mirror of
synced 2024-11-24 18:56:32 -05:00
New locale format (#94)
* Add new format for translation files Co-authored-by: Philip Molares <philip.molares@udo.edu> Signed-off-by: Tilman Vatteroth <tilman.vatteroth@tu-dortmund.de>
This commit is contained in:
57 changed files with 5287 additions and 3386 deletions
@ -1,122 +1,189 @@
"Collaborative markdown notes": "ملاحظات ماركداون تعاونية",
"app": {
"Realtime collaborative markdown notes on all platforms.": "تعاون آني في ملاحظات ماركداون على كافة المنصات.",
"slogan": "أحسن منصة لكتابة ومشاركة ماركداون.",
"coverSlogan": "أحسن منصة لكتابة ومشاركة ماركداون.",
"title": "ملاحظات ماركداون تعاونية"
"intro": "مُقدِّمة",
"history": "التاريخ",
"landing": {
"newGuestNote": "ملاحظة جديدة كضَيف",
"intro": {
"featureCollaboration": "تعاون آني",
"exploreFeatures": "استكشف جميع الميزات",
"featureMathJax": "دعم المنحنيات البيانية و MathJax",
"features": {
"featureSlides": "دعم الشرائح التقديمية",
"collaboration": "تعاون آني",
"signIn": "لِج",
"mathJax": "دعم المنحنيات البيانية و MathJax",
"Below is the history from browser": "تحته سِجِل هذا المتصفّح",
"slides": "دعم الشرائح التقديمية"
"Welcome!": "أهلا بك!",
"newNote": "ملاحظة جديدة",
"or": "أو",
"history": {
"signOut": "خروج",
"noHistory": "ليس هناك سِجِل",
"exploreFeatures": "استكشف جميع الميزات",
"localHistory": "تحته سِجِل هذا المتصفّح",
"selectTags": "اختر كلمات مفتاحية...",
"toolbar": {
"searchKeywords": "البحث عن كلمة مفتاحية...",
"selectTags": "اختر كلمات مفتاحية...",
"sortByTitle": "الترتيب حسب العنوان",
"searchKeywords": "البحث عن كلمة مفتاحية...",
"Title": "العنوان",
"sortByTitle": "الترتيب حسب العنوان",
"sortByLastVisited": "فرز حسب الوقت",
"sortByLastVisited": "فرز حسب الوقت",
"Time": "الزمن",
"export": "تصدير التاريخ",
"exportHistory": "تصدير التاريخ",
"import": "استيراد التاريخ",
"importHistory": "استيراد التاريخ",
"clear": "مسح التاريخ",
"clearHistory": "مسح التاريخ",
"refresh": "حدث التاريخ"
"refreshHistory": "حدث التاريخ",
"noHistory": "ليس هناك سِجِل",
"modal": {
"Import from browser": "استيراد من المتصفح",
"clearHistory": {}
"releases": "إصدارات",
"Are you sure?": "هل أنت واثق؟",
"tableHeader": {}
"Do you really want to delete this note?": "هل تريد حقًا حذف هذه الملاحظة؟",
"All users will lose their connection.": "سيفقد جميع المستخدمين اتصالهم.",
"navigation": {
"Cancel": "إلغاء",
"intro": "مُقدِّمة",
"Yes, do it!": "نعم ، قم بذلك!",
"history": "التاريخ",
"chooseMethod": "اختر الطريقة",
"newGuestNote": "ملاحظة جديدة كضَيف",
"signInVia": "لِج عبر {{service}}",
"newNote": "ملاحظة جديدة"
"new": "جديد",
"publish": "انشر",
"footer": {
"extra": "إضافي",
"releases": "إصدارات",
"revision": "مراجعة",
"poweredBy": "مدعوم بـ <0></0>",
"slideMode": "نمط الشرائح التقديمية",
"imprint": "Imprint",
"export": "تصدير",
"followUs": "تابِعنا على <0></0>, <1></1>, <2></2>, <3></3> و على <4></4>.",
"import": "استيراد",
"privacy": "الخصوصية",
"clipboard": "الحافظة",
"termsOfUse": "شروط الاستخدام"
"download": "تنزيل",
"Raw HTML": "Raw HTML",
"versionInfo": {
"edit": "عدّل",
"sourceCode": "الشفرة المصدرية"
"View": "عرض",
"Both": "معا",
"help": "المساعدة",
"profile": {
"Upload Image": "تحميل صورة",
"deleteUser": "احذف المستخدم",
"menu": "القائمة",
"exportUserData": "تصدير بيانات المستخدم",
"This page need refresh": "هذه الصفحة بحاجة إلى تحديث",
"modal": {
"You have an incompatible client version.": "نسخة عميلك غير متوافقة.",
"deleteUser": {
"Refresh to update.": "حدث الصفحة للحصول على التحديث",
"title": "احذف المستخدم",
"New version available!": "نسخة جديدة متوفرة!",
"message": "هل تريد حقًا حذف حسابك؟",
"See releases notes here": "إطلع على ملاحظات الإصدار هنا",
"subMessage": "سيؤدي هذا إلى حذف حسابك ، وجميع الملاحظات التي تملكها وإزالة جميع الإشارات إلى حسابك من الملاحظات الأخرى."
"Refresh to enjoy new features.": "حدث الصفحة لتستمتع بالميزات الجديدة.",
"Your user state has changed.": "لقد تغيرت حالة المستخدم الخاصة بك.",
"Refresh to load new user state.": "قم بتحديث الصفحة لتحميل حالة المستخدم الجديدة.",
"Refresh": "تحديث",
"editor": {
"Contacts": "جهات الاتصال",
"help": {
"Report an issue": "بلغ عن خطأ",
"contacts": {
"Meet us on %s": "قابِلنا في %s",
"title": "جهات الاتصال",
"Send us email": "أرسل لنا بريدا إلكترونيا",
"community": "انضم إلى المجتمع",
"Documents": "المستندات",
"meetUsOn": "قابِلنا في %s",
"features": "المميزات",
"helpTranslating": "ساعدنا في الترجمة",
"YAML Metadata": "YAML Metadata",
"reportIssue": "بلغ عن خطأ"
"Slide Example": "Slide Example",
"Cheatsheet": "Cheatsheet",
"documents": {
"Example": "مثال",
"title": "المستندات",
"Syntax": "Syntax",
"yamlMetadata": "YAML Metadata",
"Header": "الرأسية",
"slideExample": "Slide Example"
"Unordered List": "قائمة غير مرتبة",
"Ordered List": "قائمة مرتبة",
"cheatsheet": {
"Todo List": "Checklist",
"title": "Cheatsheet",
"Blockquote": "Blockquote",
"example": "مثال",
"Bold font": "خط غامق",
"syntax": "Syntax",
"Italics font": "خط مائل",
"underlinedText": "نص مُسَطَّر",
"Strikethrough": "Strikethrough",
"highlightedText": "نص بارز",
"Inserted text": "نص مُسَطَّر",
"externalService": "Externals"
"Marked text": "نص بارز",
"Link": "الرابط",
"Image": "صورة",
"error": {
"Code": "الشفرة",
"locked": {
"Externals": "Externals",
"title": "هذه الملاحظة مقفلة",
"This is a alert area.": "هذه منطقة تنبيه.",
"description": "آسف ، يمكن للمالك فقط تعديل هذه الملاحظة."
"Revert": "تراجع",
"Import from clipboard": "استيراد من الحافظة",
"limitReached": {
"Paste your markdown or webpage here...": "يرجى وضع ماركداون أو صفحة الويب الخاصة بك هنا…",
"title": "Reach the limit",
"Clear": "امسح",
"description": "عذرًا ، لقد بلغت الحد الأقصى لطول هذه الملاحظة.",
"This note is locked": "هذه الملاحظة مقفلة",
"advice": "يرجى جعل هذه الملاحظة قصيرة."
"Sorry, only owner can edit this note.": "آسف ، يمكن للمالك فقط تعديل هذه الملاحظة.",
"OK": "حسنا",
"incompatible": {
"Reach the limit": "Reach the limit",
"title": "نسخة عميلك غير متوافقة.",
"Sorry, you've reached the max length this note can be.": "عذرًا ، لقد بلغت الحد الأقصى لطول هذه الملاحظة.",
"advice": "حدث الصفحة للحصول على التحديث"
"Please reduce the content or divide it to more notes, thank you!": "يرجى جعل هذه الملاحظة قصيرة.",
"Import from Gist": "استيراد من Gist",
"newVersion": {
"Paste your gist url here...": "الصق عنوان url الخاص بك هنا...",
"title": "نسخة جديدة متوفرة!",
"Import from Snippet": "استرداد من سنيبت",
"linkText": "إطلع على ملاحظات الإصدار هنا",
"Select From Available Projects": "اختر من بين المشاريع المتاحة",
"advice": "حدث الصفحة لتستمتع بالميزات الجديدة."
"Select From Available Snippets": "اختر من بين المقتطفات المتاحة",
"OR": "أو",
"userStateChanged": {
"Export to Snippet": "صدر إلى سنيبت",
"title": "لقد تغيرت حالة المستخدم الخاصة بك.",
"Select Visibility Level": "حدد مستوى الرؤية",
"description": "قم بتحديث الصفحة لتحميل حالة المستخدم الجديدة."
"Night Theme": "الوضع الليلي",
"followUs": "تابِعنا على <0></0>, <1></1>, <2></2>, <3></3> و على <4></4>.",
"privacy": "الخصوصية",
"viewMode": {
"termsOfUse": "شروط الاستخدام",
"view": "عرض",
"Do you really want to delete your user account?": "هل تريد حقًا حذف حسابك؟",
"both": "معا"
"This will delete your account, all notes that are owned by you and remove all references to your account from other notes.": "سيؤدي هذا إلى حذف حسابك ، وجميع الملاحظات التي تملكها وإزالة جميع الإشارات إلى حسابك من الملاحظات الأخرى.",
"deleteUser": "احذف المستخدم",
"darkMode": {},
"exportUserData": "تصدير بيانات المستخدم",
"editorToolbar": {
"Help us translating on %s": "ساعدنا في الترجمة على %s",
"bold": "خط غامق",
"sourceCode": "الشفرة المصدرية",
"strikethrough": "Strikethrough",
"Register": "انشئ حسابا",
"header": "الرأسية",
"poweredBy": "مدعوم بـ <0></0>",
"code": "الشفرة",
"Help us translating": "ساعدنا في الترجمة",
"blockquote": "Blockquote",
"Join the community": "انضم إلى المجتمع",
"unorderedList": "قائمة غير مرتبة",
"imprint": "Imprint"
"orderedList": "قائمة مرتبة",
"checkList": "Checklist",
"link": "الرابط",
"image": "صورة",
"uploadImage": "تحميل صورة"
"menu": {
"menu": "القائمة",
"new": "جديد",
"publish": "انشر",
"extra": "إضافي",
"revision": "مراجعة",
"slideMode": "نمط الشرائح التقديمية",
"download": "تنزيل",
"help": "المساعدة"
"export": {
"rawHtml": "Raw HTML"
"import": {
"clipboard": "الحافظة"
"modal": {
"snippetImport": {
"title": "استرداد من سنيبت",
"selectProject": "اختر من بين المشاريع المتاحة",
"selectSnippet": "اختر من بين المقتطفات المتاحة"
"gistImport": {
"title": "استيراد من Gist",
"insertGistUrl": "الصق عنوان url الخاص بك هنا..."
"snippetExport": {
"title": "صدر إلى سنيبت",
"visibilityLevel": "حدد مستوى الرؤية"
"revision": {
"title": "مراجعة",
"revertButton": "تراجع"
"clipboardImport": {
"title": "استيراد من الحافظة",
"insertMarkdown": "يرجى وضع ماركداون أو صفحة الويب الخاصة بك هنا…"
"deleteNote": {
"question": "هل تريد حقًا حذف هذه الملاحظة؟",
"warning": "سيفقد جميع المستخدمين اتصالهم."
"common": {
"import": "استيراد",
"export": "تصدير",
"refresh": "تحديث",
"cancel": "إلغاء",
"ok": "حسنا",
"or": "أو"
"login": {
"chooseMethod": "اختر الطريقة",
"signInVia": "لِج عبر {{service}}",
"signIn": "لِج",
"signOut": "خروج",
"register": "انشئ حسابا",
"auth": {
"error": {}
@ -1,122 +1,189 @@
"Collaborative markdown notes": "Notes col·laboratives a Markdown",
"app": {
"Realtime collaborative markdown notes on all platforms.": "Notes col·laboratives a Markdown per a totes les plataformes.",
"slogan": "La millor forma d'escriure i compartir el teu coneixement a Markdown.",
"coverSlogan": "La millor forma d'escriure i compartir el teu coneixement a Markdown.",
"title": "Notes col·laboratives a Markdown"
"intro": "Introducció",
"history": "Història",
"landing": {
"newGuestNote": "Nova nota com a convidat",
"intro": {
"featureCollaboration": "Col·laborar a través de URL",
"exploreFeatures": "Explorar totes les funcions",
"featureMathJax": "Soport per a gràfics i MathJax",
"features": {
"featureSlides": "Soport per a diapositives",
"collaboration": "Col·laborar a través de URL",
"signIn": "Entrar",
"mathJax": "Soport per a gràfics i MathJax",
"Below is the history from browser": "A continuació es mostra l'historial del navegador",
"slides": "Soport per a diapositives"
"Welcome!": "Benvingut!",
"newNote": "Nova nota",
"or": "o",
"history": {
"signOut": "Sortir",
"noHistory": "Cap historial",
"exploreFeatures": "Explorar totes les funcions",
"localHistory": "A continuació es mostra l'historial del navegador",
"selectTags": "Seleccionar etiquetes...",
"toolbar": {
"searchKeywords": "Buscar paraules clau...",
"selectTags": "Seleccionar etiquetes...",
"sortByTitle": "Ordenar per títol",
"searchKeywords": "Buscar paraules clau...",
"Title": "Títol",
"sortByTitle": "Ordenar per títol",
"sortByLastVisited": "Ordenar per hora",
"sortByLastVisited": "Ordenar per hora",
"Time": "Tiempo",
"export": "Exportar historial",
"exportHistory": "Exportar historial",
"import": "Importar historial",
"importHistory": "Importar historial",
"clear": "Borrar historial",
"clearHistory": "Borrar historial",
"refresh": "Actualitzar historial"
"refreshHistory": "Actualitzar historial",
"noHistory": "Cap historial",
"modal": {
"Import from browser": "Importar del navegador",
"clearHistory": {}
"releases": "Versions",
"Are you sure?": "Estas segur?",
"tableHeader": {}
"Do you really want to delete this note?": "Estàs segur que vols eliminar aquesta nota?",
"All users will lose their connection.": "Tots els usuaris perdran la seva connexió.",
"navigation": {
"Cancel": "Cancel·lar",
"intro": "Introducció",
"Yes, do it!": "Si, fes-ho!",
"history": "Història",
"chooseMethod": "Triar mètode",
"newGuestNote": "Nova nota com a convidat",
"signInVia": "Entrar a través de {{service}}",
"newNote": "Nova nota"
"new": "Nou",
"publish": "Publicar",
"footer": {
"extra": "Extra",
"releases": "Versions",
"revision": "Revisió",
"poweredBy": "Impulsat per <0></0>",
"slideMode": "Mode presentació",
"imprint": "Emprenta",
"export": "Exportar",
"followUs": "Segueix-nos a <0></0>, <1></1>, <2></2>, <3></3> i <4></4>",
"import": "Importar",
"privacy": "Privacitat",
"clipboard": "Portapapers",
"termsOfUse": "Condicions d'ús"
"download": "Descarregar",
"Raw HTML": "HTML pur",
"versionInfo": {
"edit": "Editar",
"sourceCode": "Codi Font"
"View": "Veure",
"Both": "Ambdós",
"help": "Ajuda",
"profile": {
"Upload Image": "Pujar imatge",
"deleteUser": "Esborrar compte",
"menu": "Menú",
"exportUserData": "Exportar dades",
"This page need refresh": "Aquesta pàgina necessita ser refrescada",
"modal": {
"You have an incompatible client version.": "Tens una versió del client incompatible.",
"deleteUser": {
"Refresh to update.": "Refrescar per actualitzar",
"title": "Esborrar compte",
"New version available!": "Nova versió disponible!",
"message": "Estàs segur que vols eliminar el teu compte?",
"See releases notes here": "Veure les notes de publicació aquí",
"subMessage": "Això esborrarà el teu compte, totes les teves notes i totes les teves referències cap al teu compte d'altres notes."
"Refresh to enjoy new features.": "Actualitzar per fer servir les noves funcions.",
"Your user state has changed.": "L'estat del teu usuari ha canviat.",
"Refresh to load new user state.": "Refrescar per actualitzar l'estat del teu usuari.",
"Refresh": "Refrescar",
"editor": {
"Contacts": "Contactes",
"help": {
"Report an issue": "Reportar un problema",
"contacts": {
"Meet us on %s": "Coneix-nos a %s",
"title": "Contactes",
"Send us email": "Enviar-nos un email",
"community": "Unir-se a la comunitat",
"Documents": "Documents",
"meetUsOn": "Coneix-nos a %s",
"features": "Funcions",
"helpTranslating": "Ajuda'ns traduïnt",
"YAML Metadata": "Metadades de YAML",
"reportIssue": "Reportar un problema"
"Slide Example": "Exemple de diapositiva",
"Cheatsheet": "Ajudamemories",
"documents": {
"Example": "Exemple",
"title": "Documents",
"Syntax": "Sintaxis",
"yamlMetadata": "Metadades de YAML",
"Header": "Capçelera",
"slideExample": "Exemple de diapositiva"
"Unordered List": "Llista desordenada",
"Ordered List": "Llista ordenada",
"cheatsheet": {
"Todo List": "Llista de tasques",
"title": "Ajudamemories",
"Blockquote": "Bloc de cita",
"example": "Exemple",
"Bold font": "Font negreta",
"syntax": "Sintaxis",
"Italics font": "Font itàlica",
"underlinedText": "Text subrallat",
"Strikethrough": "Ratllat",
"highlightedText": "Text marcat",
"Inserted text": "Text subrallat",
"externalService": "Externs"
"Marked text": "Text marcat",
"Link": "Enllaç",
"Image": "Imatge",
"error": {
"Code": "Codi",
"locked": {
"Externals": "Externs",
"title": "Aquesta nota està bloquejada",
"This is a alert area.": "Això és una àrea d'alerta.",
"description": "Perdona, només l'amo pot editar aquesta nota."
"Revert": "Revertir",
"Import from clipboard": "Importar del portapapers",
"limitReached": {
"Paste your markdown or webpage here...": "Enganxa la teva markdown o pàgina web aquí...",
"title": "Ha arribat al límit",
"Clear": "Netejar",
"description": "Perdona, ha arribat a la longitut màxima que pot tenir aquesta nota.",
"This note is locked": "Aquesta nota està bloquejada",
"advice": "Siusplau, redueix el contingut o divideix-la en més notes, gràcies!"
"Sorry, only owner can edit this note.": "Perdona, només l'amo pot editar aquesta nota.",
"OK": "OK",
"incompatible": {
"Reach the limit": "Ha arribat al límit",
"title": "Tens una versió del client incompatible.",
"Sorry, you've reached the max length this note can be.": "Perdona, ha arribat a la longitut màxima que pot tenir aquesta nota.",
"advice": "Refrescar per actualitzar"
"Please reduce the content or divide it to more notes, thank you!": "Siusplau, redueix el contingut o divideix-la en més notes, gràcies!",
"Import from Gist": "Importar d'un Gist",
"newVersion": {
"Paste your gist url here...": "Enganxa l'URL del teu Gist aquí...",
"title": "Nova versió disponible!",
"Import from Snippet": "Importar d'Snippet",
"linkText": "Veure les notes de publicació aquí",
"Select From Available Projects": "Triar d'un projecte disponsible",
"advice": "Actualitzar per fer servir les noves funcions."
"Select From Available Snippets": "Triar d'un Snippet disponible",
"OR": "O",
"userStateChanged": {
"Export to Snippet": "Exportar a Snippet",
"title": "L'estat del teu usuari ha canviat.",
"Select Visibility Level": "Triar el nivell de visibilitat",
"description": "Refrescar per actualitzar l'estat del teu usuari."
"Night Theme": "Tema Fosc",
"followUs": "Segueix-nos a <0></0>, <1></1>, <2></2>, <3></3> i <4></4>",
"privacy": "Privacitat",
"viewMode": {
"termsOfUse": "Condicions d'ús",
"view": "Veure",
"Do you really want to delete your user account?": "Estàs segur que vols eliminar el teu compte?",
"both": "Ambdós"
"This will delete your account, all notes that are owned by you and remove all references to your account from other notes.": "Això esborrarà el teu compte, totes les teves notes i totes les teves referències cap al teu compte d'altres notes.",
"deleteUser": "Esborrar compte",
"darkMode": {},
"exportUserData": "Exportar dades",
"editorToolbar": {
"Help us translating on %s": "Ajuda'ns traduïnt a %s",
"bold": "Font negreta",
"sourceCode": "Codi Font",
"strikethrough": "Ratllat",
"Register": "Registrar-se",
"header": "Capçelera",
"poweredBy": "Impulsat per <0></0>",
"code": "Codi",
"Help us translating": "Ajuda'ns traduïnt",
"blockquote": "Bloc de cita",
"Join the community": "Unir-se a la comunitat",
"unorderedList": "Llista desordenada",
"imprint": "Emprenta"
"orderedList": "Llista ordenada",
"checkList": "Llista de tasques",
"link": "Enllaç",
"image": "Imatge",
"uploadImage": "Pujar imatge"
"menu": {
"menu": "Menú",
"new": "Nou",
"publish": "Publicar",
"extra": "Extra",
"revision": "Revisió",
"slideMode": "Mode presentació",
"download": "Descarregar",
"help": "Ajuda"
"export": {
"rawHtml": "HTML pur"
"import": {
"clipboard": "Portapapers"
"modal": {
"snippetImport": {
"title": "Importar d'Snippet",
"selectProject": "Triar d'un projecte disponsible",
"selectSnippet": "Triar d'un Snippet disponible"
"gistImport": {
"title": "Importar d'un Gist",
"insertGistUrl": "Enganxa l'URL del teu Gist aquí..."
"snippetExport": {
"title": "Exportar a Snippet",
"visibilityLevel": "Triar el nivell de visibilitat"
"revision": {
"title": "Revisió",
"revertButton": "Revertir"
"clipboardImport": {
"title": "Importar del portapapers",
"insertMarkdown": "Enganxa la teva markdown o pàgina web aquí..."
"deleteNote": {
"question": "Estàs segur que vols eliminar aquesta nota?",
"warning": "Tots els usuaris perdran la seva connexió."
"common": {
"import": "Importar",
"export": "Exportar",
"refresh": "Refrescar",
"cancel": "Cancel·lar",
"ok": "OK",
"or": "o"
"login": {
"chooseMethod": "Triar mètode",
"signInVia": "Entrar a través de {{service}}",
"signIn": "Entrar",
"signOut": "Sortir",
"register": "Registrar-se",
"auth": {
"error": {}
@ -1,121 +1,189 @@
"Collaborative markdown notes": "Kolaborativní markdown poznámky",
"app": {
"Realtime collaborative markdown notes on all platforms.": "Spolupracujte na markdown poznámkách na všech platformách v reálném čase.",
"slogan": "Nejlepší platforma pro tvorbu a sdílení vašich znalostí v markdown.",
"coverSlogan": "Nejlepší platforma pro tvorbu a sdílení vašich znalostí v markdown.",
"title": "Kolaborativní markdown poznámky"
"intro": "Intro",
"history": "Historie",
"landing": {
"newGuestNote": "Nová poznámka hosta",
"intro": {
"featureCollaboration": "Spolupráce v reálném čase",
"exploreFeatures": "Prozkoumat všechny funkce",
"featureMathJax": "Funguje s grafy a MathJax",
"features": {
"featureSlides": "Podporuje režim prezentace",
"collaboration": "Spolupráce v reálném čase",
"signIn": "Přihlásit",
"mathJax": "Funguje s grafy a MathJax",
"Below is the history from browser": "Níže je historie z tohoto prohlížeče",
"slides": "Podporuje režim prezentace"
"Welcome!": "Vítejte!",
"newNote": "Nová poznámka",
"or": "nebo",
"history": {
"signOut": "Odhlásit",
"noHistory": "Žádná historie",
"exploreFeatures": "Prozkoumat všechny funkce",
"localHistory": "Níže je historie z tohoto prohlížeče",
"selectTags": "Zvolit štítky…",
"toolbar": {
"searchKeywords": "Vyhledat klíčové slovo …",
"selectTags": "Zvolit štítky…",
"sortByTitle": "Seřadit podle názvu",
"searchKeywords": "Vyhledat klíčové slovo …",
"Title": "Název",
"sortByTitle": "Seřadit podle názvu",
"sortByLastVisited": "Seřadit podle času",
"sortByLastVisited": "Seřadit podle času",
"Time": "Čas",
"export": "Exportovat historii",
"exportHistory": "Exportovat historii",
"import": "Importovat historii",
"importHistory": "Importovat historii",
"clear": "Odstranit historii",
"clearHistory": "Odstranit historii",
"refresh": "Aktualizovat historii"
"refreshHistory": "Aktualizovat historii",
"noHistory": "Žádná historie",
"modal": {
"Import from browser": "Importovat z prohlížeče",
"clearHistory": {}
"releases": "Vydání",
"Are you sure?": "Jste si jisti?",
"tableHeader": {}
"Do you really want to delete this note?": "Opravdu chcete odstranit tuto poznámku?",
"All users will lose their connection.": "Všichni uživatelé ztratí spojení.",
"navigation": {
"Cancel": "Storno",
"intro": "Intro",
"Yes, do it!": "Ano, provést!",
"history": "Historie",
"chooseMethod": "Zvolit metodu",
"newGuestNote": "Nová poznámka hosta",
"signInVia": "Přihlásit se přes {{service}}",
"newNote": "Nová poznámka"
"new": "Nová",
"publish": "Publikovat",
"footer": {
"extra": "Extra",
"releases": "Vydání",
"revision": "Revize",
"poweredBy": "Powered by <0></0>",
"slideMode": "Režim prezentace",
"imprint": "Otisk",
"export": "Export",
"followUs": "Sledujte nás na <0></0>, <1></1>, <2></2>, <3></3>, a <4></4>.",
"import": "Import",
"privacy": "Soukromí",
"clipboard": "Schránka",
"termsOfUse": "Podmínky použití"
"download": "Stáhnout",
"Raw HTML": "Raw HTML",
"versionInfo": {
"edit": "Editovat",
"sourceCode": "Zdrojový kód"
"View": "Zobrazit",
"Both": "Obojí",
"help": "Nápověda",
"profile": {
"Upload Image": "Nahrát obrázek",
"deleteUser": "Smazat uživatele",
"menu": "Menu",
"exportUserData": "Exportovat uživatelská data",
"This page need refresh": "Tuto stránku je nutné znovu načíst",
"modal": {
"You have an incompatible client version.": "Verze vašeho klienta není kompatibilní.",
"deleteUser": {
"Refresh to update.": "Znovu načíst a aktualizovat.",
"title": "Smazat uživatele",
"New version available!": "Je dostupná nová verze!",
"message": "Opravdu chcete smazat váš uživatelský účet?",
"See releases notes here": "Viz poznámky k vydání zde",
"subMessage": "Tato operace odstraní váš účet, všechny poznámky, které vlastníte, a také odstraní všechny odkazy na váš účet z jiných poznámek."
"Refresh to enjoy new features.": "Znovu načíst a užít si nové funkce.",
"Your user state has changed.": "Váš uživatelský status se změnil.",
"Refresh to load new user state.": "Znovu načíst a nahrát nový uživatelský status.",
"Refresh": "Znovu načíst",
"editor": {
"Contacts": "Kontakty",
"help": {
"Report an issue": "Nahlásit problém",
"contacts": {
"Meet us on %s": "Potkejte se s námi na %s",
"title": "Kontakty",
"Send us email": "Pošlete nám email",
"community": "Připojit ke komunitě",
"Documents": "Dokumenty",
"meetUsOn": "Potkejte se s námi na %s",
"features": "Funkce",
"helpTranslating": "Pomoci nám s překladem",
"YAML Metadata": "YAML metadata",
"reportIssue": "Nahlásit problém"
"Slide Example": "Příklad prezentace",
"Cheatsheet": "Tahák",
"documents": {
"Example": "Příklad",
"title": "Dokumenty",
"Syntax": "Syntaxe",
"yamlMetadata": "YAML metadata",
"Header": "Hlavička",
"slideExample": "Příklad prezentace"
"Unordered List": "Nečíslovaný seznam",
"Ordered List": "Číslovaný seznam",
"cheatsheet": {
"Todo List": "Kontrolní seznam",
"title": "Tahák",
"Blockquote": "Citace",
"example": "Příklad",
"Bold font": "Tučně",
"syntax": "Syntaxe",
"Italics font": "Kurzívou",
"underlinedText": "Podtržený text",
"Strikethrough": "Přeškrtnuté",
"highlightedText": "Zvýrazněný text",
"Inserted text": "Podtržený text",
"externalService": "Externí"
"Marked text": "Zvýrazněný text",
"Link": "Odkaz",
"Image": "Obrázek",
"error": {
"Code": "Kód",
"locked": {
"Externals": "Externí",
"title": "Tato poznámka je uzamčena",
"This is a alert area.": "Toto je oblast upozornění.",
"description": "Omlouvám se, pouze vlastník může editovat tuto poznámku."
"Revert": "Vrátit",
"Import from clipboard": "Importovat ze schránky",
"limitReached": {
"Paste your markdown or webpage here...": "Sem vložte váš markdown nebo webovou stránku…",
"title": "Dosažení limitu",
"Clear": "Vyčistit",
"description": "Omlouvám se, dosáhli jste maximální možné délky této poznámky.",
"This note is locked": "Tato poznámka je uzamčena",
"advice": "Prosím zkraťte poznámku."
"Sorry, only owner can edit this note.": "Omlouvám se, pouze vlastník může editovat tuto poznámku.",
"OK": "OK",
"incompatible": {
"Reach the limit": "Dosažení limitu",
"title": "Verze vašeho klienta není kompatibilní.",
"Sorry, you've reached the max length this note can be.": "Omlouvám se, dosáhli jste maximální možné délky této poznámky.",
"advice": "Znovu načíst a aktualizovat."
"Please reduce the content or divide it to more notes, thank you!": "Prosím zkraťte poznámku.",
"Import from Gist": "Importovat z Gist",
"newVersion": {
"Paste your gist url here...": "Sem vložte vaši gist url…",
"title": "Je dostupná nová verze!",
"Import from Snippet": "Importovat ze Snippet",
"linkText": "Viz poznámky k vydání zde",
"Select From Available Projects": "Zvolit z dostupných projektů",
"advice": "Znovu načíst a užít si nové funkce."
"Select From Available Snippets": "Zvolit z dostupných úryvků",
"OR": "NEBO",
"userStateChanged": {
"Export to Snippet": "Exportovat do úryvku",
"title": "Váš uživatelský status se změnil.",
"Select Visibility Level": "Zvolit úroveň viditelnosti",
"description": "Znovu načíst a nahrát nový uživatelský status."
"Night Theme": "Noční téma",
"followUs": "Sledujte nás na <0></0>, <1></1>, <2></2>, <3></3>, a <4></4>.",
"imprint": "Otisk",
"viewMode": {
"privacy": "Soukromí",
"view": "Zobrazit",
"termsOfUse": "Podmínky použití",
"both": "Obojí"
"Do you really want to delete your user account?": "Opravdu chcete smazat váš uživatelský účet?",
"This will delete your account, all notes that are owned by you and remove all references to your account from other notes.": "Tato operace odstraní váš účet, všechny poznámky, které vlastníte, a také odstraní všechny odkazy na váš účet z jiných poznámek.",
"darkMode": {},
"deleteUser": "Smazat uživatele",
"editorToolbar": {
"exportUserData": "Exportovat uživatelská data",
"bold": "Tučně",
"sourceCode": "Zdrojový kód",
"strikethrough": "Přeškrtnuté",
"poweredBy": "Powered by <0></0>",
"header": "Hlavička",
"Register": "Registrovat",
"code": "Kód",
"Help us translating": "Pomoci nám s překladem",
"blockquote": "Citace",
"Join the community": "Připojit ke komunitě"
"unorderedList": "Nečíslovaný seznam",
"orderedList": "Číslovaný seznam",
"checkList": "Kontrolní seznam",
"link": "Odkaz",
"image": "Obrázek",
"uploadImage": "Nahrát obrázek"
"menu": {
"menu": "Menu",
"new": "Nová",
"publish": "Publikovat",
"extra": "Extra",
"revision": "Revize",
"slideMode": "Režim prezentace",
"download": "Stáhnout",
"help": "Nápověda"
"export": {
"rawHtml": "Raw HTML"
"import": {
"clipboard": "Schránka"
"modal": {
"snippetImport": {
"title": "Importovat ze Snippet",
"selectProject": "Zvolit z dostupných projektů",
"selectSnippet": "Zvolit z dostupných úryvků"
"gistImport": {
"title": "Importovat z Gist",
"insertGistUrl": "Sem vložte vaši gist url…"
"snippetExport": {
"title": "Exportovat do úryvku",
"visibilityLevel": "Zvolit úroveň viditelnosti"
"revision": {
"title": "Revize",
"revertButton": "Vrátit"
"clipboardImport": {
"title": "Importovat ze schránky",
"insertMarkdown": "Sem vložte váš markdown nebo webovou stránku…"
"deleteNote": {
"question": "Opravdu chcete odstranit tuto poznámku?",
"warning": "Všichni uživatelé ztratí spojení."
"common": {
"import": "Import",
"export": "Export",
"refresh": "Znovu načíst",
"cancel": "Storno",
"ok": "OK",
"or": "nebo"
"login": {
"chooseMethod": "Zvolit metodu",
"signInVia": "Přihlásit se přes {{service}}",
"signIn": "Přihlásit",
"signOut": "Odhlásit",
"register": "Registrovat",
"auth": {
"error": {}
@ -1,104 +1,169 @@
"Collaborative markdown notes": "Kollaborative markdown-noter",
"app": {
"Realtime collaborative markdown notes on all platforms.": "Kollaborative markdown-noter i realtid på alle platforme.",
"slogan": "Bedste måde at skrive og dele din viden i markdown.",
"coverSlogan": "Bedste måde at skrive og dele din viden i markdown.",
"title": "Kollaborative markdown-noter"
"intro": "Intro",
"history": "Historik",
"landing": {
"newGuestNote": "Ny gæstenote",
"intro": {
"featureCollaboration": "Samarbejd via URL",
"exploreFeatures": "Udforsk alle features",
"featureMathJax": "Mulighed for diagrammer og MathJax",
"features": {
"featureSlides": "Mulighed for præsentationer",
"collaboration": "Samarbejd via URL",
"signIn": "Log Ind",
"mathJax": "Mulighed for diagrammer og MathJax",
"Below is the history from browser": "Forneden findes historikken fra browseren",
"slides": "Mulighed for præsentationer"
"Welcome!": "Velkommen!",
"newNote": "Ny note",
"or": "eller",
"history": {
"signOut": " Log Ud",
"noHistory": "Ingen historik",
"exploreFeatures": "Udforsk alle features",
"localHistory": "Forneden findes historikken fra browseren",
"selectTags": "Vælg tags...",
"toolbar": {
"searchKeywords": "Søg nøgleord...",
"selectTags": "Vælg tags...",
"sortByTitle": "Sortér titler",
"searchKeywords": "Søg nøgleord...",
"Title": "Titel",
"sortByTitle": "Sortér titler",
"sortByLastVisited": "Sortér kronologisk",
"sortByLastVisited": "Sortér kronologisk",
"Time": "Tid",
"export": "Eksportér historik",
"exportHistory": "Eksportér historik",
"import": "Importér historik",
"importHistory": "Importér historik",
"clear": "Ryd hsitorik",
"clearHistory": "Ryd hsitorik",
"refresh": "Genindlæs historik"
"refreshHistory": "Genindlæs historik",
"noHistory": "Ingen historik",
"modal": {
"Import from browser": "Importér fra browser",
"clearHistory": {}
"releases": "Releases",
"Are you sure?": "Er du sikker?",
"tableHeader": {}
"Cancel": "Afbryd",
"Yes, do it!": "Ja, gør det!",
"navigation": {
"chooseMethod": "Vælg metode",
"intro": "Intro",
"signInVia": "Log ind med {{service}}",
"history": "Historik",
"new": "Ny",
"newGuestNote": "Ny gæstenote",
"publish": "Publicér",
"newNote": "Ny note"
"extra": "Ekstra",
"revision": "Revision",
"footer": {
"slideMode": "Præsentationstilstand",
"releases": "Releases"
"export": "Eksportér",
"import": "Importér",
"versionInfo": {}
"clipboard": "Udklipsholder",
"download": "Download",
"profile": {
"Raw HTML": "Rå HTML",
"modal": {
"edit": "Redigér",
"deleteUser": {}
"View": "Vis",
"Both": "Begge",
"help": "Hjælp",
"editor": {
"Upload Image": "Upload billede",
"help": {
"menu": "Menu",
"contacts": {
"This page need refresh": "Denne side skal genindlæses",
"title": "Kontakter",
"You have an incompatible client version.": "Din klientversion er inkompatibel.",
"reportIssue": "Rapportér en fejl"
"Refresh to update.": "Genindlæs for at opdatere.",
"New version available!": "Ny version tilgængelig!",
"documents": {
"See releases notes here": "Se release notes her",
"title": "Dokumenter",
"Refresh to enjoy new features.": "Genindlæs for at anvende ny funktionalitet.",
"yamlMetadata": "YAML Metadata",
"Your user state has changed.": "Din brugerstatus er ændret.",
"slideExample": "Præsentationseksempel"
"Refresh to load new user state.": "Genindlæs for at anvende ny brugerstatus.",
"Refresh": "Genindlæs",
"cheatsheet": {
"Contacts": "Kontakter",
"title": "Snydeark",
"Report an issue": "Rapportér en fejl",
"example": "Eksempel",
"Send us email": "Send os en email",
"syntax": "Syntaks",
"Documents": "Dokumenter",
"underlinedText": "Indsat tekst",
"featires": "Funktionalitet",
"highlightedText": "Markeret tekst",
"YAML Metadata": "YAML Metadata",
"externalService": "Eksterne"
"Slide Example": "Præsentationseksempel",
"Cheatsheet": "Snydeark",
"Example": "Eksempel",
"error": {
"Syntax": "Syntaks",
"locked": {
"Header": "Overskrift",
"title": "Denne note er låst",
"Unordered List": "Uordnet Liste",
"description": "Beklager, men kun ejeren kan redigere denne note."
