3. Set a Client ID and specify this in `saml.issuer` property of the CodiMD configuration or `CMD_SAML_ISSUER` environment variable
4. Select `SAML` as Client Protocol
5. Set Client SAML Endpoint to `https://codimd.example.com/auth/saml` (replace `https://codimd.example.com` with the base URL of your CodiMD installation)
7. Set Root URL to `https://codimd.example.com` (replace it here also with the base URL of your CodiMD installation)
8. Set Valid Redirect URIs to `https://codimd.example.com/auth/saml/callback` (you should also define all other domains of your CodiMD installtion with the suffix `/auth/saml/callback`)
"idpSsoUrl": "https://keycloak.example.org/auth/realms/test/protocol/saml", // replace keycloak.example.org with the url of your keycloak server
"idpCert": "/path/to/the/cert.pem",
"clientCert": "/path/to/the/key.pem" // this one is optional, see below
### Environment Variables
-`CMD_SAML_IDPSSOURL`: `https://keycloak.example.org/auth/realms/test/protocol/saml` (replace keycloak.example.org with the url of your keycloak server)
-`CMD_SAML_IDPCERT`: `/path/to/the/cert.pem`
- *(optional, see below)* `CMD_SAML_CLIENTCERT`: `/path/to/the/key.pem`
-`CMD_SAML_ISSUER`: `codimd` (Change to the "Client ID" specified in the Keycloak Client)
9. Move or copy this key (in this case named `key.pem`) and save it to the file specified in `saml.clientCert` property of the CodiMD configuration or in the enviroment-variable `CMD_SAML_CLIENTCERT`
### Convert Private Certificate generated by KeyCloak
Instead if generating you own certificate, you can also use the one generated by keycloak.
8. Move or copy this key (in this case named `key.pem`) and save it to the file specified in `saml.idpCert` property of the CodiMD configuration or in the enviroment-variable `CMD_SAML_CLIENTCERT`
## Use Persistent Identifiers
Instead of using the username as the owner-key in the CodiMD database, you can also use a persistent identifier. This allows to change the username, without them loosing access to their notes.
1. Go to the CodiMD-Client in keycloak. Now enable the option "Force Name ID Format" and select "persistent" as the "Name ID Format".
2. For codimd to be able to use the username and email configured in keycloak, you have to create the following SAML protocol mappers:
2.1. Create a mapper with the type `User Property`. Set the Name, Property and SAML Attribute Name to `username`. Now you can specify a friendly name (for example `Username`)
2.2 Create a mapper with the type `User Property`. Set the Name, Property and SAML Attribute Name to `email`. Now you can specify a friendly name (for example `E-Mail`)