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synced 2025-03-11 01:22:27 +00:00
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"content": "---\ntitle: Features\ndescription: Many features, such wow!\nrobots: noindex\ntags:\n - hedgedoc\n - demo\n - react\nopengraph:\n title: Features\n---\n# Embedding demo\n[TOC]\n\n## markmap\n\n\n```markmap\n# MarkMap\n\n## Pro\n\n### written in typescript\n\n## Cons\n\n### must redeclare types\n```\n\n## Vega-Lite\n\n```vega-lite\n\n{\n \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v5.json\",\n \"description\": \"Reproducing http://robslink.com/SAS/democd91/pyramid_pie.htm\",\n \"data\": {\n \"values\": [\n {\"category\": \"Sky\", \"value\": 75, \"order\": 3},\n {\"category\": \"Shady side of a pyramid\", \"value\": 10, \"order\": 1},\n {\"category\": \"Sunny side of a pyramid\", \"value\": 15, \"order\": 2}\n ]\n },\n \"mark\": {\"type\": \"arc\", \"outerRadius\": 80},\n \"encoding\": {\n \"theta\": {\n \"field\": \"value\", \"type\": \"quantitative\",\n \"scale\": {\"range\": [2.35619449, 8.639379797]},\n \"stack\": true\n },\n \"color\": {\n \"field\": \"category\", \"type\": \"nominal\",\n \"scale\": {\n \"domain\": [\"Sky\", \"Shady side of a pyramid\", \"Sunny side of a pyramid\"],\n \"range\": [\"#416D9D\", \"#674028\", \"#DEAC58\"]\n },\n \"legend\": {\n \"orient\": \"none\",\n \"title\": null,\n \"columns\": 1,\n \"legendX\": 200,\n \"legendY\": 80\n }\n },\n \"order\": {\n \"field\": \"order\"\n }\n },\n \"view\": {\"stroke\": null}\n}\n\n\n```\n\n## GraphViz\n\n```graphviz\ngraph {\n a -- b\n a -- b\n b -- a [color=blue]\n}\n```\n\n```graphviz\ndigraph structs {\n node [shape=record];\n struct1 [label=\"<f0> left|<f1> mid\ dle|<f2> right\"];\n struct2 [label=\"<f0> one|<f1> two\"];\n struct3 [label=\"hello\nworld |{ b |{c|<here> d|e}| f}| g | h\"];\n struct1:f1 -> struct2:f0;\n struct1:f2 -> struct3:here;\n}\n```\n\n```graphviz\ndigraph G {\n main -> parse -> execute;\n main -> init;\n main -> cleanup;\n execute -> make_string;\n execute -> printf\n init -> make_string;\n main -> printf;\n execute -> compare;\n}\n```\n\n```graphviz\ndigraph D {\n node [fontname=\"Arial\"];\n node_A [shape=record label=\"shape=record|{above|middle|below}|right\"];\n node_B [shape=plaintext label=\"shape=plaintext|{curly|braces and|bars without}|effect\"];\n}\n```\n\n```graphviz\ndigraph D {\n A -> {B, C, D} -> {F}\n}\n```\n\n## High Res Image\n\n\n\n## Sequence Diagram (deprecated)\n\n```sequence\nTitle: Here is a title\nnote over A: asdd\nA->B: Normal line\nB-->C: Dashed line\nC->>D: Open arrow\nD-->>A: Dashed open arrow\nparticipant IOOO\n```\n\n## Mermaid\n\n```mermaid\ngantt\n title A Gantt Diagram\n\n section Section\n A task: a1, 2014-01-01, 30d\n Another task: after a1, 20d\n\n section Another\n Task in sec: 2014-01-12, 12d\n Another task: 24d\n```\n\n## Flowchart\n\n```flow\nst=>start: Start\ne=>end: End\nop=>operation: My Operation\nop2=>operation: lalala\ncond=>condition: Yes or No?\n\nst->op->op2->cond\ncond(yes)->e\ncond(no)->op2\n```\n\n## ABC\n\n```abc\nX:1\nT:Speed the Plough\nM:4/4\nC:Trad.\nK:G\n|:GABc dedB|dedB dedB|c2ec B2dB|c2A2 A2BA|\nGABc dedB|dedB dedB|c2ec B2dB|A2F2 G4:|\n|:g2gf gdBd|g2f2 e2d2|c2ec B2dB|c2A2 A2df|\ng2gf g2Bd|g2f2 e2d2|c2ec B2dB|A2F2 G4:|\n```\n\n## CSV\n\n```csv delimiter=; header\nUsername; Identifier;First name;Last name\n\"booker12; rbooker\";9012;Rachel;Booker\ngrey07;2070;Laura;Grey\njohnson81;4081;Craig;Johnson\njenkins46;9346;Mary;Jenkins\nsmith79;5079;Jamie;Smith\n```\n\n## some plain text\n\nLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna
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"alias": "features",
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"updateTime": "2021-04-24T09:27:51.000Z",
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"createTime": "2021-04-24T09:27:51.000Z",
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