"Ordered List": "Ordnet Liste",
"Todo List": "Tjekliste",
"limitReached": {
"Blockquote": "Blokcitat",
"title": "Nå grænsen",
"Bold font": "Fed skrift",
"description": "Beklager, du har nået grænsen for den maksimale længde denne note må være.",
"Italics font": "Kursiv skrift",
"advice": "Vær venlig at begrænse indholdets mængde eller opdel det i flere noter, tak!"
"Strikethrough": "Gennemstregning",
"Inserted text": "Indsat tekst",
"incompatible": {
"Marked text": "Markeret tekst",
"title": "Din klientversion er inkompatibel.",
"Link": "Link",
"advice": "Genindlæs for at opdatere."
"Image": "Billede",
"Code": "Kode",
"newVersion": {
"Externals": "Eksterne",
"title": "Ny version tilgængelig!",
"This is a alert area.": "Dette er et alarmområde.",
"linkText": "Se release notes her",
"Revert": "Fortryd ændringer",
"advice": "Genindlæs for at anvende ny funktionalitet."
"Import from clipboard": "Importér fra udklipsholder",
"Paste your markdown or webpage here...": "Indsæt din markdown eller hjemmeside her...",
"userStateChanged": {
"Clear": "Ryd",
"title": "Din brugerstatus er ændret.",
"This note is locked": "Denne note er låst",
"description": "Genindlæs for at anvende ny brugerstatus."
"Sorry, only owner can edit this note.": "Beklager, men kun ejeren kan redigere denne note.",
"OK": "Okay",
"Reach the limit": "Nå grænsen",
"viewMode": {
"Sorry, you've reached the max length this note can be.": "Beklager, du har nået grænsen for den maksimale længde denne note må være.",
"view": "Vis",
"Please reduce the content or divide it to more notes, thank you!": "Vær venlig at begrænse indholdets mængde eller opdel det i flere noter, tak!",
"both": "Begge"
"Import from Gist": "Importér fra Gist",
"Paste your gist url here...": "Indsæt din gist-url her...",
"darkMode": {},
"Import from Snippet": "Importér fra Snippet",
"editorToolbar": {
"Select From Available Projects": "Vælg fra tilgængelige projekter",
"bold": "Fed skrift",
"Select From Available Snippets": "Vælg fra tilgængelige Snippets",
"strikethrough": "Gennemstregning",
"OR": "ELLER",
"header": "Overskrift",
"Export to Snippet": "Eksportér til Snippet",
"code": "Kode",
"Select Visibility Level": "Vælg synlighedsniveau"
"blockquote": "Blokcitat",
"unorderedList": "Uordnet Liste",
"orderedList": "Ordnet Liste",
"checkList": "Tjekliste",
"link": "Link",
"image": "Billede",
"uploadImage": "Upload billede"
"menu": {
"menu": "Menu",
"new": "Ny",
"publish": "Publicér",
"extra": "Ekstra",
"revision": "Revision",
"slideMode": "Præsentationstilstand",
"download": "Download",
"help": "Hjælp"
"export": {
"rawHtml": "Rå HTML"
"import": {
"clipboard": "Udklipsholder"
"modal": {
"snippetImport": {
"title": "Importér fra Snippet",
"selectProject": "Vælg fra tilgængelige projekter",
"selectSnippet": "Vælg fra tilgængelige Snippets"
"gistImport": {
"title": "Importér fra Gist",
"insertGistUrl": "Indsæt din gist-url her..."
"snippetExport": {
"title": "Eksportér til Snippet",
"visibilityLevel": "Vælg synlighedsniveau"
"revision": {
"title": "Revision",
"revertButton": "Fortryd ændringer"
"clipboardImport": {
"title": "Importér fra udklipsholder",
"insertMarkdown": "Indsæt din markdown eller hjemmeside her..."
"deleteNote": {}
"common": {
"import": "Importér",
"export": "Eksportér",
"refresh": "Genindlæs",
"cancel": "Afbryd",
"ok": "Okay",
"or": "eller"
"login": {
"chooseMethod": "Vælg metode",
"signInVia": "Log ind med {{service}}",
"signIn": "Log Ind",
"signOut": " Log Ud",
"auth": {
"error": {}
@ -1,128 +1,196 @@
"Collaborative markdown notes": "Gemeinschaftliche Markdown Notizen",
"app": {
"Realtime collaborative markdown notes on all platforms.": "Gemeinschaftliche Notizen in Echtzeit auf allen Plattformen.",
"slogan": "Der beste Weg, Notizen zu schreiben und teilen.",
"coverSlogan": "Der beste Weg, Notizen zu schreiben und teilen.",
"title": "Gemeinschaftliche Markdown Notizen"
"intro": "Einleitung",
"history": "Verlauf",
"landing": {
"newGuestNote": "Neue Gastnotiz",
"intro": {
"featureCollaboration": "Zusammenarbeiten mit URL",
"exploreFeatures": "Alle Funktionen",
"featureMathJax": "Unterstützt Charts und MathJax",
"features": {
"featureSlides": "Unterstützt Präsentationsmodus",
"collaboration": "Zusammenarbeiten mit URL",
"signIn": "Einloggen",
"mathJax": "Unterstützt Charts und MathJax",
"Below is the history from browser": "Lokaler Browserverlauf",
"slides": "Unterstützt Präsentationsmodus"
"Welcome!": "Willkommen!",
"newNote": "Neue Notiz",
"or": "oder",
"history": {
"signOut": "Ausloggen",
"noHistory": "Kein Verlauf",
"exploreFeatures": "Alle Funktionen",
"localHistory": "Lokaler Browserverlauf",
"selectTags": "Tags auswählen ...",
"toolbar": {
"searchKeywords": "Suche nach Stichwort ...",
"selectTags": "Tags auswählen ...",
"sortByTitle": "Nach Titel sortieren",
"searchKeywords": "Suche nach Stichwort ...",
"Title": "Titel",
"sortByTitle": "Nach Titel sortieren",
"sortByLastVisited": "Nach Uhrzeit sortieren",
"sortByLastVisited": "Nach Uhrzeit sortieren",
"Time": "Uhrzeit",
"export": "Verlauf exportieren",
"exportHistory": "Verlauf exportieren",
"import": "Verlauf importieren",
"importHistory": "Verlauf importieren",
"clear": "Verlauf löschen",
"clearHistory": "Verlauf löschen",
"refresh": "Verlauf aktualisieren"
"refreshHistory": "Verlauf aktualisieren",
"noHistory": "Kein Verlauf",
"modal": {
"Import from browser": "Vom Browser importieren",
"clearHistory": {}
"releases": "Versionen",
"Are you sure?": "Sind Sie sicher?",
"tableHeader": {}
"Do you really want to delete this note?": "Möchten Sie diese Notiz wirklich löschen?",
"All users will lose their connection.": "Alle Benutzer werden getrennt.",
"navigation": {
"Cancel": "Abbrechen",
"intro": "Einleitung",
"Yes, do it!": "Ja, mach es!",
"history": "Verlauf",
"chooseMethod": "Methode wählen",
"newGuestNote": "Neue Gastnotiz",
"signInVia": "Einloggen über {{service}}",
"newNote": "Neue Notiz"
"new": "Neu",
"publish": "Veröffentlichen",
"footer": {
"extra": "Extra",
"releases": "Versionen",
"revision": "Version",
"poweredBy": "Betrieben mit <0></0>",
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"followUs": "Folge uns auf <0></0>, <1></1>, <2></2>, <3></3> und <4></4>.",
"import": "Importieren",
"privacy": "Datenschutz",
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"View": "Anzeigen",
"Both": "Beides",
"help": "Hilfe",
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"Upload Image": "Foto hochladen",
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"menu": "Menü",
"exportUserData": "Exportiere Nutzerdaten",
"This page need refresh": "Bitte laden Sie die Seite neu",
"modal": {
"You have an incompatible client version.": "Ihre Client-Version ist nicht mit dem Server kompatibel",
"deleteUser": {
"Refresh to update.": "Neu laden zum aktualisieren.",
"title": "Benutzer löschen",
"New version available!": "Neue Version verfügbar.",
"message": "Möchten Sie wirklich Ihr Nutzerkonto löschen?",
"See releases notes here": "Versionshinweise",
"subMessage": "Hiermit löschen Sie Ihr Konto, alle Ihre Dokumente und alle Verweise auf Ihr Konto aus anderen Dokumenten."
"Refresh to enjoy new features.": "Neu laden für neue Funktionen",
"Your user state has changed.": "Ihr Nutzerstatus hat sich geändert.",
"Refresh to load new user state.": "Neu laden für neuen Nutzerstatus.",
"Refresh": "Neu laden",
"editor": {
"Contacts": "Kontakte",
"help": {
"Report an issue": "Fehlerbericht senden",
"contacts": {
"Meet us on %s": "Triff uns auf %s",
"title": "Kontakte",
"Send us email": "Kontakt",
"community": "Tritt der Community bei",
"Documents": "Dokumente",
"meetUsOn": "Triff uns auf %s",
"features": "Funktionen",
"helpTranslating": "Hilf uns beim Übersetzen",
"YAML Metadata": "YAML-Metadaten",
"reportIssue": "Fehlerbericht senden"
"Slide Example": "Beispiel-Präsentation",
"Cheatsheet": "Cheatsheet",
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"title": "Cheatsheet",
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"Code": "Code",
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"Externals": "Extern",
"title": "Diese Notiz ist gesperrt",
"This is a alert area.": "Hinweisfeld",
"description": "Entschuldigung, nur der Besitzer darf die Notiz bearbeiten."
"Revert": "Zurücksetzen",
"Import from clipboard": "Importieren aus der Zwischenablage",
"limitReached": {
"Paste your markdown or webpage here...": "Markdown oder Website hier einfügen",
"title": "Limit erreicht",
"Clear": "Zurücksetzen",
"description": "Entschuldigung, die maximale Länge der Notiz ist erreicht.",
"This note is locked": "Diese Notiz ist gesperrt",
"advice": "Bitte reduzieren Sie den Inhalt oder nutzen zwei Notizen, danke."
"Sorry, only owner can edit this note.": "Entschuldigung, nur der Besitzer darf die Notiz bearbeiten.",
"OK": "OK",
"incompatible": {
"Reach the limit": "Limit erreicht",
"title": "Ihre Client-Version ist nicht mit dem Server kompatibel",
"Sorry, you've reached the max length this note can be.": "Entschuldigung, die maximale Länge der Notiz ist erreicht.",
"advice": "Neu laden zum aktualisieren."
"Please reduce the content or divide it to more notes, thank you!": "Bitte reduzieren Sie den Inhalt oder nutzen zwei Notizen, danke.",
"Import from Gist": "Aus GitHub Gist importieren",
"newVersion": {
"Paste your gist url here...": "Gist URL hier einfügen ...",
"title": "Neue Version verfügbar.",
"Import from Snippet": "Aus Snippet importieren",
"linkText": "Versionshinweise",
"Select From Available Projects": "Aus verfügbaren Projekten wählen",
"advice": "Neu laden für neue Funktionen"
"Select From Available Snippets": "Aus verfügbaren Snippets wählen",
"OR": "Oder",
"userStateChanged": {
"Export to Snippet": "Zu Snippet exportieren",
"title": "Ihr Nutzerstatus hat sich geändert.",
"Select Visibility Level": "Sichtbarkeit bestimmen",
"description": "Neu laden für neuen Nutzerstatus."
"Night Theme": "Nachtmodus",
"followUs": "Folge uns auf <0></0>, <1></1>, <2></2>, <3></3> und <4></4>.",
"privacy": "Datenschutz",
"viewMode": {
"termsOfUse": "Nutzungsbedingungen",
"view": "Anzeigen",
"Do you really want to delete your user account?": "Möchten Sie wirklich Ihr Nutzerkonto löschen?",
"both": "Beides"
"This will delete your account, all notes that are owned by you and remove all references to your account from other notes.": "Hiermit löschen Sie Ihr Konto, alle Ihre Dokumente und alle Verweise auf Ihr Konto aus anderen Dokumenten.",
"deleteUser": "Benutzer löschen",
"darkMode": {},
"exportUserData": "Exportiere Nutzerdaten",
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"Help us translating on %s": "Hilf uns bei der Übersetzung auf %s",
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"Register": "Registrieren",
"header": "Überschrift",
"poweredBy": "Betrieben mit <0></0>",
"code": "Code",
"Help us translating": "Hilf uns beim Übersetzen",
"blockquote": "Zitat",
"Join the community": "Tritt der Community bei",
"unorderedList": "Stichpunkte",
"imprint": "Impressum",
"orderedList": "Nummeriert",
"errorEmailLogin": "E-Mail oder Passwort nicht korrekt",
"checkList": "To-do-Liste",
"errorLdapLogin": "Benutzername oder Passwort nicht korrekt",
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"image": "Foto",
"password": "Passwort",
"uploadImage": "Foto hochladen"
"username": "Benutzername",
"errorOpenIdLogin": "OpenID nicht korrekt"
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"selectProject": "Aus verfügbaren Projekten wählen",
"selectSnippet": "Aus verfügbaren Snippets wählen"
"gistImport": {
"title": "Aus GitHub Gist importieren",
"insertGistUrl": "Gist URL hier einfügen ..."
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"title": "Zu Snippet exportieren",
"visibilityLevel": "Sichtbarkeit bestimmen"
"revision": {
"title": "Version",
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"clipboardImport": {
"title": "Importieren aus der Zwischenablage",
"insertMarkdown": "Markdown oder Website hier einfügen"
"deleteNote": {
"question": "Möchten Sie diese Notiz wirklich löschen?",
"warning": "Alle Benutzer werden getrennt."
"common": {
"import": "Importieren",
"export": "Exportieren",
"refresh": "Neu laden",
"cancel": "Abbrechen",
"ok": "OK",
"or": "oder"
"login": {
"chooseMethod": "Methode wählen",
"signInVia": "Einloggen über {{service}}",
"signIn": "Einloggen",
"signOut": "Ausloggen",
"register": "Registrieren",
"auth": {
"email": "E-Mail",
"password": "Passwort",
"username": "Benutzername",
"error": {
"openIdLogin": "OpenID nicht korrekt",
"emailLogin": "E-Mail oder Passwort nicht korrekt",
"ldapLogin": "Benutzername oder Passwort nicht korrekt"
@ -1,104 +1,169 @@
"Collaborative markdown notes": "Συνεργατικές σημειώσεις markdown",
"app": {
"Realtime collaborative markdown notes on all platforms.": "Συνεργατική σημειώσεις markdown σε όλες τις πλατφόρμες σε πραγματικό χρόνο.",
"slogan": "Ο καλύτερος τρόπος να γράψεις και να μοιραστείς την γνώση σου σε markdown.",
"coverSlogan": "Ο καλύτερος τρόπος να γράψεις και να μοιραστείς την γνώση σου σε markdown.",
"title": "Συνεργατικές σημειώσεις markdown"
"intro": "Εισαγωγή",
"history": "Ιστορία",
"landing": {
"newGuestNote": "Νέα σημείωση επισκέπτη",
"intro": {
"featureCollaboration": "Συνεργαστείτε με URL",
"exploreFeatures": "Ανακαλύψτε όλες τις λειτουργίες",
"featureMathJax": "Υποστηρίζει διαγράμματα και MathJax",
"features": {
"featureSlides": "Υποστηρίζει λειτουργία συρσίματος",
"collaboration": "Συνεργαστείτε με URL",
"signIn": "Eίσοδος",
"mathJax": "Υποστηρίζει διαγράμματα και MathJax",
"Below is the history from browser": "Παρακάτω είναι η ιστορία του περιηγητή",
"slides": "Υποστηρίζει λειτουργία συρσίματος"
"Welcome!": "Καλωσήρθατε!",
"newNote": "Νέα σημείωση",
"or": "ή",
"history": {
"signOut": "Αποσύνδεση",
"noHistory": "Δεν υπάρχει ιστορία",
"exploreFeatures": "Ανακαλύψτε όλες τις λειτουργίες",
"localHistory": "Παρακάτω είναι η ιστορία του περιηγητή",
"selectTags": "Επιλέξτε ετικέτα...",
"toolbar": {
"searchKeywords": "Αναζήτηση λέξης-κλειδί...",
"selectTags": "Επιλέξτε ετικέτα...",
"sortByTitle": "Ταξινόμηση κατά τίτλο",
"searchKeywords": "Αναζήτηση λέξης-κλειδί...",
"Title": "Τίτλος",
"sortByTitle": "Ταξινόμηση κατά τίτλο",
"sortByLastVisited": "Ταξινόμηση κατά ώρα",
"sortByLastVisited": "Ταξινόμηση κατά ώρα",
"Time": "Ώρα",
"export": "Εξαγωγή ιστορίας",
"exportHistory": "Εξαγωγή ιστορίας",
"import": "Εισαγωγή ιστορίας",
"importHistory": "Εισαγωγή ιστορίας",
"clear": "Καθαρισμός Ιστορίας",
"clearHistory": "Καθαρισμός Ιστορίας",
"refresh": "Ανανέωση ιστορίας"
"refreshHistory": "Ανανέωση ιστορίας",
"noHistory": "Δεν υπάρχει ιστορία",
"modal": {
"Import from browser": "Εισαγωγή απο τον περιηγητή",
"clearHistory": {}
"releases": "Κυκλοφορίες",
"Are you sure?": "Είστε σίγουρος?",
"tableHeader": {}
"Cancel": "Ακύρωση",
"Yes, do it!": "Ναι, κάντο!",
"navigation": {
"chooseMethod": "Επιλογή μεθόδου",
"intro": "Εισαγωγή",
"signInVia": "Σύνδεση μέσω {{service}}",
"history": "Ιστορία",
"new": "Νέο",
"newGuestNote": "Νέα σημείωση επισκέπτη",
"publish": "Δημοσίευση",
"newNote": "Νέα σημείωση"
"extra": "Επιπλέον",
"revision": "Αναθεώρηση",
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"deleteUser": {}
"View": "Δες",
"Both": "Και τα δύο",
"help": "Βοήθεια",
"editor": {
"Upload Image": "Ανέβασμα φωτογραφίας",
"help": {
"menu": "Μενού",
"contacts": {
"This page need refresh": "Η σελίδα χρειάζεται ανανέωση",
"title": "Επαφές",
"You have an incompatible client version.": "Έχετε μια μη συμβατή έκδοση.",
"reportIssue": "Αναφέρετε ένα θέμα"
"Refresh to update.": "Ανανεώστε για ενημέρωση",
"New version available!": "Νέα διαθέσιμη έκδοση ",
"documents": {
"See releases notes here": "Δείτε τις κυκλοφορίες της σημείωσης εδώ",
"title": "Έγγραφα",
"Refresh to enjoy new features.": "Ανανεώστε για να δείτε τις κανούργιες λειτουργίες",
"yamlMetadata": "YAML μεταδεδομένα",
"Your user state has changed.": "Η κατάσταση χρήστη έχει αλλάξει.",
"slideExample": "Σύρετε για παράδειγμα"
"Refresh to load new user state.": "Ανανεώστε για να φορτώσετε την νέα κατάσταση χρήστη.",
"Refresh": "Ανανέωση",
"cheatsheet": {
"Contacts": "Επαφές",
"title": "Σκονάκι",
"Report an issue": "Αναφέρετε ένα θέμα",
"example": "Παράδειγμα",
"Send us email": "Στείλτε μας email",
"syntax": "Σύνταξη",
"Documents": "Έγγραφα",
"underlinedText": "Εισαγμένο κείμενο",
"features": "Λειτουργία",
"highlightedText": "Επιλεγμένο κείμενο",
"YAML Metadata": "YAML μεταδεδομένα",
"externalService": "Εξωτερικά"
"Slide Example": "Σύρετε για παράδειγμα",
"Cheatsheet": "Σκονάκι",
"Example": "Παράδειγμα",
"error": {
"Syntax": "Σύνταξη",
"locked": {
"Header": "Επικεφαλίδα",
"title": "Η σημείωση είναι κλειδωμένη",
"Unordered List": "Μη αριθμημένη λίστα",
"description": "Συγνώμη, μόνο ο ιδιοκτήτης μπορεί να επεξεργαστεί αυτη την σημείωση."
"Ordered List": "Αριθμημένη λίστα",
"Todo List": "Todo List",
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"Blockquote": "Παράγραφος",
"title": "Φτάσατε το όριο",
"Bold font": "Εντονη γραμματοσειρά",
"description": "Συγνώμη, φτάσατε το μέγιστο μέγεθος αυτής της σημείωσης.",
"Italics font": "Πλάγια γραμματοσειρά",
"advice": "Παρακαλώ μειώστε το περιεχόμενο η διαιρέστε το σε περισσότερες σημειώσεις, ευχαριστώ!"
"Strikethrough": "Διαγραμένη γραμματοσειρά",
"Inserted text": "Εισαγμένο κείμενο",
"incompatible": {
"Marked text": "Επιλεγμένο κείμενο",
"title": "Έχετε μια μη συμβατή έκδοση.",
"Link": "Σύνδεσμος",
"advice": "Ανανεώστε για ενημέρωση"
"Image": "Εικόνα",
"Code": "Κώδικας",
"newVersion": {
"Externals": "Εξωτερικά",
"title": "Νέα διαθέσιμη έκδοση ",
"This is a alert area.": "Αυτή είναι μια περιοχή ειδοποίησης",
"linkText": "Δείτε τις κυκλοφορίες της σημείωσης εδώ",
"Revert": "Επαναστροφή",
"advice": "Ανανεώστε για να δείτε τις κανούργιες λειτουργίες"
"Import from clipboard": "Εισαγωγή από πρόχειρο",
"Paste your markdown or webpage here...": "Επικολλήστε markdown ή την ιστοσελίδα σας εδώ...",
"userStateChanged": {
"Clear": "Καθαρισμός",
"title": "Η κατάσταση χρήστη έχει αλλάξει.",
"This note is locked": "Η σημείωση είναι κλειδωμένη",
"description": "Ανανεώστε για να φορτώσετε την νέα κατάσταση χρήστη."
"Sorry, only owner can edit this note.": "Συγνώμη, μόνο ο ιδιοκτήτης μπορεί να επεξεργαστεί αυτη την σημείωση.",
"OK": "Εντάξει",
"Reach the limit": "Φτάσατε το όριο",
"viewMode": {
"Sorry, you've reached the max length this note can be.": "Συγνώμη, φτάσατε το μέγιστο μέγεθος αυτής της σημείωσης.",
"view": "Δες",
"Please reduce the content or divide it to more notes, thank you!": "Παρακαλώ μειώστε το περιεχόμενο η διαιρέστε το σε περισσότερες σημειώσεις, ευχαριστώ!",
"both": "Και τα δύο"
"Import from Gist": "Εισαγωγή από Gist",
"Paste your gist url here...": "Κάντε επικκόληση του gist url εδώ...",
"darkMode": {},
"Import from Snippet": "Εισαγωγή από Snippet",
"editorToolbar": {
"Select From Available Projects": "Eπιλογή από διαθέσιμα Projects",
"bold": "Εντονη γραμματοσειρά",
"Select From Available Snippets": "Eπιλογή από διαθέσιμα Snippets",
"strikethrough": "Διαγραμένη γραμματοσειρά",
"OR": "Ή",
"header": "Επικεφαλίδα",
"Export to Snippet": "Eξαγωγή σε Snippet",
"code": "Κώδικας",
"Select Visibility Level": "Επιλέξτε επίπεδο ορατότητας"
"blockquote": "Παράγραφος",
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"orderedList": "Αριθμημένη λίστα",
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"menu": "Μενού",
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"extra": "Επιπλέον",
"revision": "Αναθεώρηση",
"slideMode": "Λειτουργία με σύρσιμο",
"download": "Κατέβασμα",
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"rawHtml": "Aκατέργαστο HTML"
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"modal": {
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"title": "Εισαγωγή από Snippet",
"selectProject": "Eπιλογή από διαθέσιμα Projects",
"selectSnippet": "Eπιλογή από διαθέσιμα Snippets"
"gistImport": {
"title": "Εισαγωγή από Gist",
"insertGistUrl": "Κάντε επικκόληση του gist url εδώ..."
"snippetExport": {
"title": "Eξαγωγή σε Snippet",
"visibilityLevel": "Επιλέξτε επίπεδο ορατότητας"
"revision": {
"title": "Αναθεώρηση",
"revertButton": "Επαναστροφή"
"clipboardImport": {
"title": "Εισαγωγή από πρόχειρο",
"insertMarkdown": "Επικολλήστε markdown ή την ιστοσελίδα σας εδώ..."
"deleteNote": {}
"common": {
"import": "Εισαγωγή",
"export": "Εξαγωγή",
"refresh": "Ανανέωση",
"cancel": "Ακύρωση",
"ok": "Εντάξει",
"or": "ή"
"login": {
"chooseMethod": "Επιλογή μεθόδου",
"signInVia": "Σύνδεση μέσω {{service}}",
"signIn": "Eίσοδος",
"signOut": "Αποσύνδεση",
"auth": {
"error": {}
@ -1,141 +1,230 @@
"Collaborative markdown notes": "Collaborative markdown notes",
"app": {
"Realtime collaborative markdown notes on all platforms.": "Collaborate on markdown notes on all platforms in realtime.",
"slogan": "The best platform to write and share markdown.",
"coverSlogan": "The best platform to write and share markdown.",
"title": "Collaborative markdown notes"
"intro": "Intro",
"history": "History",
"landing": {
"newGuestNote": "New guest note",
"intro": {
"featureCollaboration": "Real time collaboration",
"exploreFeatures": "Explore all features",
"featureMathJax": "Works with charts and MathJax",
"features": {
"featureSlides": "Supports slide mode",
"collaboration": "Real time collaboration",
"signIn": "Sign In",
"mathJax": "Works with charts and MathJax",
"Below is the history from browser": "Below is history from this browser",
"slides": "Supports slide mode"
"Welcome!": "Welcome!",
"newNote": "New note",
"screenShotAltText": "CodiMD Screenshot"
"or": "or",
"signOut": "Sign Out",
"history": {
"exploreFeatures": "Explore all features",
"noHistory": "No history",
"selectTags": "Select tags…",
"localHistory": "Below is history from this browser",
"tags": "Tags",
"toolbar": {
"searchKeywords": "Search keyword…",
"cards": "Cards",
"sortByTitle": "Sort by title",
"table": "Table",
"title": "Title",
"selectTags": "Select tags…",
"lastVisit": "Last Visit",
"searchKeywords": "Search keyword…",
"actions": "Actions",
"sortByTitle": "Sort by title",
"sortByLastVisited": "Sort by time",
"sortByLastVisited": "Sort by time",
"exportHistory": "Export history",
"export": "Export history",
"importHistory": "Import history",
"import": "Import history",
"clearHistory": "Clear history",
"clear": "Clear history",
"refreshHistory": "Refresh history",
"refresh": "Refresh history"
"noHistory": "No history",
"Import from browser": "Import from browser",
"modal": {
"releases": "Releases",
"clearHistory": {
"Are you sure?": "Are you sure?",
"title": "Delete history",
"Do you really want to delete this note?": "Do you really want to delete this note?",
"question": "Do you want to clear the history?",
"All users will lose their connection.": "All users will lose their connection.",
"disclaimer": "This won't delete any notes."
"Cancel": "Cancel",
"Yes, do it!": "Yes, do it!",
"chooseMethod": "Choose method",
"tableHeader": {
"signInVia": "Sign in via {{service}}",
"title": "Title",
"new": "New",
"actions": "Actions",
"publish": "Publish",
"tags": "Tags",
"extra": "Extra",
"lastVisit": "Last Visit"
"revision": "Revision",
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"intro": "Intro",
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"history": "History",
"download": "Download",
"newGuestNote": "New guest note",
"Raw HTML": "Raw HTML",
"newNote": "New note"
"edit": "Edit",
"View": "View",
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"Both": "Both",
"releases": "Releases",
"help": "Help",
"poweredBy": "Powered by <0></0>",
"Upload Image": "Upload Image",
"imprint": "Imprint",
"menu": "Menu",
"followUs": "Follow us on <0></0>, <1></1>, <2></2>, <3></3>, and <4></4>.",
"This page need refresh": "This page needs to be refreshed",
"privacy": "Privacy",
"You have an incompatible client version.": "Your client's version is incompatible.",
"termsOfUse": "Terms of Use"
"Refresh to update.": "Refresh to update.",
"New version available!": "New version available!",
"versionInfo": {
"See releases notes here": "See releases notes here",
"issueTracker": "Found a bug? Fill an issue!",
"Refresh to enjoy new features.": "Refresh to enjoy new features.",
"sourceCode": "Read the source code",
"Your user state has changed.": "Your user state has changed.",
"versionInfo": "Version info",
"Refresh to load new user state.": "Refresh to load new user state.",
"successfullyCopied": "Copied!",
"Refresh": "Refresh",
"serverVersion": "Server version",
"Contacts": "Contacts",
"clientVersion": "Client version",
"Report an issue": "Report an issue",
"title": "You are using"
"Meet us on %s": "Meet us on %s",
"Send us email": "Send us email",
"Documents": "Documents",
"profile": {
"features": "Features",
"deleteUser": "Delete user",
"YAML Metadata": "YAML Metadata",
"exportUserData": "Export user data",
"Slide Example": "Slide Example",
"modal": {
"Cheatsheet": "Cheatsheet",
"deleteUser": {
"Example": "Example",
"title": "Delete user",
"Syntax": "Syntax",
"message": "Do you really want to delete your user account?",
"Header": "Header",
"subMessage": "This will delete your account, all notes that are owned by you and remove all references to your account from other notes."
"Unordered List": "Unordered List",
"Ordered List": "Ordered List",
"Todo List": "Checklist",
"Blockquote": "Blockquote",
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"Bold font": "Bold",
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"Italics font": "Italicize",
"contacts": {
"Strikethrough": "Strikethrough",
"title": "Contacts",
"Inserted text": "Underlined text",
"community": "Join the community",
"Marked text": "Highlighted text",
"meetUsOn": "Meet us on %s",
"Link": "Link",
"helpTranslating": "Help us translating",
"Image": "Image",
"reportIssue": "Report an issue"
"Code": "Code",
"Externals": "Externals",
"documents": {
"This is a alert area.": "This is an alert area.",
"title": "Documents",
"Revert": "Revert",
"features": "Features",
"Import from clipboard": "Import from clipboard",
"yamlMetadata": "YAML Metadata",
"Paste your markdown or webpage here...": "Paste your markdown or webpage here…",
"slideExample": "Slide Example"
"Clear": "Clear",
"This note is locked": "This note is locked",
"cheatsheet": {
"Sorry, only owner can edit this note.": "Sorry, only the owner can edit this note.",
"title": "Cheatsheet",
"OK": "OK",
"example": "Example",
"Reach the limit": "Reach the limit",
"syntax": "Syntax",
"Sorry, you've reached the max length this note can be.": "Sorry, you've reached the maximum length this note can be.",
"exampleAlert": "This is an alert area.",
"Please reduce the content or divide it to more notes, thank you!": "Please shorten the note.",
"underlinedText": "Underlined text",
"Import from Gist": "Import from Gist",
"highlightedText": "Highlighted text",
"Paste your gist url here...": "Paste your gist url here…",
"externalService": "Externals"
"Import from Snippet": "Import from Snippet",
"Select From Available Projects": "Select From Available Projects",
"Select From Available Snippets": "Select From Available Snippets",
"error": {
"OR": "OR",
"locked": {
"Export to Snippet": "Export to Snippet",
"title": "This note is locked",
"Select Visibility Level": "Select Visibility Level",
"description": "Sorry, only the owner can edit this note."
"Night Theme": "Night Theme",
"followUs": "Follow us on <0></0>, <1></1>, <2></2>, <3></3>, and <4></4>.",
"limitReached": {
"privacy": "Privacy",
"title": "Reach the limit",
"termsOfUse": "Terms of Use",
"description": "Sorry, you've reached the maximum length this note can be.",
"Do you really want to delete your user account?": "Do you really want to delete your user account?",
"advice": "Please shorten the note."
"This will delete your account, all notes that are owned by you and remove all references to your account from other notes.": "This will delete your account, all notes that are owned by you and remove all references to your account from other notes.",
"deleteUser": "Delete user",
"incompatible": {
"exportUserData": "Export user data",
"title": "Your client's version is incompatible.",
"Help us translating on %s": "Help us translating on %s",
"description": "The server requires a newer version of the editor.",
"sourceCode": "Read the source code",
"advice": "Refresh to update."
"Register": "Register",
"poweredBy": "Powered by <0></0>",
"newVersion": {
"Help us translating": "Help us translating",
"title": "New version available!",
"Join the community": "Join the community",
"description": "A new version of CodiMD is available",
"imprint": "Imprint",
"linkText": "See releases notes here",
"errorEmailLogin": "Invalid email or password",
"advice": "Refresh to enjoy new features."
"errorLdapLogin": "Invalid username or password",
"email": "Email",
"userStateChanged": {
"password": "Password",
"title": "Your user state has changed.",
"username": "Username",
"description": "Refresh to load new user state."
"cards": "Cards",
"table": "Table",
"errorOpenIdLogin": "Invalid OpenID provided",
"viewMode": {
"versionInfo": "Version info",
"edit": "Edit",
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"serverVersion": "Server version",
"both": "Both"
"clientVersion": "Client version",
"youAreUsing": "You are using",
"darkMode": {
"close": "Close",
"switchToDark": "Switch to Dark Mode",
"issueTracker": "Found a bug? Fill an issue!",
"switchToLight": "Switch to Light Mode"
"clearHistoryQuestion": "Do you want to clear the history?",
"clearHistoryDisclaimer": "This won't delete any notes."
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"title": "Export to Snippet",
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"title": "Import from clipboard",
"insertMarkdown": "Paste your markdown or webpage here…"
"deleteNote": {
"title": "Delete note",
"question": "Do you really want to delete this note?",
"warning": "All users will lose their connection."
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"import": "Import",
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"cancel": "Cancel",
"ok": "OK",
"close": "Close",
"or": "or",
"and": "and"
"login": {
"chooseMethod": "Choose method",
"signInVia": "Sign in via {{service}}",
"signIn": "Sign In",
"signOut": "Sign Out",
"register": "Register",
"auth": {
"email": "Email",
"password": "Password",
"username": "Username",
"error": {
"openIdLogin": "Invalid OpenID provided",
"emailLogin": "Invalid email or password",
"ldapLogin": "Invalid username or password"
@ -1,104 +1,169 @@
"Collaborative markdown notes": "Kunlaborataj marksubenaj notoj",
"app": {
"Realtime collaborative markdown notes on all platforms.": "Tujkunlaborataj marksubenaj notoj ĉe ĉiuj sistemoj.",
"slogan": "La plej bona maniero skribi kaj havigi vian scion marksubene.",
"coverSlogan": "La plej bona maniero skribi kaj havigi vian scion marksubene.",
"title": "Kunlaborataj marksubenaj notoj"
"intro": "Enkonduko",
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"newGuestNote": "Novan gastan noton",
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"featureCollaboration": "Kunlaboru per URL",
"exploreFeatures": "Esploru ĉiujn eblecojn",
"featureMathJax": "Ebleco por skemoj kaj MathJax",
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"featureSlides": "Ebleco por bildvica modo",
"collaboration": "Kunlaboru per URL",
"signIn": "Ensalutu",
"mathJax": "Ebleco por skemoj kaj MathJax",
"Below is the history from browser": "Malsupre estas la historio de la retumilo",
"slides": "Ebleco por bildvica modo"
"Welcome!": "Bonvenon!",
"newNote": "Novan Noton",
"or": "aŭ",
"history": {
"signOut": "Elsalutu",
"noHistory": "Neniu historio",
"exploreFeatures": "Esploru ĉiujn eblecojn",
"localHistory": "Malsupre estas la historio de la retumilo",
"selectTags": "Elektu etikedojn..",
"toolbar": {
"searchKeywords": "Serĉu ĉefvorton...",
"selectTags": "Elektu etikedojn..",
"sortByTitle": "Ordigu laŭ titolo",
"searchKeywords": "Serĉu ĉefvorton...",
"Title": "Titolo",
"sortByTitle": "Ordigu laŭ titolo",
"sortByLastVisited": "Ordigu laŭ tempo",
"sortByLastVisited": "Ordigu laŭ tempo",
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"releases": "Eldonoj",
"Are you sure?": "Ĉu vi certas?",
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"Cancel": "Nuligu",
"Yes, do it!": "Jes, faru ĝin!",
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"chooseMethod": "Elektu metodon",
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"This page need refresh": "Ĉi tiu paĝo bezonas refreŝiĝi",
"title": "Kontaktuloj",
"You have an incompatible client version.": "Vi havas malkongruan klientversion.",
"reportIssue": "Raportu problemon"
"Refresh to update.": "Refreŝigu por ĝisdatigi",
"New version available!": "Nova versio disponeblas!",
"documents": {
"See releases notes here": "Vidu elsendajn notojn ĉi tie",
"title": "Dosieroj",
"Refresh to enjoy new features.": "Refreŝigu por ĝui novajn eblecojn.",
"yamlMetadata": "YAML metadateno",
"Your user state has changed.": "Via uzantstato ŝanĝiĝis.",
"slideExample": "Bildvica ekzemplo"
"Refresh to load new user state.": "Refreŝigu por ŝargi novan uzantstaton.",
"Refresh": "Refreŝigu",
"cheatsheet": {
"Contacts": "Kontaktuloj",
"title": "Gvidfolio",
"Report an issue": "Raportu problemon",
"example": "Ekzemplo",
"Send us email": "Sendu al ni retpoŝton",
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"Documents": "Dosieroj",
"underlinedText": "Enmetita teksto",
"features": "Eblecoj",
"highlightedText": "Markita teksto",
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"Cheatsheet": "Gvidfolio",
"Example": "Ekzemplo",
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"Syntax": "Sintakso",
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"Header": "Paĝokapo",
"title": "Ĉi tiu noto estas ŝlosita",
"Unordered List": "Neordita Listo",
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"Blockquote": "Deŝovita cito",
"title": "Atingi la limigon",
"Bold font": "Dika tiparo",
"description": "Pardonon, ĉi tiu noto jam atingis maksimuman longecon.",
"Italics font": "Kursiva tiparo",
"advice": "Bonvolu malpligrandigi la enhavaĵon, aŭ dividi ĝin en pliajn notojn!"
