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'use strict'
const Router = require('express').Router
const passport = require('passport')
const { Strategy, InternalOAuthError } = require('passport-oauth2')
const config = require('../../../config')
const logger = require('../../../logger')
const { passportGeneralCallback } = require('../utils')
const oauth2Auth = module.exports = Router()
class OAuth2CustomStrategy extends Strategy {
constructor (options, verify) {
options.customHeaders = options.customHeaders || {}
super(options, verify)
this.name = 'oauth2'
this._userProfileURL = options.userProfileURL
userProfile (accessToken, done) {
this._oauth2.get(this._userProfileURL, accessToken, function (err, body, res) {
let json
if (err) {
return done(new InternalOAuthError('Failed to fetch user profile', err))
try {
json = JSON.parse(body)
} catch (ex) {
return done(new Error('Failed to parse user profile'))
checkAuthorization(json, done)
const profile = parseProfile(json)
profile.provider = 'oauth2'
done(null, profile)
function extractProfileAttribute (data, path) {
// can handle stuff like `attrs[0].name`
path = path.split('.')
for (const segment of path) {
const m = segment.match(/([\d\w]+)\[(.*)\]/)
data = m ? data[m[1]][m[2]] : data[segment]
return data
function parseProfile (data) {
// only try to parse the id if a claim is configured
const id = config.oauth2.userProfileIdAttr ? extractProfileAttribute(data, config.oauth2.userProfileIdAttr) : undefined
const username = extractProfileAttribute(data, config.oauth2.userProfileUsernameAttr)
const displayName = extractProfileAttribute(data, config.oauth2.userProfileDisplayNameAttr)
const email = extractProfileAttribute(data, config.oauth2.userProfileEmailAttr)
return {
id: id || username,
emails: email ? [email] : []
function checkAuthorization (data, done) {
// a role the user must have is set in the config
if (config.oauth2.accessRole) {
// check if we know which claim contains the list of groups a user is in
if (!config.oauth2.rolesClaim) {
// log error, but accept all logins
logger.error('oauth2: "accessRole" is configured, but "rolesClaim" is missing from the config. Can\'t check group membership!')
} else {
// parse and check role data
const roles = extractProfileAttribute(data, config.oauth2.rolesClaim)
if (!roles) {
logger.error('oauth2: "accessRole" is configured, but user profile doesn\'t contain roles attribute. Permission denied')
return done('Permission denied', null)
if (!roles.includes(config.oauth2.accessRole)) {
const username = extractProfileAttribute(data, config.oauth2.userProfileUsernameAttr)
logger.debug(`oauth2: user "${username}" doesn't have the required role. Permission denied`)
return done('Permission denied', null)
OAuth2CustomStrategy.prototype.userProfile = function (accessToken, done) {
this._oauth2.get(this._userProfileURL, accessToken, function (err, body, res) {
let json
if (err) {
return done(new InternalOAuthError('Failed to fetch user profile', err))
try {
json = JSON.parse(body)
} catch (ex) {
return done(new Error('Failed to parse user profile'))
checkAuthorization(json, done)
const profile = parseProfile(json)
profile.provider = 'oauth2'
done(null, profile)
passport.use(new OAuth2CustomStrategy({
authorizationURL: config.oauth2.authorizationURL,
tokenURL: config.oauth2.tokenURL,
clientID: config.oauth2.clientID,
clientSecret: config.oauth2.clientSecret,
callbackURL: config.serverURL + '/auth/oauth2/callback',
userProfileURL: config.oauth2.userProfileURL,
scope: config.oauth2.scope,
state: true
}, passportGeneralCallback))
oauth2Auth.get('/auth/oauth2', function (req, res, next) {
passport.authenticate('oauth2')(req, res, next)
// github auth callback
passport.authenticate('oauth2', {
successReturnToOrRedirect: config.serverURL + '/',
failureRedirect: config.serverURL + '/'