`CMD_LDAP_BINDDN` is either the `distinguishedName` or the `userPrincipalName`. *This can cause "username/password is invalid" when either this value or the password from `CMD_LDAP_BINDCREDENTIALS` are incorrect.*
`CMD_LDAP_SEARCHFILTER` matches on all users and uses either the email address or the `sAMAccountName` (usually the login name you also use to login to Windows).
*Only using `sAMAccountName` looks like this:* `(&(objectcategory=person)(objectclass=user)(sAMAccountName={{username}}))`
`CMD_LDAP_USERIDFIELD` says we want to use `sAMAccountName` as unique identifier for the account itself.
`CMD_LDAP_PROVIDERNAME` just the name written above the username and password field on the login page.