"Strikethrough": "Trastrekita",
"Inserted text": "Enmetita teksto",
"incompatible": {
"Marked text": "Markita teksto",
"title": "Vi havas malkongruan klientversion.",
"Link": "Ligilo",
"advice": "Refreŝigu por ĝisdatigi"
"Image": "Bildo",
"Code": "Kodo",
"newVersion": {
"Externals": "Eksteraĵoj",
"title": "Nova versio disponeblas!",
"This is a alert area.": "Ĉi tiu estas avertzono.",
"linkText": "Vidu elsendajn notojn ĉi tie",
"Revert": "Malfaru ŝanĝojn",
"advice": "Refreŝigu por ĝui novajn eblecojn."
"Import from clipboard": "Alportu de la poŝo",
"Paste your markdown or webpage here...": "Algluu vian marksubenon aŭ retpaĝaron ĉi tie...",
"userStateChanged": {
"Clear": "Malplenigu",
"title": "Via uzantstato ŝanĝiĝis.",
"This note is locked": "Ĉi tiu noto estas ŝlosita",
"description": "Refreŝigu por ŝargi novan uzantstaton."
"Sorry, only owner can edit this note.": "Bedaŭrinde, nur la proprulo povas redakti ĉi tiun noton.",
"OK": "Bone",
"Reach the limit": "Atingi la limigon",
"viewMode": {
"Sorry, you've reached the max length this note can be.": "Pardonon, ĉi tiu noto jam atingis maksimuman longecon.",
"view": "Vidu",
"Please reduce the content or divide it to more notes, thank you!": "Bonvolu malpligrandigi la enhavaĵon, aŭ dividi ĝin en pliajn notojn!",
"both": "Ambaŭ"
"Import from Gist": "Alportu el Gist",
"Paste your gist url here...": "Algluu vian gist-an URL-n ĉi tie...",
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"Import from Snippet": "Alportu el tekstero",
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"Select From Available Projects": "Elektu el disponeblaj projektoj",
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"OR": "AŬ",
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"gistImport": {
"title": "Alportu el Gist",
"insertGistUrl": "Algluu vian gist-an URL-n ĉi tie..."
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"title": "Elportu al Snippet",
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"title": "Versio",
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"clipboardImport": {
"title": "Alportu de la poŝo",
"insertMarkdown": "Algluu vian marksubenon aŭ retpaĝaron ĉi tie..."
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"common": {
"import": "Alportu",
"export": "Elportu",
"refresh": "Refreŝigu",
"cancel": "Nuligu",
"ok": "Bone",
"or": "aŭ"
"login": {
"chooseMethod": "Elektu metodon",
"signInVia": "Ensalutu per {{service}}",
"signIn": "Ensalutu",
"signOut": "Elsalutu",
"auth": {
"error": {}
@ -1,122 +1,189 @@
"Collaborative markdown notes": "Notas colaborativas en Markdown",
"app": {
"Realtime collaborative markdown notes on all platforms.": "Notas colaborativas en Markdown para todas las plataformas en tiempo real.",
"slogan": "La mejor forma de escribir y compartir tu conocimiento en Markdown.",
"coverSlogan": "La mejor forma de escribir y compartir tu conocimiento en Markdown.",
"title": "Notas colaborativas en Markdown"
"intro": "Introduccion",
"history": "Historia",
"landing": {
"newGuestNote": "Nueva nota como invitado",
"intro": {
"featureCollaboration": "Colaborar via URL",
"exploreFeatures": "Explorar todas las funciones",
"featureMathJax": "Soporte para gráficos y MathJax",
"features": {
"featureSlides": "Soporte para diapositivas",
"collaboration": "Colaborar via URL",
"signIn": "Ingresar",
"mathJax": "Soporte para gráficos y MathJax",
"Below is the history from browser": "A continuación se muestra el historial del navegador",
"slides": "Soporte para diapositivas"
"Welcome!": "¡Bienvenido!",
"newNote": "Nueva nota",
"or": "o",
"history": {
"signOut": "Salir",
"noHistory": "Ningún historial",
"exploreFeatures": "Explorar todas las funciones",
"localHistory": "A continuación se muestra el historial del navegador",
"selectTags": "Seleccionar etiquetas...",
"toolbar": {
"searchKeywords": "Buscar palabras clave...",
"selectTags": "Seleccionar etiquetas...",
"sortByTitle": "Ordenar por título",
"searchKeywords": "Buscar palabras clave...",
"Title": "Título",
"sortByTitle": "Ordenar por título",
"sortByLastVisited": "Ordenar por fecha",
"sortByLastVisited": "Ordenar por fecha",
"Time": "Tiempo",
"export": "Exportar historial",
"exportHistory": "Exportar historial",
"import": "Importar historial",
"importHistory": "Importar historial",
"clear": "Borrar historial",
"clearHistory": "Borrar historial",
"refresh": "Actualizar historial"
"refreshHistory": "Actualizar historial",
"noHistory": "Ningún historial",
"modal": {
"Import from browser": "Importar del navegador",
"clearHistory": {}
"releases": "Versiones",
"Are you sure?": "¿Estás seguro?",
"tableHeader": {}
"Do you really want to delete this note?": "¿Realmente quieres eliminar esta nota?",
"All users will lose their connection.": "Todos los usuarios perderán su conexión.",
"navigation": {
"Cancel": "Cancelar",
"intro": "Introduccion",
"Yes, do it!": "Si, ¡hazlo!",
"history": "Historia",
"chooseMethod": "Elegir método",
"newGuestNote": "Nueva nota como invitado",
"signInVia": "Ingresar via {{service}}",
"newNote": "Nueva nota"
"new": "Nuevo",
"publish": "Publicar",
"footer": {
"extra": "Extra",
"releases": "Versiones",
"revision": "Revision",
"poweredBy": "Desarrollado por <0></0>.",
"slideMode": "Modo presentación",
"imprint": "Huella",
"export": "Exportar",
"followUs": "Síguenos en <0></0>, <1></1>, <2></2>, <3></3>, y <4></4>.",
"import": "Importar",
"privacy": "Privacidad",
"clipboard": "Portapapeles",
"termsOfUse": "Términos de uso"
"download": "Descargar",
"Raw HTML": "HTML puro",
"versionInfo": {
"edit": "Editar",
"sourceCode": "Código fuente"
"View": "Ver",
"Both": "Ambos",
"help": "Ayuda",
"profile": {
"Upload Image": "Subir imagen",
"deleteUser": "Eliminar usuario",
"menu": "Menú",
"exportUserData": "Exportar información de usuario",
"This page need refresh": "Esta página necesita ser cargada de nuevo",
"modal": {
"You have an incompatible client version.": "Tienes una version del cliente incompatible.",
"deleteUser": {
"Refresh to update.": "Cargar de nuevo para actualizar.",
"title": "Eliminar usuario",
"New version available!": "¡Nueva versión disponible!",
"message": "¿Estás seguro que quieres eliminar tu cuenta de usuario?",
"See releases notes here": "Ver aquí las notas de publicación",
"subMessage": "Esta acción eliminará tu cuenta, todas tus notas y las referencias a tu cuenta desde otras notas."
"Refresh to enjoy new features.": "Actualizar para usar las nuevas funciones.",
"Your user state has changed.": "El estado de tu usuario ha cambiado.",
"Refresh to load new user state.": "Recargar para actualizar el estado de tu usuario.",
"Refresh": "Recargar",
"editor": {
"Contacts": "Contactos",
"help": {
"Report an issue": "Reportar un problema",
"contacts": {
"Meet us on %s": "Encuéntranos en %s",
"title": "Contactos",
"Send us email": "Enviarnos un email",
"community": "Únete a la comunidad",
"Documents": "Documentos",
"meetUsOn": "Encuéntranos en %s",
"features": "Funciones",
"helpTranslating": "Ayúdanos traduciendo",
"YAML Metadata": "Metadatos en YAML",
"reportIssue": "Reportar un problema"
"Slide Example": "Ejemplo de diapositiva",
"Cheatsheet": "Ayudamemorias",
"documents": {
"Example": "Ejemplo",
"title": "Documentos",
"Syntax": "Sintaxis",
"yamlMetadata": "Metadatos en YAML",
"Header": "Cabecera",
"slideExample": "Ejemplo de diapositiva"
"Unordered List": "Lista desordenada",
"Ordered List": "Lista ordenada",
"cheatsheet": {
"Todo List": "Lista de tareas",
"title": "Ayudamemorias",
"Blockquote": "Bloque de cita",
"example": "Ejemplo",
"Bold font": "Fuente negrita",
"syntax": "Sintaxis",
"Italics font": "Fuente itálica",
"underlinedText": "Texto subrayado",
"Strikethrough": "Tachado",
"highlightedText": "Texto marcado",
"Inserted text": "Texto subrayado",
"externalService": "Externos"
"Marked text": "Texto marcado",
"Link": "Enlace",
"Image": "Imagen",
"error": {
"Code": "Código",
"locked": {
"Externals": "Externos",
"title": "Esta nota está bloqueada",
"This is a alert area.": "Esto es un área de alerta.",
"description": "Disculpa, solo el dueño puede editar esta nota."
"Revert": "Revertir",
"Import from clipboard": "Importar del portapapeles",
"limitReached": {
"Paste your markdown or webpage here...": "Pega tu markdown o página web aquí...",
"title": "Haz alcanzado el límite",
"Clear": "Limpiar",
"description": "Disculpa, haz alcanzado la longitud máxima que puede tener esta nota.",
"This note is locked": "Esta nota está bloqueada",
"advice": "Por favor, reduce el contenido o dividela en mas notas, ¡gracias!"
"Sorry, only owner can edit this note.": "Disculpa, solo el dueño puede editar esta nota.",
"OK": "OK",
"incompatible": {
"Reach the limit": "Haz alcanzado el límite",
"title": "Tienes una version del cliente incompatible.",
"Sorry, you've reached the max length this note can be.": "Disculpa, haz alcanzado la longitud máxima que puede tener esta nota.",
"advice": "Cargar de nuevo para actualizar."
"Please reduce the content or divide it to more notes, thank you!": "Por favor, reduce el contenido o dividela en mas notas, ¡gracias!",
"Import from Gist": "Importar de un Gist",
"newVersion": {
"Paste your gist url here...": "Pega el URL de tu Gist aquí...",
"title": "¡Nueva versión disponible!",
"Import from Snippet": "Importar de Snippet",
"linkText": "Ver aquí las notas de publicación",
"Select From Available Projects": "Elegir de un proyecto disponible",
"advice": "Actualizar para usar las nuevas funciones."
"Select From Available Snippets": "Elegir de un Snippet disponible",
"OR": "O",
"userStateChanged": {
"Export to Snippet": "Exportar a Snippet",
"title": "El estado de tu usuario ha cambiado.",
"Select Visibility Level": "Elegir el nivel de visibilidad",
"description": "Recargar para actualizar el estado de tu usuario."
"Night Theme": "Modo nocturno",
"followUs": "Síguenos en <0></0>, <1></1>, <2></2>, <3></3>, y <4></4>.",
"privacy": "Privacidad",
"viewMode": {
"termsOfUse": "Términos de uso",
"view": "Ver",
"Do you really want to delete your user account?": "¿Estás seguro que quieres eliminar tu cuenta de usuario?",
"both": "Ambos"
"This will delete your account, all notes that are owned by you and remove all references to your account from other notes.": "Esta acción eliminará tu cuenta, todas tus notas y las referencias a tu cuenta desde otras notas.",
"deleteUser": "Eliminar usuario",
"darkMode": {},
"exportUserData": "Exportar información de usuario",
"editorToolbar": {
"Help us translating on %s": "Ayúdanos traduciendo en %s",
"bold": "Fuente negrita",
"sourceCode": "Código fuente",
"strikethrough": "Tachado",
"Register": "Registrar",
"header": "Cabecera",
"poweredBy": "Desarrollado por <0></0>.",
"code": "Código",
"Help us translating": "Ayúdanos traduciendo",
"blockquote": "Bloque de cita",
"Join the community": "Únete a la comunidad",
"unorderedList": "Lista desordenada",
"imprint": "Huella"
"orderedList": "Lista ordenada",
"checkList": "Lista de tareas",
"link": "Enlace",
"image": "Imagen",
"uploadImage": "Subir imagen"
"menu": {
"menu": "Menú",
"new": "Nuevo",
"publish": "Publicar",
"extra": "Extra",
"revision": "Revision",
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"download": "Descargar",
"help": "Ayuda"
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"rawHtml": "HTML puro"
"import": {
"clipboard": "Portapapeles"
"modal": {
"snippetImport": {
"title": "Importar de Snippet",
"selectProject": "Elegir de un proyecto disponible",
"selectSnippet": "Elegir de un Snippet disponible"
"gistImport": {
"title": "Importar de un Gist",
"insertGistUrl": "Pega el URL de tu Gist aquí..."
"snippetExport": {
"title": "Exportar a Snippet",
"visibilityLevel": "Elegir el nivel de visibilidad"
"revision": {
"title": "Revision",
"revertButton": "Revertir"
"clipboardImport": {
"title": "Importar del portapapeles",
"insertMarkdown": "Pega tu markdown o página web aquí..."
"deleteNote": {
"question": "¿Realmente quieres eliminar esta nota?",
"warning": "Todos los usuarios perderán su conexión."
"common": {
"import": "Importar",
"export": "Exportar",
"refresh": "Recargar",
"cancel": "Cancelar",
"ok": "OK",
"or": "o"
"login": {
"chooseMethod": "Elegir método",
"signInVia": "Ingresar via {{service}}",
"signIn": "Ingresar",
"signOut": "Salir",
"register": "Registrar",
"auth": {
"error": {}
@ -1,122 +1,189 @@
"Collaborative markdown notes": "Notes collaboratives en markdown",
"app": {
"Realtime collaborative markdown notes on all platforms.": "Notes en markdown collaboratives en temps réel sur toutes les plateformes.",
"slogan": "Le meilleur moyen d'écrire et partager votre savoir en markdown.",
"coverSlogan": "Le meilleur moyen d'écrire et partager votre savoir en markdown.",
"title": "Notes collaboratives en markdown"
"intro": "Intro",
"history": "Historique",
"landing": {
"newGuestNote": "Nouvelle note invité",
"intro": {
"featureCollaboration": "Collaborez avec l'URL",
"exploreFeatures": "Explorer toutes les fonctionnalités",
"featureMathJax": "Gère les graphiques et MathJax",
"features": {
"featureSlides": "Gère le mode présentation",
"collaboration": "Collaborez avec l'URL",
"signIn": "Se connecter",
"mathJax": "Gère les graphiques et MathJax",
"Below is the history from browser": "Ci-dessous, l'historique du navigateur",
"slides": "Gère le mode présentation"
"Welcome!": "Bienvenue !",
"newNote": "Nouvelle note",
"or": "ou",
"history": {
"signOut": "Se déconnecter",
"noHistory": "Pas d'historique",
"exploreFeatures": "Explorer toutes les fonctionnalités",
"localHistory": "Ci-dessous, l'historique du navigateur",
"selectTags": "Sélectionner les tags...",
"toolbar": {
"searchKeywords": "Chercher un mot-clef...",
"selectTags": "Sélectionner les tags...",
"sortByTitle": "Trier par titre",
"searchKeywords": "Chercher un mot-clef...",
"Title": "Titre",
"sortByTitle": "Trier par titre",
"sortByLastVisited": "Trier par date",
"sortByLastVisited": "Trier par date",
"Time": "Date",
"export": "Exporter l'historique",
"exportHistory": "Exporter l'historique",
"import": "Importer l'historique",
"importHistory": "Importer l'historique",
"clear": "Effacer l'historique",
"clearHistory": "Effacer l'historique",
"refresh": "Actualiser l'historique"
"refreshHistory": "Actualiser l'historique",
"noHistory": "Pas d'historique",
"modal": {
"Import from browser": "Importer depuis le navigateur",
"clearHistory": {}
"releases": "Versions",
"Are you sure?": "Ëtes-vous sûr ?",
"tableHeader": {}
"Do you really want to delete this note?": "Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer cette note ?",
"All users will lose their connection.": "Tous les utilisateurs perdront leur connexion.",
"navigation": {
"Cancel": "Annuler",
"intro": "Intro",
"Yes, do it!": "Oui, je suis sûr !",
"history": "Historique",
"chooseMethod": "Choisir la méthode",
"newGuestNote": "Nouvelle note invité",
"signInVia": "Se connecter depuis {{service}}",
"newNote": "Nouvelle note"
"new": "Nouvelle",
"publish": "Publier",
"footer": {
"extra": "Extra",
"releases": "Versions",
"revision": "Historique",
"poweredBy": "Propulsé par <1>{{name}}</1>",
"slideMode": "Mode présentation",
"imprint": "Mentions légales",
"export": "Exporter",
"followUs": "Suivez-nous sur <0></0>, <1></1>, <2></2>, <3></3> et <4></4>.",
"import": "Importer",
"privacy": "Confidentialité",
"clipboard": "Presse-papier",
"termsOfUse": "Conditions d'utilisation"
"download": "Télécharger",
"Raw HTML": "HTML brut",
"versionInfo": {
"edit": "Modifier",
"sourceCode": "Code source"
"View": "Voir",
"Both": "Les deux",
"help": "Aide",
"profile": {
"Upload Image": "Téléverser une image",
"deleteUser": "Supprimer l'utilisateur",
"menu": "Menu",
"exportUserData": "Exporter les données utilisateur",
"This page need refresh": "Cette page doit être rechargée",
"modal": {
"You have an incompatible client version.": "Vous avez une version client incompatible.",
"deleteUser": {
"Refresh to update.": "Recharger pour mettre à jour.",
"title": "Supprimer l'utilisateur",
"New version available!": "Nouvelle version disponible !",
"message": "Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer votre compte utilisateur ?",
"See releases notes here": "Voir les commentaires de version ici",
"subMessage": "Cela supprimera votre compte, toutes les notes dont vous êtes propriétaire et supprimera toute référence à votre compte dans les autres notes."
"Refresh to enjoy new features.": "Recharger pour bénéficier des nouvelles fonctionnalités.",
"Your user state has changed.": "Votre statut utilisateur a changé.",
"Refresh to load new user state.": "Recharger pour avoir le nouveau statut utilisateur.",
"Refresh": "Recharger",
"editor": {
"Contacts": "Contacts",
"help": {
"Report an issue": "Signaler un problème",
"contacts": {
"Meet us on %s": "Rencontrez-nous sur %s",
"title": "Contacts",
"Send us email": "Envoyez-nous un courriel",
"community": "Rejoignez la communauté",
"Documents": "Documents",
"meetUsOn": "Rencontrez-nous sur %s",
"features": "Fonctionnalités",
"helpTranslating": "Aidez-nous à traduire",
"YAML Metadata": "Métadonnées YAML",
"reportIssue": "Signaler un problème"
"Slide Example": "Exemple de présentation",
"Cheatsheet": "Pense-bête",
"documents": {
"Example": "Exemple",
"title": "Documents",
"Syntax": "Syntaxe",
"yamlMetadata": "Métadonnées YAML",
"Header": "Entête",
"slideExample": "Exemple de présentation"
"Unordered List": "Liste à puce",
"Ordered List": "List numérotée",
"cheatsheet": {
"Todo List": "Liste de tâches",
"title": "Pense-bête",
"Blockquote": "Citation",
"example": "Exemple",
"Bold font": "Gras",
"syntax": "Syntaxe",
"Italics font": "Italique",
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"Strikethrough": "Barré",
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"Inserted text": "Souligné",
"externalService": "Externes"
"Marked text": "Surligné",
"Link": "Lien",
"Image": "Image",
"error": {
"Code": "Code",
"locked": {
"Externals": "Externes",
"title": "Cette note est verrouillée",
"This is a alert area.": "Ceci est un texte d'alerte.",
"description": "Désolé, seul le propriétaire peut modifier cette note."
"Revert": "Annuler",
"Import from clipboard": "Importer depuis le presse-papier",
"limitReached": {
"Paste your markdown or webpage here...": "Collez votre markdown ou votre page web ici...",
"title": "Atteindre la limite",
"Clear": "Effacer",
"description": "Désolé, vous avez atteint la longueur maximale que cette note peut avoir.",
"This note is locked": "Cette note est verrouillée",
"advice": "Merci de réduire le contenu ou de le diviser en plusieurs notes !"
"Sorry, only owner can edit this note.": "Désolé, seul le propriétaire peut modifier cette note.",
"OK": "OK",
"incompatible": {
"Reach the limit": "Atteindre la limite",
"title": "Vous avez une version client incompatible.",
"Sorry, you've reached the max length this note can be.": "Désolé, vous avez atteint la longueur maximale que cette note peut avoir.",
"advice": "Recharger pour mettre à jour."
"Please reduce the content or divide it to more notes, thank you!": "Merci de réduire le contenu ou de le diviser en plusieurs notes !",
"Import from Gist": "Importer depuis Gist",
"newVersion": {
"Paste your gist url here...": "Coller l'URL de votre Gist ici...",
"title": "Nouvelle version disponible !",
"Import from Snippet": "Importer depuis Snippet",
"linkText": "Voir les commentaires de version ici",
"Select From Available Projects": "Sélectionner depuis les projets disponibles",
"advice": "Recharger pour bénéficier des nouvelles fonctionnalités."
"Select From Available Snippets": "Sélectionner depuis les Snippets disponibles",
"OR": "OU",
"userStateChanged": {
"Export to Snippet": "Exporter vers Snippet",
"title": "Votre statut utilisateur a changé.",
"Select Visibility Level": "Sélectionner le niveau de visibilité",
"description": "Recharger pour avoir le nouveau statut utilisateur."
"Night Theme": "Thème Nuit",
"followUs": "Suivez-nous sur <0></0>, <1></1>, <2></2>, <3></3> et <4></4>.",
"privacy": "Confidentialité",
"viewMode": {
"termsOfUse": "Conditions d'utilisation",
"view": "Voir",
"Do you really want to delete your user account?": "Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer votre compte utilisateur ?",
"both": "Les deux"
"This will delete your account, all notes that are owned by you and remove all references to your account from other notes.": "Cela supprimera votre compte, toutes les notes dont vous êtes propriétaire et supprimera toute référence à votre compte dans les autres notes.",
"deleteUser": "Supprimer l'utilisateur",
"darkMode": {},
"exportUserData": "Exporter les données utilisateur",
"editorToolbar": {
"Help us translating on %s": "Aidez-nous à traduire sur %s",
"bold": "Gras",
"sourceCode": "Code source",
"strikethrough": "Barré",
"Register": "S'enregistrer",
"header": "Entête",
"poweredBy": "Propulsé par <1>{{name}}</1>",
"code": "Code",
"Help us translating": "Aidez-nous à traduire",
"blockquote": "Citation",
"Join the community": "Rejoignez la communauté",
"unorderedList": "Liste à puce",
"imprint": "Mentions légales"
"orderedList": "List numérotée",
"checkList": "Liste de tâches",
"link": "Lien",
"image": "Image",
"uploadImage": "Téléverser une image"
"menu": {
"menu": "Menu",
"new": "Nouvelle",
"publish": "Publier",
"extra": "Extra",
"revision": "Historique",
"slideMode": "Mode présentation",
"download": "Télécharger",
"help": "Aide"
"export": {
"rawHtml": "HTML brut"
"import": {
"clipboard": "Presse-papier"
"modal": {
"snippetImport": {
"title": "Importer depuis Snippet",
"selectProject": "Sélectionner depuis les projets disponibles",
"selectSnippet": "Sélectionner depuis les Snippets disponibles"
"gistImport": {
"title": "Importer depuis Gist",
"insertGistUrl": "Coller l'URL de votre Gist ici..."
"snippetExport": {
"title": "Exporter vers Snippet",
"visibilityLevel": "Sélectionner le niveau de visibilité"
"revision": {
"title": "Historique",
"revertButton": "Annuler"
"clipboardImport": {
"title": "Importer depuis le presse-papier",
"insertMarkdown": "Collez votre markdown ou votre page web ici..."
"deleteNote": {
"question": "Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer cette note ?",
"warning": "Tous les utilisateurs perdront leur connexion."
"common": {
"import": "Importer",
"export": "Exporter",
"refresh": "Recharger",
"cancel": "Annuler",
"ok": "OK",
"or": "ou"
"login": {
"chooseMethod": "Choisir la méthode",
"signInVia": "Se connecter depuis {{service}}",
"signIn": "Se connecter",
"signOut": "Se déconnecter",
"register": "S'enregistrer",
"auth": {
"error": {}
@ -1,104 +1,169 @@
"Collaborative markdown notes": "सहयोगात्मक मार्कडॉऊन नोट्स",
"app": {
"Realtime collaborative markdown notes on all platforms.": "सभी प्लेटफार्मों पर वास्तविक समय सहयोगी मार्कडॉऊन के नोट्स",
"slogan": "मार्कडॉऊन में लिखने के लिए और अपना ज्ञान शेयर करने का सबसे अच्छा तरीका",
"coverSlogan": "मार्कडॉऊन में लिखने के लिए और अपना ज्ञान शेयर करने का सबसे अच्छा तरीका",
"title": "सहयोगात्मक मार्कडॉऊन नोट्स"
"intro": "परिचय",
"history": "इतिहास",
"landing": {
"newGuestNote": "नया अतिथि नोट",
"intro": {
"featureCollaboration": "यूआरएल के साथ सहयोग करें",
"exploreFeatures": "सभी सुविधाओं का अन्वेषण करें",
"featureMathJax": "चार्ट और MathJax का समर्थन",
"features": {
"featureSlides": "स्लाइड मोड का समर्थन",
"collaboration": "यूआरएल के साथ सहयोग करें",
"signIn": "साइन इन करें",
"mathJax": "चार्ट और MathJax का समर्थन",
"Below is the history from browser": "नीचे ब्राउज़र से इतिहास है",
"slides": "स्लाइड मोड का समर्थन"
"Welcome!": "स्वागत हे!",
"newNote": "नया नोट",
"or": "या",
"history": {
"signOut": "साइन आउट",
"noHistory": "इतिहास न रखें",
"exploreFeatures": "सभी सुविधाओं का अन्वेषण करें",
"localHistory": "नीचे ब्राउज़र से इतिहास है",
"selectTags": "टैग का चयन करें ...",
"toolbar": {
"searchKeywords": "मुख्य शब्द ढूंडो...",
"selectTags": "टैग का चयन करें ...",
"sortByTitle": "शीर्षक द्वारा क्रमबद्ध करें",
"searchKeywords": "मुख्य शब्द ढूंडो...",
"Title": "शीर्षक",
"sortByTitle": "शीर्षक द्वारा क्रमबद्ध करें",
"sortByLastVisited": "समय के अनुसार क्रमबद्ध करें",
"sortByLastVisited": "समय के अनुसार क्रमबद्ध करें",
"Time": "समय",
"export": "इतिहास को निर्यात करें",
"exportHistory": "इतिहास को निर्यात करें",
"import": "इतिहास को आयात करें",
"importHistory": "इतिहास को आयात करें",
"clear": "इतिहास मिटा दें",
"clearHistory": "इतिहास मिटा दें",
"refresh": "इतिहास ताज़ा करे"
"refreshHistory": "इतिहास ताज़ा करे",
"noHistory": "इतिहास न रखें",
"modal": {
"Import from browser": "ब्राउज़र से आयात",
"clearHistory": {}
"releases": "विज्ञप्ति",
"Are you sure?": "क्या आपको यकीन है?",
"tableHeader": {}
"Cancel": "रद्द करे",
"Yes, do it!": "हाँ करो इसे!",
"navigation": {
"chooseMethod": "विधि चुनें",
"intro": "परिचय",
"signInVia": "{{service}} के माध्यम से साइन इन करें",
"history": "इतिहास",
"new": "नया",
"newGuestNote": "नया अतिथि नोट",
"publish": "प्रकाशित करें",
"newNote": "नया नोट"
"extra": "अतिरिक्त",
"revision": "संशोधन",
"footer": {
"slideMode": "स्लाइड मोड",
"releases": "विज्ञप्ति"
"export": "निर्यात",
"import": "आयात",
"versionInfo": {}
"clipboard": "क्लिपबोर्ड",
"download": "डाउनलोड",
"profile": {
"Raw HTML": "सिर्फ एच टी एम एल",
"modal": {
"edit": "संपादित करें",
"deleteUser": {}
"View": "देखें",
"Both": "दोनों",
"help": "मदद",
"editor": {
"Upload Image": "तस्वीर डालिये",
"help": {
"menu": "मेन्यू",
"contacts": {
"This page need refresh": "इस पेज को ताजा करने की जरूरत है",
"title": "संपर्क",
"You have an incompatible client version.": "आप एक असंगत ग्राहक संस्करण है।",
"reportIssue": "मामले की रिपोर्ट करें"
"Refresh to update.": "अद्यतन करने के लिए ताज़ा करें।",
"New version available!": "नया संस्करण उपलब्ध है!",
"documents": {
"See releases notes here": "यहाँ रिलीज़ नोट देखें ",
"title": "दस्तावेज़",
"Refresh to enjoy new features.": "नई सुविधाओं का आनंद करने के लिए ताज़ा करें।",
"yamlMetadata": "YAML मेटाडाटा",
"Your user state has changed.": "आपका उपयोगकर्ता राज्य बदल गया है।",
"slideExample": "स्लाइड उदाहरण"
"Refresh to load new user state.": "नई उपयोगकर्ता राज्य लोड करने के लिए ताज़ा करें।",
"Refresh": "ताज़ा करे",
"cheatsheet": {
"Contacts": "संपर्क",
"title": "प्रवंचक पत्रक",
"Report an issue": "मामले की रिपोर्ट करें",
"example": "उदाहरण",
"Send us email": "हमें ईमेल भेजें",
"syntax": "वाक्य - विन्यास",
"Documents": "दस्तावेज़",
"underlinedText": "डाला गया टेक्स्ट",
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"highlightedText": "निशान किया हुआ टेक्स्ट",
"YAML Metadata": "YAML मेटाडाटा",
"externalService": "बाहरी"
"Slide Example": "स्लाइड उदाहरण",
"Cheatsheet": "प्रवंचक पत्रक",
"Example": "उदाहरण",
"error": {
"Syntax": "वाक्य - विन्यास",
"locked": {
"Header": "हैडर",
"title": "इस नोट को बंद कर दिया है",
"Unordered List": "अव्यवस्थित सूची",
"description": "क्षमा करें, केवल मालिक इस नोट को संपादित कर सकते हैं।"
"Ordered List": "आदेश सूची",
"Todo List": "करने के लिए सूची",
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"Blockquote": "ब्लॉककोट",
"title": "सीमा तक पहुँचना",
"Bold font": "बोल्ड फ़ॉन्ट",
"description": "क्षमा करें, आप इस नोट की अधिकतम लंबाई तक पहुँच गए हैं।",
"Italics font": "इटालिक फ़ॉन्ट",
"advice": "सामग्री को कम करें या इसे और अधिक नोटों में विभाजित करें, धन्यवाद!"
"Strikethrough": "स्ट्राइकथ्रू",
"Inserted text": "डाला गया टेक्स्ट",
"incompatible": {
"Marked text": "निशान किया हुआ टेक्स्ट",
"title": "आप एक असंगत ग्राहक संस्करण है।",
"Link": "लिंक",
"advice": "अद्यतन करने के लिए ताज़ा करें।"
"Image": "तस्वीर",
"Code": "कोड",
"newVersion": {
"Externals": "बाहरी",
"title": "नया संस्करण उपलब्ध है!",
"This is a alert area.": "यह एक चेतावनी क्षेत्र है।",
"linkText": "यहाँ रिलीज़ नोट देखें ",
"Revert": "वापस करें",
"advice": "नई सुविधाओं का आनंद करने के लिए ताज़ा करें।"
"Import from clipboard": "क्लिपबोर्ड से आयात",
"Paste your markdown or webpage here...": "यहाँ अपने मार्कडॉऊन या वेब पेज पेस्ट करें ...",
"userStateChanged": {
"Clear": "साफ़ करें",
"title": "आपका उपयोगकर्ता राज्य बदल गया है।",
"This note is locked": "इस नोट को बंद कर दिया है",
"description": "नई उपयोगकर्ता राज्य लोड करने के लिए ताज़ा करें।"
"Sorry, only owner can edit this note.": "क्षमा करें, केवल मालिक इस नोट को संपादित कर सकते हैं।",
"OK": "ठीक",
"Reach the limit": "सीमा तक पहुँचना",
"viewMode": {
"Sorry, you've reached the max length this note can be.": "क्षमा करें, आप इस नोट की अधिकतम लंबाई तक पहुँच गए हैं।",
"view": "देखें",
"Please reduce the content or divide it to more notes, thank you!": "सामग्री को कम करें या इसे और अधिक नोटों में विभाजित करें, धन्यवाद!",
"both": "दोनों"
"Import from Gist": "Gist से आयात करें",
"Paste your gist url here...": "यहाँ अपना gist यूआरएल पेस्ट करें ...",
"darkMode": {},
"Import from Snippet": "स्निपेट से आयात करें",
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"Select From Available Projects": "उपलब्ध परियोजनाओं से चयन करें",
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"title": "स्निपेट से आयात करें",
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"selectSnippet": "उपलब्ध स्निपेट से चयन करें"
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"title": "Gist से आयात करें",
"insertGistUrl": "यहाँ अपना gist यूआरएल पेस्ट करें ..."
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"title": "स्निपेट में निर्यात",
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"insertMarkdown": "यहाँ अपने मार्कडॉऊन या वेब पेज पेस्ट करें ..."
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"or": "या"
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"signInVia": "{{service}} के माध्यम से साइन इन करें",
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"signOut": "साइन आउट",
"auth": {
"error": {}
@ -1,104 +1,169 @@
"Collaborative markdown notes": "Kolaborativne markdown bilješke",
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"Realtime collaborative markdown notes on all platforms.": "Kolaborativne markdown bilješke na svim platformama u realnom vremenu.",
"slogan": "Najbolji način za pisanje i dijeljenje svog znanja u markdown-u.",
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"mathJax": "Support charts and MathJax",
"Below is the history from browser": "Ispod je povijest preglednika",
"slides": "Način podrške slajda"
"Welcome!": "Dobrodošli!",
"newNote": "Nova bilješka",
"or": "ili",
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"signOut": "Odjavi se",
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"This page need refresh": "Ovu stranicu je potrebno osvježiti",
"title": "Kontakti",
"You have an incompatible client version.": "Imate nekompatibilnu verziju klijenta.",
"reportIssue": "Prijavi problem"
"Refresh to update.": "Osvježite za ažuriranje.",
"New version available!": "Nova verzija dostupna!",
"documents": {
"See releases notes here": "Pogledajte bilješke izdanja ovdje",
"title": "Dokumenti",
"Refresh to enjoy new features.": "Osvježi za nove značajke.",
"yamlMetadata": "YAML Metadata",
"Your user state has changed.": "Stanje Vašeg korisnika se promijenilo.",
"slideExample": "Primjer slajda"
"Refresh to load new user state.": "Osvježi za učitavanje novog stanja korisnika.",
"Refresh": "Osvježi",
"cheatsheet": {
"Contacts": "Kontakti",
"title": "Cheatsheet",
"Report an issue": "Prijavi problem",
"example": "Primjer",
"Send us email": "Pošalji nam email",
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"Documents": "Dokumenti",
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"title": "Ova bilješka je zaključana",
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"title": "Dosegni granicu",
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"description": "Žao nam je, dosegli ste maksimalnu moguću duljinu ove bilješke.",
"Italics font": "Kurzivan font",
"advice": "Molimo Vas smanjite sardžaj ili ga podijelite na više bilješki, hvala!"
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"Inserted text": "Umetnuti tekst",
"incompatible": {
"Marked text": "Označeni tekst",
"title": "Imate nekompatibilnu verziju klijenta.",
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"Image": "Slika",
"Code": "Kod",
"newVersion": {
"Externals": "Vanjski izgled",
"title": "Nova verzija dostupna!",
"This is a alert area.": "Ovo je područje upozorenja.",
"linkText": "Pogledajte bilješke izdanja ovdje",
"Revert": "Vrati",
"advice": "Osvježi za nove značajke."
"Import from clipboard": "Uvezi iz međuspremnika",
"Paste your markdown or webpage here...": "Zalijepi svoj markdown ili web stranicu ovdje...",
"userStateChanged": {
"Clear": "Očisti",
"title": "Stanje Vašeg korisnika se promijenilo.",
"This note is locked": "Ova bilješka je zaključana",
"description": "Osvježi za učitavanje novog stanja korisnika."
"Sorry, only owner can edit this note.": "Žao nam je, samo vlasnik ove bilješke ju može uređivati.",
"OK": "OK",
"Reach the limit": "Dosegni granicu",
"viewMode": {
"Sorry, you've reached the max length this note can be.": "Žao nam je, dosegli ste maksimalnu moguću duljinu ove bilješke.",
"view": "Pregledaj",
"Please reduce the content or divide it to more notes, thank you!": "Molimo Vas smanjite sardžaj ili ga podijelite na više bilješki, hvala!",
"both": "Oboje"
"Import from Gist": "Uvezi iz Gist-a",
"Paste your gist url here...": "Zalijepi svoj gist url ovdje...",
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"title": "Izvoz u isječak",
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"title": "Uvezi iz međuspremnika",
"insertMarkdown": "Zalijepi svoj markdown ili web stranicu ovdje..."
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"signInVia": "Prijavi se pomoću {{service}}",
"signIn": "Prijavu se",
"signOut": "Odjavi se",
"auth": {
"error": {}
@ -1,122 +1,189 @@
"Collaborative markdown notes": "Catatan markdown kolaboratif",
"app": {
"Realtime collaborative markdown notes on all platforms.": "Berkolaborasi di catatan markdown di semua platform secara realtime",
"slogan": "Platform terbaik untuk menulis dan membagikan markdown",
"coverSlogan": "Platform terbaik untuk menulis dan membagikan markdown",
"title": "Catatan markdown kolaboratif"
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"newGuestNote": "Catatan baru (sebagai tamu)",
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"featureMathJax": "Mendukung charts dan MathJax",
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"mathJax": "Mendukung charts dan MathJax",
"Below is the history from browser": "Dibawah ini adalah riwayat dari peramban ini",
"slides": "Mendukung mode slide"
"Welcome!": "Selamat Datang",
"newNote": "Catatan Baru",
"or": "atau",
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"localHistory": "Dibawah ini adalah riwayat dari peramban ini",
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"sortByLastVisited": "Urutkan berdasarkan waktu",
"sortByLastVisited": "Urutkan berdasarkan waktu",
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"releases": "Penerbitan",
"Are you sure?": "Apakah anda yakin?",
"tableHeader": {}
"Do you really want to delete this note?": "Apakah anda yakin ingin menghapus catatan ini?",
"All users will lose their connection.": "Semua pengguna akan kehilangan koneksi nya",
"navigation": {
"Cancel": "Batal",
"intro": "Perkenalan",
"Yes, do it!": "Ya, lakukan!",
"history": "Riwayat",
"chooseMethod": "Pilih cara",
"newGuestNote": "Catatan baru (sebagai tamu)",
"signInVia": "Masuk menggunakan {{service}}",
"newNote": "Catatan Baru"
"new": "Baru",
"publish": "Terbitkan",
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"Both": "Keduanya",
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"This page need refresh": "Halaman ini perlu dimuat ulang",
"modal": {
"You have an incompatible client version.": "Versi pramban anda tidak kompatibel",
"deleteUser": {
"Refresh to update.": "Muat ulang untuk memperbarui",
"title": "Hapus pengguna",
"New version available!": "Versi baru tersedia!",
"message": "Apakah anda yakin ingin menghapus akun anda?",
"See releases notes here": "Lihat catatan penerbitan",
"subMessage": "Ini akan menghapus akun anda, semua catatan yang dimiliki oleh anda akan dihapus dan menghapus semua referensi ke akun anda dari catatan lain."
