--- title: "A Framework for Testimony-Infused Automated Adjudicative Dynamic Multi-Agent Reasoning in Ethically Charged Scenarios" authors: [ "Brandon Rozek", "Michael Giancola", "Selmer Bringsjord", "Naveen Sundar Govindarajulu" ] date: 2022-07 publish_date: "2022/07" conference: "International Conference on Robot Ethics and Standards" isbn: "978-1-7396142-0-1" doi: "10.13180/icres.2022.18-19.07.009" firstpage: 47 lastpage: 66 language: "English" pdf_url: "https://www.clawar.org/icres2022/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/ICRES2022-Proceedings-manuscript.pdf#page=61" abstract: "In “high stakes” multi-agent decision-making under uncertainty, testimonial evidence flows from “witness” agents to “adjudicator” agents, where the latter must rationally fix belief and knowl- edge, and act accordingly. The testimonies provided may be incomplete or even deceptive, and in many domains are offered in a context that includes other kinds of evidence, some of which may be incompatible with these testimonies. Therefore, before believing a testimony and on that basis moving forward, the adjudicator must systematically reason to suitable strength of belief, in a manner that takes account of said context, and globally judges the core issue at hand. To fur- ther complicate matters, since the relevant information perceived by the adjudicator changes over time, adjudication is a nonmonontonic/defeasible affair: adjudicators must dynamically strengthen, weaken, defeat, and reinstate belief and knowledge. Toward the engineering of artificial agents ca- pable of handling these representation-and-reasoning demands arising from testimonial evidence in multi-agent decision-making, we explore herein extensions to one of our prior cognitive calculi: the Inductive Cognitive Event Calculus (IDCEC). We ground these extensions in a recent, tragic drone-strike scenario that unfolded in Kabul, Afghanistan, in the hope that use by humans of our brand of logic-based AI in future such scenarios will save human lives." ---