edit": "Privata - Nur la mastro rajtas vidi & redakti",
"Locked - Only owner can edit": "Locked - Only owner can edit",
"Protected - Only owner can edit (forbid guests)": "Protected - Only owner can edit (forbid guests)",
"Private - Only owner can view & edit": "Private - Only owner can view & edit",
"changed": "changed",
"created": "created"