"Refresh to enjoy new features.": "Muat ulang untuk menikmati fitur baru.",
"Your user state has changed.": "Data pengguna anda telah berubah.",
"Refresh to load new user state.": "Muat ulang untuk memuat data baru pengguna.",
"Refresh": "Muat ulang",
"editor": {
"Contacts": "Kontak",
"help": {
"Report an issue": "Laporkan kesalahan",
"contacts": {
"Meet us on %s": "Temui kami di %s",
"title": "Kontak",
"Send us email": "Kirim kami email",
"community": "Bergabung dengan komunitas",
"Documents": "Dokumen",
"meetUsOn": "Temui kami di %s",
"features": "Fitur",
"helpTranslating": "Bantu kami menerjemahkan",
"YAML Metadata": "Metadata YML",
"reportIssue": "Laporkan kesalahan"
"Slide Example": "Contoh Slide",
"Cheatsheet": "Cheatsheet",
"documents": {
"Example": "Contoh",
"title": "Dokumen",
"Syntax": "Sintaks",
"yamlMetadata": "Metadata YML",
"Header": "Header",
"slideExample": "Contoh Slide"
"Unordered List": "Daftar tak ber-urutan",
"Ordered List": "Daftar ber-urutan",
"cheatsheet": {
"Todo List": "Centang",
"title": "Cheatsheet",
"Blockquote": "Blok kutipan",
"example": "Contoh",
"Bold font": "Tebal",
"syntax": "Sintaks",
"Italics font": "Miring",
"underlinedText": "Teks ber-garis bawah",
"Strikethrough": "Garis",
"highlightedText": "Teks yang disorot",
"Inserted text": "Teks ber-garis bawah",
"externalService": "Eksternal"
"Marked text": "Teks yang disorot",
"Link": "Link",
"Image": "Gambar",
"error": {
"Code": "Kode",
"locked": {
"Externals": "Eksternal",
"title": "Catatan ini terkunci",
"This is a alert area.": "Ini adalah area alert.",
"description": "Maaf, hanya pemilik yang bisa mengubah catatan ini"
"Revert": "Kembalikan",
"Import from clipboard": "Impor dari papan klip",
"limitReached": {
"Paste your markdown or webpage here...": "Tempel markdown atau halaman web disini",
"title": "Memenuhi batas",
"Clear": "Bersihkan",
"description": "Maaf, anda telah memenuhi batas maksimum jumlah catatan ini",
"This note is locked": "Catatan ini terkunci",
"advice": "Tolong persingkat catatan nya."
"Sorry, only owner can edit this note.": "Maaf, hanya pemilik yang bisa mengubah catatan ini",
"OK": "OK",
"incompatible": {
"Reach the limit": "Memenuhi batas",
"title": "Versi pramban anda tidak kompatibel",
"Sorry, you've reached the max length this note can be.": "Maaf, anda telah memenuhi batas maksimum jumlah catatan ini",
"advice": "Muat ulang untuk memperbarui"
"Please reduce the content or divide it to more notes, thank you!": "Tolong persingkat catatan nya.",
"Import from Gist": "Impor dari Gist",
"newVersion": {
"Paste your gist url here...": "Templekan URL gist anda disini...",
"title": "Versi baru tersedia!",
"Import from Snippet": "Impor dari Snippet",
"linkText": "Lihat catatan penerbitan",
"Select From Available Projects": "Pilih dari Project yang tersedia",
"advice": "Muat ulang untuk menikmati fitur baru."
"Select From Available Snippets": "Pilih dari Snippet yang tersedia",
"OR": "Atau",
"userStateChanged": {
"Export to Snippet": "Ekspor ke Snippet",
"title": "Data pengguna anda telah berubah.",
"Select Visibility Level": "Pilih tingkat penglihatan",
"description": "Muat ulang untuk memuat data baru pengguna."
"Night Theme": "Mode Malam",
"followUs": "Ikuti kami di <0></0>, <1></1>, <2></2>, <3></3>, dan <4></4>.",
"privacy": "Privasi",
"viewMode": {
"termsOfUse": "Aturan Penggunaan",
"view": "Lihat",
"Do you really want to delete your user account?": "Apakah anda yakin ingin menghapus akun anda?",
"both": "Keduanya"
"This will delete your account, all notes that are owned by you and remove all references to your account from other notes.": "Ini akan menghapus akun anda, semua catatan yang dimiliki oleh anda akan dihapus dan menghapus semua referensi ke akun anda dari catatan lain.",
"deleteUser": "Hapus pengguna",
"darkMode": {},
"exportUserData": "Ekspor data pengguna",
"editorToolbar": {
"Help us translating on %s": "Bantu kami menerjemahkan di %s",
"bold": "Tebal",
"sourceCode": "Sumber Kode",
"strikethrough": "Garis",
"Register": "Daftar",
"header": "Header",
"poweredBy": "Ditenagai oleh <0></0>",
"code": "Kode",
"Help us translating": "Bantu kami menerjemahkan",
"blockquote": "Blok kutipan",
"Join the community": "Bergabung dengan komunitas",
"unorderedList": "Daftar tak ber-urutan",
"imprint": "Jejak"
"orderedList": "Daftar ber-urutan",
"checkList": "Centang",
"link": "Link",
"image": "Gambar",
"uploadImage": "Unggah Gambar"
"menu": {
"menu": "Menu",
"new": "Baru",
"publish": "Terbitkan",
"extra": "Tambahan",
"revision": "Revisi",
"slideMode": "Mode Slide",
"download": "Unduh",
"help": "Bantuan"
"export": {
"rawHtml": "File HTML"
"import": {
"clipboard": "Papan Klip"
"modal": {
"snippetImport": {
"title": "Impor dari Snippet",
"selectProject": "Pilih dari Project yang tersedia",
"selectSnippet": "Pilih dari Snippet yang tersedia"
"gistImport": {
"title": "Impor dari Gist",
"insertGistUrl": "Templekan URL gist anda disini..."
"snippetExport": {
"title": "Ekspor ke Snippet",
"visibilityLevel": "Pilih tingkat penglihatan"
"revision": {
"title": "Revisi",
"revertButton": "Kembalikan"
"clipboardImport": {
"title": "Impor dari papan klip",
"insertMarkdown": "Tempel markdown atau halaman web disini"
"deleteNote": {
"question": "Apakah anda yakin ingin menghapus catatan ini?",
"warning": "Semua pengguna akan kehilangan koneksi nya"
"common": {
"import": "Impor",
"export": "Ekspor",
"refresh": "Muat ulang",
"cancel": "Batal",
"ok": "OK",
"or": "atau"
"login": {
"chooseMethod": "Pilih cara",
"signInVia": "Masuk menggunakan {{service}}",
"signIn": "Masuk",
"signOut": "Keluar",
"register": "Daftar",
"auth": {
"error": {}
@ -1,122 +1,189 @@
"Collaborative markdown notes": "Note collaborative in markdown",
"app": {
"Realtime collaborative markdown notes on all platforms.": "Note markdown collaborative in tempo reale per tutte le piattaforme.",
"slogan": "Miglior modo per scrivere e condividere le tue conoscenze in markdown.",
"coverSlogan": "Miglior modo per scrivere e condividere le tue conoscenze in markdown.",
"title": "Note collaborative in markdown"
"intro": "Intro",
"history": "Cronologia",
"landing": {
"newGuestNote": "Nuova nota ospite",
"intro": {
"featureCollaboration": "Collabora tramite URL",
"exploreFeatures": "Esplora tutte le funzioni",
"featureMathJax": "Supporta grafici e MathJax",
"features": {
"featureSlides": "Supporta modalità slide",
"collaboration": "Collabora tramite URL",
"signIn": "Entra",
"mathJax": "Supporta grafici e MathJax",
"Below is the history from browser": "Qui sotto c'è la cronologia del browser",
"slides": "Supporta modalità slide"
"Welcome!": "Benvenuto!",
"newNote": "Nuova nota",
"or": "o",
"history": {
"signOut": "Disconettiti",
"noHistory": "Nessuna cronologia",
"exploreFeatures": "Esplora tutte le funzioni",
"localHistory": "Qui sotto c'è la cronologia del browser",
"selectTags": "Seleziona tag...",
"toolbar": {
"searchKeywords": "Cerca...",
"selectTags": "Seleziona tag...",
"sortByTitle": "Ordina per titolo",
"searchKeywords": "Cerca...",
"Title": "Titolo",
"sortByTitle": "Ordina per titolo",
"sortByLastVisited": "Ordina per data",
"sortByLastVisited": "Ordina per data",
"Time": "Data",
"export": "Esporta cronologia",
"exportHistory": "Esporta cronologia",
"import": "Importa cronologia",
"importHistory": "Importa cronologia",
"clear": "Cancella cronologia",
"clearHistory": "Cancella cronologia",
"refresh": "Aggiorna cronologia"
"refreshHistory": "Aggiorna cronologia",
"noHistory": "Nessuna cronologia",
"modal": {
"Import from browser": "Importa da browser",
"clearHistory": {}
"releases": "Versioni",
"Are you sure?": "Sei sicuro?",
"tableHeader": {}
"Do you really want to delete this note?": "Vuoi veramente eliminare questa nota?",
"All users will lose their connection.": "Tutti gli utenti perderanno la loro connessione.",
"navigation": {
"Cancel": "Annulla",
"intro": "Intro",
"Yes, do it!": "SI, fallo!",
"history": "Cronologia",
"chooseMethod": "Scegli metodo",
"newGuestNote": "Nuova nota ospite",
"signInVia": "Entra con {{service}}",
"newNote": "Nuova nota"
"new": "Nuovo",
"publish": "Pubblica",
"footer": {
"extra": "Extra",
"releases": "Versioni",
"revision": "Revisione",
"poweredBy": "Alimentato da <0></0>",
"slideMode": "Modalità slide",
"imprint": "Imprint",
"export": "Esporta",
"followUs": "Seguici su <0></0>, <1></1>, <2></2>, <3></3>, e <4></4>.",
"import": "Importa",
"privacy": "Privacy",
"clipboard": "Appunti",
"termsOfUse": "Termini di Utilizzo"
"download": "Scarica",
"Raw HTML": "Raw HTML",
"versionInfo": {
"edit": "Modifica",
"sourceCode": "Codice Sorgente"
"View": "Visualizza",
"Both": "Entrambi",
"help": "Aiuto",
"profile": {
"Upload Image": "Carica Immagine",
"deleteUser": "Elimina utente",
"menu": "Menu",
"exportUserData": "Esporta dati utente",
"This page need refresh": "Questa pagina deve essere aggiornata",
"modal": {
"You have an incompatible client version.": "La versione del tuo client è incompatibile.",
"deleteUser": {
"Refresh to update.": "Ricarica per aggiornare.",
"title": "Elimina utente",
"New version available!": "Nuova versione disponibile!",
"message": "Vuoi veramente cancellare il tuo account utente?",
"See releases notes here": "Vedi note di rilascio qui",
"subMessage": "Questo cancellerà il tuo account, tutte le note di cui sei proprietario e rimuoverà i riferimenti al tuo account dalle altre note."
"Refresh to enjoy new features.": "Ricarica per godere delle nuove funzioni.",
"Your user state has changed.": "Il tuo stato utente è cambiato.",
"Refresh to load new user state.": "Aggiorna per caricare il nuovo stato utente.",
"Refresh": "Ricarica",
"editor": {
"Contacts": "Contatti",
"help": {
"Report an issue": "Segnala un problema",
"contacts": {
"Meet us on %s": "Vieni a trovarci su %s",
"title": "Contatti",
"Send us email": "Inviaci una email",
"community": "Unisciti alla comunità",
"Documents": "Documenti",
"meetUsOn": "Vieni a trovarci su %s",
"features": "Caratteristiche",
"helpTranslating": "Aiutaci nella traduzione",
"YAML Metadata": "YAML Metadata",
"reportIssue": "Segnala un problema"
"Slide Example": "Esempio Slide",
"Cheatsheet": "Cheatsheet",
"documents": {
"Example": "Esempio",
"title": "Documenti",
"Syntax": "Sintassi",
"yamlMetadata": "YAML Metadata",
"Header": "Intestazione",
"slideExample": "Esempio Slide"
"Unordered List": "Lista non ordinata",
"Ordered List": "Lista ordinata",
"cheatsheet": {
"Todo List": "Elenco",
"title": "Cheatsheet",
"Blockquote": "Citazione",
"example": "Esempio",
"Bold font": "Grassetto",
"syntax": "Sintassi",
"Italics font": "Corsivo",
"underlinedText": "Sottolineato",
"Strikethrough": "Barrato",
"highlightedText": "Evidenziato",
"Inserted text": "Sottolineato",
"externalService": "Esterni"
"Marked text": "Evidenziato",
"Link": "Link",
"Image": "Immagine",
"error": {
"Code": "Codice",
"locked": {
"Externals": "Esterni",
"title": "Questa nota è bloccata",
"This is a alert area.": "Questa è un area di avviso.",
"description": "Siamo spiacenti, solo il proprietario può modificare questa nota."
"Revert": "Annulla",
"Import from clipboard": "Importa dagli appunti",
"limitReached": {
"Paste your markdown or webpage here...": "Incollare il markdown o una pagina web qui...",
"title": "Limite raggiunto",
"Clear": "Pulisci",
"description": "Siamo spiacenti, hai raggiunto la lunghezza massima per questa nota.",
"This note is locked": "Questa nota è bloccata",
"advice": "Si prega di ridurre il contenuto o dividerlo in più note, grazie!"
"Sorry, only owner can edit this note.": "Siamo spiacenti, solo il proprietario può modificare questa nota.",
"OK": "OK",
"incompatible": {
"Reach the limit": "Limite raggiunto",
"title": "La versione del tuo client è incompatibile.",
"Sorry, you've reached the max length this note can be.": "Siamo spiacenti, hai raggiunto la lunghezza massima per questa nota.",
"advice": "Ricarica per aggiornare."
"Please reduce the content or divide it to more notes, thank you!": "Si prega di ridurre il contenuto o dividerlo in più note, grazie!",
"Import from Gist": "Importa da Gist",
"newVersion": {
"Paste your gist url here...": "Incolla il tuo link gist qui...",
"title": "Nuova versione disponibile!",
"Import from Snippet": "Importa da Snippet",
"linkText": "Vedi note di rilascio qui",
"Select From Available Projects": "Seleziona da progetti disponibili",
"advice": "Ricarica per godere delle nuove funzioni."
"Select From Available Snippets": "Seleziona da snippets disponibili",
"OR": "O",
"userStateChanged": {
"Export to Snippet": "Esporta Snippet",
"title": "Il tuo stato utente è cambiato.",
"Select Visibility Level": "Seleziona livello visibilità",
"description": "Aggiorna per caricare il nuovo stato utente."
"Night Theme": "Tema Scuro",
"followUs": "Seguici su <0></0>, <1></1>, <2></2>, <3></3>, e <4></4>.",
"privacy": "Privacy",
"viewMode": {
"termsOfUse": "Termini di Utilizzo",
"view": "Visualizza",
"Do you really want to delete your user account?": "Vuoi veramente cancellare il tuo account utente?",
"both": "Entrambi"
"This will delete your account, all notes that are owned by you and remove all references to your account from other notes.": "Questo cancellerà il tuo account, tutte le note di cui sei proprietario e rimuoverà i riferimenti al tuo account dalle altre note.",
"deleteUser": "Elimina utente",
"darkMode": {},
"exportUserData": "Esporta dati utente",
"editorToolbar": {
"Help us translating on %s": "Aiutaci nella traduzione su %s",
"bold": "Grassetto",
"sourceCode": "Codice Sorgente",
"strikethrough": "Barrato",
"Register": "Registrati",
"header": "Intestazione",
"poweredBy": "Alimentato da <0></0>",
"code": "Codice",
"Help us translating": "Aiutaci nella traduzione",
"blockquote": "Citazione",
"Join the community": "Unisciti alla comunità",
"unorderedList": "Lista non ordinata",
"imprint": "Imprint"
"orderedList": "Lista ordinata",
"checkList": "Elenco",
"link": "Link",
"image": "Immagine",
"uploadImage": "Carica Immagine"
"menu": {
"menu": "Menu",
"new": "Nuovo",
"publish": "Pubblica",
"extra": "Extra",
"revision": "Revisione",
"slideMode": "Modalità slide",
"download": "Scarica",
"help": "Aiuto"
"export": {
"rawHtml": "Raw HTML"
"import": {
"clipboard": "Appunti"
"modal": {
"snippetImport": {
"title": "Importa da Snippet",
"selectProject": "Seleziona da progetti disponibili",
"selectSnippet": "Seleziona da snippets disponibili"
"gistImport": {
"title": "Importa da Gist",
"insertGistUrl": "Incolla il tuo link gist qui..."
"snippetExport": {
"title": "Esporta Snippet",
"visibilityLevel": "Seleziona livello visibilità"
"revision": {
"title": "Revisione",
"revertButton": "Annulla"
"clipboardImport": {
"title": "Importa dagli appunti",
"insertMarkdown": "Incollare il markdown o una pagina web qui..."
"deleteNote": {
"question": "Vuoi veramente eliminare questa nota?",
"warning": "Tutti gli utenti perderanno la loro connessione."
"common": {
"import": "Importa",
"export": "Esporta",
"refresh": "Ricarica",
"cancel": "Annulla",
"ok": "OK",
"or": "o"
"login": {
"chooseMethod": "Scegli metodo",
"signInVia": "Entra con {{service}}",
"signIn": "Entra",
"signOut": "Disconettiti",
"register": "Registrati",
"auth": {
"error": {}
@ -1,122 +1,189 @@
"Collaborative markdown notes": "共同編集できるMarkdownノート",
"app": {
"Realtime collaborative markdown notes on all platforms.": "マルチプラットフォーム、リアルタイムで共同編集できるMarkdownノート",
"slogan": "Markdownでナレッジを蓄積・共有できるベストツール",
"coverSlogan": "Markdownでナレッジを蓄積・共有できるベストツール",
"title": "共同編集できるMarkdownノート"
"intro": "サービスの紹介",
"history": "履歴",
"landing": {
"newGuestNote": "新規ゲストノート",
"intro": {
"featureCollaboration": "URLで共同編集",
"exploreFeatures": "すべての機能をチェック",
"featureMathJax": "グラフとMathJaxのサポート",
"features": {
"featureSlides": "スライドモードのサポート",
"collaboration": "URLで共同編集",
"signIn": "サインイン",
"mathJax": "グラフとMathJaxのサポート",
"Below is the history from browser": "ブラウザからの履歴",
"slides": "スライドモードのサポート"
"Welcome!": "ようこそ!",
"newNote": "新規ノート",
"or": "または",
"history": {
"signOut": "サインアウト",
"noHistory": "履歴はありません",
"exploreFeatures": "すべての機能をチェック",
"localHistory": "ブラウザからの履歴",
"selectTags": "タグで検索",
"toolbar": {
"searchKeywords": "キーワードで検索",
"selectTags": "タグで検索",
"sortByTitle": "タイトル順でソート",
"searchKeywords": "キーワードで検索",
"Title": "タイトル",
"sortByTitle": "タイトル順でソート",
"sortByLastVisited": "日時順でソート",
"sortByLastVisited": "日時順でソート",
"Time": "日時",
"export": "履歴をエクスポート",
"exportHistory": "履歴をエクスポート",
"import": "履歴をインポート",
"importHistory": "履歴をインポート",
"clear": "履歴をクリア",
"clearHistory": "履歴をクリア",
"refresh": "履歴を更新"
"refreshHistory": "履歴を更新",
"noHistory": "履歴はありません",
"modal": {
"Import from browser": "ブラウザからインポート",
"clearHistory": {}
"releases": "リリース",
"Are you sure?": "本当にいいですか?",
"tableHeader": {}
"Do you really want to delete this note?": "本当にこのノートを削除しますか?",
"All users will lose their connection.": "すべてのユーザーの接続が切断されます。",
"navigation": {
"Cancel": "キャンセル",
"intro": "サービスの紹介",
"Yes, do it!": "はい",
"history": "履歴",
"chooseMethod": "選択してください",
"newGuestNote": "新規ゲストノート",
"signInVia": "{{service}}でサインイン",
"newNote": "新規ノート"
"new": "新規作成",
"publish": "公開する",
"footer": {
"extra": "その他",
"releases": "リリース",
"revision": "編集履歴",
"poweredBy": "Powered by <0></0>",
"slideMode": "スライドモード",
"imprint": "インプリント",
"export": "エクスポート",
"followUs": "<0></0>, <1></1>, <2></2>, <3></3>, と <4></4> でフォローしてください。",
"import": "インポート",
"privacy": "プライバシー",
"clipboard": "クリップボード",
"termsOfUse": "利用条件"
"download": "ダウンロード",
"Raw HTML": "HTMLパーツ",
"versionInfo": {
"edit": "編集モード",
"sourceCode": "ソースコード"
"View": "表示モード",
"Both": "分割モード",
"help": "ヘルプ",
"profile": {
"Upload Image": "画像をアップロード",
"deleteUser": "ユーザーの削除",
"menu": "メニュー",
"exportUserData": "ユーザーデータをエクスポート",
"This page need refresh": "ページをリロードしてください",
"modal": {
"You have an incompatible client version.": "クライアントのバージョンが一致しません",
"deleteUser": {
"Refresh to update.": "リロードして更新を反映させてください",
"title": "ユーザーの削除",
"New version available!": "新しいバージョンが利用できます!",
"message": "本当にアカウントを削除しますか?",
"See releases notes here": "リリースノートをごらんください",
"subMessage": "この操作はあなたのアカウントとあなたの所有するすべてのノートを削除し、さらに他の人のノートからあなたのアカウントへの参照を除去します。"
"Refresh to enjoy new features.": "リロードして新しい機能を試してみましょう",
"Your user state has changed.": "ユーザー情報が変更されました",
"Refresh to load new user state.": "リロードすると最新のユーザー情報が反映されます",
"Refresh": "リロード",
"editor": {
"Contacts": "コンタクト",
"help": {
"Report an issue": "問題を報告する",
"contacts": {
"Meet us on %s": "%sでチャットする",
"title": "コンタクト",
"Send us email": "メールを送る",
"community": "コミュニティに参加しましょう",
"Documents": "ドキュメント",
"meetUsOn": "%sでチャットする",
"features": "機能",
"helpTranslating": "翻訳のお手伝いをお願いします",
"YAML Metadata": "YAMLメタデータ",
"reportIssue": "問題を報告する"
"Slide Example": "スライドサンプル",
"Cheatsheet": "チートシート",
"documents": {
"Example": "例",
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"slideExample": "スライドサンプル"
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"Ordered List": "番号付きリスト",
"cheatsheet": {
"Todo List": "TODOリスト",
"title": "チートシート",
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"Code": "コード",
"locked": {
"Externals": "モジュール",
"title": "このノートはロックされています",
"This is a alert area.": "これはアラートエリアです",
"description": "このノートはオーナーのみが編集できます"
"Revert": "戻す",
"Import from clipboard": "クリップボードからインポート",
"limitReached": {
"Paste your markdown or webpage here...": "Markdownまたはウェブページを貼り付けてください",
"title": "上限に達しました",
"Clear": "クリア",
"description": "ノートの文字数が上限に達しました。",
"This note is locked": "このノートはロックされています",
"advice": "内容を減らすか、別のノートに分けてください"
"Sorry, only owner can edit this note.": "このノートはオーナーのみが編集できます",
"OK": "OK",
"incompatible": {
"Reach the limit": "上限に達しました",
"title": "クライアントのバージョンが一致しません",
"Sorry, you've reached the max length this note can be.": "ノートの文字数が上限に達しました。",
"advice": "リロードして更新を反映させてください"
"Please reduce the content or divide it to more notes, thank you!": "内容を減らすか、別のノートに分けてください",
"Import from Gist": "gistからインポート",
"newVersion": {
"Paste your gist url here...": "gistのURLを貼り付けてください",
"title": "新しいバージョンが利用できます!",
"Import from Snippet": "スニペットからインポート",
"linkText": "リリースノートをごらんください",
"Select From Available Projects": "プロジェクトを一覧から選択してください",
"advice": "リロードして新しい機能を試してみましょう"
"Select From Available Snippets": "スニペットを一覧から選択してください",
"OR": "または",
"userStateChanged": {
"Export to Snippet": "スニペットにエクスポート",
"title": "ユーザー情報が変更されました",
"Select Visibility Level": "公開範囲を選んでください",
"description": "リロードすると最新のユーザー情報が反映されます"
"Night Theme": "ナイトテーマ",
"followUs": "<0></0>, <1></1>, <2></2>, <3></3>, と <4></4> でフォローしてください。",
"privacy": "プライバシー",
"viewMode": {
"termsOfUse": "利用条件",
"view": "表示モード",
"Do you really want to delete your user account?": "本当にアカウントを削除しますか?",
"both": "分割モード"
"This will delete your account, all notes that are owned by you and remove all references to your account from other notes.": "この操作はあなたのアカウントとあなたの所有するすべてのノートを削除し、さらに他の人のノートからあなたのアカウントへの参照を除去します。",
"deleteUser": "ユーザーの削除",
"darkMode": {},
"exportUserData": "ユーザーデータをエクスポート",
"editorToolbar": {
"Help us translating on %s": "%s の翻訳にご協力ください",
"bold": "太字",
"sourceCode": "ソースコード",
"strikethrough": "打ち消し線",
"Register": "登録",
"header": "見出し",
"poweredBy": "Powered by <0></0>",
"code": "コード",
"Help us translating": "翻訳のお手伝いをお願いします",
"blockquote": "引用文",
"Join the community": "コミュニティに参加しましょう",
"unorderedList": "番号なしリスト",
"imprint": "インプリント"
"orderedList": "番号付きリスト",
"checkList": "TODOリスト",
"link": "リンク",
"image": "画像",
"uploadImage": "画像をアップロード"
"menu": {
"menu": "メニュー",
"new": "新規作成",
"publish": "公開する",
"extra": "その他",
"revision": "編集履歴",
"slideMode": "スライドモード",
"download": "ダウンロード",
"help": "ヘルプ"
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"rawHtml": "HTMLパーツ"
"import": {
"clipboard": "クリップボード"
"modal": {
"snippetImport": {
"title": "スニペットからインポート",
"selectProject": "プロジェクトを一覧から選択してください",
"selectSnippet": "スニペットを一覧から選択してください"
"gistImport": {
"title": "gistからインポート",
"insertGistUrl": "gistのURLを貼り付けてください"
"snippetExport": {
"title": "スニペットにエクスポート",
"visibilityLevel": "公開範囲を選んでください"
"revision": {
"title": "編集履歴",
"revertButton": "戻す"
"clipboardImport": {
"title": "クリップボードからインポート",
"insertMarkdown": "Markdownまたはウェブページを貼り付けてください"
"deleteNote": {
"question": "本当にこのノートを削除しますか?",
"warning": "すべてのユーザーの接続が切断されます。"
"common": {
"import": "インポート",
"export": "エクスポート",
"refresh": "リロード",
"cancel": "キャンセル",
"ok": "OK",
"or": "または"
"login": {
"chooseMethod": "選択してください",
"signInVia": "{{service}}でサインイン",
"signIn": "サインイン",
"signOut": "サインアウト",
"register": "登録",
"auth": {
"error": {}
@ -1,117 +1,184 @@
"Collaborative markdown notes": "협동 마크다운 노트",
"app": {
"Realtime collaborative markdown notes on all platforms.": "실시간으로 모든 플랫폼에서 마크다운 노트를 함께 작성해보세요.",
"slogan": "마크다운을 쓰고 공유하는 최고의 플랫폼입니다.",
"coverSlogan": "마크다운을 쓰고 공유하는 최고의 플랫폼입니다.",
"title": "협동 마크다운 노트"
"intro": "소개",
"history": "기록",
"landing": {
"newGuestNote": "새 손님 노트",
"intro": {
"featureCollaboration": "URL을 통한 실시간 협업",
"exploreFeatures": "모든 기능 둘러보기",
"featureMathJax": "차트와 MathJax 지원",
"features": {
"featureSlides": "슬라이드 모드 지원",
"collaboration": "URL을 통한 실시간 협업",
"signIn": "로그인",
"mathJax": "차트와 MathJax 지원",
"Below is the history from browser": "아래는 이 브라우저에서 찾은 기록입니다.",
"slides": "슬라이드 모드 지원"
"Welcome!": "환영합니다!",
"newNote": "새 노트",
"or": "또는",
"history": {
"signOut": "로그아웃",
"noHistory": "기록 없음",
"exploreFeatures": "모든 기능 둘러보기",
"localHistory": "아래는 이 브라우저에서 찾은 기록입니다.",
"selectTags": "태그 선택하기",
"toolbar": {
"searchKeywords": "키워드 검색하기",
"selectTags": "태그 선택하기",
"sortByTitle": "제목 기준 정렬",
"searchKeywords": "키워드 검색하기",
"Title": "제목",
"sortByTitle": "제목 기준 정렬",
"sortByLastVisited": "시간 기준 정렬",
"sortByLastVisited": "시간 기준 정렬",
"Time": "시간",
"export": "기록 내보내기",
"exportHistory": "기록 내보내기",
"import": "기록 불러오기",
"importHistory": "기록 불러오기",
"clear": "기록 초기화",
"clearHistory": "기록 초기화",
"refresh": "기록 새로고침"
"refreshHistory": "기록 새로고침",
"noHistory": "기록 없음",
"modal": {
"Import from browser": "브라우저에서 불러오기",
"clearHistory": {}
"releases": "릴리즈",
"Are you sure?": "확실합니까?",
"tableHeader": {}
"Do you really want to delete this note?": "정말로 이 노트를 삭제하시겠습니까?",
"All users will lose their connection.": "모든 사용자의 연결이 끊어집니다.",
"navigation": {
"Cancel": "취소",
"intro": "소개",
"Yes, do it!": "네",
"history": "기록",
"chooseMethod": "방법 선택",
"newGuestNote": "새 손님 노트",
"signInVia": "{{service}}으로 로그인",
"newNote": "새 노트"
"new": "새",
"publish": "공개하기",
"footer": {
"extra": "추가",
"releases": "릴리즈",
"revision": "기록",
"followUs": "<0></0>, <1></1>, <2></2>, <3></3> 과 <4></4>에서 저희를 팔로우해보세요",
"slideMode": "슬라이드 모드",
"privacy": "Privacy",
"export": "내보내기",
"termsOfUse": "Terms of Use"
"import": "들여오기",
"clipboard": "클립보드",
"versionInfo": {
"download": "다운로드",
"sourceCode": "Source Code"
"Raw HTML": "순수 HTML",
"edit": "수정",
"View": "보기",
"profile": {
"Both": "한번에",
"deleteUser": "Delete user",
"help": "도움말",
"exportUserData": "Export user data",
"Upload Image": "이미지 업로드",
"modal": {
"menu": "메뉴",
"deleteUser": {
"This page need refresh": "새로고침이 필요합니다",
"title": "Delete user",
"You have an incompatible client version.": "호환되지 않는 클라이언트입니다.",
"message": "Do you really want to delete your user account?",
"Refresh to update.": "새로고침하기",
"subMessage": "This will delete your account, all notes that are owned by you and remove all references to your account from other notes."
"New version available!": "새로운 버전이 있습니다!",
"See releases notes here": "릴리즈 노트를 읽어보세요",
"Refresh to enjoy new features.": "새로운 기능을 즐기려면 새로고침하십시오",
"Your user state has changed.": "유저 상태가 변경되었습니다.",
"editor": {
"Refresh to load new user state.": "새로고침하여 새로운 유저 상태를 적용합니다.",
"help": {
"Refresh": "새로고침",
"contacts": {
"Contacts": "연락처",
"title": "연락처",
"Report an issue": "이슈 보고하기",
"meetUsOn": "%s에서 만나보세요",
"Meet us on %s": "%s에서 만나보세요",
"reportIssue": "이슈 보고하기"
"Send us email": "이메일 보내기",
"Documents": "문서",
"documents": {
"features": "기능",
"title": "문서",
"YAML Metadata": "YAML 속성",
"yamlMetadata": "YAML 속성",
"Slide Example": "슬라이드 예제",
"slideExample": "슬라이드 예제"
"Cheatsheet": "치트시트",
"Example": "예시",
"cheatsheet": {
"Syntax": "문법",
"title": "치트시트",
"Header": "머리글",
"example": "예시",
"Unordered List": "순서 없는 목록",
"syntax": "문법",
"Ordered List": "순서 있는 목록",
"underlinedText": "밑줄",
"Todo List": "체크리스트",
"highlightedText": "강조",
"Blockquote": "인용문",
"externalService": "외부 서비스 연동"
"Bold font": "굵게",
"Italics font": "기울임",
"Strikethrough": "취소선",
"error": {
"Inserted text": "밑줄",
"locked": {
"Marked text": "강조",
"title": "이 노트는 잠겨있습니다.",
"Link": "링크",
"description": "죄송하지만 소유자만 이 노트를 수정할 수 있습니다."
"Image": "이미지",
"Code": "코드",
"limitReached": {
"Externals": "외부 서비스 연동",
"title": "한계에 도달",
"This is a alert area.": "여기는 알림 공간입니다.",
"description": "죄송합니다. 노트 최대 길이를 초과하였습니다.",
"Revert": "되돌리기",
"advice": "노트 길이를 줄여주십시오."
"Import from clipboard": "클립보드에서 불러오기",
"Paste your markdown or webpage here...": "마크다운이나 웹페이지 붙여넣기",
"incompatible": {
"Clear": "Clear",
"title": "호환되지 않는 클라이언트입니다.",
"This note is locked": "이 노트는 잠겨있습니다.",
"advice": "새로고침하기"
"Sorry, only owner can edit this note.": "죄송하지만 소유자만 이 노트를 수정할 수 있습니다.",
"OK": "확인",
"newVersion": {
"Reach the limit": "한계에 도달",
"title": "새로운 버전이 있습니다!",
"Sorry, you've reached the max length this note can be.": "죄송합니다. 노트 최대 길이를 초과하였습니다.",
"linkText": "릴리즈 노트를 읽어보세요",
"Please reduce the content or divide it to more notes, thank you!": "노트 길이를 줄여주십시오.",
"advice": "새로운 기능을 즐기려면 새로고침하십시오"
"Import from Gist": "Gist에서 불러오기",
"Paste your gist url here...": "Gist URL을 입력하세요",
"userStateChanged": {
"Import from Snippet": "Import from Snippet",
"title": "유저 상태가 변경되었습니다.",
"Select From Available Projects": "가능한 프로젝트 중 선택",
"description": "새로고침하여 새로운 유저 상태를 적용합니다."
"Select From Available Snippets": "Select From Available Snippets",
"OR": "또는",
"Export to Snippet": "Export to Snippet",
"viewMode": {
"Select Visibility Level": "Select Visibility Level",
"view": "보기",
"Night Theme": "다크 테마",
"both": "한번에"
"followUs": "<0></0>, <1></1>, <2></2>, <3></3> 과 <4></4>에서 저희를 팔로우해보세요",
"privacy": "Privacy",
"darkMode": {},
"termsOfUse": "Terms of Use",
"editorToolbar": {
"Do you really want to delete your user account?": "Do you really want to delete your user account?",
"bold": "굵게",
"This will delete your account, all notes that are owned by you and remove all references to your account from other notes.": "This will delete your account, all notes that are owned by you and remove all references to your account from other notes.",
"strikethrough": "취소선",
"deleteUser": "Delete user",
"header": "머리글",
"exportUserData": "Export user data",
"code": "코드",
"Help us translating on %s": "%s에서 번역으로 저희를 도와주세요",
"blockquote": "인용문",
"sourceCode": "Source Code"
"unorderedList": "순서 없는 목록",
"orderedList": "순서 있는 목록",
"checkList": "체크리스트",
"link": "링크",
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"uploadImage": "이미지 업로드"
"menu": {
"menu": "메뉴",
"new": "새",
"publish": "공개하기",
"extra": "추가",
"revision": "기록",
"slideMode": "슬라이드 모드",
"download": "다운로드",
"help": "도움말"
"export": {
"rawHtml": "순수 HTML"
"import": {
"clipboard": "클립보드"
"modal": {
"snippetImport": {
"title": "Import from Snippet",
"selectProject": "가능한 프로젝트 중 선택",
"selectSnippet": "Select From Available Snippets"
"gistImport": {
"title": "Gist에서 불러오기",
"insertGistUrl": "Gist URL을 입력하세요"
"snippetExport": {
"title": "Export to Snippet",
"visibilityLevel": "Select Visibility Level"
"revision": {
"title": "기록",
"revertButton": "되돌리기"
"clipboardImport": {
"title": "클립보드에서 불러오기",
"insertMarkdown": "마크다운이나 웹페이지 붙여넣기"
"deleteNote": {
"question": "정말로 이 노트를 삭제하시겠습니까?",
"warning": "모든 사용자의 연결이 끊어집니다."
