Lecture in CPSC 220 Sept 25 2017


Adding the keyword final in front of a variable declaration makes the variable constant. Meaning you cannot later change it in the code.

final int MAX = 10;

By industry norm, the style of the variable is to have it in all caps.

You CANNOT do the following

final int MAX = 10;
MAX = 15;

Using Libraries

  1. Import the library
  2. Find the method that is appropriate
  3. Use it


import java.util.Math;
public class MathTest {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        double answer = Math.ceil(5.4);

Typecasting / Type Conversions

You can only cast a variable if you are casting it to a type that is larger than the one it was previously. The expression Polack used is that you cannot fit into super skinny jeans, but you can fit into bigger pants.

double dnum;
float fnum;
int inum;
dnum = (double)fnum * (double)inum;

Char vs String

Strings are initialized in Java with double quotes while chars are initialized with single quotes

char initial = 'j';
String name = "Jennifer";

Characters can be read in as an integer.

Random Numbers

  1. Import java.util.Random;
  2. Declare the random number generator
  3. Initialize with new
  4. Use it
import java.util.Random;
public class RandTest {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
      Random rand;
      rand = new Random();
      int number = rand.nextInt(100); // Random generates number between 0-99

How do you generate numbers in a different range? [50, 150]

rand.nextInt(100); // 0-99
rand.nextInt(101) // 0 - 100
rand.nextInt(101) + 50 //50-150

In more general terms

rand.nextInt(end - start + 1) + start