| `HD_RENDERER_BASE_URL` | Content of HD_BASE_URL | | The URL the renderer runs on. If omitted this will be the same as `HD_BASE_URL`. |
| `HD_LOGLEVEL` | warn | | The loglevel that should be used. Options are `error`, `warn`, `info`, `debug` or `trace`. |
| `HD_FORBIDDEN_NOTE_IDS` | - | `notAllowed,alsoNotAllowed` | A list of note ids (separated by `,`), that are not allowed to be created or requested by anyone. |
| `HD_MAX_DOCUMENT_LENGTH` | 100000 | | The maximum length of any one document. Changes to this will impact performance for your users. |
| `HD_PERSIST_INTERVAL` | 10 | `0`, `5`, `10`, `20` | The time interval in **minutes** for the periodic note revision creation during realtime editing. `0` deactivates the periodic note revision creation. |
| `HD_FORBIDDEN_NOTE_IDS` | - | `notAllowed, alsoNotAllowed` | A list of note ids (separated by `,`), that are not allowed to be created or requested by anyone. |
| `HD_MAX_DOCUMENT_LENGTH` | 100000 | | The maximum length of any one document. Changes to this will impact performance for your users. |
| `HD_GUEST_ACCESS` | `write` | `deny`, `read`, `write`, `create` | Defines the maximum access level for guest users to the instance. If guest access is set lower than the "everyone" permission of a note then the note permission will be overridden. |
| `HD_PERMISSION_LOGGED_IN_DEFAULT_ACCESS` | `write` | `none`, `read`, `write` | The default permission for the "logged-in" group that is set on new notes. |
| `HD_PERMISSION_EVERYONE_DEFAULT_ACCESS` | `read` | `none`, `read`, `write` | The default permission for the "everyone" group (logged-in & guest users), that is set on new notes created by logged-in users. Notes created by guests always set this to "write". |
HedgeDoc can use one or multiple LDAP servers to authenticate users. To do this, you first need to tell HedgeDoc the names of servers you want to use (`HD_AUTH_LDAPS`), and then you need to provide the configuration for those LDAP servers depending on how you want to use them.
Each of those variables will contain the given name for this LDAP server. For example if you named your LDAP server `MY_LDAP` all variables for this server will start with `HD_AUTH_LDAP_MY_LDAP`.
| environment variable | default | example | description |
| `HD_AUTH_LDAPS` | - | `MY_LDAP` | A comma-seperated list of names of LDAP servers HedgeDoc should use. |
| `HD_AUTH_LDAP_$NAME_PROVIDER_NAME` | `LDAP` | `My LDAP` | The display name for the LDAP server, that is shown in the UI of HegdeDoc. |
| `HD_AUTH_LDAP_$NAME_URL` | - | `ldaps://ldap.example.com` | The url with which the LDAP server can be accessed. |
| `HD_AUTH_LDAP_$NAME_SEARCH_BASE` | - | `ou=users,dc=LDAP,dc=example,dc=com` | The LDAP search base which contains the user accounts on the LDAP server. |
| `HD_AUTH_LDAP_$NAME_SEARCH_FILTER` | `(uid={{username}})` | `(&(uid={{username}})(objectClass=inetOrgPerson))` | A LDAP search filter that filters the users that should have access. |
| `HD_AUTH_LDAP_$NAME_SEARCH_ATTRIBUTES` | - | `username,cn` | A comma-seperated list of attributes that the search filter from the LDAP server should access. |
| `HD_AUTH_LDAP_$NAME_USERID_FIELD` | `uid` | `uid`, `uidNumber`, `sAMAccountName` | The attribute of the user account which should be used as an id for the user. |
| `HD_AUTH_LDAP_$NAME_DISPLAY_NAME_FIELD` | `displayName` | `displayName`, `name`, `cn` | The attribute of the user account which should be used as the display name for the user. |
| `HD_AUTH_LDAP_$NAME_PROFILE_PICTURE_FIELD` | `jpegPhoto` | `jpegPhoto`, `thumbnailPhoto` | The attribute of the user account which should be used as the user image for the user. |
| `HD_AUTH_LDAP_$NAME_BIND_DN` | - | `cn=admin,dc=LDAP,dc=example,dc=com` | The dn which is used to perform the user search. If this is omitted then HedgeDoc will use an anonymous bind. |
| `HD_AUTH_LDAP_$NAME_BIND_CREDENTIALS` | - | `MyLdapPassword` | The credential to access the LDAP server. |
| `HD_AUTH_LDAP_$NAME_TLS_CERT_PATHS` | - | `LDAP-ca.pem` | A comma-seperated list of paths to TLS certificates for the LDAP server. |
HedgeDoc allows you to set a name or logo for your organization. How this looks and where this is used, can be seen below. You can also provide a privacy policy, terms of use or an imprint url for your HedgeDoc instance.
| `HD_CUSTOM_NAME` | - | `DEMO Corp` | The text will be shown in the top right corner in the editor and on the intro page. If you also configure a custom logo, this will be used as the alt text of the logo. |
| `HD_CUSTOM_LOGO` | - | `https://md.example.com/logo.png` | The logo will be shown in the top right corner in the editor and on the intro page. |
| `HD_PRIVACY_URL` | - | `https://md.example.com/privacy` | The URL that should be linked as the privacy notice in the footer. |
| `HD_TERMS_OF_USE_URL` | - | `https://md.example.com/terms` | The URL that should be linked as the terms of user in the footer. |
| `HD_IMPRINT_URL` | - | `https://md.example.com/imprint` | The URL that should be linked as the imprint in the footer. |
| `HD_PLANTUML_SERVER` | - | `https://www.plantuml.com/plantuml` | The PlantUML server that HedgeDoc uses to render PlantUML diagrams. If this is not configured, PlantUML diagrams won't be rendered. |