"common": {
"import": "들여오기",
"export": "내보내기",
"refresh": "새로고침",
"cancel": "취소",
"ok": "확인",
"or": "또는"
"login": {
"chooseMethod": "방법 선택",
"signInVia": "{{service}}으로 로그인",
"signIn": "로그인",
"signOut": "로그아웃",
"auth": {
"error": {}
@ -1,122 +1,189 @@
"Collaborative markdown notes": "Samenwerkende markdown notities",
"app": {
"Realtime collaborative markdown notes on all platforms.": "Realtime samenwerkende markdown notities.",
"slogan": "De beste manier om je kennis vast te leggen en te delen. ",
"coverSlogan": "De beste manier om je kennis vast te leggen en te delen. ",
"title": "Samenwerkende markdown notities"
"intro": "Introductie",
"history": "Geschiedenis",
"landing": {
"newGuestNote": "Nieuwe gastnotitie",
"intro": {
"featureCollaboration": "Samenwerken met URL",
"exploreFeatures": "Ontdek alle features",
"featureMathJax": "Ondersteunt grafieken en MathJax",
"features": {
"featureSlides": "Ondersteunt presentatiemodus",
"collaboration": "Samenwerken met URL",
"signIn": "Inloggen",
"mathJax": "Ondersteunt grafieken en MathJax",
"Below is the history from browser": "Hier onder staat de browser geschiedenis",
"slides": "Ondersteunt presentatiemodus"
"Welcome!": "Welkom!",
"newNote": "Nieuwe notitie",
"or": "of",
"history": {
"signOut": "Uitloggen",
"noHistory": "Geen geschidenis gevonden",
"exploreFeatures": "Ontdek alle features",
"localHistory": "Hier onder staat de browser geschiedenis",
"selectTags": "Selecteer tags...",
"toolbar": {
"searchKeywords": "Zoeken op keyword...",
"selectTags": "Selecteer tags...",
"sortByTitle": "Sorteren op titel",
"searchKeywords": "Zoeken op keyword...",
"Title": "Titel",
"sortByTitle": "Sorteren op titel",
"sortByLastVisited": "Sorteren op tijd",
"sortByLastVisited": "Sorteren op tijd",
"Time": "Tijd",
"export": "Exporteer geschiedenis",
"exportHistory": "Exporteer geschiedenis",
"import": "Importeer geschiedenis",
"importHistory": "Importeer geschiedenis",
"clear": "Verwijder geschiedenis",
"clearHistory": "Verwijder geschiedenis",
"refresh": "Ververs geschiedenis"
"refreshHistory": "Ververs geschiedenis",
"noHistory": "Geen geschidenis gevonden",
"modal": {
"Import from browser": "Importeer van browser",
"clearHistory": {}
"releases": "Versies",
"Are you sure?": "Weet je het zeker?",
"tableHeader": {}
"Do you really want to delete this note?": "Will je deze notitie echt verwijderen?",
"All users will lose their connection.": "Alle gebruikers zullen hun verbinding verliezen.",
"navigation": {
"Cancel": "Stoppen",
"intro": "Introductie",
"Yes, do it!": "Ja, doe het!",
"history": "Geschiedenis",
"chooseMethod": "Kies methode",
"newGuestNote": "Nieuwe gastnotitie",
"signInVia": "Log in via {{service}}",
"newNote": "Nieuwe notitie"
"new": "Nieuw",
"publish": "Publiceren",
"footer": {
"extra": "Extra",
"releases": "Versies",
"revision": "Versie",
"poweredBy": "Powered by <0></0>",
"slideMode": "Presentatiemodus",
"imprint": "Afdruk",
"export": "Exporteer",
"followUs": "Volg ons op <0></0>, <1></1>, <2></2>, <3></3> en <4></4>.",
"import": "Importeren",
"privacy": "Privacy",
"clipboard": "Kladbord",
"termsOfUse": "Gebruikersvoorwaarden"
"download": "Downloaden",
"Raw HTML": "Ruwe HTML",
"versionInfo": {
"edit": "Aanpassen",
"sourceCode": "Broncode"
"View": "Bekijken",
"Both": "Beide",
"help": "Help",
"profile": {
"Upload Image": "Afbeelding uploaden",
"deleteUser": "Gebruiker verwijderen",
"menu": "Menu",
"exportUserData": "Gebruikersdata exporteren",
"This page need refresh": "Deze pagina moet vernieuwd worden",
"modal": {
"You have an incompatible client version.": "Je client is niet compatibel.",
"deleteUser": {
"Refresh to update.": "Ververs om te updaten.",
"title": "Gebruiker verwijderen",
"New version available!": "Nieuwe versie beschikbaar!",
"message": "Weet je zeker dat je je account wilt verwijderen?",
"See releases notes here": "Bekijk de release notes hier",
"subMessage": "Dit zal je account verwijderen. Alle notities waar je eigenaar van bent worden verwijderd, samen met alle verwijzingen naar je account."
"Refresh to enjoy new features.": "Ververs om de nieuwe features te zien.",
"Your user state has changed.": "Je gebruikers-status is veranderd.",
"Refresh to load new user state.": "Ververs om je nieuwe gebruikers-status te zien.",
"Refresh": "Ververs",
"editor": {
"Contacts": "Contacten",
"help": {
"Report an issue": "Probleem rapporteren",
"contacts": {
"Meet us on %s": "Ontmoet ons op %s",
"title": "Contacten",
"Send us email": "Stuur ons een mail",
"community": "Lid worden",
"Documents": "Documenten",
"meetUsOn": "Ontmoet ons op %s",
"features": "Features",
"helpTranslating": "Help ons vertalen",
"YAML Metadata": "YAML Metadata",
"reportIssue": "Probleem rapporteren"
"Slide Example": "Slide Voorbeeld",
"Cheatsheet": "Spiekbrief",
"documents": {
"Example": "Voorbeeld",
"title": "Documenten",
"Syntax": "Syntax",
"yamlMetadata": "YAML Metadata",
"Header": "Koptekst",
"slideExample": "Slide Voorbeeld"
"Unordered List": "Ongesorteerde Lijst",
"Ordered List": "Gesorteerde List",
"cheatsheet": {
"Todo List": "Todo Lijst",
"title": "Spiekbrief",
"Blockquote": "Citaat",
"example": "Voorbeeld",
"Bold font": "Vette tekst",
"syntax": "Syntax",
"Italics font": "Schuine tekst van maken",
"underlinedText": "Onderstreepte tekst",
"Strikethrough": "Doorstreepte tekst",
"highlightedText": "Gemarkeerde tekst",
"Inserted text": "Onderstreepte tekst",
"externalService": "Uiterlijkheden"
"Marked text": "Gemarkeerde tekst",
"Link": "Link",
"Image": "Afbeelding",
"error": {
"Code": "Code",
"locked": {
"Externals": "Uiterlijkheden",
"title": "Deze notitie is vergrendeld",
"This is a alert area.": "Dit is een waarschuwingsgebied.",
"description": "Sorry, alleen de eigenaar kan deze notitie aanpassen."
"Revert": "Terugzetten",
"Import from clipboard": "Importeren from kladbord",
"limitReached": {
"Paste your markdown or webpage here...": "Plak je markdown of webpagina hier...",
"title": "Limiet bereikt",
"Clear": "Legen",
"description": "Sorry, je notitie heeft de maximale lengte bereikt.",
"This note is locked": "Deze notitie is vergrendeld",
"advice": "Verwijder alsjeblieft wat tekst of verdeel het over meerdere notities!"
"Sorry, only owner can edit this note.": "Sorry, alleen de eigenaar kan deze notitie aanpassen.",
"OK": "OK",
"incompatible": {
"Reach the limit": "Limiet bereikt",
"title": "Je client is niet compatibel.",
"Sorry, you've reached the max length this note can be.": "Sorry, je notitie heeft de maximale lengte bereikt.",
"advice": "Ververs om te updaten."
"Please reduce the content or divide it to more notes, thank you!": "Verwijder alsjeblieft wat tekst of verdeel het over meerdere notities!",
"Import from Gist": "Importeren vanaf een Gist",
"newVersion": {
"Paste your gist url here...": "Plak je Gist URL hier...",
"title": "Nieuwe versie beschikbaar!",
"Import from Snippet": "Imporeren vanaf een Snippet",
"linkText": "Bekijk de release notes hier",
"Select From Available Projects": "Selecteer van beschikbare projecten",
"advice": "Ververs om de nieuwe features te zien."
"Select From Available Snippets": "Selecteer van beschikbare Snippets",
"OR": "OF",
"userStateChanged": {
"Export to Snippet": "Exporteren naar Snippet",
"title": "Je gebruikers-status is veranderd.",
"Select Visibility Level": "Selecteer zichtbaarheids niveau",
"description": "Ververs om je nieuwe gebruikers-status te zien."
"Night Theme": "Donkere modus",
"followUs": "Volg ons op <0></0>, <1></1>, <2></2>, <3></3> en <4></4>.",
"privacy": "Privacy",
"viewMode": {
"termsOfUse": "Gebruikersvoorwaarden",
"view": "Bekijken",
"Do you really want to delete your user account?": "Weet je zeker dat je je account wilt verwijderen?",
"both": "Beide"
"This will delete your account, all notes that are owned by you and remove all references to your account from other notes.": "Dit zal je account verwijderen. Alle notities waar je eigenaar van bent worden verwijderd, samen met alle verwijzingen naar je account.",
"deleteUser": "Gebruiker verwijderen",
"darkMode": {},
"exportUserData": "Gebruikersdata exporteren",
"editorToolbar": {
"Help us translating on %s": "Help ons vertalen op %s",
"bold": "Vette tekst",
"sourceCode": "Broncode",
"strikethrough": "Doorstreepte tekst",
"Register": "Registreren",
"header": "Koptekst",
"poweredBy": "Powered by <0></0>",
"code": "Code",
"Help us translating": "Help ons vertalen",
"blockquote": "Citaat",
"Join the community": "Lid worden",
"unorderedList": "Ongesorteerde Lijst",
"imprint": "Afdruk"
"orderedList": "Gesorteerde List",
"checkList": "Todo Lijst",
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"image": "Afbeelding",
"uploadImage": "Afbeelding uploaden"
"menu": {
"menu": "Menu",
"new": "Nieuw",
"publish": "Publiceren",
"extra": "Extra",
"revision": "Versie",
"slideMode": "Presentatiemodus",
"download": "Downloaden",
"help": "Help"
"export": {
"rawHtml": "Ruwe HTML"
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"clipboard": "Kladbord"
"modal": {
"snippetImport": {
"title": "Imporeren vanaf een Snippet",
"selectProject": "Selecteer van beschikbare projecten",
"selectSnippet": "Selecteer van beschikbare Snippets"
"gistImport": {
"title": "Importeren vanaf een Gist",
"insertGistUrl": "Plak je Gist URL hier..."
"snippetExport": {
"title": "Exporteren naar Snippet",
"visibilityLevel": "Selecteer zichtbaarheids niveau"
"revision": {
"title": "Versie",
"revertButton": "Terugzetten"
"clipboardImport": {
"title": "Importeren from kladbord",
"insertMarkdown": "Plak je markdown of webpagina hier..."
"deleteNote": {
"question": "Will je deze notitie echt verwijderen?",
"warning": "Alle gebruikers zullen hun verbinding verliezen."
"common": {
"import": "Importeren",
"export": "Exporteer",
"refresh": "Ververs",
"cancel": "Stoppen",
"ok": "OK",
"or": "of"
"login": {
"chooseMethod": "Kies methode",
"signInVia": "Log in via {{service}}",
"signIn": "Inloggen",
"signOut": "Uitloggen",
"register": "Registreren",
"auth": {
"error": {}
@ -1,122 +1,189 @@
"Collaborative markdown notes": "Wspólne markdown notatki",
"app": {
"Realtime collaborative markdown notes on all platforms.": "Rzeczywiste wspólne markdown notatki dla wszystkich platform",
"slogan": "Najlepszy sposób na pisanie i dzielenie się swoją wiedzą w markdown.",
"coverSlogan": "Najlepszy sposób na pisanie i dzielenie się swoją wiedzą w markdown.",
"title": "Wspólne markdown notatki"
"intro": "Intro",
"history": "Historia",
"landing": {
"newGuestNote": "Nowa notatka gościa",
"intro": {
"featureCollaboration": "Kolaboracja w czasie rzeczywistym",
"exploreFeatures": "Przeglądaj wszystkie funkcje",
"featureMathJax": "Kompatybilne z wykresami oraz MathJax",
"features": {
"featureSlides": "Obsługuje tryb slajdów",
"collaboration": "Kolaboracja w czasie rzeczywistym",
"signIn": "Zaloguj się",
"mathJax": "Kompatybilne z wykresami oraz MathJax",
"Below is the history from browser": "Historia z przeglądarki poniżej",
"slides": "Obsługuje tryb slajdów"
"Welcome!": "Witam!",
"newNote": "Nowa notatka",
"or": "lub",
"history": {
"signOut": "Wyloguj się",
"noHistory": "Brak historii",
"exploreFeatures": "Przeglądaj wszystkie funkcje",
"localHistory": "Historia z przeglądarki poniżej",
"selectTags": "Wybierz tagi...",
"toolbar": {
"searchKeywords": "Znajdź kluczowe słowo...",
"selectTags": "Wybierz tagi...",
"sortByTitle": "Sortuj według tytułu",
"searchKeywords": "Znajdź kluczowe słowo...",
"Title": "Tytuł",
"sortByTitle": "Sortuj według tytułu",
"sortByLastVisited": "Sortuj według czasu",
"sortByLastVisited": "Sortuj według czasu",
"Time": "Czas",
"export": "Eksportuj historię",
"exportHistory": "Eksportuj historię",
"import": "Importuj historię",
"importHistory": "Importuj historię",
"clear": "Wyczyść historię",
"clearHistory": "Wyczyść historię",
"refresh": "Odśwież historię"
"refreshHistory": "Odśwież historię",
"noHistory": "Brak historii",
"modal": {
"Import from browser": "Importuj z przeglądarki",
"clearHistory": {}
"releases": "Wydania",
"Are you sure?": "Jesteś pewny?",
"tableHeader": {}
"Do you really want to delete this note?": "Czy chcesz usunąć tą notatkę?",
"All users will lose their connection.": "Wszyscy użytkownicy stracą swoje połączenie.",
"navigation": {
"Cancel": "Anuluj",
"intro": "Intro",
"Yes, do it!": "Tak, zrób to!",
"history": "Historia",
"chooseMethod": "Wybierz metodę",
"newGuestNote": "Nowa notatka gościa",
"signInVia": "Zaloguj się poprzez {{service}}",
"newNote": "Nowa notatka"
"new": "Nowy",
"publish": "Publikuj",
"footer": {
"extra": "Ekstra",
"releases": "Wydania",
"revision": "Korekta",
"poweredBy": "Wspierany przez <0></0>",
"slideMode": "Tryb slajdów",
"imprint": "Impressum",
"export": "Eksport",
"followUs": "Znajdź nas na <0></0>, <1></1>, <2></2>, <3></3> oraz <4></4>.",
"import": "Import",
"privacy": "Prywatność",
"clipboard": "Schowek",
"termsOfUse": "Warunki korzystania"
"download": "Pobierz",
"Raw HTML": "Raw HTML",
"versionInfo": {
"edit": "Edytuj",
"sourceCode": "Kod źródłowy"
"View": "Pogląd",
"Both": "Both",
"help": "Pomoc",
"profile": {
"Upload Image": "Prześlij zdjęcie",
"deleteUser": "Usuń użytkownika",
"menu": "Menu",
"exportUserData": "Eksportuj dane użytkownika",
"This page need refresh": "Strona wymaga odświeżenia",
"modal": {
"You have an incompatible client version.": "Posiadasz niezgodną wersję kliencką.",
"deleteUser": {
"Refresh to update.": "Odświerz aby zaktualizować.",
"title": "Usuń użytkownika",
"New version available!": "Nowa wersja dostępna!",
"message": "Czy chcesz usunąć swoje konto użytkownika?",
"See releases notes here": "Zobacz informacje o wydaniach tutaj",
"subMessage": "Ta akcja usunie twoje konto, wszystkie notatki które posiadasz oraz wszystkie referencje do tego konta w twoich pozostałych notatkach."
"Refresh to enjoy new features.": "Odśwież, aby korzystać z nowych funkcji.",
"Your user state has changed.": "Stan twojego użytkownika się zmienił.",
"Refresh to load new user state.": "Odśwież aby załadować nowy stan użytkownika.",
"Refresh": "Odśwież",
"editor": {
"Contacts": "Kontakty",
"help": {
"Report an issue": "Zgłoś błąd",
"contacts": {
"Meet us on %s": "Spotkaj się z nami na %s",
"title": "Kontakty",
"Send us email": "Wyślij nam email",
"community": "Dołącz do społeczności",
"Documents": "Dokumenty",
"meetUsOn": "Spotkaj się z nami na %s",
"features": "Funkcje",
"helpTranslating": "Pomóż nam w tłumaczeniu",
"YAML Metadata": "YAML Meta dane",
"reportIssue": "Zgłoś błąd"
"Slide Example": "Przykład slajdu",
"Cheatsheet": "Ściągawka",
"documents": {
"Example": "Przykład",
"title": "Dokumenty",
"Syntax": "Składnia",
"yamlMetadata": "YAML Meta dane",
"Header": "Nagłówek",
"slideExample": "Przykład slajdu"
"Unordered List": "Nie posortowana lista",
"Ordered List": "Posortowana lista",
"cheatsheet": {
"Todo List": "Todo lista",
"title": "Ściągawka",
"Blockquote": "Cytat blokowy",
"example": "Przykład",
"Bold font": "Czcionka pogrubiona",
"syntax": "Składnia",
"Italics font": "Czcionka pochylona",
"underlinedText": "Wstawiony tekst",
"Strikethrough": "Przekreślenie",
"highlightedText": "Zaznaczony tekst",
"Inserted text": "Wstawiony tekst",
"externalService": "Zewnętrzne"
"Marked text": "Zaznaczony tekst",
"Link": "Odnośnik",
"Image": "Zdjęcie",
"error": {
"Code": "Kod",
"locked": {
"Externals": "Zewnętrzne",
"title": "Notatka jest zablokowana",
"This is a alert area.": "This is a alert area.",
"description": "Tylko właściciel może edytować tą notatkę."
"Revert": "Cofnij",
"Import from clipboard": "Importuj ze schowka",
"limitReached": {
"Paste your markdown or webpage here...": "Wklej markdown lub stronę tutaj...",
"title": "Osiągnięto limit",
"Clear": "Wyczyść",
"description": "Niestety, osiągnięto maksymalną długość notatki.",
"This note is locked": "Notatka jest zablokowana",
"advice": "Proszę zmniejszyć zawartość notatki lub podzielić ją na kilka notatek, dziękuję!"
"Sorry, only owner can edit this note.": "Tylko właściciel może edytować tą notatkę.",
"OK": "OK",
"incompatible": {
"Reach the limit": "Osiągnięto limit",
"title": "Posiadasz niezgodną wersję kliencką.",
"Sorry, you've reached the max length this note can be.": "Niestety, osiągnięto maksymalną długość notatki.",
"advice": "Odświerz aby zaktualizować."
"Please reduce the content or divide it to more notes, thank you!": "Proszę zmniejszyć zawartość notatki lub podzielić ją na kilka notatek, dziękuję!",
"Import from Gist": "Importuj z Gist",
"newVersion": {
"Paste your gist url here...": "Wklej gist url tutaj...",
"title": "Nowa wersja dostępna!",
"Import from Snippet": "Importuj z Snippet",
"linkText": "Zobacz informacje o wydaniach tutaj",
"Select From Available Projects": "Wybierz z dostępnych projektów",
"advice": "Odśwież, aby korzystać z nowych funkcji."
"Select From Available Snippets": "Wybierz z dostępnych Snippets",
"OR": "LUB",
"userStateChanged": {
"Export to Snippet": "Eksportuj do Snippet",
"title": "Stan twojego użytkownika się zmienił.",
"Select Visibility Level": "Wybierz poziom widoczności",
"description": "Odśwież aby załadować nowy stan użytkownika."
"Night Theme": "Motyw Nocny",
"followUs": "Znajdź nas na <0></0>, <1></1>, <2></2>, <3></3> oraz <4></4>.",
"privacy": "Prywatność",
"viewMode": {
"termsOfUse": "Warunki korzystania",
"view": "Pogląd",
"Do you really want to delete your user account?": "Czy chcesz usunąć swoje konto użytkownika?",
"both": "Both"
"This will delete your account, all notes that are owned by you and remove all references to your account from other notes.": "Ta akcja usunie twoje konto, wszystkie notatki które posiadasz oraz wszystkie referencje do tego konta w twoich pozostałych notatkach.",
"deleteUser": "Usuń użytkownika",
"darkMode": {},
"exportUserData": "Eksportuj dane użytkownika",
"editorToolbar": {
"Help us translating on %s": "Pomóż nam przetłumaczyć na język %s",
"bold": "Czcionka pogrubiona",
"sourceCode": "Kod źródłowy",
"strikethrough": "Przekreślenie",
"Register": "Zarejestruj",
"header": "Nagłówek",
"poweredBy": "Wspierany przez <0></0>",
"code": "Kod",
"Help us translating": "Pomóż nam w tłumaczeniu",
"blockquote": "Cytat blokowy",
"Join the community": "Dołącz do społeczności",
"unorderedList": "Nie posortowana lista",
"imprint": "Impressum"
"orderedList": "Posortowana lista",
"checkList": "Todo lista",
"link": "Odnośnik",
"image": "Zdjęcie",
"uploadImage": "Prześlij zdjęcie"
"menu": {
"menu": "Menu",
"new": "Nowy",
"publish": "Publikuj",
"extra": "Ekstra",
"revision": "Korekta",
"slideMode": "Tryb slajdów",
"download": "Pobierz",
"help": "Pomoc"
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"import": {
"clipboard": "Schowek"
"modal": {
"snippetImport": {
"title": "Importuj z Snippet",
"selectProject": "Wybierz z dostępnych projektów",
"selectSnippet": "Wybierz z dostępnych Snippets"
"gistImport": {
"title": "Importuj z Gist",
"insertGistUrl": "Wklej gist url tutaj..."
"snippetExport": {
"title": "Eksportuj do Snippet",
"visibilityLevel": "Wybierz poziom widoczności"
"revision": {
"title": "Korekta",
"revertButton": "Cofnij"
"clipboardImport": {
"title": "Importuj ze schowka",
"insertMarkdown": "Wklej markdown lub stronę tutaj..."
"deleteNote": {
"question": "Czy chcesz usunąć tą notatkę?",
"warning": "Wszyscy użytkownicy stracą swoje połączenie."
"common": {
"import": "Import",
"export": "Eksport",
"refresh": "Odśwież",
"cancel": "Anuluj",
"ok": "OK",
"or": "lub"
"login": {
"chooseMethod": "Wybierz metodę",
"signInVia": "Zaloguj się poprzez {{service}}",
"signIn": "Zaloguj się",
"signOut": "Wyloguj się",
"register": "Zarejestruj",
"auth": {
"error": {}
@ -1,122 +1,189 @@
"Collaborative markdown notes": "Notas em Markdown colaborativas",
"app": {
"Realtime collaborative markdown notes on all platforms.": "Notas colaborativas em Markdown para todas as plataformas.",
"slogan": "A melhor forma de escrever e compartilhar seu conhecimento em Markdown.",
"coverSlogan": "A melhor forma de escrever e compartilhar seu conhecimento em Markdown.",
"title": "Notas em Markdown colaborativas"
"intro": "Introdução",
"history": "Histórico",
"landing": {
"newGuestNote": "Nova nota como convidado",
"intro": {
"featureCollaboration": "Colaborar via URL",
"exploreFeatures": "Explore todas as funções",
"featureMathJax": "Suporte para gráficos e MathJax",
"features": {
"featureSlides": "Suporte para modo apresentação",
"collaboration": "Colaborar via URL",
"signIn": "Entrar",
"mathJax": "Suporte para gráficos e MathJax",
"Below is the history from browser": "A seguir está o histórico do navegador",
"slides": "Suporte para modo apresentação"
"Welcome!": "Bem vindo!",
"newNote": "Nova nota",
"or": "ou",
"history": {
"signOut": "Sair",
"noHistory": "Nenhum histórico",
"exploreFeatures": "Explore todas as funções",
"localHistory": "A seguir está o histórico do navegador",
"selectTags": "Selecionar etiquetas...",
"toolbar": {
"searchKeywords": "Buscar palavra-chave...",
"selectTags": "Selecionar etiquetas...",
"sortByTitle": "Ordenar por título",
"searchKeywords": "Buscar palavra-chave...",
"Title": "Título",
"sortByTitle": "Ordenar por título",
"sortByLastVisited": "Ordenar por hora",
"sortByLastVisited": "Ordenar por hora",
"Time": "Hora",
"export": "Exportar histórico",
"exportHistory": "Exportar histórico",
"import": "Importar histórico",
"importHistory": "Importar histórico",
"clear": "Apagar histórico",
"clearHistory": "Apagar histórico",
"refresh": "Atualizar histórico"
"refreshHistory": "Atualizar histórico",
"noHistory": "Nenhum histórico",
"modal": {
"Import from browser": "Importar do navegador",
"clearHistory": {}
"releases": "Lançamentos",
"Are you sure?": "Tem certeza?",
"tableHeader": {}
"Do you really want to delete this note?": "Do you really want to delete this note?",
"All users will lose their connection.": "All users will lose their connection.",
"navigation": {
"Cancel": "Cancelar",
"intro": "Introdução",
"Yes, do it!": "Sim, faça!",
"history": "Histórico",
"chooseMethod": "Escolher método",
"newGuestNote": "Nova nota como convidado",
"signInVia": "Entrar via {{service}}",
"newNote": "Nova nota"
"new": "Novo",
"publish": "Publicar",
"footer": {
"extra": "Extra",
"releases": "Lançamentos",
"revision": "Revisão",
"poweredBy": "Powered by <0></0>",
"slideMode": "Modo Apresentação",
"imprint": "Imprint",
"export": "Exportar",
"followUs": "Follow us on <0></0>, <1></1>, <2></2>, <3></3>, and <4></4>.",
"import": "Importar",
"privacy": "Privacy",
"clipboard": "Área de transferência",
"termsOfUse": "Terms of Use"
"download": "Baixar",
"Raw HTML": "HTML puro",
"versionInfo": {
"edit": "Editar",
"sourceCode": "Source Code"
"View": "Ver",
"Both": "Ambos",
"help": "Ajuda",
"profile": {
"Upload Image": "Carregar Imagem",
"deleteUser": "Delete user",
"menu": "Menu",
"exportUserData": "Export user data",
"This page need refresh": "Esta página precisa ser recarregada",
"modal": {
"You have an incompatible client version.": "Você tem uma versão incompatível do cliente.",
"deleteUser": {
"Refresh to update.": "Recarregar para atualizar.",
"title": "Delete user",
"New version available!": "Nova versão disponível!",
"message": "Do you really want to delete your user account?",
"See releases notes here": "Veja notas de lançamento aqui",
"subMessage": "This will delete your account, all notes that are owned by you and remove all references to your account from other notes."
"Refresh to enjoy new features.": "Atualize para usar as novas funções.",
"Your user state has changed.": "O estado do seu usuário mudou.",
"Refresh to load new user state.": "Atualize para carregar o novo estado do usuário.",
"Refresh": "Recarregar",
"editor": {
"Contacts": "Contatos",
"help": {
"Report an issue": "Relatar um problema",
"contacts": {
"Meet us on %s": "Meet us on %s",
"title": "Contatos",
"Send us email": "Envie-nos um email",
"community": "Join the community",
"Documents": "Documentos",
"meetUsOn": "Meet us on %s",
"features": "Funções",
"helpTranslating": "Help us translating",
"YAML Metadata": "Metadados YAML",
"reportIssue": "Relatar um problema"
"Slide Example": "Exemplo de Apresentação",
"Cheatsheet": "Dicas",
"documents": {
"Example": "Exemplo",
"title": "Documentos",
"Syntax": "Sintaxe",
"yamlMetadata": "Metadados YAML",
"Header": "Cabeçalho",
"slideExample": "Exemplo de Apresentação"
"Unordered List": "Lista não ordenada",
"Ordered List": "Lista ordenada",
"cheatsheet": {
"Todo List": "Lista de tarefas",
"title": "Dicas",
"Blockquote": "Citação",
"example": "Exemplo",
"Bold font": "Fonte negrito",
"syntax": "Sintaxe",
"Italics font": "Fonte itálico",
"underlinedText": "Texto inserido",
"Strikethrough": "Tachado",
"highlightedText": "Texto marcado",
"Inserted text": "Texto inserido",
"externalService": "Externos"
"Marked text": "Texto marcado",
"Link": "Ligação",
"Image": "Imagem",
"error": {
"Code": "Código",
"locked": {
"Externals": "Externos",
"title": "Esta nota está bloqueada",
"This is a alert area.": "Esta é uma área de alerta.",
"description": "Desculpe, somente o dono pode editar esta nota."
"Revert": "Reverter",
"Import from clipboard": "Importar da área de transferência",
"limitReached": {
"Paste your markdown or webpage here...": "Cole seu markdown ou página web aqui...",
"title": "Alcançou o limite",
"Clear": "Limpar",
"description": "Desculpe, você alcançou o tamanho máximo que esta nota pode ter.",
"This note is locked": "Esta nota está bloqueada",
"advice": "Por favor reduza o conteúdo ou divida em mais de uma nota, obrigado!"
"Sorry, only owner can edit this note.": "Desculpe, somente o dono pode editar esta nota.",
"OK": "OK",
"incompatible": {
"Reach the limit": "Alcançou o limite",
"title": "Você tem uma versão incompatível do cliente.",
"Sorry, you've reached the max length this note can be.": "Desculpe, você alcançou o tamanho máximo que esta nota pode ter.",
"advice": "Recarregar para atualizar."
"Please reduce the content or divide it to more notes, thank you!": "Por favor reduza o conteúdo ou divida em mais de uma nota, obrigado!",
"Import from Gist": "Importar de um Gist",
"newVersion": {
"Paste your gist url here...": "Cole a URL de seu Gist aqui...",
"title": "Nova versão disponível!",
"Import from Snippet": "Importar de Snippet",
"linkText": "Veja notas de lançamento aqui",
"Select From Available Projects": "Selecionar de Projetos Disponíveis",
"advice": "Atualize para usar as novas funções."
"Select From Available Snippets": "Selecionar de Snippets Disponíveis",
"OR": "OU",
"userStateChanged": {
"Export to Snippet": "Exportar para Snippet",
"title": "O estado do seu usuário mudou.",
"Select Visibility Level": "Selecionar Nível de Visibilidade",
"description": "Atualize para carregar o novo estado do usuário."
"Night Theme": "Night Theme",
"followUs": "Follow us on <0></0>, <1></1>, <2></2>, <3></3>, and <4></4>.",
"privacy": "Privacy",
"viewMode": {
"termsOfUse": "Terms of Use",
"view": "Ver",
"Do you really want to delete your user account?": "Do you really want to delete your user account?",
"both": "Ambos"
"This will delete your account, all notes that are owned by you and remove all references to your account from other notes.": "This will delete your account, all notes that are owned by you and remove all references to your account from other notes.",
"deleteUser": "Delete user",
"darkMode": {},
"exportUserData": "Export user data",
"editorToolbar": {
"Help us translating on %s": "Help us translating on %s",
"bold": "Fonte negrito",
"sourceCode": "Source Code",
"strikethrough": "Tachado",
"Register": "Register",
"header": "Cabeçalho",
"poweredBy": "Powered by <0></0>",
"code": "Código",
"Help us translating": "Help us translating",
"blockquote": "Citação",
"Join the community": "Join the community",
"unorderedList": "Lista não ordenada",
"imprint": "Imprint"
"orderedList": "Lista ordenada",
"checkList": "Lista de tarefas",
"link": "Ligação",
"image": "Imagem",
"uploadImage": "Carregar Imagem"
"menu": {
"menu": "Menu",
"new": "Novo",
"publish": "Publicar",
"extra": "Extra",
"revision": "Revisão",
"slideMode": "Modo Apresentação",
"download": "Baixar",
"help": "Ajuda"
"export": {
"rawHtml": "HTML puro"
"import": {
"clipboard": "Área de transferência"
"modal": {
"snippetImport": {
"title": "Importar de Snippet",
"selectProject": "Selecionar de Projetos Disponíveis",
"selectSnippet": "Selecionar de Snippets Disponíveis"
"gistImport": {
"title": "Importar de um Gist",
"insertGistUrl": "Cole a URL de seu Gist aqui..."
"snippetExport": {
"title": "Exportar para Snippet",
"visibilityLevel": "Selecionar Nível de Visibilidade"
"revision": {
"title": "Revisão",
"revertButton": "Reverter"
"clipboardImport": {
"title": "Importar da área de transferência",
"insertMarkdown": "Cole seu markdown ou página web aqui..."
"deleteNote": {
"question": "Do you really want to delete this note?",
"warning": "All users will lose their connection."
"common": {
"import": "Importar",
"export": "Exportar",
"refresh": "Recarregar",
"cancel": "Cancelar",
"ok": "OK",
"or": "ou"
"login": {
"chooseMethod": "Escolher método",
"signInVia": "Entrar via {{service}}",
"signIn": "Entrar",
"signOut": "Sair",
"register": "Register",
"auth": {
"error": {}
@ -1,122 +1,189 @@
"Collaborative markdown notes": "Совместные markdown заметки",
"app": {
"Realtime collaborative markdown notes on all platforms.": "Совместные markdown заметки в режиме реального времени на всех платформах.",
"slogan": "Лучший способ записывать свои знания и делиться ими в формате markdown.",
"coverSlogan": "Лучший способ записывать свои знания и делиться ими в формате markdown.",
"title": "Совместные markdown заметки"
"intro": "Введение",
"history": "История",
"landing": {
"newGuestNote": "Новая гостевая заметка",
"intro": {
"featureCollaboration": "Сотрудничество по ссылке",
"exploreFeatures": "Изучите все возможности",
"featureMathJax": "Поддержка графиков и MathJax",
"features": {
"featureSlides": "Поддержка режима слайдера",
"collaboration": "Сотрудничество по ссылке",
"signIn": "Войти",
"mathJax": "Поддержка графиков и MathJax",
"Below is the history from browser": "Ниже приводится история браузера",
"slides": "Поддержка режима слайдера"
"Welcome!": "Добро пожаловать!",
"newNote": "Новая заметка",
"or": "или",
"history": {
"signOut": "Выйти",
"noHistory": "Нет истории",
"exploreFeatures": "Изучите все возможности",
"localHistory": "Ниже приводится история браузера",
"selectTags": "Выберите теги...",
"toolbar": {
"searchKeywords": "Поиск...",
"selectTags": "Выберите теги...",
"sortByTitle": "Сортировка по заголовку",
"searchKeywords": "Поиск...",
"Title": "Заголовок",
"sortByTitle": "Сортировка по заголовку",
"sortByLastVisited": "Сортировка по времени",
"sortByLastVisited": "Сортировка по времени",
"Time": "Время",
"export": "Экспорт истории",
"exportHistory": "Экспорт истории",
"import": "Импорт истории",
"importHistory": "Импорт истории",
"clear": "Очистить историю",
"clearHistory": "Очистить историю",
"refresh": "Обновить историю"
"refreshHistory": "Обновить историю",
"noHistory": "Нет истории",
"modal": {
"Import from browser": "Импорт из браузера",
"clearHistory": {}
"releases": "Релизы",
"Are you sure?": "Вы уверены?",
"tableHeader": {}
"Do you really want to delete this note?": "Вы точно хотите удалить эту заметку?",
"All users will lose their connection.": "Все пользователи потеряют соединение.",
"navigation": {
"Cancel": "Отмена",
"intro": "Введение",
"Yes, do it!": "Да, сделать это!",
"history": "История",
"chooseMethod": "Выберите метод",
"newGuestNote": "Новая гостевая заметка",
"signInVia": "Войти с помощью {{service}}",
"newNote": "Новая заметка"
"new": "Новая",
"publish": "Опубликовать",
"footer": {
"extra": "Дополнительно",
"releases": "Релизы",
"revision": "Изменения",
"poweredBy": "Powered by <0></0>",
"slideMode": "Режим слайдера",
"imprint": "Imprint",
"export": "Экспорт",
"followUs": "Подпишитесь на нас в <0></0>, <1></1>, <2></2>, <3></3> и <4></4>.",
"import": "Импорт",
"privacy": "Безопасность",
"clipboard": "Буфер обмена",
"termsOfUse": "Условия использования"
"download": "Скачать",
"Raw HTML": "Raw HTML",
"versionInfo": {
"edit": "Редактировать",
"sourceCode": "Исходный код"
"View": "Посмотреть",
"Both": "И то и другое",
"help": "Помощь",
"profile": {
"Upload Image": "Загрузить изображение",
"deleteUser": "Удалить пользователя",
"menu": "Меню",
"exportUserData": "Экспортировать данные пользователя",
"This page need refresh": "Эту страницу необходимо обновить",
"modal": {
"You have an incompatible client version.": "Вы используете несовместимую версию клиента.",
"deleteUser": {
"Refresh to update.": "Обновите страницу для обновления клиента.",
"title": "Удалить пользователя",
"New version available!": "Доступна новая версия!",
"message": "Вы точно хотите удалить свою учётную запись?",
"See releases notes here": "Смотрите подробности обновлений здесь",
"subMessage": "Это действие удалит вашу учётную запись, все ваши заметки и удалит все ссылки на вашу учетную запись из других заметок."
"Refresh to enjoy new features.": "Обновите, чтобы наслаждаться новыми возможностями.",
"Your user state has changed.": "Ваш аккаунт изменен.",
"Refresh to load new user state.": "Обновите, чтобы загрузить изменения аккаунта.",
"Refresh": "Обновить",
"editor": {
"Contacts": "Контакты",
"help": {
"Report an issue": "Сообщить о проблеме",
"contacts": {
"Meet us on %s": "Познакомьтесь с нами в %s",
"title": "Контакты",
"Send us email": "Отправить нам письмо",
"community": "Присоединиться к сообществу",
"Documents": "Документы",
"meetUsOn": "Познакомьтесь с нами в %s",
"features": "Особенности",
"helpTranslating": "Помочь с переводом",
"YAML Metadata": "Метаданные YAML",
"reportIssue": "Сообщить о проблеме"
"Slide Example": "Пример слайдера",
"Cheatsheet": "Шпаргалка",
"documents": {
"Example": "Пример",
"title": "Документы",
"Syntax": "Синтаксис",
"yamlMetadata": "Метаданные YAML",
"Header": "Заголовок",
"slideExample": "Пример слайдера"
"Unordered List": "Маркированный список",
"Ordered List": "Нумерованный список",
"cheatsheet": {
"Todo List": "Список дел",
"title": "Шпаргалка",
"Blockquote": "Цитата",
"example": "Пример",
"Bold font": "Жирный шрифт",
"syntax": "Синтаксис",
"Italics font": "Курсив",
"underlinedText": "Подчеркнутый текст",
"Strikethrough": "Зачеркнутый",
"highlightedText": "Выделенный текст",
"Inserted text": "Подчеркнутый текст",
"externalService": "Внешнее"
"Marked text": "Выделенный текст",
"Link": "Ссылка",
"Image": "Изображение",
"error": {
"Code": "Код",
"locked": {
"Externals": "Внешнее",
"title": "Эта заметка заблокирована",
"This is a alert area.": "Это уведомление.",
"description": "К сожалению, только автор может редактировать эту заметку."
