If you use Cloudflare as reverse proxy then you **MUST** disable the minify features for HTML, CSS and JS, or your HedgeDoc instance may be broken.
For more information please read the [Cloudflare documentation](https://support.cloudflare.com/hc/en-us/articles/200168196-How-do-I-minify-HTML-CSS-and-JavaScript-to-optimize-my-site-).
| `domain` | `CMD_DOMAIN` | The full domain where your instance will be available | `hedgedoc.example.com` |
| `host` | `CMD_HOST` | An ip or domain name that is only available to HedgeDoc and your reverse proxy | `localhost` |
| `port` | `CMD_PORT` | An available port number on that IP | `3000` |
| `path` | `CMD_PATH` | path to UNIX domain socket to listen on (if specified, `host` or `CMD_HOST` and `port` or `CMD_PORT` are ignored) | `/var/run/hedgedoc.sock` |
| `protocolUseSSL` | `CMD_PROTOCOL_USESSL` | `true` if you want to serve your instance over SSL (HTTPS), `false` if you want to use plain HTTP | `true` |
| `useSSL` | | `false`, the communications between HedgeDoc and the proxy are unencrypted | `false` |
| `urlAddPort` | `CMD_URL_ADDPORT` | `false`, HedgeDoc should not append its port to the URLs it links | `false` |
| `hsts.enable` | `CMD_HSTS_ENABLE` | `true` if you host over SSL, `false` otherwise | `true` |
[Full explanation of the configuration options](../configuration.md)
### Configure asset link generation
HedgeDoc generates links to other pages and to assets (like images, stylesheets, fonts, etc) using the following settings. You must configure them according to the URL that you use to access your instance.
-`domain` (env: `CMD_DOMAIN`)
-`protocolUseSSL` (env: `CMD_PROTOCOL_USESSL`)
-`urlAddPort` (env: `CMD_URL_ADDPORT`)
!!! example
You access your HedgeDoc instance using a reverse proxy via `https://markdown.example`. You must set:
-`domain` to `markdown.example`.
-`protocolUseSSL` to `true` because you access your instance via HTTPS.
-`urlAddPort` to `false` because you access the instance using the default HTTPS port.