--- title: "Starting Graphical Applications Remotely without X-Forwarding" date: 2020-09-07T20:24:49-04:00 draft: false tags: ["Linux", "SSH"] --- One of my favorite casual gaming setups is to use a slim laptop on my couch while streaming from my desktop using Steam Remote Play. The downside though is that unless I want to get up, Steam needs to be already running on my desktop. This post describes how I start steam remotely from my couch so that I can stream my games without having to get up and set it up on my desktop first. This requires you to be already logged into a graphical session on the computer you want to stream from. On Linux, there is a DISPLAY environmental variable which tells X11 where to show the application. By default (at least on Ubuntu), the display starts as `:0` and moves up in count. We can make use of this fact, to start steam on a X11 server instance that is already running so that we don't have to do any X11 forwarding. On the client computer, ```bash ssh desktop "DISPLAY=:0 nohup steam" ``` The `nohup` allows the application to not terminate when you press `CTRL-C` from your client computer. Update: In light of [discovering `systemd-run`](/blog/launchappsthroughterminal/), I recommand you do the following instead: ```bash ssh desktop "DISPLAY=:0 systemd-run --user steam" ```