"Revert": "Отменить",
"Import from clipboard": "Импорт из буфера обмена",
"limitReached": {
"Paste your markdown or webpage here...": "Вставьте ваш markdown код или веб-страницу здесь...",
"title": "Вы достигли лимита",
"Clear": "Очистить",
"description": "К сожалению, вы достигли максимальной длины заметки.",
"This note is locked": "Эта заметка заблокирована",
"advice": "Пожалуйста, уменьшите размер содержимого или разделите его на несколько заметок, спасибо!"
"Sorry, only owner can edit this note.": "К сожалению, только автор может редактировать эту заметку.",
"OK": "OK",
"incompatible": {
"Reach the limit": "Вы достигли лимита",
"title": "Вы используете несовместимую версию клиента.",
"Sorry, you've reached the max length this note can be.": "К сожалению, вы достигли максимальной длины заметки.",
"advice": "Обновите страницу для обновления клиента."
"Please reduce the content or divide it to more notes, thank you!": "Пожалуйста, уменьшите размер содержимого или разделите его на несколько заметок, спасибо!",
"Import from Gist": "Импорт из Gist",
"newVersion": {
"Paste your gist url here...": "Вставьте ссылку на ваш gist здесь...",
"title": "Доступна новая версия!",
"Import from Snippet": "Импорт фрагмента кода",
"linkText": "Смотрите подробности обновлений здесь",
"Select From Available Projects": "Выберите из доступных проектов",
"advice": "Обновите, чтобы наслаждаться новыми возможностями."
"Select From Available Snippets": "Выберите из доступных фрагментов кода",
"OR": "ИЛИ",
"userStateChanged": {
"Export to Snippet": "Экспорт фрагмента кода",
"title": "Ваш аккаунт изменен.",
"Select Visibility Level": "Выберите уровень видимости",
"description": "Обновите, чтобы загрузить изменения аккаунта."
"Night Theme": "Тёмная тема",
"followUs": "Подпишитесь на нас в <0></0>, <1></1>, <2></2>, <3></3> и <4></4>.",
"privacy": "Безопасность",
"viewMode": {
"termsOfUse": "Условия использования",
"view": "Посмотреть",
"Do you really want to delete your user account?": "Вы точно хотите удалить свою учётную запись?",
"both": "И то и другое"
"This will delete your account, all notes that are owned by you and remove all references to your account from other notes.": "Это действие удалит вашу учётную запись, все ваши заметки и удалит все ссылки на вашу учетную запись из других заметок.",
"deleteUser": "Удалить пользователя",
"darkMode": {},
"exportUserData": "Экспортировать данные пользователя",
"editorToolbar": {
"Help us translating on %s": "Помогите нам перевести %s",
"bold": "Жирный шрифт",
"sourceCode": "Исходный код",
"strikethrough": "Зачеркнутый",
"Register": "Регистрация",
"header": "Заголовок",
"poweredBy": "Powered by <0></0>",
"code": "Код",
"Help us translating": "Помочь с переводом",
"blockquote": "Цитата",
"Join the community": "Присоединиться к сообществу",
"unorderedList": "Маркированный список",
"imprint": "Imprint"
"orderedList": "Нумерованный список",
"checkList": "Список дел",
"link": "Ссылка",
"image": "Изображение",
"uploadImage": "Загрузить изображение"
"menu": {
"menu": "Меню",
"new": "Новая",
"publish": "Опубликовать",
"extra": "Дополнительно",
"revision": "Изменения",
"slideMode": "Режим слайдера",
"download": "Скачать",
"help": "Помощь"
"export": {
"rawHtml": "Raw HTML"
"import": {
"clipboard": "Буфер обмена"
"modal": {
"snippetImport": {
"title": "Импорт фрагмента кода",
"selectProject": "Выберите из доступных проектов",
"selectSnippet": "Выберите из доступных фрагментов кода"
"gistImport": {
"title": "Импорт из Gist",
"insertGistUrl": "Вставьте ссылку на ваш gist здесь..."
"snippetExport": {
"title": "Экспорт фрагмента кода",
"visibilityLevel": "Выберите уровень видимости"
"revision": {
"title": "Изменения",
"revertButton": "Отменить"
"clipboardImport": {
"title": "Импорт из буфера обмена",
"insertMarkdown": "Вставьте ваш markdown код или веб-страницу здесь..."
"deleteNote": {
"question": "Вы точно хотите удалить эту заметку?",
"warning": "Все пользователи потеряют соединение."
"common": {
"import": "Импорт",
"export": "Экспорт",
"refresh": "Обновить",
"cancel": "Отмена",
"ok": "OK",
"or": "или"
"login": {
"chooseMethod": "Выберите метод",
"signInVia": "Войти с помощью {{service}}",
"signIn": "Войти",
"signOut": "Выйти",
"register": "Регистрация",
"auth": {
"error": {}
@ -1,122 +1,189 @@
"Collaborative markdown notes": "Kolaboratívne markdown poznámky",
"app": {
"Realtime collaborative markdown notes on all platforms.": "Spolupracujte na markdown poznámkach na všetkých platformách v reálnom čase.",
"slogan": "Nejlepšia platforma pre tvorbu a zdieľanie vašich znalostí v markdown.",
"coverSlogan": "Nejlepšia platforma pre tvorbu a zdieľanie vašich znalostí v markdown.",
"title": "Kolaboratívne markdown poznámky"
"intro": "Intro",
"history": "História",
"landing": {
"newGuestNote": "Nová poznámka hosťa",
"intro": {
"featureCollaboration": "Spolupráca v reálnom čase",
"exploreFeatures": "Preskúmať všetky funkcie",
"featureMathJax": "Funguje s grafmi a MathJax",
"features": {
"featureSlides": "Podporuje prezentačný režim",
"collaboration": "Spolupráca v reálnom čase",
"signIn": "Prihlásiť sa",
"mathJax": "Funguje s grafmi a MathJax",
"Below is the history from browser": "Nižšie je história z tohto prehliadača",
"slides": "Podporuje prezentačný režim"
"Welcome!": "Vitajte!",
"newNote": "Nová poznámka",
"or": "alebo",
"history": {
"signOut": "Odhlásiť sa",
"noHistory": "Žiadna história",
"exploreFeatures": "Preskúmať všetky funkcie",
"localHistory": "Nižšie je história z tohto prehliadača",
"selectTags": "Zvoliť štítky…",
"toolbar": {
"searchKeywords": "Vyhľadať klúčové slovo …",
"selectTags": "Zvoliť štítky…",
"sortByTitle": "Zoradiť podľa názvu",
"searchKeywords": "Vyhľadať klúčové slovo …",
"Title": "Názov",
"sortByTitle": "Zoradiť podľa názvu",
"sortByLastVisited": "Zoradiť podľa času",
"sortByLastVisited": "Zoradiť podľa času",
"Time": "Čas",
"export": "Exportovať históriu",
"exportHistory": "Exportovať históriu",
"import": "Importovať históriu",
"importHistory": "Importovať históriu",
"clear": "Odstrániť históriu",
"clearHistory": "Odstrániť históriu",
"refresh": "Aktualizovať históriu"
"refreshHistory": "Aktualizovať históriu",
"noHistory": "Žiadna história",
"modal": {
"Import from browser": "Importovať z prehliadača",
"clearHistory": {}
"releases": "Vydania",
"Are you sure?": "Ste si istý?",
"tableHeader": {}
"Do you really want to delete this note?": "Naozaj chcete odstrániť túto poznámku?",
"All users will lose their connection.": "Všetci používatelia stratia spojenie.",
"navigation": {
"Cancel": "Späť",
"intro": "Intro",
"Yes, do it!": "Áno, pokračovať!",
"history": "História",
"chooseMethod": "Zvoliť spôsob",
"newGuestNote": "Nová poznámka hosťa",
"signInVia": "Prihlásiť sa cez {{service}}",
"newNote": "Nová poznámka"
"new": "Nová",
"publish": "Publikovať",
"footer": {
"extra": "Extra",
"releases": "Vydania",
"revision": "Revízia",
"poweredBy": "Powered by <0></0>",
"slideMode": "Prezentačný režim",
"imprint": "Odtlačok",
"export": "Export",
"followUs": "Sledujte nás na <0></0>, <1></1>, <2></2>, <3></3>, a <4></4>.",
"import": "Import",
"privacy": "Súkromie",
"clipboard": "Schránka",
"termsOfUse": "Podmienky použitia"
"download": "Stiahnuť",
"Raw HTML": "Raw HTML",
"versionInfo": {
"edit": "Editovať",
"sourceCode": "Zdrojový kód"
"View": "Zobraziť",
"Both": "Oboje",
"help": "Pomoc",
"profile": {
"Upload Image": "Nahrať obrázok",
"deleteUser": "Zmazať používateľa",
"menu": "Menu",
"exportUserData": "Exportovať používateľské dáta",
"This page need refresh": "Túto stránku je potrebné znovu načítať",
"modal": {
"You have an incompatible client version.": "Verzia vášho klienta nie je kompatibilná.",
"deleteUser": {
"Refresh to update.": "Znovu načítať a aktualizovať",
"title": "Zmazať používateľa",
"New version available!": "Je dostupná nová verzia!",
"message": "Naozaj chcete zmazať váš používateľský účet?",
"See releases notes here": "Pozrite si poznmáky k vydaniu tu",
"subMessage": "Táto operácia odstráni váš účet, všetky poznámky, ktoré vlastníte, a tiež odstráni všetky odkazy na váš účet z iných poznámok."
"Refresh to enjoy new features.": "Znovu načítať a začať si uzívať nové funkcie.",
"Your user state has changed.": "Váš užívateľský stav sa zmenil.",
"Refresh to load new user state.": "Znovu načítať a nahrať užívateľský stav",
"Refresh": "Znovu načítať",
"editor": {
"Contacts": "Kontakty",
"help": {
"Report an issue": "Nahlásiť problém",
"contacts": {
"Meet us on %s": "Stretnite nás na %s",
"title": "Kontakty",
"Send us email": "Pošlite nám email",
"community": "Pripojiť sa ku komunite",
"Documents": "Dokumenty",
"meetUsOn": "Stretnite nás na %s",
"features": "Funkcie",
"helpTranslating": "Pomôžte nám s prekladom",
"YAML Metadata": "YAML metadáta",
"reportIssue": "Nahlásiť problém"
"Slide Example": "Príklad prezentácie",
"Cheatsheet": "Ťahák",
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"Example": "Príklad",
"title": "Dokumenty",
"Syntax": "Syntax",
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"Unordered List": "Nečíslovaný zoznam",
"Ordered List": "Číslovaný zoznam",
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"Todo List": "Kontrolný zoznam",
"title": "Ťahák",
"Blockquote": "Citácia",
"example": "Príklad",
"Bold font": "Tučne",
"syntax": "Syntax",
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"Strikethrough": "Preškrtnuté",
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"Inserted text": "Vložený text",
"externalService": "Externé"
"Marked text": "Zvýraznený text",
"Link": "Odkaz",
"Image": "Obrázok",
"error": {
"Code": "Kód",
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"Externals": "Externé",
"title": "Táto poznámka je zamknutá",
"This is a alert area.": "Toto je oblasť upozornení.",
"description": "Prepáčte, túto poznámku môže editovať iba vlastník."
"Revert": "Vrátiť",
"Import from clipboard": "Importovať zo schránky",
"limitReached": {
"Paste your markdown or webpage here...": "Sem vložte váš markdown alebo webovú stránku…",
"title": "Dosiahnutie limitu",
"Clear": "Vyčistiť",
"description": "Ospravedlňujeme sa, dosiahli ste maximálnu dĺžku poznámky.",
"This note is locked": "Táto poznámka je zamknutá",
"advice": "Prosím skráťte poznámku."
"Sorry, only owner can edit this note.": "Prepáčte, túto poznámku môže editovať iba vlastník.",
"OK": "OK",
"incompatible": {
"Reach the limit": "Dosiahnutie limitu",
"title": "Verzia vášho klienta nie je kompatibilná.",
"Sorry, you've reached the max length this note can be.": "Ospravedlňujeme sa, dosiahli ste maximálnu dĺžku poznámky.",
"advice": "Znovu načítať a aktualizovať"
"Please reduce the content or divide it to more notes, thank you!": "Prosím skráťte poznámku.",
"Import from Gist": "Importovať z Gist",
"newVersion": {
"Paste your gist url here...": "Sem vložte vašu gist url…",
"title": "Je dostupná nová verzia!",
"Import from Snippet": "Importovať zo Snippet",
"linkText": "Pozrite si poznmáky k vydaniu tu",
"Select From Available Projects": "Zvoliť z dostupných projektov",
"advice": "Znovu načítať a začať si uzívať nové funkcie."
"Select From Available Snippets": "Zvoliť z dostupných úryvkov",
"OR": "ALEBO",
"userStateChanged": {
"Export to Snippet": "Exportovať do úryvku",
"title": "Váš užívateľský stav sa zmenil.",
"Select Visibility Level": "Zvoliť úroveň viditeľnosti",
"description": "Znovu načítať a nahrať užívateľský stav"
"Night Theme": "Nočná téma",
"followUs": "Sledujte nás na <0></0>, <1></1>, <2></2>, <3></3>, a <4></4>.",
"privacy": "Súkromie",
"viewMode": {
"termsOfUse": "Podmienky použitia",
"view": "Zobraziť",
"Do you really want to delete your user account?": "Naozaj chcete zmazať váš používateľský účet?",
"both": "Oboje"
"This will delete your account, all notes that are owned by you and remove all references to your account from other notes.": "Táto operácia odstráni váš účet, všetky poznámky, ktoré vlastníte, a tiež odstráni všetky odkazy na váš účet z iných poznámok.",
"deleteUser": "Zmazať používateľa",
"darkMode": {},
"exportUserData": "Exportovať používateľské dáta",
"editorToolbar": {
"Help us translating on %s": "Help us translating on %s",
"bold": "Tučne",
"sourceCode": "Zdrojový kód",
"strikethrough": "Preškrtnuté",
"Register": "Registrovať",
"header": "Hlavička",
"poweredBy": "Powered by <0></0>",
"code": "Kód",
"Help us translating": "Pomôžte nám s prekladom",
"blockquote": "Citácia",
"Join the community": "Pripojiť sa ku komunite",
"unorderedList": "Nečíslovaný zoznam",
"imprint": "Odtlačok"
"orderedList": "Číslovaný zoznam",
"checkList": "Kontrolný zoznam",
"link": "Odkaz",
"image": "Obrázok",
"uploadImage": "Nahrať obrázok"
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"menu": "Menu",
"new": "Nová",
"publish": "Publikovať",
"extra": "Extra",
"revision": "Revízia",
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"download": "Stiahnuť",
"help": "Pomoc"
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"title": "Importovať zo Snippet",
"selectProject": "Zvoliť z dostupných projektov",
"selectSnippet": "Zvoliť z dostupných úryvkov"
"gistImport": {
"title": "Importovať z Gist",
"insertGistUrl": "Sem vložte vašu gist url…"
"snippetExport": {
"title": "Exportovať do úryvku",
"visibilityLevel": "Zvoliť úroveň viditeľnosti"
"revision": {
"title": "Revízia",
"revertButton": "Vrátiť"
"clipboardImport": {
"title": "Importovať zo schránky",
"insertMarkdown": "Sem vložte váš markdown alebo webovú stránku…"
"deleteNote": {
"question": "Naozaj chcete odstrániť túto poznámku?",
"warning": "Všetci používatelia stratia spojenie."
"common": {
"import": "Import",
"export": "Export",
"refresh": "Znovu načítať",
"cancel": "Späť",
"ok": "OK",
"or": "alebo"
"login": {
"chooseMethod": "Zvoliť spôsob",
"signInVia": "Prihlásiť sa cez {{service}}",
"signIn": "Prihlásiť sa",
"signOut": "Odhlásiť sa",
"register": "Registrovať",
"auth": {
"error": {}
@ -1,121 +1,188 @@
"Collaborative markdown notes": "Дељене белешке у Markdown формату",
"app": {
"Realtime collaborative markdown notes on all platforms.": "Заједнички рад на markdown тексту у реалном времену, на свим платформама",
"slogan": "Савршен начин за писање и дељење знања у markdown формату",
"coverSlogan": "Савршен начин за писање и дељење знања у markdown формату",
"title": "Дељене белешке у Markdown формату"
"intro": "Увод",
"history": "Историја",
"landing": {
"newGuestNote": "Нова белешка госта",
"intro": {
"featureCollaboration": "Сарадња уз помоћ URL-а",
"exploreFeatures": "Истражи све могућности",
"featureMathJax": "Подршка за графиконе и MathJax",
"features": {
"featureSlides": "Подршка за слајдове и презентације",
"collaboration": "Сарадња уз помоћ URL-а",
"signIn": "Пријави се",
"mathJax": "Подршка за графиконе и MathJax",
"Below is the history from browser": "Ниже је историјат преузет из прегледача",
"slides": "Подршка за слајдове и презентације"
"Welcome!": "Добродошли!",
"newNote": "Нова белешка",
"or": "или",
"history": {
"signOut": "Одјави се",
"noHistory": "Нема историје",
"exploreFeatures": "Истражи све могућности",
"localHistory": "Ниже је историјат преузет из прегледача",
"selectTags": "Одабери тагове...",
"toolbar": {
"searchKeywords": "Претрага по кључној речи...",
"selectTags": "Одабери тагове...",
"sortByTitle": "Редослед по наслову",
"searchKeywords": "Претрага по кључној речи...",
"Title": "Наслов",
"sortByTitle": "Редослед по наслову",
"sortByLastVisited": "Редослед по времену",
"sortByLastVisited": "Редослед по времену",
"Time": "време",
"export": "Извези историјат",
"exportHistory": "Извези историјат",
"import": "Увези историјат",
"importHistory": "Увези историјат",
"clear": "Очисти историју",
"clearHistory": "Очисти историју",
"refresh": "Освежи историју"
"refreshHistory": "Освежи историју",
"noHistory": "Нема историје",
"modal": {
"Import from browser": "Увези из прегледача",
"clearHistory": {}
"releases": "Издања",
"Are you sure?": "Јесте ли сигурни?",
"tableHeader": {}
"Do you really want to delete this note?": "Да ли заиста желите да обришете ову белешку?",
"All users will lose their connection.": "Сви корисници ће изгубити везу у реалном времену.",
"navigation": {
"Cancel": "Одустани",
"intro": "Увод",
"Yes, do it!": "Да, уради!",
"history": "Историја",
"chooseMethod": "Изаберите начин",
"newGuestNote": "Нова белешка госта",
"signInVia": "Пријави се уз {{service}}",
"newNote": "Нова белешка"
"new": "Ново",
"publish": "Објави",
"footer": {
"extra": "Додатно",
"releases": "Издања",
"revision": "Ревизија",
"poweredBy": "Покреће <0></0>",
"slideMode": "Презентациони мод",
"followUs": "Пратите нас на <0></0>, <1></1>, <2></2>, <3></3> и <4></4>.",
"export": "Извоз",
"privacy": "Приватност",
"import": "Увоз",
"termsOfUse": "Услови коришћења"
"clipboard": "Клипборд",
"download": "Преузимање",
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"Raw HTML": "Сирови HTML",
"sourceCode": "Изворни код"
"edit": "Измени",
"View": "Прегледај",
"Both": "Обоје",
"profile": {
"help": "Помоћ",
"deleteUser": "Обриши корисника",
"Upload Image": "Пошаљи слику",
"exportUserData": "Извоз свих корисничких података",
"menu": "Мени",
"modal": {
"This page need refresh": "Ову страну је неопходно освежити",
"deleteUser": {
"You have an incompatible client version.": "Ова верзија клијента није компатибилна.",
"title": "Обриши корисника",
"Refresh to update.": "Освежите за приказ измена.",
"message": "Да ли заиста желите да трајно обришете свој налог?",
"New version available!": "Доступна је нова верзија!",
"subMessage": "Ова операција ће избрисати ваш налог, све ваше белешке, а уклониће и све везе ка вашем налогу из других белешки."
"See releases notes here": "Овде погледајте напомене о издањима",
"Refresh to enjoy new features.": "Освежите како бисте уживали у новим функцијама.",
"Your user state has changed.": "Ваше корисничко стање се променило.",
"Refresh to load new user state.": "Освежите за учитавање новог корисничког стања.",
"editor": {
"Refresh": "Освежи",
"help": {
"Contacts": "Контакти",
"contacts": {
"Report an issue": "Пријава проблема",
"title": "Контакти",
"Meet us on %s": "Пронађите нас на %s",
"community": "Приступите заједници",
"Send us email": "Пошаљите нам имејл",
"meetUsOn": "Пронађите нас на %s",
"Documents": "Документи",
"helpTranslating": "Помозите око превода",
"features": "Могућности",
"reportIssue": "Пријава проблема"
"YAML Metadata": "YAML Метаподаци",
"Slide Example": "Пример слајда",
"documents": {
"Cheatsheet": "Трикови и форе",
"title": "Документи",
"Example": "Пример",
"yamlMetadata": "YAML Метаподаци",
"Syntax": "Синтакса",
"slideExample": "Пример слајда"
"Header": "Заглавље",
"Unordered List": "Неуређени списак",
"cheatsheet": {
"Ordered List": "Уређени списак",
"title": "Трикови и форе",
"Todo List": "Списак обавеза",
"example": "Пример",
"Blockquote": "Пасус са наводима",
"syntax": "Синтакса",
"Bold font": "Масна слова",
"underlinedText": "Уметнут текст",
"Italics font": "Закривљена слова",
"highlightedText": "Означени текст",
"Strikethrough": "Прецртано",
"externalService": "Спољни"
"Inserted text": "Уметнут текст",
"Marked text": "Означени текст",
"Link": "Линк",
"error": {
"Image": "Слика",
"locked": {
"Code": "Код",
"title": "Ова белешка је закључана",
"Externals": "Спољни",
"description": "Жао нам је, ову белешку може мењати само њен власник."
"This is a alert area.": "Ово је пасус за упозорења.",
"Revert": "Врати",
"limitReached": {
"Import from clipboard": "Увези из клипборда",
"title": "Досегни лимит",
"Paste your markdown or webpage here...": "Залепи свој markdown или веб страну овде...",
"description": "Нажалост, досегли сте максималну дужину ове белешке.",
"Clear": "Очисти",
"advice": "Молимо Вас да смањите количину текста или да га поделите на више белешки, хвала!"
"This note is locked": "Ова белешка је закључана",
"Sorry, only owner can edit this note.": "Жао нам је, ову белешку може мењати само њен власник.",
"incompatible": {
"OK": "OK",
"title": "Ова верзија клијента није компатибилна.",
"Reach the limit": "Досегни лимит",
"advice": "Освежите за приказ измена."
"Sorry, you've reached the max length this note can be.": "Нажалост, досегли сте максималну дужину ове белешке.",
"Please reduce the content or divide it to more notes, thank you!": "Молимо Вас да смањите количину текста или да га поделите на више белешки, хвала!",
"newVersion": {
"Import from Gist": "Увези из Github Gist-а",
"title": "Доступна је нова верзија!",
"Paste your gist url here...": "Залепите Gist URL адресу овде...",
"linkText": "Овде погледајте напомене о издањима",
"Import from Snippet": "Увези из \"исечака\"",
"advice": "Освежите како бисте уживали у новим функцијама."
"Select From Available Projects": "Изабери из доступних пројеката",
"Select From Available Snippets": "Изабери из доступних исечака",
"userStateChanged": {
"OR": "ИЛИ",
"title": "Ваше корисничко стање се променило.",
"Export to Snippet": "Извези у \"исечак\"",
"description": "Освежите за учитавање новог корисничког стања."
"Select Visibility Level": "Изаберите ниво читкости",
"Night Theme": "Ноћна тема",
"followUs": "Пратите нас на <0></0>, <1></1>, <2></2>, <3></3> и <4></4>.",
"viewMode": {
"privacy": "Приватност",
"view": "Прегледај",
"termsOfUse": "Услови коришћења",
"both": "Обоје"
"Do you really want to delete your user account?": "Да ли заиста желите да трајно обришете свој налог?",
"This will delete your account, all notes that are owned by you and remove all references to your account from other notes.": "Ова операција ће избрисати ваш налог, све ваше белешке, а уклониће и све везе ка вашем налогу из других белешки.",
"darkMode": {},
"deleteUser": "Обриши корисника",
"editorToolbar": {
"exportUserData": "Извоз свих корисничких података",
"bold": "Масна слова",
"Help us translating on %s": "Помозите око превода на %s",
"strikethrough": "Прецртано",
"sourceCode": "Изворни код",
"header": "Заглавље",
"Register": "Региструј се",
"code": "Код",
"poweredBy": "Покреће <0></0>",
"blockquote": "Пасус са наводима",
"Help us translating": "Помозите око превода",
"unorderedList": "Неуређени списак",
"Join the community": "Приступите заједници"
"orderedList": "Уређени списак",
"checkList": "Списак обавеза",
"link": "Линк",
"image": "Слика",
"uploadImage": "Пошаљи слику"
"menu": {
"menu": "Мени",
"new": "Ново",
"publish": "Објави",
"extra": "Додатно",
"revision": "Ревизија",
"slideMode": "Презентациони мод",
"download": "Преузимање",
"help": "Помоћ"
"export": {
"rawHtml": "Сирови HTML"
"import": {
"clipboard": "Клипборд"
"modal": {
"snippetImport": {
"title": "Увези из \"исечака\"",
"selectProject": "Изабери из доступних пројеката",
"selectSnippet": "Изабери из доступних исечака"
"gistImport": {
"title": "Увези из Github Gist-а",
"insertGistUrl": "Залепите Gist URL адресу овде..."
"snippetExport": {
"title": "Извези у \"исечак\"",
"visibilityLevel": "Изаберите ниво читкости"
"revision": {
"title": "Ревизија",
"revertButton": "Врати"
"clipboardImport": {
"title": "Увези из клипборда",
"insertMarkdown": "Залепи свој markdown или веб страну овде..."
"deleteNote": {
"question": "Да ли заиста желите да обришете ову белешку?",
"warning": "Сви корисници ће изгубити везу у реалном времену."
"common": {
"import": "Увоз",
"export": "Извоз",
"refresh": "Освежи",
"cancel": "Одустани",
"ok": "OK",
"or": "или"
"login": {
"chooseMethod": "Изаберите начин",
"signInVia": "Пријави се уз {{service}}",
"signIn": "Пријави се",
"signOut": "Одјави се",
"register": "Региструј се",
"auth": {
"error": {}
@ -1,122 +1,189 @@
"Collaborative markdown notes": "Kollaborativa markdownanteckningar",
"app": {
"Realtime collaborative markdown notes on all platforms.": "Kollaborativa markdownantackningar på alla plattformar.",
"slogan": "Bästa sättet att skriva och dela din kunskap i markdown.",
"coverSlogan": "Bästa sättet att skriva och dela din kunskap i markdown.",
"title": "Kollaborativa markdownanteckningar"
"intro": "Intro",
"history": "Historik",
"landing": {
"newGuestNote": "Ny gästanteckning",
"intro": {
"featureCollaboration": "Samarbeta med URL",
"exploreFeatures": "Upptäck alla funktioner",
"featureMathJax": "Stöd för diagram och MathJax",
"features": {
"featureSlides": "Stöd för slide mode",
"collaboration": "Samarbeta med URL",
"signIn": "Logga in",
"mathJax": "Stöd för diagram och MathJax",
"Below is the history from browser": "Nedanför finns historia från webbläsaren",
"slides": "Stöd för slide mode"
"Welcome!": "Välkommen!",
"newNote": "Ny anteckning",
"or": "eller",
"history": {
"signOut": "Logga ut",
"noHistory": "Ingen historik",
"exploreFeatures": "Upptäck alla funktioner",
"localHistory": "Nedanför finns historia från webbläsaren",
"selectTags": "Välj taggar...",
"toolbar": {
"searchKeywords": "Sök nyckelord...",
"selectTags": "Välj taggar...",
"sortByTitle": "Sortera titlar",
"searchKeywords": "Sök nyckelord...",
"Title": "Titel",
"sortByTitle": "Sortera titlar",
"sortByLastVisited": "Sortera kronologiskt",
"sortByLastVisited": "Sortera kronologiskt",
"Time": "Tid",
"export": "Exporthistorik",
"exportHistory": "Exporthistorik",
"import": "Importhistorik",
"importHistory": "Importhistorik",
"clear": "Rensa historik",
"clearHistory": "Rensa historik",
"refresh": "Uppdatera historik"
"refreshHistory": "Uppdatera historik",
"noHistory": "Ingen historik",
"modal": {
"Import from browser": "Importera från webbläsare",
"clearHistory": {}
"releases": "Lanseringar",
"Are you sure?": "Är du säker?",
"tableHeader": {}
"Do you really want to delete this note?": "Vill du verkligen radera denna anteckning?",
"All users will lose their connection.": "Alla användare kommer att förlora sin anslutning.",
"navigation": {
"Cancel": "Avbryt",
"intro": "Intro",
"Yes, do it!": "Ja, gör det!",
"history": "Historik",
"chooseMethod": "Välj metod",
"newGuestNote": "Ny gästanteckning",
"signInVia": "Logga in via {{service}}",
"newNote": "Ny anteckning"
"new": "Ny",
"publish": "Publicera",
"footer": {
"extra": "Extra",
"releases": "Lanseringar",
"revision": "Revision",
"poweredBy": "Drivs av <0></0>",
"slideMode": "Slide Mode",
"imprint": "Avtryck",
"export": "Exportera",
"followUs": "Följ oss på <0></0>, <1></1>, <2></2>, <3></3> och <4></4>.",
"import": "Importera",
"privacy": "Integritet",
"clipboard": "Urklipp",
"termsOfUse": "Villkor"
"download": "Ladda ner",
"Raw HTML": "Rå HTML",
"versionInfo": {
"edit": "Redigera",
"sourceCode": "Källkod"
"View": "Visa",
"Both": "Båda",
"help": "Hjälp",
"profile": {
"Upload Image": "Ladda upp bilder",
"deleteUser": "Ta bort användare",
"menu": "Meny",
"exportUserData": "Exportera användardata",
"This page need refresh": "Den här sidan behöver laddas om",
"modal": {
"You have an incompatible client version.": "Du har en inkompatibel klientversion.",
"deleteUser": {
"Refresh to update.": "Ladda om för att uppdatera.",
"title": "Ta bort användare",
"New version available!": "Ny version tillgänglig!",
"message": "Vill du verkligen ta bort ditt användarkonto?",
"See releases notes here": "Se releaseanteckningar här",
"subMessage": "Detta tar bort ditt konto, alla anteckningar som ägs av dig och tar bort alla referenser till ditt konto från andra anteckningar."
"Refresh to enjoy new features.": "Ladda om för att använda de nya funktionerna.",
"Your user state has changed.": "Din användarstatus har förändrats.",
"Refresh to load new user state.": "Ladda om för att ladda ny användarstatus.",
"Refresh": "Ladda om",
"editor": {
"Contacts": "Kontakter",
"help": {
"Report an issue": "Rapportera ett fel",
"contacts": {
"Meet us on %s": "Träffa oss på %s",
"title": "Kontakter",
"Send us email": "Skicka e-post till oss",
"community": "Gå med i samhället",
"Documents": "Dokument",
"meetUsOn": "Träffa oss på %s",
"features": "Funktioner",
"helpTranslating": "Hjälp oss att översätta",
"YAML Metadata": "YAML Metadata",
"reportIssue": "Rapportera ett fel"
"Slide Example": "Slideexempel",
"Cheatsheet": "Cheatsheet",
"documents": {
"Example": "Exempel",
"title": "Dokument",
"Syntax": "Syntax",
"yamlMetadata": "YAML Metadata",
"Header": "Huvud",
"slideExample": "Slideexempel"
"Unordered List": "Oordnad lists",
"Ordered List": "Ordnad lista",
"cheatsheet": {
"Todo List": "Todo-lista",
"title": "Cheatsheet",
"Blockquote": "Blockcitat",
"example": "Exempel",
"Bold font": "Fet stil",
"syntax": "Syntax",
"Italics font": "Kursiv stil",
"underlinedText": "Insatt text",
"Strikethrough": "Genomstrykning",
"highlightedText": "Markerad text",
"Inserted text": "Insatt text",
"externalService": "Externa"
"Marked text": "Markerad text",
"Link": "Länk",
"Image": "Bild",
"error": {
"Code": "Kod",
"locked": {
"Externals": "Externa",
"title": "Anteckningen är låst",
"This is a alert area.": "Det här är ett varnande område.",
"description": "Ursäkta, men endast ägaren kan redigera den här anteckningen."
"Revert": "Återgå",
"Import from clipboard": "Importera från urklipp",
"limitReached": {
"Paste your markdown or webpage here...": "Klipp in din markdown eller hemsida här...",
"title": "Nå gränsen",
"Clear": "Rensa",
"description": "Usräkta, men duhar nått maxlängden för vad en anteckning får vara.",
"This note is locked": "Anteckningen är låst",
"advice": "Var vänlig förkorta innehållet eller dela upp det i flera anteckningar, tack!"
"Sorry, only owner can edit this note.": "Ursäkta, men endast ägaren kan redigera den här anteckningen.",
"OK": "Okej",
"incompatible": {
"Reach the limit": "Nå gränsen",
"title": "Du har en inkompatibel klientversion.",
"Sorry, you've reached the max length this note can be.": "Usräkta, men duhar nått maxlängden för vad en anteckning får vara.",
"advice": "Ladda om för att uppdatera."
"Please reduce the content or divide it to more notes, thank you!": "Var vänlig förkorta innehållet eller dela upp det i flera anteckningar, tack!",
"Import from Gist": "Importera från Gist",
"newVersion": {
"Paste your gist url here...": "Klipp in din gist-url här...",
"title": "Ny version tillgänglig!",
"Import from Snippet": "Importera från Snippet",
"linkText": "Se releaseanteckningar här",
"Select From Available Projects": "Välj från tillgängliga projekt",
"advice": "Ladda om för att använda de nya funktionerna."
"Select From Available Snippets": "Välj från tillgängliga Snippets",
"OR": "ELLER",
"userStateChanged": {
"Export to Snippet": "Exportera till Snippet",
"title": "Din användarstatus har förändrats.",
"Select Visibility Level": "Välj synlighetsnivå",
"description": "Ladda om för att ladda ny användarstatus."
"Night Theme": "Natttema",
"followUs": "Följ oss på <0></0>, <1></1>, <2></2>, <3></3> och <4></4>.",
"privacy": "Integritet",
"viewMode": {
"termsOfUse": "Villkor",
"view": "Visa",
"Do you really want to delete your user account?": "Vill du verkligen ta bort ditt användarkonto?",
"both": "Båda"
"This will delete your account, all notes that are owned by you and remove all references to your account from other notes.": "Detta tar bort ditt konto, alla anteckningar som ägs av dig och tar bort alla referenser till ditt konto från andra anteckningar.",
"deleteUser": "Ta bort användare",
"darkMode": {},
"exportUserData": "Exportera användardata",
"editorToolbar": {
"Help us translating on %s": "Hjälp oss att översätta på %s",
"bold": "Fet stil",
"sourceCode": "Källkod",
"strikethrough": "Genomstrykning",
"Register": "Registrera",
"header": "Huvud",
"poweredBy": "Drivs av <0></0>",
"code": "Kod",
"Help us translating": "Hjälp oss att översätta",
"blockquote": "Blockcitat",
"Join the community": "Gå med i samhället",
"unorderedList": "Oordnad lists",
"imprint": "Avtryck"
"orderedList": "Ordnad lista",
"checkList": "Todo-lista",
"link": "Länk",
"image": "Bild",
"uploadImage": "Ladda upp bilder"
"menu": {
"menu": "Meny",
"new": "Ny",
"publish": "Publicera",
"extra": "Extra",
"revision": "Revision",
"slideMode": "Slide Mode",
"download": "Ladda ner",
"help": "Hjälp"
"export": {
"rawHtml": "Rå HTML"
"import": {
"clipboard": "Urklipp"
"modal": {
"snippetImport": {
"title": "Importera från Snippet",
"selectProject": "Välj från tillgängliga projekt",
"selectSnippet": "Välj från tillgängliga Snippets"
"gistImport": {
"title": "Importera från Gist",
"insertGistUrl": "Klipp in din gist-url här..."
"snippetExport": {
"title": "Exportera till Snippet",
"visibilityLevel": "Välj synlighetsnivå"
"revision": {
"title": "Revision",
"revertButton": "Återgå"
"clipboardImport": {
"title": "Importera från urklipp",
"insertMarkdown": "Klipp in din markdown eller hemsida här..."
"deleteNote": {
"question": "Vill du verkligen radera denna anteckning?",
"warning": "Alla användare kommer att förlora sin anslutning."
