--- title: "Code in LaTex" date: 2020-04-30T23:46:05-04:00 draft: false tags: ["LaTex"] --- I am currently working on a paper in LaTex and wanted to include some source code in it. I didn't want to use the default `verbatim` environment since I wanted to include syntax highlighting as well. Luckily, the `listings` package is an easy and extensible way to include source code inside LaTex documents. To speak first of its extensibility, here is a subset of the arguments that it can possibly take: | Argument | Description | | ----------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | aboveskip | Amount of space to include above code. | | backgroundcolor | Background color | | basicstyle | Font-style of code (Color & Size) | | belowskip | Amount of space to include below code. | | breakatwhitespace | Only break at whitespace (boolean) | | breaklines | Automatic Line Breaking (boolean) | | commentstyle | Font-style of comments (Color & Size) | | frame | Type of frame: `l` for left, `r` for right, `t` for top, `b` for bottom; can use combination of letters or `single`. | | keywordstyle | Font-style of keywords (Color & Size) | | language | Language of code (for highlighting purposes) | | numbers | Where to put the numbers: `none`, `left`, or `right`. | | numbersep | How far the line-numbers are from the code. | | numberstyle | Font-style of numbers (Color & Size) | | stringstyle | Font-style of strings in code (Color & Size) | | tabsize | Default tab size in terms of spaces. | | title | Show filename included in `\lstinputlistings` or caption. | Here is an example of code that I used in a paper ```latex \usepackage{color} \usepackage{listings} \definecolor{keyblue}{rgb}{0.1, 0.1, 0.6} \definecolor{dkgreen}{rgb}{0,0.6,0} \definecolor{gray}{rgb}{0.5,0.5,0.5} \definecolor{stringcol}{rgb}{0.58,0.4,0.1} \lstset{frame=l, language=Python, aboveskip=3mm, belowskip=3mm, columns=flexible, basicstyle={\small\ttfamily}, numbers=left, numberstyle=\tiny\color{gray}, numbersep=2mm, keywordstyle=\color{keyblue}, commentstyle=\color{dkgreen}, stringstyle=\color{stringcol}, breaklines=true, tabsize=4 } \begin{lstlisting} def greeting(): return "Hello!" # Printing the greeting to the screen print(greeting()) \end{lstlisting} ```