--- title: Now date: 2022-05-15T16:46:37-04:00 Description: Recent Happenings in Brandon Rozek's life --- [*This is a now page, it's meant to showcase what's been going on in my life recently. If you have a website, consider creating one as well*](https://nownownow.com/about) ## Professional I started my PhD program back in August 2021. So far, I've met many wonderful people including but not limited to the folks at the RAIR lab which I'm now a part of. For my first two semesters I was a teaching assistant. The first was Introduction to Computer Science and the second was Principles of Software. Both of these classes had what I would consider a large amount of students (> 300), which meant that there were multiple TAs splitting the class into smaller lab/recitation sections. Honestly those labs and recitations were the best part of the TAing experience. In Summer 2022, I will be at IBM Research in Yorktown Heights, NY. I'm looking forward to having more research dedicated time. ## Personal Life Living in Upstate NY, this is the coldest winter I've been through. There are many of you in far colder places, but I was not mentally prepared for the constant 15 degrees Fahrenheit weather. What helped keep me warm: - Window Insulator Kit (lowers the amount of heat escape) - Thermal underlayers (top and bottom) - Soup (Nice and warm) - Heated Blanket (much cheaper than a space heater) - Snow spikes (for hiking in the winter) Now that we're approaching summer again, I look forward to going on more hikes. You can check out some of the trails I completed on my [AllTrails profile](https://www.alltrails.com/members/brandon-rozek/completed).