"common": {
"import": "Importera",
"export": "Exportera",
"refresh": "Ladda om",
"cancel": "Avbryt",
"ok": "Okej",
"or": "eller"
"login": {
"chooseMethod": "Välj metod",
"signInVia": "Logga in via {{service}}",
"signIn": "Logga in",
"signOut": "Logga ut",
"register": "Registrera",
"auth": {
"error": {}
@ -1,104 +1,169 @@
"Collaborative markdown notes": "Ortak markdown notları",
"app": {
"Realtime collaborative markdown notes on all platforms.": "Tüm platformlarda gerçek zamanlı markdown notları",
"slogan": "Markdownda bilginizi paylaşmanın en kolay yolu.",
"coverSlogan": "Markdownda bilginizi paylaşmanın en kolay yolu.",
"title": "Ortak markdown notları"
"intro": "Giriş",
"history": "Geçmiş",
"landing": {
"newGuestNote": "Yeni kullanıcı notu",
"intro": {
"featureCollaboration": "URL ile katkıda bulun",
"exploreFeatures": "Özellikleri keşfet",
"featureMathJax": "Grafikler ve MathJax'ı destekle",
"features": {
"featureSlides": "Sunum modunu destekle",
"collaboration": "URL ile katkıda bulun",
"signIn": "Kaydol",
"mathJax": "Grafikler ve MathJax'ı destekle",
"Below is the history from browser": "Aşağıda tarayıcınızın geçmişi var",
"slides": "Sunum modunu destekle"
"Welcome!": "Hoşgeldiniz!",
"newNote": "Yeni not",
"or": "veya",
"history": {
"signOut": "Çıkış Yap",
"noHistory": "Geçmiş yok",
"exploreFeatures": "Özellikleri keşfet",
"localHistory": "Aşağıda tarayıcınızın geçmişi var",
"selectTags": "Etiketleri seçin...",
"toolbar": {
"searchKeywords": "Anahtar kelimeleri arayın...",
"selectTags": "Etiketleri seçin...",
"sortByTitle": "Başlığa göre sırala",
"searchKeywords": "Anahtar kelimeleri arayın...",
"Title": "Başlık",
"sortByTitle": "Başlığa göre sırala",
"sortByLastVisited": "Zamana göre sırala",
"sortByLastVisited": "Zamana göre sırala",
"Time": "Zaman",
"export": "Geçmişe dışa aktar",
"exportHistory": "Geçmişe dışa aktar",
"import": "Geçmişi içe aktar",
"importHistory": "Geçmişi içe aktar",
"clear": "Geçmişi temizle",
"clearHistory": "Geçmişi temizle",
"refresh": "Geçmişi yenile"
"refreshHistory": "Geçmişi yenile",
"noHistory": "Geçmiş yok",
"modal": {
"Import from browser": "Tarayıcıdan içe aktar",
"clearHistory": {}
"releases": "Sürümler",
"Are you sure?": "Emin misiniz?",
"tableHeader": {}
"Cancel": "İptal",
"Yes, do it!": "Evet, devam et!",
"navigation": {
"chooseMethod": "Metot seçin",
"intro": "Giriş",
"signInVia": "{{service}} ile giriş yapın",
"history": "Geçmiş",
"new": "Yeni",
"newGuestNote": "Yeni kullanıcı notu",
"publish": "Yayınla",
"newNote": "Yeni not"
"extra": "Ekstra",
"revision": "Sürüm",
"footer": {
"slideMode": "Slayt Modu",
"releases": "Sürümler"
"export": "Dışa Aktar",
"import": "İçe Aktar",
"versionInfo": {}
"clipboard": "Pano",
"download": "İndir",
"profile": {
"Raw HTML": "Kaynak HTML",
"modal": {
"edit": "Düzenle",
"deleteUser": {}
"View": "İncele",
"Both": "İkisi de",
"help": "Yardım",
"editor": {
"Upload Image": "Resim Yükle",
"help": {
"menu": "Menü",
"contacts": {
"This page need refresh": "Bu sayfayı yeniden yüklemek lazım",
"title": "Kişiler",
"You have an incompatible client version.": "Yerel uygulamanız uyumlu olmayan bir sürümde.",
"reportIssue": "Hata bildir"
"Refresh to update.": "Güncellemek için yenileyin.",
"New version available!": "Yeni versiyon kullanıma hazır!",
"documents": {
"See releases notes here": "Değişikliklere burdan bakabilirsiniz",
"title": "Belgeler",
"Refresh to enjoy new features.": "Yeni özelliklere yenileyerek erişebilirsiniz.",
"yamlMetadata": "YAML Özbilgisi",
"Your user state has changed.": "Kullanıcı durumunuz değişti.",
"slideExample": "Slayt Örneği"
"Refresh to load new user state.": "Yeni kullanıcı durumunuzu yüklemek için yenileyin.",
"Refresh": "Yenile",
"cheatsheet": {
"Contacts": "Kişiler",
"title": "Cheatsheet",
"Report an issue": "Hata bildir",
"example": "Örnek",
"Send us email": "Bize email gönderin",
"syntax": "Sentaks",
"Documents": "Belgeler",
"underlinedText": "Eklenmiş yazı",
"features": "Özellikler",
"highlightedText": "Seçili yazı",
"YAML Metadata": "YAML Özbilgisi",
"externalService": "Dış veriler"
"Slide Example": "Slayt Örneği",
"Cheatsheet": "Cheatsheet",
"Example": "Örnek",
"error": {
"Syntax": "Sentaks",
"locked": {
"Header": "Başlık",
"title": "Burası kilitli",
"Unordered List": "Sırasız Liste",
"description": "Üzgünüm, bu not sadece sahibi tarafından düzenlenebilir."
"Ordered List": "Sıralı Liste",
"Todo List": "Yapılacaklar Listesi",
"limitReached": {
"Blockquote": "Alıntı Bloğu",
"title": "Limite eriş",
"Bold font": "Kalın yazı",
"description": "Üzgünüm, bu not için maksimum harf sayısına ulaştınız",
"Italics font": "İtalik yazı",
"advice": "Lütfen notu değiştirin veya birden fazla notlara bölün, teşekkürler!"
"Strikethrough": "Üstüçizili",
"Inserted text": "Eklenmiş yazı",
"incompatible": {
"Marked text": "Seçili yazı",
"title": "Yerel uygulamanız uyumlu olmayan bir sürümde.",
"Link": "Link",
"advice": "Güncellemek için yenileyin."
"Image": "Resim",
"Code": "Kod",
"newVersion": {
"Externals": "Dış veriler",
"title": "Yeni versiyon kullanıma hazır!",
"This is a alert area.": "Burası bir uyarı bölgesi.",
"linkText": "Değişikliklere burdan bakabilirsiniz",
"Revert": "Geri al",
"advice": "Yeni özelliklere yenileyerek erişebilirsiniz."
"Import from clipboard": "Panodan içe aktar",
"Paste your markdown or webpage here...": "Markdown veya web sayfanızı buraya yapıştırın...",
"userStateChanged": {
"Clear": "Temizle",
"title": "Kullanıcı durumunuz değişti.",
"This note is locked": "Burası kilitli",
"description": "Yeni kullanıcı durumunuzu yüklemek için yenileyin."
"Sorry, only owner can edit this note.": "Üzgünüm, bu not sadece sahibi tarafından düzenlenebilir.",
"OK": "Tamam",
"Reach the limit": "Limite eriş",
"viewMode": {
"Sorry, you've reached the max length this note can be.": "Üzgünüm, bu not için maksimum harf sayısına ulaştınız",
"view": "İncele",
"Please reduce the content or divide it to more notes, thank you!": "Lütfen notu değiştirin veya birden fazla notlara bölün, teşekkürler!",
"both": "İkisi de"
"Import from Gist": "Gist'ten içe aktar",
"Paste your gist url here...": "Gist URL'nizi buraya yapıştırın...",
"darkMode": {},
"Import from Snippet": "Snippet'ten içe aktar",
"editorToolbar": {
"Select From Available Projects": "Uygun Projelerden Seçin",
"bold": "Kalın yazı",
"Select From Available Snippets": "Uygun Snippet'lerden Seçin",
"strikethrough": "Üstüçizili",
"OR": "VEYA",
"header": "Başlık",
"Export to Snippet": "Snippet olarak dışa aktarın",
"code": "Kod",
"Select Visibility Level": "Görünebilirlik seviyesini belirleyin"
"blockquote": "Alıntı Bloğu",
"unorderedList": "Sırasız Liste",
"orderedList": "Sıralı Liste",
"checkList": "Yapılacaklar Listesi",
"link": "Link",
"image": "Resim",
"uploadImage": "Resim Yükle"
"menu": {
"menu": "Menü",
"new": "Yeni",
"publish": "Yayınla",
"extra": "Ekstra",
"revision": "Sürüm",
"slideMode": "Slayt Modu",
"download": "İndir",
"help": "Yardım"
"export": {
"rawHtml": "Kaynak HTML"
"import": {
"clipboard": "Pano"
"modal": {
"snippetImport": {
"title": "Snippet'ten içe aktar",
"selectProject": "Uygun Projelerden Seçin",
"selectSnippet": "Uygun Snippet'lerden Seçin"
"gistImport": {
"title": "Gist'ten içe aktar",
"insertGistUrl": "Gist URL'nizi buraya yapıştırın..."
"snippetExport": {
"title": "Snippet olarak dışa aktarın",
"visibilityLevel": "Görünebilirlik seviyesini belirleyin"
"revision": {
"title": "Sürüm",
"revertButton": "Geri al"
"clipboardImport": {
"title": "Panodan içe aktar",
"insertMarkdown": "Markdown veya web sayfanızı buraya yapıştırın..."
"deleteNote": {}
"common": {
"import": "İçe Aktar",
"export": "Dışa Aktar",
"refresh": "Yenile",
"cancel": "İptal",
"ok": "Tamam",
"or": "veya"
"login": {
"chooseMethod": "Metot seçin",
"signInVia": "{{service}} ile giriş yapın",
"signIn": "Kaydol",
"signOut": "Çıkış Yap",
"auth": {
"error": {}
@ -1,104 +1,169 @@
"Collaborative markdown notes": "Спільні примітки щодо знижок",
"app": {
"Realtime collaborative markdown notes on all platforms.": "Спільні примітки щодо знижок в реальному часі на всіх платформах.",
"slogan": "Кращий спосіб, щоб записувати і ділитись своїми знаннями щодо знижок в реальному часі.",
"coverSlogan": "Кращий спосіб, щоб записувати і ділитись своїми знаннями щодо знижок в реальному часі.",
"title": "Спільні примітки щодо знижок"
"intro": "Вступ",
"history": "Історія",
"landing": {
"newGuestNote": "Примітка нового гостя",
"intro": {
"featureCollaboration": "Спільна робота по URL",
"exploreFeatures": "Дослідити всі можливості",
"featureMathJax": "Підтримка графіків і MathJax",
"features": {
"featureSlides": "Підтримка режиму слайдера",
"collaboration": "Спільна робота по URL",
"signIn": "Ввійти",
"mathJax": "Підтримка графіків і MathJax",
"Below is the history from browser": "Нижче показана історія браузера",
"slides": "Підтримка режиму слайдера"
"Welcome!": "Ласкаво просимо!",
"newNote": "Нова примітка",
"or": "або",
"history": {
"signOut": "Вийти",
"noHistory": "Історія відсутня",
"exploreFeatures": "Дослідити всі можливості",
"localHistory": "Нижче показана історія браузера",
"selectTags": "Вибрати теги...",
"toolbar": {
"searchKeywords": "Пошук...",
"selectTags": "Вибрати теги...",
"sortByTitle": "Сортувати по заголовку",
"searchKeywords": "Пошук...",
"Title": "Заголовок",
"sortByTitle": "Сортувати по заголовку",
"sortByLastVisited": "Сортувати по часу",
"sortByLastVisited": "Сортувати по часу",
"Time": "Час",
"export": "Еспортувати історію",
"exportHistory": "Еспортувати історію",
"import": "Імпортувати історію",
"importHistory": "Імпортувати історію",
"clear": "Очистити історію",
"clearHistory": "Очистити історію",
"refresh": "Оновити історію"
"refreshHistory": "Оновити історію",
"noHistory": "Історія відсутня",
"modal": {
"Import from browser": "Імпортувати з браузера",
"clearHistory": {}
"releases": "Релізи",
"Are you sure?": "Ви впевнені?",
"tableHeader": {}
"Cancel": "Відмінити",
"Yes, do it!": "Так, зробити це!",
"navigation": {
"chooseMethod": "Вибрати метод",
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"signInVia": "Увійти за допомогою {{service}}",
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"publish": "Опублікувати",
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"This page need refresh": "Цю сторінку необхідно обновити",
"title": "Контакти",
"You have an incompatible client version.": "Ви використовуєте несумісну версію клієнта.",
"reportIssue": "Повідомити про проблему"
"Refresh to update.": "Оновіть сторінку для оновлення.",
"New version available!": "Нова версія доступна!",
"documents": {
"See releases notes here": "Огляньте деталі оновлень тут",
"title": "Документи",
"Refresh to enjoy new features.": "Оновіть, щоб насолоджуватись новими можливостями.",
"yamlMetadata": "Метадані YAML",
"Your user state has changed.": "Ваш акаунт змінено.",
"slideExample": "Приклад слайдера"
"Refresh to load new user state.": "Оновіть, щоб завантажити зміни акаунта.",
"Refresh": "Оновити",
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"Contacts": "Контакти",
"title": "Шпаргалка",
"Report an issue": "Повідомити про проблему",
"example": "Приклад",
"Send us email": "Відправити нам лист",
"syntax": "Синтаксис",
"Documents": "Документи",
"underlinedText": "Підкреслений текст",
"features": "Можливості",
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"Cheatsheet": "Шпаргалка",
"Example": "Приклад",
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"description": "Вибачте, лише власник може редагувати цю замітку."
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"advice": "Будь-ласка, зменшіть розмір вмісту або розділіть його на декілька заміток!"
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"Inserted text": "Підкреслений текст",
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"Marked text": "Виділений текст",
"title": "Ви використовуєте несумісну версію клієнта.",
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"advice": "Оновіть сторінку для оновлення."
"Image": "Зображення",
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"Externals": "Зовнішнє",
"title": "Нова версія доступна!",
"This is a alert area.": "Це область повідомлення.",
"linkText": "Огляньте деталі оновлень тут",
"Revert": "Відмінити",
"advice": "Оновіть, щоб насолоджуватись новими можливостями."
"Import from clipboard": "Імпорт з буферу обміну",
"Paste your markdown or webpage here...": "Вставте ваш markdown або веб-сторінку тут...",
"userStateChanged": {
"Clear": "Очистити",
"title": "Ваш акаунт змінено.",
"This note is locked": "Ця замітка заблокована",
"description": "Оновіть, щоб завантажити зміни акаунта."
"Sorry, only owner can edit this note.": "Вибачте, лише власник може редагувати цю замітку.",
"OK": "OK",
"Reach the limit": "Досягнено ліміту",
"viewMode": {
"Sorry, you've reached the max length this note can be.": "Нажаль, ви досягли максимальної довжини замітки.",
"view": "Вигляд",
"Please reduce the content or divide it to more notes, thank you!": "Будь-ласка, зменшіть розмір вмісту або розділіть його на декілька заміток!",
"both": "Обоє"
"Import from Gist": "Імпортувати з Gist",
"Paste your gist url here...": "Вставте посилання на ваш gist тут...",
"darkMode": {},
"Import from Snippet": "Імпортувати фрагмент коду",
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"title": "Імпортувати з Gist",
"insertGistUrl": "Вставте посилання на ваш gist тут..."
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"title": "Експорт фрагменту коду",
"visibilityLevel": "Вибрати рівень видимості"
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"title": "Імпорт з буферу обміну",
"insertMarkdown": "Вставте ваш markdown або веб-сторінку тут..."
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"signIn": "Ввійти",
"signOut": "Вийти",
"auth": {
"error": {}
@ -1,121 +1,188 @@
"Collaborative markdown notes": "Cộng tác ghi chú markdown",
"app": {
"Realtime collaborative markdown notes on all platforms.": "Cộng tác ghi chú markdown đa nền tảng thời gian thực",
"slogan": "Nền tảng tốt nhất để viết và chia sẻ markdown",
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"title": "Cộng tác ghi chú markdown"
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"newGuestNote": "Khách mới",
"intro": {
"featureCollaboration": "Cộng tác thời gian thực",
"exploreFeatures": "Khám phá tất cả tính năng",
"featureMathJax": "Làm việc với biểu đồ và MathJax",
"features": {
"featureSlides": "Hỗ trợ chế độ slide",
"collaboration": "Cộng tác thời gian thực",
"signIn": "Đăng nhập",
"mathJax": "Làm việc với biểu đồ và MathJax",
"Below is the history from browser": "Dưới đây là lịch sử của trình duyệt",
"slides": "Hỗ trợ chế độ slide"
"Welcome!": "Chào mừng bạn!",
"newNote": "Tạo mới ghi chú",
"or": "hoặc",
"history": {
"signOut": "Đăng xuất",
"noHistory": "Không có lịch sử",
"exploreFeatures": "Khám phá tất cả tính năng",
"localHistory": "Dưới đây là lịch sử của trình duyệt",
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"searchKeywords": "Tìm kiếm",
"Title": "Tiêu đề",
"sortByTitle": "Sắp xếp theo tiêu đề",
"sortByLastVisited": "Sắp xếp theo thời gian",
"sortByLastVisited": "Sắp xếp theo thời gian",
"Time": "Thời gian",
"export": "Xuất lịch sử",
"exportHistory": "Xuất lịch sử",
"import": "Nhập lịch sử",
"importHistory": "Nhập lịch sử",
"clear": "Xóa lịch sử",
"clearHistory": "Xóa lịch sử",
"refresh": "Làm mới lịch sử"
"refreshHistory": "Làm mới lịch sử",
"noHistory": "Không có lịch sử",
"modal": {
"Import from browser": "Nhập từ trình duyệt",
"clearHistory": {}
"releases": "Xuất bản",
"Are you sure?": "Bạn có chắc chắn không ?",
"tableHeader": {}
"Do you really want to delete this note?": "Bạn có thực sự muốn xóa ghi chú này ?",
"All users will lose their connection.": "Tất cả người dùng sẽ mất liên kết này.",
"navigation": {
"Cancel": "Hủy",
"intro": "Giới thiệu",
"Yes, do it!": "Đồng ý",
"history": "Lịch sử",
"chooseMethod": "Chọn phương thức",
"newGuestNote": "Khách mới",
"signInVia": "Đăng nhấp với {{service}}",
"newNote": "Tạo mới ghi chú"
"new": "Mới",
"publish": "Xuất bản",
"footer": {
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"followUs": "Cho phép chúng tôi <0></0>, <1></1>, <2></2>, <3></3>, và <4></4>.",
"export": "Xuất",
"privacy": "Quyền riêng tư.",
"import": "Nhập",
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"Both": "Cả hai",
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"help": "Trợ giúp",
"deleteUser": "Xóa người dùng",
"Upload Image": "Tải ảnh lên",
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"menu": "Menu",
"modal": {
"This page need refresh": "Trang này cần được làm mới",
"deleteUser": {
"You have an incompatible client version.": "Phiên bản của client không tương thích.",
"title": "Xóa người dùng",
"Refresh to update.": "Làm mới để cập nhập.",
"message": "Bạn có thực sự muốn xóa tài khoản ?",
"New version available!": "Phiên bản mới đã có sẵn.",
"subMessage": "Điều này sẽ xóa tài khoản của bạn, tất cả các ghi chú thuộc sở hữu của bạn và xóa tất cả các liên kết đến tài khoản của bạn khỏi các ghi chú khác."
"See releases notes here": "Xem ghi chú xuất bản ở đây.",
"Refresh to enjoy new features.": "Làm mới để trải nghiệm tính năng mới.",
"Your user state has changed.": "Trạng thái người dùng bị thay đổi.",
"Refresh to load new user state.": "Làm mới để cập nhập trạng thái người dùng mới.",
"editor": {
"Refresh": "Làm mới",
"help": {
"Contacts": "Liên Lạc",
"contacts": {
"Report an issue": "Báo cáo vấn đề",
"title": "Liên Lạc",
"Meet us on %s": "Gặp chúng tôi ở %s",
"community": "Tham gia vào cộng đồng",
"Send us email": "Gửi email cho chúng tôi",
"meetUsOn": "Gặp chúng tôi ở %s",
"Documents": "Tài liệu",
"helpTranslating": "Giúp chúng tôi dịch",
"features": "Tính năng",
"reportIssue": "Báo cáo vấn đề"
"YAML Metadata": "YAML Metadata",
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"slideExample": "Slide ví dụ"
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"Image": "Ảnh",
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"Code": "Code",
"title": "Ghi chú này bị khóa.",
"Externals": "Externals",
"description": "Xin lỗi, chỉ chủ sở hữu có thể xóa note."
"This is a alert area.": "Đây là khu vực cảnh báo",
"Revert": "Trở lại như cũ",
"limitReached": {
"Import from clipboard": "Thêm từ clipboard",
"title": "Đạt giới hạn",
"Paste your markdown or webpage here...": "Dán markdown hoặc webpage ở đây ...",
"description": "Rất tiếc, bạn đã đạt tới độ dài tối đa ",
"Clear": "Xóa",
"advice": "Vui lòng rút ngắn ghi chú"
"This note is locked": "Ghi chú này bị khóa.",
"Sorry, only owner can edit this note.": "Xin lỗi, chỉ chủ sở hữu có thể xóa note.",
"incompatible": {
"OK": "Đồng ý",
"title": "Phiên bản của client không tương thích.",
"Reach the limit": "Đạt giới hạn",
"advice": "Làm mới để cập nhập."
"Sorry, you've reached the max length this note can be.": "Rất tiếc, bạn đã đạt tới độ dài tối đa ",
"Please reduce the content or divide it to more notes, thank you!": "Vui lòng rút ngắn ghi chú",
"newVersion": {
"Import from Gist": "Nhập từ Gist",
"title": "Phiên bản mới đã có sẵn.",
"Paste your gist url here...": "Dán liên kết gist vào đây ...",
"linkText": "Xem ghi chú xuất bản ở đây.",
"Import from Snippet": "Thêm từ Snippet",
"advice": "Làm mới để trải nghiệm tính năng mới."
"Select From Available Projects": "Chọn từ Project có sẵn",
"Select From Available Snippets": "Chọn từ Snippets có sẵn",
"userStateChanged": {
"OR": "HOẶC",
"title": "Trạng thái người dùng bị thay đổi.",
"Export to Snippet": "Xuất ra Snippet",
"description": "Làm mới để cập nhập trạng thái người dùng mới."
"Select Visibility Level": "Chọn cấp độ hiển thị",
"Night Theme": "Giao diện tối",
"followUs": "Cho phép chúng tôi <0></0>, <1></1>, <2></2>, <3></3>, và <4></4>.",
"viewMode": {
"privacy": "Quyền riêng tư.",
"view": "Hiện",
"termsOfUse": "Điều khoản sử dụng.",
"both": "Cả hai"
"Do you really want to delete your user account?": "Bạn có thực sự muốn xóa tài khoản ?",
"This will delete your account, all notes that are owned by you and remove all references to your account from other notes.": "Điều này sẽ xóa tài khoản của bạn, tất cả các ghi chú thuộc sở hữu của bạn và xóa tất cả các liên kết đến tài khoản của bạn khỏi các ghi chú khác.",
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"Help us translating on %s": "Giúp chúng tôi dịch trên %s",
"strikethrough": "Gạch ngang",
"sourceCode": "Mã nguồn",
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"Register": "Đăng ký",
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"blockquote": "Blockquote",
"Help us translating": "Giúp chúng tôi dịch",
"unorderedList": "Danh sách chưa sắp xếp",
"Join the community": "Tham gia vào cộng đồng"
"orderedList": "Danh sách đã sắp xếp",
"checkList": "Checklist",
"link": "Liên kết",
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"gistImport": {
"title": "Nhập từ Gist",
"insertGistUrl": "Dán liên kết gist vào đây ..."
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"title": "Xuất ra Snippet",
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"revision": {
"title": "Sửa đổi",
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"clipboardImport": {
"title": "Thêm từ clipboard",
"insertMarkdown": "Dán markdown hoặc webpage ở đây ..."
"deleteNote": {
"question": "Bạn có thực sự muốn xóa ghi chú này ?",
"warning": "Tất cả người dùng sẽ mất liên kết này."
"common": {
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"signInVia": "Đăng nhấp với {{service}}",
"signIn": "Đăng nhập",
"signOut": "Đăng xuất",
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"auth": {
"error": {}
@ -1,122 +1,189 @@
"Collaborative markdown notes": "Markdown 协作笔记",
"app": {
"Realtime collaborative markdown notes on all platforms.": "使用 Markdown 的跨平台即时协作笔记。",
"slogan": "写作与分享 Markdown 的最佳平台。",
"coverSlogan": "写作与分享 Markdown 的最佳平台。",
"title": "Markdown 协作笔记"
"intro": "简介",
"history": "历史",
"landing": {
"newGuestNote": "新建访客笔记",
"intro": {
"featureCollaboration": "实时协作",
"exploreFeatures": "探索所有功能",
"featureMathJax": "支持图表与 MathJax",
"features": {
"featureSlides": "支持幻灯模式",
"collaboration": "实时协作",
"signIn": "登录",
"mathJax": "支持图表与 MathJax",
"Below is the history from browser": "以下为来自浏览器的历史",
"slides": "支持幻灯模式"
"Welcome!": "欢迎!",
"newNote": "新建笔记",
"or": "或",
"history": {
"signOut": "登出",
"noHistory": "无历史记录",
"exploreFeatures": "探索所有功能",
"localHistory": "以下为来自浏览器的历史",
"selectTags": "选择标签...",
"toolbar": {
"searchKeywords": "搜索关键字...",
"selectTags": "选择标签...",
"sortByTitle": "按标题排序",
"searchKeywords": "搜索关键字...",
"Title": "标题",
"sortByTitle": "按标题排序",
"sortByLastVisited": "按时间排序",
"sortByLastVisited": "按时间排序",
"Time": "时间",
"export": "导出历史",
"exportHistory": "导出历史",
"import": "导入历史",
"importHistory": "导入历史",
"clear": "清空历史",
"clearHistory": "清空历史",
"refresh": "刷新历史"
"refreshHistory": "刷新历史",
"noHistory": "无历史记录",
"modal": {
"Import from browser": "从浏览器导入",
"clearHistory": {}
"releases": "版本",
"Are you sure?": "您确定吗?",
"tableHeader": {}
"Do you really want to delete this note?": "您确定要删除这篇笔记吗?",
"All users will lose their connection.": "所有用户将失去连接。",
"navigation": {
"Cancel": "取消",
"intro": "简介",
"Yes, do it!": "是的,就这样做!",
"history": "历史",
"chooseMethod": "选择方式",
"newGuestNote": "新建访客笔记",
"signInVia": "通过 {{service}} 登录",
"newNote": "新建笔记"
"new": "新建",
"publish": "发表",
"footer": {
"extra": "附加功能",
"releases": "版本",
"revision": "修订版本",
"poweredBy": "由 <0></0> 驱动",
"slideMode": "幻灯模式",
"imprint": "法律声明",
"export": "导出",
"followUs": "在 <0></0>, <1></1>, <2></2>, <3></3> 和 <4></4> 上关注我们",
"import": "导入",
"privacy": "隐私",
"clipboard": "剪贴板",
"termsOfUse": "使用条款"
"download": "下载",
"Raw HTML": "原始 HTML",
"versionInfo": {
"edit": "编辑",
"sourceCode": "源代码"
"View": "预览",
"Both": "双栏",
"help": "帮助",
"profile": {
"Upload Image": "上传图片",
"deleteUser": "删除帐户",
"menu": "菜单",
"exportUserData": "导出用户数据",
"This page need refresh": "此页面需要刷新",
"modal": {
"You have an incompatible client version.": "您的客户端版本不兼容。",
"deleteUser": {
"Refresh to update.": "刷新页面以更新。",
"title": "删除帐户",
"New version available!": "新版本可用!",
"message": "您确定要删除帐户吗?",
"See releases notes here": "在此查看更新记录",
"subMessage": "您的帐户、您所拥有的笔记、他人笔记中对您帐户的引用都将被删除。"
"Refresh to enjoy new features.": "刷新页面以体验新功能。",
"Your user state has changed.": "您的用户状态已变更。",
"Refresh to load new user state.": "刷新页面以加载新的用户状态。",
"Refresh": "刷新",
"editor": {
"Contacts": "联系我们",
"help": {
"Report an issue": "报告问题",
"contacts": {
"Meet us on %s": "在 %s 上联系我们",
"title": "联系我们",
"Send us email": "给我们发送电子邮件",
"community": "加入社区",
"Documents": "文档",
"meetUsOn": "在 %s 上联系我们",
"features": "功能",
"helpTranslating": "帮助我们翻译",
"YAML Metadata": "YAML 元数据",
"reportIssue": "报告问题"
"Slide Example": "幻灯范例",
"Cheatsheet": "速查表",
"documents": {
"Example": "范例",
"title": "文档",
"Syntax": "语法",
"yamlMetadata": "YAML 元数据",
"Header": "标题",
"slideExample": "幻灯范例"
"Unordered List": "无序列表",
"Ordered List": "有序列表",
"cheatsheet": {
"Todo List": "清单",
"title": "速查表",
"Blockquote": "引用",
"example": "范例",
"Bold font": "粗体",
"syntax": "语法",
"Italics font": "斜体",
"underlinedText": "下划线文字",
"Strikethrough": "删除线",
"highlightedText": "高亮文字",
"Inserted text": "下划线文字",
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"Marked text": "高亮文字",
"Link": "链接",
"Image": "图片",
"error": {
"Code": "代码",
"locked": {
"Externals": "外部扩展",
"title": "这篇笔记已被锁定",
"This is a alert area.": "这是一个警告区块。",
"description": "抱歉,只有所有者可以编辑这篇笔记。"
"Revert": "还原",
"Import from clipboard": "从剪贴板导入",
"limitReached": {
"Paste your markdown or webpage here...": "在这里粘贴 Markdown 或网页内容...",
"title": "达到上限",
"Clear": "清除",
"description": "抱歉,您的这篇笔记已达到可用的最大长度。",
"This note is locked": "这篇笔记已被锁定",
"advice": "请减少笔记的内容。"
"Sorry, only owner can edit this note.": "抱歉,只有所有者可以编辑这篇笔记。",
"OK": "好的",
"incompatible": {
"Reach the limit": "达到上限",
"title": "您的客户端版本不兼容。",
"Sorry, you've reached the max length this note can be.": "抱歉,您的这篇笔记已达到可用的最大长度。",
"advice": "刷新页面以更新。"
"Please reduce the content or divide it to more notes, thank you!": "请减少笔记的内容。",
"Import from Gist": "从 Gist 导入",
"newVersion": {
"Paste your gist url here...": "在这里粘贴 Gist 网址...",
"title": "新版本可用!",
"Import from Snippet": "从 Snippet 导入",
"linkText": "在此查看更新记录",
"Select From Available Projects": "从可用的项目中选择",
"advice": "刷新页面以体验新功能。"
"Select From Available Snippets": "从可用的 Snippet 中选择",
"OR": "或",
"userStateChanged": {
"Export to Snippet": "导出到 Snippet",
"title": "您的用户状态已变更。",
"Select Visibility Level": "选择可见层级",
"description": "刷新页面以加载新的用户状态。"
"Night Theme": "夜间主题",
"followUs": "在 <0></0>, <1></1>, <2></2>, <3></3> 和 <4></4> 上关注我们",
"privacy": "隐私",
"viewMode": {
"termsOfUse": "使用条款",
"view": "预览",
"Do you really want to delete your user account?": "您确定要删除帐户吗?",
"both": "双栏"
"This will delete your account, all notes that are owned by you and remove all references to your account from other notes.": "您的帐户、您所拥有的笔记、他人笔记中对您帐户的引用都将被删除。",
"deleteUser": "删除帐户",
"darkMode": {},
"exportUserData": "导出用户数据",
"editorToolbar": {
"Help us translating on %s": "在 %s 上帮我们翻译",
"bold": "粗体",
"sourceCode": "源代码",
"strikethrough": "删除线",
"Register": "注册",
"header": "标题",
"poweredBy": "由 <0></0> 驱动",
"code": "代码",
"Help us translating": "帮助我们翻译",
"blockquote": "引用",
"Join the community": "加入社区",
"unorderedList": "无序列表",
"imprint": "法律声明"
"orderedList": "有序列表",
"checkList": "清单",
"link": "链接",
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"menu": "菜单",
"new": "新建",
"publish": "发表",
"extra": "附加功能",
"revision": "修订版本",
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"download": "下载",
"help": "帮助"
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"import": {
"clipboard": "剪贴板"
"modal": {
"snippetImport": {
"title": "从 Snippet 导入",
"selectProject": "从可用的项目中选择",
"selectSnippet": "从可用的 Snippet 中选择"
"gistImport": {
"title": "从 Gist 导入",
"insertGistUrl": "在这里粘贴 Gist 网址..."
"snippetExport": {
"title": "导出到 Snippet",
"visibilityLevel": "选择可见层级"
"revision": {
"title": "修订版本",
"revertButton": "还原"
"clipboardImport": {
"title": "从剪贴板导入",
"insertMarkdown": "在这里粘贴 Markdown 或网页内容..."
"deleteNote": {
"question": "您确定要删除这篇笔记吗?",
"warning": "所有用户将失去连接。"
"common": {
"import": "导入",
"export": "导出",
"refresh": "刷新",
"cancel": "取消",
"ok": "好的",
"or": "或"
"login": {
"chooseMethod": "选择方式",
"signInVia": "通过 {{service}} 登录",
"signIn": "登录",
"signOut": "登出",
"register": "注册",
"auth": {
"error": {}
@ -1,122 +1,189 @@
"Collaborative markdown notes": "Markdown 協作筆記",
"app": {
"Realtime collaborative markdown notes on all platforms.": "使用 Markdown 的跨平台即時協作筆記",
"slogan": "您使用 Markdown 寫作與分享知識的最佳方式",
"coverSlogan": "您使用 Markdown 寫作與分享知識的最佳方式",
"title": "Markdown 協作筆記"
"intro": "簡介",
"history": "紀錄",
"landing": {
"newGuestNote": "建立訪客筆記",
"intro": {
"featureCollaboration": "使用網址協作",
"exploreFeatures": "探索所有功能",
"featureMathJax": "支援圖表與 MathJax",
"features": {
"featureSlides": "支援簡報模式",
"collaboration": "使用網址協作",
"signIn": "登入",
"mathJax": "支援圖表與 MathJax",
"Below is the history from browser": "以下為來自瀏覽器的紀錄",
"slides": "支援簡報模式"
"Welcome!": "歡迎!",
"newNote": "建立筆記",
"or": "或",
"history": {
"signOut": "登出",
"noHistory": "沒有紀錄",
"exploreFeatures": "探索所有功能",
"localHistory": "以下為來自瀏覽器的紀錄",
"selectTags": "選擇標籤...",
"toolbar": {
"searchKeywords": "搜尋關鍵字...",
"selectTags": "選擇標籤...",
"sortByTitle": "用標題排序",
"searchKeywords": "搜尋關鍵字...",
"Title": "標題",
"sortByTitle": "用標題排序",
"sortByLastVisited": "用時間排序",
"sortByLastVisited": "用時間排序",
"Time": "時間",
"export": "匯出紀錄",
"exportHistory": "匯出紀錄",
"import": "匯入紀錄",
"importHistory": "匯入紀錄",
"clear": "清空紀錄",
"clearHistory": "清空紀錄",
"refresh": "更新紀錄"
"refreshHistory": "更新紀錄",
"noHistory": "沒有紀錄",
"modal": {
"Import from browser": "從瀏覽器匯入",
"clearHistory": {}
"releases": "版本",
"Are you sure?": "你確定嗎?",
"tableHeader": {}
"Do you really want to delete this note?": "確定要刪除這個文件嗎?",
"All users will lose their connection.": "所有使用者將會失去連線",
"navigation": {
"Cancel": "取消",
"intro": "簡介",
"Yes, do it!": "沒錯,就這樣辦!",
"history": "紀錄",
"chooseMethod": "選擇方式",
"newGuestNote": "建立訪客筆記",
"signInVia": "透過 {{service}} 登入",
"newNote": "建立筆記"
"new": "新增",
"publish": "發表",
"footer": {
"extra": "增益",
"releases": "版本",
"revision": "修訂版本",
"poweredBy": "由 <0></0> 強力驅動",
"slideMode": "簡報模式",
"imprint": "版本說明",
"export": "匯出",
"followUs": "來 <0></0>, <1></1>, <2></2>, <3></3> 或 <4></4> 和我們互動吧!",
"import": "匯入",
"privacy": "隱私權政策",
"clipboard": "剪貼簿",
"termsOfUse": "使用條款"
"download": "下載",
"Raw HTML": "純 HTML",
"versionInfo": {
"edit": "編輯",
"sourceCode": "原始碼"
"View": "檢視",
"Both": "雙欄",
"help": "協助",
"profile": {
"Upload Image": "上傳圖片",
"deleteUser": "刪除使用者",
"menu": "選單",
"exportUserData": "匯出使用者資料",
"This page need refresh": "此頁面需要重新整理",
"modal": {
"You have an incompatible client version.": "您使用的是不相容的客戶端",
"deleteUser": {
"Refresh to update.": "請重新整理來更新",
"title": "刪除使用者",
"New version available!": "新版本來了!",
"message": "你確定真的想要刪除帳戶?",
"See releases notes here": "請由此查閱更新紀錄",
"subMessage": "我們將會刪除你的帳戶、你所擁有的筆記、以及你在別人筆記裡的作者紀錄。"
"Refresh to enjoy new features.": "請重新整理來享受最新功能",
"Your user state has changed.": "您的使用者狀態已變更",
"Refresh to load new user state.": "請重新整理來載入新的使用者狀態",
"Refresh": "重新整理",
"editor": {
"Contacts": "聯絡方式",
"help": {
"Report an issue": "回報問題",
"contacts": {
"Meet us on %s": "透過 %s 聯絡我們",
"title": "聯絡方式",
"Send us email": "寄信給我們",
"community": "加入社群",
"Documents": "文件",
"meetUsOn": "透過 %s 聯絡我們",
"features": "功能簡介",
"helpTranslating": "幫助我們改進翻譯",
"YAML Metadata": "YAML Metadata",
"reportIssue": "回報問題"
"Slide Example": "簡報範例",
"Cheatsheet": "快速簡表",
"documents": {
"Example": "範例",
"title": "文件",
"Syntax": "語法",
"yamlMetadata": "YAML Metadata",
"Header": "標題",
"slideExample": "簡報範例"
"Unordered List": "無序清單",
"Ordered List": "有序清單",
"cheatsheet": {
"Todo List": "待辦事項",
"title": "快速簡表",
"Blockquote": "引用",
"example": "範例",
"Bold font": "粗體",
"syntax": "語法",
"Italics font": "斜體",
"underlinedText": "插入文字",
"Strikethrough": "刪除線",
"highlightedText": "標記文字",
"Inserted text": "插入文字",
"externalService": "外部"
"Marked text": "標記文字",
"Link": "連結",
"Image": "圖片",
"error": {
"Code": "程式碼",
"locked": {
"Externals": "外部",
"title": "此份筆記已被鎖定",
"This is a alert area.": "這是警告區塊",
"description": "抱歉,只有擁有者可以編輯此筆記"
"Revert": "還原",
"Import from clipboard": "從剪貼簿匯入",
"limitReached": {
"Paste your markdown or webpage here...": "在這裡貼上 Markdown 或是網頁內容...",
"title": "到達上限",
"Clear": "清除",
"description": "抱歉,您已使用到此份筆記可用的最大長度",
"This note is locked": "此份筆記已被鎖定",
"advice": "請減少內容或是將內容切成更多筆記,謝謝!"
