From d665be62e506628e8cb1e59a0e7ecc667b093d6a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sam Schlinkert Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2023 18:12:59 -0500 Subject: [PATCH] replaces wodlist-6-dice with a brand ndew word list --- assets/wordlist/wordlist-6-dice.js | 93320 +++++++++++++-------------- 1 file changed, 46657 insertions(+), 46663 deletions(-) diff --git a/assets/wordlist/wordlist-6-dice.js b/assets/wordlist/wordlist-6-dice.js index 64a48ab..a55db54 100644 --- a/assets/wordlist/wordlist-6-dice.js +++ b/assets/wordlist/wordlist-6-dice.js @@ -1,46665 +1,46659 @@ -// -// Our wordlist. -// -// Originally obtained from: -// +// a 46-656-word list created by Sam Schlinkert, based on Google Ngram data and the Niceware wordlist var wordlist = [ - "aaaah", - "aaace", - "aaacn", - "aaargh", - "aachen", - "aacom", - "aacsb", - "aacute", - "aaene", - "aaeon", - "aafes", - "aalib", - "aalst", - "aalto", - "aamco", - "aames", - "aamir", - "aanbod", - "aanndd", - "aantal", - "aapeli", - "aaraa", - "aarau", - "aargau", - "aargh", - "aarhus", - "aarnet", - "aarnio", - "aaron", - "aarons", - "aarti", - "aarts", - "aashto", - "aastra", - "aavso", - "ababa", - "abaca", - "abacha", - "aback", - "abaco", - "abacre", - "abacus", - "abadan", - "abadi", - "abadon", - "abaixo", - "abajo", - "abakus", - "abalou", - "abano", - "abaqus", - "abarat", - "abare", - "abarth", - "abate", - "abated", - "abaya", - "abbado", - "abbas", - "abbasi", - "abbate", - "abbaye", - "abbess", - "abbett", - "abbey", - "abbeys", - "abbie", - "abbot", - "abbots", - "abbott", - "abboud", - "abbox", - "abbrev", - "abbyy", - "abcam", - "abcaz", - "abcde", - "abcdef", - "abdel", - "abduct", - "abdul", - "abdur", - "abdus", - "abela", - "abele", - "abell", - "abella", - "abels", - "abend", - "aberg", - "abeta", - "abetz", - "abhay", - "abhor", - "abhors", - "abide", - "abided", - "abides", - "abies", - "abijah", - "abiola", - "abita", - "abiti", - "abject", - "abkhaz", - "abkit", - "ablaze", - "abled", - "ables", - "ablest", - 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