--- title: "C++ Overloads" date: 2020-03-07T13:52:05-05:00 draft: false tags: [ "C++" ] --- One thing I like about a lot of common languages like C++ and Python is that you can overload operators. This makes it easy to create libraries for other developers that are easy to use. We are going to explain common operators you may want to overload in C++. ## Quick Example Let's create a class ```c++ class DataType { public: DataType() {} bool operator==(const DataType&, const DataType&); private: int y; } ``` Notice that we're going to overload the `==` operator for this DataType. ```c++ bool operator==(const DataType &x1, const DataType &x2) { return x1.y == x2.y; } ``` ## Common Unary Operators | Name | Operator | | ------------------ | --------------- | | Increment | `++` | | Decrement | `--` | | Function Call | `()` | | Boolean Conversion | `(bool)` object | ```c++ class DataType { public: DataType() {} // Boolean Conversion bool operator bool(const DataType&); // (In/De)crements DataType& operator++(DataType&); DataType& operator--(DataType&); // Function Call operator void operator(DataType& x)(int); private: int y; } ``` ```c++ // Boolean Conversion bool operator bool(const DataType& x) { return x.y == 0; } // (In/De)crements DataType& operator++(DataType& x) { x.y++; return x; } DataType& operator--(DataType& x) { x.y--; return x; } // Function Call Operator void operator(DataType& x)(int n) { x.y += n; } ``` ## Common Binary Operators | Name | Operator | | ----------------- | -------- | | Stream Insertion | `<<` | | Stream Extraction | `>>` | | Less than | `<` | | Equals | `==` | | Subscript | `[]` | Implementing `<` gives you `>`,`<=`, and `>=` for free. Implementing `==` gives you `!=` for free. ```c++ class DataType { public: DataType() {} DataType(int x) { y += x } // Stream Operators std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const DataType&); std::istream& operator>>(std::istream&, DataType&); // Arithmetic Operators DataType& operator+=(DataType&, const DataType&); DataType operator+(const DataType&, const DataType&); // Comparison Operators bool operator<(const DataType&, const DataType&); bool operator==(const DataType&, const DataType&); // Array Subscript int operator[](DataType&, std::size_t); private: int y; } ``` ```c++ // Stream Operators std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const DataType& x) { os << x.y; return os; } std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& is, DataType& x) { int y; is >> y; x.y = y; return is; } // Artithmetic Operators DataType& operator+=(DataType& x, const DataType& z) { x.y += z.y; return x; } DataType operator+(const DataType& x, const DataType& z) { return DataType(x.y + z.y); } // Comparison Operators bool operator<(const DataType &x, const DataType &z) { return x.y < z.y; } bool operator==(const DataType &x, const DataType &z) { return x.y == z.y; } // Array Subscript int operator[](DataType& x, std::size_t idx) { return x.y; } ```