"Sorry, only owner can edit this note.": "抱歉,只有擁有者可以編輯此筆記",
"OK": "好的",
"incompatible": {
"Reach the limit": "到達上限",
"title": "您使用的是不相容的客戶端",
"Sorry, you've reached the max length this note can be.": "抱歉,您已使用到此份筆記可用的最大長度",
"advice": "請重新整理來更新"
"Please reduce the content or divide it to more notes, thank you!": "請減少內容或是將內容切成更多筆記,謝謝!",
"Import from Gist": "從 Gist 匯入",
"newVersion": {
"Paste your gist url here...": "在這裡貼上 gist 網址...",
"title": "新版本來了!",
"Import from Snippet": "從 Snippet 匯入",
"linkText": "請由此查閱更新紀錄",
"Select From Available Projects": "從可用的專案中選擇",
"advice": "請重新整理來享受最新功能"
"Select From Available Snippets": "從可用的 Snippets 中選擇",
"OR": "或是",
"userStateChanged": {
"Export to Snippet": "匯出到 Snippet",
"title": "您的使用者狀態已變更",
"Select Visibility Level": "選擇可見層級",
"description": "請重新整理來載入新的使用者狀態"
"Night Theme": "夜間主題",
"followUs": "來 <0></0>, <1></1>, <2></2>, <3></3> 或 <4></4> 和我們互動吧!",
"privacy": "隱私權政策",
"viewMode": {
"termsOfUse": "使用條款",
"view": "檢視",
"Do you really want to delete your user account?": "你確定真的想要刪除帳戶?",
"both": "雙欄"
"This will delete your account, all notes that are owned by you and remove all references to your account from other notes.": "我們將會刪除你的帳戶、你所擁有的筆記、以及你在別人筆記裡的作者紀錄。",
"deleteUser": "刪除使用者",
"darkMode": {},
"exportUserData": "匯出使用者資料",
"editorToolbar": {
"Help us translating on %s": "來 %s 幫我們翻譯",
"bold": "粗體",
"sourceCode": "原始碼",
"strikethrough": "刪除線",
"Register": "註冊",
"header": "標題",
"poweredBy": "由 <0></0> 強力驅動",
"code": "程式碼",
"Help us translating": "幫助我們改進翻譯",
"blockquote": "引用",
"Join the community": "加入社群",
"unorderedList": "無序清單",
"imprint": "版本說明"
"orderedList": "有序清單",
"checkList": "待辦事項",
"link": "連結",
"image": "圖片",
"uploadImage": "上傳圖片"
"menu": {
"menu": "選單",
"new": "新增",
"publish": "發表",
"extra": "增益",
"revision": "修訂版本",
"slideMode": "簡報模式",
"download": "下載",
"help": "協助"
"export": {
"rawHtml": "純 HTML"
"import": {
"clipboard": "剪貼簿"
"modal": {
"snippetImport": {
"title": "從 Snippet 匯入",
"selectProject": "從可用的專案中選擇",
"selectSnippet": "從可用的 Snippets 中選擇"
"gistImport": {
"title": "從 Gist 匯入",
"insertGistUrl": "在這裡貼上 gist 網址..."
"snippetExport": {
"title": "匯出到 Snippet",
"visibilityLevel": "選擇可見層級"
"revision": {
"title": "修訂版本",
"revertButton": "還原"
"clipboardImport": {
"title": "從剪貼簿匯入",
"insertMarkdown": "在這裡貼上 Markdown 或是網頁內容..."
"deleteNote": {
"question": "確定要刪除這個文件嗎?",
"warning": "所有使用者將會失去連線"
"common": {
"import": "匯入",
"export": "匯出",
"refresh": "重新整理",
"cancel": "取消",
"ok": "好的",
"or": "或"
"login": {
"chooseMethod": "選擇方式",
"signInVia": "透過 {{service}} 登入",
"signIn": "登入",
"signOut": "登出",
"register": "註冊",
"auth": {
"error": {}
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import React, { Fragment, useEffect, useState } from 'react'
import React, { Fragment, useEffect, useState } from 'react'
import { useLocation } from 'react-router'
import { useLocation } from 'react-router'
import { setUp, InitTask } from '../../initializers'
import { InitTask, setUp } from '../../initializers'
import './application-loader.scss'
import './application-loader.scss'
import { LoadingScreen } from './loading-screen'
import { LoadingScreen } from './loading-screen'
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ export const ApplicationLoader: React.FC = ({ children }) => {
const baseUrl:string = window.location.pathname.replace(pathname, '') + '/'
const baseUrl: string = window.location.pathname.replace(pathname, '') + '/'
console.debug('Base URL is', baseUrl)
console.debug('Base URL is', baseUrl)
}, [tasksAlreadyTriggered, pathname])
}, [tasksAlreadyTriggered, pathname])
@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
import React, { useState } from 'react'
import React, { useState } from 'react'
import { FontAwesomeIcon } from '@fortawesome/react-fontawesome'
import { FontAwesomeIcon } from '@fortawesome/react-fontawesome'
import { ToggleButton, ToggleButtonGroup } from 'react-bootstrap'
import { ToggleButton, ToggleButtonGroup } from 'react-bootstrap'
import { useTranslation } from 'react-i18next';
const DarkModeButton: React.FC = () => {
const DarkModeButton: React.FC = () => {
const { t } = useTranslation();
const [buttonState, setButtonState] = useState(false)
const [buttonState, setButtonState] = useState(false)
const buttonToggle = () => {
const buttonToggle = () => {
setButtonState(prevState => !prevState)
setButtonState(prevState => !prevState)
@ -10,7 +12,12 @@ const DarkModeButton: React.FC = () => {
return (
return (
<ToggleButtonGroup type="checkbox" defaultValue={[]} name="dark-mode" className="ml-2" value={buttonState ? ['dark'] : ['']}>
<ToggleButtonGroup type="checkbox" defaultValue={[]} name="dark-mode" className="ml-2" value={buttonState ? ['dark'] : ['']}>
<ToggleButton variant={ buttonState ? 'secondary' : 'light' } className={ buttonState ? 'text-white' : 'text-secondary' } onChange={buttonToggle} value={'dark'}>
title={ buttonState ? t('editor.darkMode.switchToDark') : t('editor.darkMode.switchToLight')}
variant={ buttonState ? 'secondary' : 'light' }
className={ buttonState ? 'text-white' : 'text-secondary' }
onChange={buttonToggle} value={'dark'}
<FontAwesomeIcon icon="moon"/>
<FontAwesomeIcon icon="moon"/>
@ -8,24 +8,27 @@ const EditorMenu: React.FC = () => {
return (
return (
<Dropdown className="small" alignRight={true}>
<Dropdown className="small" alignRight={true}>
<Dropdown.Toggle variant="light" size="sm" id="editor-menu" className="text-secondary">
<Dropdown.Toggle variant="light" size="sm" id="editor-menu" className="text-secondary">
<Trans i18nKey="menu"/>
<Trans i18nKey="editor.menu.menu"/>
<Trans i18nKey="extra"/>
<Trans i18nKey="editor.menu.extra"/>
<Dropdown.Item className="small">
<Dropdown.Item className="small">
<FontAwesomeIcon icon="history"/> <Trans i18nKey="revision"/>
<FontAwesomeIcon icon="history"/> <Trans i18nKey="editor.menu.revision"/>
<Dropdown.Item className="small">
<Dropdown.Item className="small">
<FontAwesomeIcon icon="tv"/> <Trans i18nKey="slideMode"/>
<FontAwesomeIcon icon="tv"/> <Trans i18nKey="editor.menu.slideMode"/>
<Dropdown.Item className="small">
<FontAwesomeIcon icon="trash"/> <Trans i18nKey="editor.menu.deleteNote"/>
<Trans i18nKey="export"/>
<Trans i18nKey="common.export"/>
<Dropdown.Item className="small">
<Dropdown.Item className="small">
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={['fab', 'dropbox']}/> Dropbox
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={['fab', 'dropbox']}/> Dropbox
@ -37,7 +40,7 @@ const EditorMenu: React.FC = () => {
<Trans i18nKey="import"/>
<Trans i18nKey="common.import"/>
<Dropdown.Item className="small">
<Dropdown.Item className="small">
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={['fab', 'dropbox']}/> Dropbox
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={['fab', 'dropbox']}/> Dropbox
@ -46,13 +49,13 @@ const EditorMenu: React.FC = () => {
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={['fab', 'github']}/> Gist
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={['fab', 'github']}/> Gist
<Dropdown.Item className="small">
<Dropdown.Item className="small">
<FontAwesomeIcon icon="paste"/> <Trans i18nKey="clipboard"/>
<FontAwesomeIcon icon="paste"/> <Trans i18nKey="editor.import.clipboard"/>
<Trans i18nKey="download"/>
<Trans i18nKey="editor.menu.download"/>
<Dropdown.Item className="small">
<Dropdown.Item className="small">
<FontAwesomeIcon icon="file-alt"/> Markdown
<FontAwesomeIcon icon="file-alt"/> Markdown
@ -61,7 +64,7 @@ const EditorMenu: React.FC = () => {
<FontAwesomeIcon icon="file-code"/> HTML
<FontAwesomeIcon icon="file-code"/> HTML
<Dropdown.Item className="small">
<Dropdown.Item className="small">
<FontAwesomeIcon icon="file-code"/> Raw HTML
<FontAwesomeIcon icon="file-code"/> <Trans i18nKey='editor.export.rawHtml'/>
@ -5,8 +5,10 @@ import { useSelector } from 'react-redux'
import { ApplicationState } from '../../../redux'
import { ApplicationState } from '../../../redux'
import { EditorMode } from '../../../redux/editor/types'
import { EditorMode } from '../../../redux/editor/types'
import { setEditorModeConfig } from '../../../redux/editor/methods'
import { setEditorModeConfig } from '../../../redux/editor/methods'
import { useTranslation } from 'react-i18next'
const EditorViewMode: React.FC = () => {
const EditorViewMode: React.FC = () => {
const { t } = useTranslation();
const editorConfig = useSelector((state: ApplicationState) => state.editorConfig)
const editorConfig = useSelector((state: ApplicationState) => state.editorConfig)
return (
return (
@ -14,13 +16,13 @@ const EditorViewMode: React.FC = () => {
onChange={(value: EditorMode) => { setEditorModeConfig(value) }}>
onChange={(value: EditorMode) => { setEditorModeConfig(value) }}>
<ToggleButton value={EditorMode.PREVIEW} variant="outline-secondary">
<ToggleButton value={EditorMode.PREVIEW} variant="outline-secondary" title={t('editor.viewMode.view')}>
<FontAwesomeIcon icon="eye"/>
<FontAwesomeIcon icon="eye"/>
<ToggleButton value={EditorMode.BOTH} variant="outline-secondary">
<ToggleButton value={EditorMode.BOTH} variant="outline-secondary" title={t('editor.viewMode.both')}>
<FontAwesomeIcon icon="columns"/>
<FontAwesomeIcon icon="columns"/>
<ToggleButton value={EditorMode.EDITOR} variant="outline-secondary">
<ToggleButton value={EditorMode.EDITOR} variant="outline-secondary" title={t('editor.viewMode.edit')}>
<FontAwesomeIcon icon="pencil-alt"/>
<FontAwesomeIcon icon="pencil-alt"/>
@ -27,10 +27,10 @@ const TaskBar: React.FC = () => {
<Nav className="d-flex align-items-center text-secondary">
<Nav className="d-flex align-items-center text-secondary">
<Button className="ml-2 text-secondary" size="sm" variant="outline-light">
<Button className="ml-2 text-secondary" size="sm" variant="outline-light">
<FontAwesomeIcon icon="plus"/> <Trans i18nKey="new"/>
<FontAwesomeIcon icon="plus"/> <Trans i18nKey="editor.menu.new"/>
<Button className="ml-2 text-secondary" size="sm" variant="outline-light">
<Button className="ml-2 text-secondary" size="sm" variant="outline-light">
<FontAwesomeIcon icon="share-square"/> <Trans i18nKey="publish"/>
<FontAwesomeIcon icon="share-square"/> <Trans i18nKey="editor.menu.publish"/>
<div className="text-secondary">
<div className="text-secondary">
@ -18,14 +18,14 @@ export const PoweredByLinks: React.FC = () => {
return (
return (
<Trans i18nKey="poweredBy">
<Trans i18nKey="landing.footer.poweredBy">
<ExternalLink href="https://codimd.org" text="CodiMD"/>
<ExternalLink href="https://codimd.org" text="CodiMD"/>
Object.entries({ ...defaultLinks, ...(config.specialLinks) }).map(([i18nKey, href]) =>
Object.entries({ ...defaultLinks, ...(config.specialLinks) }).map(([i18nKey, href]) =>
<Fragment key={i18nKey}>
<Fragment key={i18nKey}>
<TranslatedExternalLink href={href} i18nKey={i18nKey}/>
<TranslatedExternalLink href={href} i18nKey={'landing.footer.' + i18nKey}/>
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ const SocialLink: React.FC = () => {
return (
return (
<Trans i18nKey="followUs" components={[
<Trans i18nKey="landing.footer.followUs" components={[
<ExternalLink href="https://github.com/codimd/server" icon={['fab', 'github']} text="GitHub"/>,
<ExternalLink href="https://github.com/codimd/server" icon={['fab', 'github']} text="GitHub"/>,
<ExternalLink href="https://community.codimd.org" icon={['fab', 'discourse']} text="Discourse"/>,
<ExternalLink href="https://community.codimd.org" icon={['fab', 'discourse']} text="Discourse"/>,
<ExternalLink href="https://riot.im/app/#/room/#codimd:matrix.org" icon="comment" text="Riot"/>,
<ExternalLink href="https://riot.im/app/#/room/#codimd:matrix.org" icon="comment" text="Riot"/>,
@ -19,10 +19,10 @@ const HeaderBar: React.FC = () => {
<Navbar className="justify-content-between">
<Navbar className="justify-content-between">
<div className="nav header-nav">
<div className="nav header-nav">
<HeaderNavLink to="/intro">
<HeaderNavLink to="/intro">
<Trans i18nKey="intro"/>
<Trans i18nKey="landing.navigation.intro"/>
<HeaderNavLink to="/history">
<HeaderNavLink to="/history">
<Trans i18nKey="history"/>
<Trans i18nKey="landing.navigation.history"/>
<div className="d-inline-flex">
<div className="d-inline-flex">
@ -5,16 +5,16 @@ import { FontAwesomeIcon } from '@fortawesome/react-fontawesome'
import { Trans, useTranslation } from 'react-i18next'
import { Trans, useTranslation } from 'react-i18next'
export const NewGuestNoteButton: React.FC = () => {
export const NewGuestNoteButton: React.FC = () => {
const { i18n } = useTranslation()
const { t } = useTranslation()
return (
return (
<LinkContainer to={'/new'} title={i18n.t('newGuestNote')}>
<LinkContainer to={'/new'} title={t('landing.navigation.newGuestNote')}>
className="d-inline-flex align-items-center">
className="d-inline-flex align-items-center">
<FontAwesomeIcon icon="plus" className="mr-1"/>
<FontAwesomeIcon icon="plus" className="mr-1"/>
<Trans i18nKey='newGuestNote'/>
<Trans i18nKey='landing.navigation.newGuestNote'/>
@ -5,16 +5,16 @@ import React from 'react'
import { Trans, useTranslation } from 'react-i18next'
import { Trans, useTranslation } from 'react-i18next'
export const NewUserNoteButton: React.FC = () => {
export const NewUserNoteButton: React.FC = () => {
const { i18n } = useTranslation()
const { t } = useTranslation()
return (
return (
<LinkContainer to={'/new'} title={i18n.t('newNote')}>
<LinkContainer to={'/new'} title={t('landing.navigation.newNote')}>
className="d-inline-flex align-items-center">
className="d-inline-flex align-items-center">
<FontAwesomeIcon icon="plus" className="mr-1"/>
<FontAwesomeIcon icon="plus" className="mr-1"/>
<Trans i18nKey='newNote'/>
<Trans i18nKey='landing.navigation.newNote'/>
@ -4,15 +4,15 @@ import { Trans, useTranslation } from 'react-i18next'
import { LinkContainer } from 'react-router-bootstrap'
import { LinkContainer } from 'react-router-bootstrap'
export const SignInButton: React.FC = () => {
export const SignInButton: React.FC = () => {
const { i18n } = useTranslation()
const { t } = useTranslation()
return (
return (
<LinkContainer to="/login" title={i18n.t('signIn')}>
<LinkContainer to="/login" title={t('login.signIn')}>
<Trans i18nKey="signIn"/>
<Trans i18nKey="login.signIn"/>
@ -5,10 +5,11 @@ import { useSelector } from 'react-redux'
import { ApplicationState } from '../../../../../redux'
import { ApplicationState } from '../../../../../redux'
import { LinkContainer } from 'react-router-bootstrap'
import { LinkContainer } from 'react-router-bootstrap'
import { clearUser } from '../../../../../redux/user/methods'
import { clearUser } from '../../../../../redux/user/methods'
import { Trans } from 'react-i18next'
import { Trans, useTranslation } from 'react-i18next'
import { UserAvatar } from '../../user-avatar/user-avatar'
import { UserAvatar } from '../../user-avatar/user-avatar'
export const UserDropdown: React.FC = () => {
export const UserDropdown: React.FC = () => {
const user = useSelector((state: ApplicationState) => state.user)
const user = useSelector((state: ApplicationState) => state.user)
return (
return (
@ -21,25 +22,25 @@ export const UserDropdown: React.FC = () => {
<LinkContainer to={'/features'}>
<LinkContainer to={'/features'}>
<FontAwesomeIcon icon="bolt" fixedWidth={true} className="mr-2"/>
<FontAwesomeIcon icon="bolt" fixedWidth={true} className="mr-2"/>
<Trans i18nKey="features"/>
<Trans i18nKey="editor.help.documents.features"/>
<LinkContainer to={'/me/export'}>
<LinkContainer to={'/me/export'}>
<FontAwesomeIcon icon="cloud-download-alt" fixedWidth={true} className="mr-2"/>
<FontAwesomeIcon icon="cloud-download-alt" fixedWidth={true} className="mr-2"/>
<Trans i18nKey="exportUserData"/>
<Trans i18nKey="profile.exportUserData"/>
<Dropdown.Item href="#">
<Dropdown.Item href="#">
<FontAwesomeIcon icon="trash" fixedWidth={true} className="mr-2"/>
<FontAwesomeIcon icon="trash" fixedWidth={true} className="mr-2"/>
<Trans i18nKey="deleteUser"/>
<Trans i18nKey="profile.deleteUser"/>
onClick={() => {
onClick={() => {
<FontAwesomeIcon icon="sign-out-alt" fixedWidth={true} className="mr-2"/>
<FontAwesomeIcon icon="sign-out-alt" fixedWidth={true} className="mr-2"/>
<Trans i18nKey="signOut"/>
<Trans i18nKey="login.signOut"/>
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ export interface UserAvatarProps {
const UserAvatar: React.FC<UserAvatarProps> = ({ name, photo, additionalClasses = '' }) => {
const UserAvatar: React.FC<UserAvatarProps> = ({ name, photo, additionalClasses = '' }) => {
// ToDo: add Translation Key for Avatar of ${name}
return (
return (
<span className={'d-inline-flex align-items-center ' + additionalClasses}>
<span className={'d-inline-flex align-items-center ' + additionalClasses}>
@ -23,9 +23,9 @@ export const VersionInfo: React.FC = () => {
<VersionInputField version={version}/>
<VersionInputField version={version}/>
? <TranslatedExternalLink i18nKey={'sourceCode'} className={'btn btn-sm btn-primary d-block mb-2'} href={sourceCodeLink}/> : null}
? <TranslatedExternalLink i18nKey={'landing.versionInfo.sourceCode'} className={'btn btn-sm btn-primary d-block mb-2'} href={sourceCodeLink}/> : null}
? <TranslatedExternalLink i18nKey={'issueTracker'} className={'btn btn-sm btn-primary d-block mb-2'} href={issueTrackerLink}/> : null}
? <TranslatedExternalLink i18nKey={'landing.versionInfo.issueTracker'} className={'btn btn-sm btn-primary d-block mb-2'} href={issueTrackerLink}/> : null}
@ -34,15 +34,15 @@ export const VersionInfo: React.FC = () => {
<Link to={'#'} className={'text-light'} onClick={handleShow}><Trans i18nKey={'versionInfo'}/></Link>
<Link to={'#'} className={'text-light'} onClick={handleShow}><Trans i18nKey={'versionInfo'}/></Link>
<Modal show={show} onHide={handleClose} animation={true}>
<Modal show={show} onHide={handleClose} animation={true}>
<Modal.Body className="text-dark">
<Modal.Body className="text-dark">
<h3><Trans i18nKey={'youAreUsing'}/></h3>
<h3><Trans i18nKey={'landing.versionInfo.title'}/></h3>
{column(t('serverVersion'), serverVersion.version, serverVersion.sourceCodeUrl, serverVersion.issueTrackerUrl)}
{column(t('landing.versionInfo.serverVersion'), serverVersion.version, serverVersion.sourceCodeUrl, serverVersion.issueTrackerUrl)}
{column(t('clientVersion'), frontendVersion.version, frontendVersion.sourceCodeUrl, frontendVersion.issueTrackerUrl)}
{column(t('landing.versionInfo.clientVersion'), frontendVersion.version, frontendVersion.sourceCodeUrl, frontendVersion.issueTrackerUrl)}
<Button variant="secondary" onClick={handleClose}>
<Button variant="secondary" onClick={handleClose}>
<Trans i18nKey={'close'}/>
<Trans i18nKey={'common.close'}/>
@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
import { FontAwesomeIcon } from '@fortawesome/react-fontawesome'
import { FontAwesomeIcon } from '@fortawesome/react-fontawesome'
import React, { Fragment, useRef, useState } from 'react'
import React, { Fragment, useRef, useState } from 'react'
import { Button, FormControl, InputGroup, Overlay, Tooltip } from 'react-bootstrap'
import { Button, FormControl, InputGroup, Overlay, Tooltip } from 'react-bootstrap'
import { Trans } from 'react-i18next'
import { Trans, useTranslation } from 'react-i18next'
export interface VersionInputFieldProps {
export interface VersionInputFieldProps {
version: string
version: string
export const VersionInputField: React.FC<VersionInputFieldProps> = ({ version }) => {
export const VersionInputField: React.FC<VersionInputFieldProps> = ({ version }) => {
const inputField = useRef<HTMLInputElement>(null)
const inputField = useRef<HTMLInputElement>(null)
const [showCopiedTooltip, setShowCopiedTooltip] = useState(false)
const [showCopiedTooltip, setShowCopiedTooltip] = useState(false)
@ -25,7 +26,7 @@ export const VersionInputField: React.FC<VersionInputFieldProps> = ({ version })
<Overlay target={inputField} show={showCopiedTooltip} placement="top">
<Overlay target={inputField} show={showCopiedTooltip} placement="top">
{(props) => (
{(props) => (
<Tooltip id={'copied_' + version} {...props}>
<Tooltip id={'copied_' + version} {...props}>
<Trans i18nKey={'successfullyCopied'}/>
<Trans i18nKey={'landing.versionInfo.successfullyCopied'}/>
@ -4,12 +4,10 @@ import { FontAwesomeIcon } from '@fortawesome/react-fontawesome'
import { PinButton } from '../common/pin-button'
import { PinButton } from '../common/pin-button'
import { CloseButton } from '../common/close-button'
import { CloseButton } from '../common/close-button'
import moment from 'moment'
import moment from 'moment'
import { useTranslation } from 'react-i18next'
import { HistoryEntryProps } from '../history-content/history-content'
import { HistoryEntryProps } from '../history-content/history-content'
import { formatHistoryDate } from '../../../../../utils/historyUtils'
import { formatHistoryDate } from '../../../../../utils/historyUtils'
export const HistoryCard: React.FC<HistoryEntryProps> = ({ entry, onPinClick }) => {
export const HistoryCard: React.FC<HistoryEntryProps> = ({ entry, onPinClick }) => {
return (
return (
<div className="p-2 col-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-6 col-lg-4">
<div className="p-2 col-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-6 col-lg-4">
<Card className="p-0" text={'dark'} bg={'light'}>
<Card className="p-0" text={'dark'} bg={'light'}>
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import React, { Fragment, useState } from 'react'
import { HistoryEntry, pinClick } from '../history'
import { HistoryEntry, pinClick } from '../history'
import { HistoryTable } from '../history-table/history-table'
import { HistoryTable } from '../history-table/history-table'
import { Alert, Row } from 'react-bootstrap'
import { Alert, Row } from 'react-bootstrap'
import { Trans } from 'react-i18next'
import { Trans, useTranslation } from 'react-i18next'
import { HistoryCardList } from '../history-card/history-card-list'
import { HistoryCardList } from '../history-card/history-card-list'
import { ViewStateEnum } from '../history-toolbar/history-toolbar'
import { ViewStateEnum } from '../history-toolbar/history-toolbar'
import { PagerPagination } from '../../../../pagination/pager-pagination'
import { PagerPagination } from '../../../../pagination/pager-pagination'
@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ export interface HistoryEntriesProps {
export const HistoryContent: React.FC<HistoryContentProps> = ({ viewState, entries, onPinClick }) => {
export const HistoryContent: React.FC<HistoryContentProps> = ({ viewState, entries, onPinClick }) => {
const [pageIndex, setPageIndex] = useState(0)
const [pageIndex, setPageIndex] = useState(0)
const [lastPageIndex, setLastPageIndex] = useState(0)
const [lastPageIndex, setLastPageIndex] = useState(0)
@ -33,7 +34,7 @@ export const HistoryContent: React.FC<HistoryContentProps> = ({ viewState, entri
return (
return (
<Row className={'justify-content-center'}>
<Row className={'justify-content-center'}>
<Alert variant={'secondary'}>
<Alert variant={'secondary'}>
<Trans i18nKey={'noHistory'}/>
<Trans i18nKey={'landing.history.noHistory'}/>
@ -1,13 +1,11 @@
import React from 'react'
import React from 'react'
import { PinButton } from '../common/pin-button'
import { PinButton } from '../common/pin-button'
import { CloseButton } from '../common/close-button'
import { CloseButton } from '../common/close-button'
import { useTranslation } from 'react-i18next'
import { HistoryEntryProps } from '../history-content/history-content'
import { HistoryEntryProps } from '../history-content/history-content'
import { formatHistoryDate } from '../../../../../utils/historyUtils'
import { formatHistoryDate } from '../../../../../utils/historyUtils'
import { Badge } from 'react-bootstrap'
import { Badge } from 'react-bootstrap'
export const HistoryTableRow: React.FC<HistoryEntryProps> = ({ entry, onPinClick }) => {
export const HistoryTableRow: React.FC<HistoryEntryProps> = ({ entry, onPinClick }) => {
return (
return (
@ -2,18 +2,19 @@ import React from 'react'
import { Table } from 'react-bootstrap'
import { Table } from 'react-bootstrap'
import { HistoryTableRow } from './history-table-row'
import { HistoryTableRow } from './history-table-row'
import { HistoryEntriesProps } from '../history-content/history-content'
import { HistoryEntriesProps } from '../history-content/history-content'
import { Trans } from 'react-i18next'
import { Trans, useTranslation } from 'react-i18next'
import { Pager } from '../../../../pagination/pager'
import { Pager } from '../../../../pagination/pager'
export const HistoryTable: React.FC<HistoryEntriesProps> = ({ entries, onPinClick, pageIndex, onLastPageIndexChange }) => {
export const HistoryTable: React.FC<HistoryEntriesProps> = ({ entries, onPinClick, pageIndex, onLastPageIndexChange }) => {
return (
return (
<Table striped bordered hover size="sm" variant="dark">
<Table striped bordered hover size="sm" variant="dark">
<th><Trans i18nKey={'title'}/></th>
<th><Trans i18nKey={'landing.history.tableHeader.title'}/></th>
<th><Trans i18nKey={'lastVisit'}/></th>
<th><Trans i18nKey={'landing.history.tableHeader.lastVisit'}/></th>
<th><Trans i18nKey={'tags'}/></th>
<th><Trans i18nKey={'landing.history.tableHeader.tags'}/></th>
<th><Trans i18nKey={'actions'}/></th>
<th><Trans i18nKey={'landing.history.tableHeader.actions'}/></th>
@ -16,20 +16,22 @@ export const ClearHistoryButton: React.FC<ClearHistoryButtonProps> = ({ onClearH
return (
return (
<Button variant={'light'} title={t('clearHistory')} onClick={handleShow}>
<Button variant={'light'} title={t('landing.history.toolbar.clear')} onClick={handleShow}>
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={'trash'}/>
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={'trash'}/>
<Modal show={show} onHide={handleClose} animation={true} size="sm">
<Modal show={show} onHide={handleClose} animation={true} className="text-dark">
<Modal.Header closeButton>
<Trans i18nKey={'landing.history.modal.clearHistory.title'}/>
<Modal.Body className="text-dark">
<Modal.Body className="text-dark">
<h5><Trans i18nKey={'clearHistoryQuestion'}/></h5>
<h5><Trans i18nKey={'landing.history.modal.clearHistory.question'}/></h5>
<h6><Trans i18nKey={'clearHistoryDisclaimer'}/></h6>
<h6><Trans i18nKey={'landing.history.modal.clearHistory.disclaimer'}/></h6>
<Button variant="secondary" onClick={handleClose}>
<Trans i18nKey={'close'}/>
<Button variant="danger" onClick={onClearHistory}>
<Button variant="danger" onClick={onClearHistory}>
<Trans i18nKey={'clearHistory'}/>
<Trans i18nKey={'landing.history.toolbar.clear'}/>
@ -74,52 +74,52 @@ export const HistoryToolbar: React.FC<HistoryToolbarProps> = ({ onSettingsChange
return (
return (
<Form inline={true}>
<Form inline={true}>
<InputGroup className={'mr-1'}>
<InputGroup className={'mr-1 mb-1'}>
<Typeahead id={'tagsSelection'} options={tags} multiple={true} placeholder={t('selectTags')}
<Typeahead id={'tagsSelection'} options={tags} multiple={true} placeholder={t('landing.history.toolbar.selectTags')}
<InputGroup className={'mr-1'}>
<InputGroup className={'mr-1 mb-1'}>
<InputGroup className={'mr-1'}>
<InputGroup className={'mr-1 mb-1'}>
<SortButton onChange={titleSortChanged} direction={state.titleSortDirection} variant={'light'}><Trans
<SortButton onChange={titleSortChanged} direction={state.titleSortDirection} variant={'light'}><Trans
<InputGroup className={'mr-1'}>
<InputGroup className={'mr-1 mb-1'}>
<SortButton onChange={lastVisitedSortChanged} direction={state.lastVisitedSortDirection}
<SortButton onChange={lastVisitedSortChanged} direction={state.lastVisitedSortDirection}
variant={'light'}><Trans i18nKey={'sortByLastVisited'}/></SortButton>
variant={'light'}><Trans i18nKey={'landing.history.toolbar.sortByLastVisited'}/></SortButton>
<InputGroup className={'mr-1'}>
<InputGroup className={'mr-1 mb-1'}>
<Button variant={'light'} title={t('exportHistory')}>
<Button variant={'light'} title={t('landing.history.toolbar.export')}>
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={'download'}/>
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={'download'}/>
<InputGroup className={'mr-1'}>
<InputGroup className={'mr-1 mb-1'}>
<Button variant={'light'} title={t('importHistory')}>
<Button variant={'light'} title={t('landing.history.toolbar.import')}>
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={'upload'}/>
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={'upload'}/>
<InputGroup className={'mr-1'}>
<InputGroup className={'mr-1 mb-1'}>
<ClearHistoryButton onClearHistory={onClearHistory}/>
<ClearHistoryButton onClearHistory={onClearHistory}/>
<InputGroup className={'mr-1'}>
<InputGroup className={'mr-1 mb-1'}>
<Button variant={'light'} title={t('refreshHistory')}>
<Button variant={'light'} title={t('landing.history.toolbar.refresh')}>
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={'sync'}/>
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={'sync'}/>
<InputGroup className={'mr-1'}>
<InputGroup className={'mr-1 mb-1'}>
<ToggleButtonGroup type="radio" name="options" value={state.viewState}
<ToggleButtonGroup type="radio" name="options" value={state.viewState}
onChange={(newViewState: ViewStateEnum) => {
onChange={(newViewState: ViewStateEnum) => {
<ToggleButton className={'btn-light'} value={ViewStateEnum.CARD}><Trans
<ToggleButton className={'btn-light'} value={ViewStateEnum.CARD}><Trans
<ToggleButton className={'btn-light'} value={ViewStateEnum.TABLE}><Trans
<ToggleButton className={'btn-light'} value={ViewStateEnum.TABLE}><Trans
@ -60,8 +60,8 @@ export const History: React.FC = () => {
return (
return (
<h1 className="mb-4"><Trans i18nKey="history"/></h1>
<h1 className="mb-4"><Trans i18nKey="landing.navigation.history"/></h1>
<Row className={'justify-content-center mb-3'}>
<Row className={'justify-content-center mt-5 mb-3'}>
@ -23,12 +23,12 @@ export const CoverButtons: React.FC = () => {
<Trans i18nKey="signIn"/>
<Trans i18nKey="login.signIn"/>
<span className="m-2">
<span className="m-2">
<Trans i18nKey="or"/>
<Trans i18nKey="common.or"/>
<Link to="/features">
<Link to="/features">
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ export const CoverButtons: React.FC = () => {
<Trans i18nKey="exploreFeatures"/>
<Trans i18nKey="landing.intro.exploreFeatures"/>
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ export const FeatureLinks: React.FC = () => {
<Link to={'/features#Share-Notes'} className="text-light">
<Link to={'/features#Share-Notes'} className="text-light">
<FontAwesomeIcon icon="bolt" size="3x"/>
<FontAwesomeIcon icon="bolt" size="3x"/>
<Trans i18nKey="featureCollaboration"/>
<Trans i18nKey="landing.intro.features.collaboration"/>
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ export const FeatureLinks: React.FC = () => {
<Link to={'/features#MathJax'} className="text-light">
<Link to={'/features#MathJax'} className="text-light">
<FontAwesomeIcon icon="chart-bar" size="3x"/>
<FontAwesomeIcon icon="chart-bar" size="3x"/>
<Trans i18nKey="featureMathJax"/>
<Trans i18nKey="landing.intro.features.mathJax"/>
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ export const FeatureLinks: React.FC = () => {
<Link to={'/features#Slide-Mode'} className="text-light">
<Link to={'/features#Slide-Mode'} className="text-light">
<FontAwesomeIcon icon="tv" size="3x"/>
<FontAwesomeIcon icon="tv" size="3x"/>
<Trans i18nKey="featureSlides"/>
<Trans i18nKey="landing.intro.features.slides"/>
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import { FeatureLinks } from './feature-links'
import { CoverButtons } from './cover-buttons/cover-buttons'
import { CoverButtons } from './cover-buttons/cover-buttons'
const Intro: React.FC = () => {
const Intro: React.FC = () => {
const { t } = useTranslation()
return (
return (
@ -14,12 +14,12 @@ const Intro: React.FC = () => {
<FontAwesomeIcon icon="file-alt"/> CodiMD
<FontAwesomeIcon icon="file-alt"/> CodiMD
<p className="lead mb-5">
<p className="lead mb-5">
<Trans i18nKey="coverSlogan"/>
<Trans i18nKey="app.slogan"/>
<img alt="CodiMD Screenshot" src={screenshot} className="img-fluid mb-5"/>
<img alt={t("landing.intro.screenShotAltText")} src={screenshot} className="img-fluid mb-5"/>
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ export const ViaEMail: React.FC = () => {
<Card className="bg-dark mb-4">
<Card className="bg-dark mb-4">
<Trans i18nKey="signInVia" values={{ service: 'E-Mail' }}/>
<Trans i18nKey="login.signInVia" values={{ service: 'E-Mail' }}/>
<Form onSubmit={onFormSubmit}>
<Form onSubmit={onFormSubmit}>
<Form.Group controlId="email">
<Form.Group controlId="email">
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ export const ViaEMail: React.FC = () => {
onChange={(event) => setEmail(event.currentTarget.value)} className="bg-dark text-white"
onChange={(event) => setEmail(event.currentTarget.value)} className="bg-dark text-white"
@ -42,20 +42,20 @@ export const ViaEMail: React.FC = () => {
onChange={(event) => setPassword(event.currentTarget.value)}
onChange={(event) => setPassword(event.currentTarget.value)}
className="bg-dark text-white"/>
className="bg-dark text-white"/>
<Alert className="small" show={error} variant="danger">
<Alert className="small" show={error} variant="danger">
<Trans i18nKey="errorEmailLogin"/>
<Trans i18nKey="login.auth.error.emailLogin"/>
<Trans i18nKey="signIn"/>
<Trans i18nKey="login.signIn"/>
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ export const ViaLdap: React.FC = () => {
<Card className="bg-dark mb-4">
<Card className="bg-dark mb-4">
<Trans i18nKey="signInVia" values={{ service: name }}/>
<Trans i18nKey="login.signInVia" values={{ service: name }}/>
<Form onSubmit={onFormSubmit}>
<Form onSubmit={onFormSubmit}>
<Form.Group controlId="username">
<Form.Group controlId="username">
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ export const ViaLdap: React.FC = () => {
onChange={(event) => setUsername(event.currentTarget.value)} className="bg-dark text-white"
onChange={(event) => setUsername(event.currentTarget.value)} className="bg-dark text-white"
@ -53,19 +53,19 @@ export const ViaLdap: React.FC = () => {
onChange={(event) => setPassword(event.currentTarget.value)}
onChange={(event) => setPassword(event.currentTarget.value)}
className="bg-dark text-white"/>
className="bg-dark text-white"/>
<Alert className="small" show={error} variant="danger">
<Alert className="small" show={error} variant="danger">
<Trans i18nKey="errorLdapLogin"/>
<Trans i18nKey="login.auth.error.ldapLogin"/>
<Trans i18nKey="signIn"/>
<Trans i18nKey="login.signIn"/>
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ export const ViaOpenId: React.FC = () => {
<Card className="bg-dark mb-4">
<Card className="bg-dark mb-4">
<Trans i18nKey="signInVia" values={{ service: 'OpenID' }}/>
<Trans i18nKey="login.signInVia" values={{ service: 'OpenID' }}/>
<Form onSubmit={onFormSubmit}>
<Form onSubmit={onFormSubmit}>
@ -38,13 +38,13 @@ export const ViaOpenId: React.FC = () => {
<Alert className="small" show={error} variant="danger">
<Alert className="small" show={error} variant="danger">
<Trans i18nKey="errorOpenIdLogin"/>
<Trans i18nKey="login.auth.error.openIdLogin"/>
<Trans i18nKey="signIn"/>
<Trans i18nKey="login.signIn"/>
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ export const Login: React.FC = () => {
<Card className="bg-dark mb-4">
<Card className="bg-dark mb-4">
<Trans i18nKey="signInVia" values={{ service: '' }}/>
<Trans i18nKey="login.signInVia" values={{ service: '' }}/>
Reference in a new issue