| `HD_RENDERER_BASE_URL` | Content of HD_BASE_URL | | The URL the renderer runs on. If omitted this will be the same as `HD_BASE_URL`. |
| `HD_LOGLEVEL` | warn | | The loglevel that should be used. Options are `error`, `warn`, `info`, `debug` or `trace`. |
| `HD_FORBIDDEN_NOTE_IDS` | - | `notAllowed,alsoNotAllowed` | A list of note ids (separated by `,`), that are not allowed to be created or requested by anyone. |
| `HD_MAX_DOCUMENT_LENGTH` | 100000 | | The maximum length of any one document. Changes to this will impact performance for your users. |
| `HD_PERSIST_INTERVAL` | 10 | `0`, `5`, `10`, `20` | The time interval in **minutes** for the periodic note revision creation during realtime editing. `0` deactivates the periodic note revision creation. |
| `HD_FORBIDDEN_NOTE_IDS` | - | `notAllowed, alsoNotAllowed` | A list of note ids (separated by `,`), that are not allowed to be created or requested by anyone. |
| `HD_MAX_DOCUMENT_LENGTH` | 100000 | | The maximum length of any one document. Changes to this will impact performance for your users. |
| `HD_GUEST_ACCESS` | `write` | `deny`, `read`, `write`, `create` | Defines the maximum access level for guest users to the instance. If guest access is set lower than the "everyone" permission of a note then the note permission will be overridden. |
| `HD_PERMISSION_DEFAULT_LOGGED_IN` | `write` | `none`, `read`, `write` | The default permission for the "logged-in" group that is set on new notes. |
| `HD_PERMISSION_DEFAULT_EVERYONE` | `read` | `none`, `read`, `write` | The default permission for the "everyone" group (logged-in & guest users), that is set on new notes created by logged-in users. Notes created by guests always set this to "write". |
| `HD_AUTH_LDAP_$NAME_PROVIDER_NAME` | `LDAP` | `My LDAP` | The display name for the LDAP server, that is shown in the UI of HegdeDoc. |
| `HD_AUTH_LDAP_$NAME_URL` | - | `ldaps://ldap.example.com` | The url with which the LDAP server can be accessed. |
| `HD_AUTH_LDAP_$NAME_SEARCH_BASE` | - | `ou=users,dc=LDAP,dc=example,dc=com` | The LDAP search base which contains the user accounts on the LDAP server. |
| `HD_AUTH_LDAP_$NAME_SEARCH_FILTER` | `(uid={{username}})` | `(&(uid={{username}})(objectClass=inetOrgPerson))` | A LDAP search filter that filters the users that should have access. |
| `HD_AUTH_LDAP_$NAME_SEARCH_ATTRIBUTES` | - | `username,cn` | A comma-seperated list of attributes that the search filter from the LDAP server should access. |
| `HD_AUTH_LDAP_$NAME_USERID_FIELD` | `uid` | `uid`, `uidNumber`, `sAMAccountName` | The attribute of the user account which should be used as an id for the user. |
| `HD_AUTH_LDAP_$NAME_DISPLAY_NAME_FIELD` | `displayName` | `displayName`, `name`, `cn` | The attribute of the user account which should be used as the display name for the user. |
| `HD_AUTH_LDAP_$NAME_PROFILE_PICTURE_FIELD` | `jpegPhoto` | `jpegPhoto`, `thumbnailPhoto` | The attribute of the user account which should be used as the user image for the user. |
| `HD_AUTH_LDAP_$NAME_BIND_DN` | - | `cn=admin,dc=LDAP,dc=example,dc=com` | The dn which is used to perform the user search. If this is omitted then HedgeDoc will use an anonymous bind. |
| `HD_AUTH_LDAP_$NAME_BIND_CREDENTIALS` | - | `MyLdapPassword` | The credential to access the LDAP server. |
| `HD_AUTH_LDAP_$NAME_TLS_CERT_PATHS` | - | `LDAP-ca.pem` | A comma-seperated list of paths to TLS certificates for the LDAP server. |
| `HD_CUSTOM_NAME` | - | `DEMO Corp` | The text will be shown in the top right corner in the editor and on the intro page. If you also configure a custom logo, this will be used as the alt text of the logo. |
| `HD_CUSTOM_LOGO` | - | `https://md.example.com/logo.png` | The logo will be shown in the top right corner in the editor and on the intro page. |
| `HD_PRIVACY_URL` | - | `https://md.example.com/privacy` | The URL that should be linked as the privacy notice in the footer. |
| `HD_TERMS_OF_USE_URL` | - | `https://md.example.com/terms` | The URL that should be linked as the terms of user in the footer. |
| `HD_IMPRINT_URL` | - | `https://md.example.com/imprint` | The URL that should be linked as the imprint in the footer. |
| `HD_PLANTUML_SERVER` | - | `https://www.plantuml.com/plantuml` | The PlantUML server that HedgeDoc uses to render PlantUML diagrams. If this is not configured, PlantUML diagrams won't be rendered. |