# WordGuess Daily pubnix game where you guess the word of the day. Compare your word chops with other people on the same server! ## Server Make sure that the WordGuess folder is accessible to other users. This means that if the code lives in `/home/wg/WordGuess` then the executable permission must be given to `/home/wg`. ```bash chmod o+x /home/wg ``` The server code will adjust the permissions of all the other files to circumvent cheating. To run the server ```bash python server.py ``` You should see an output such as ``` Successfully loaded game state Seed: 701625 Started server at /home/wg/WordGuess/game.sock ``` Don't share the seed with anyone! Otherwise they can figure out the word for all future days. You can reset the seed and all game state by removing the file `state.pickle`. A systemd service file is provided under `wordguess.service` in order to provide another way to run the server. Copy `wordguess.service` to `~/.config/systemd/user` and then enable and start the service with: ```bash systemctl --user enable --now wordguess ``` To start on boot-up, your user needs to have `Linger` enabled. If you have root access, you can run: ```bash sudo loginctl enable-linger $USER ``` ## Players Players can play the game by running the `client.py` python script. If the game lives under `/home/wg/WordGuess` then the command will be ```bash python /home/wg/WordGuess/client.py ``` After playing the game, the server will record the users high score. They can see the leaderboard by running ```bash python /home/wg/WordGuess/leaderboard.py ``` You can also pass a date with `--date`. ## Notes Word list from [Morgenstern2573/wordle_clone](https://github.com/Morgenstern2573/wordle_clone/blob/master/build/words.js) on GitHub.