--- title: "Pyenv and Tox" date: 2020-02-21T19:06:40-05:00 draft: false tags: [ "Python", "Testing" ] --- Pyenv is great for managing multiple python installations and tox is great for creating virtual environments for testing. What if we can combine the two? For more detailed information visit [Frank-Mich's Blog](https://blog.frank-mich.com/recipe-testing-multiple-python-versions-with-pyenv-and-tox/). First make sure [pyenv is installed](https://github.com/pyenv/pyenv-installer). In the directory with your `setup.py` tell `pyenv` which python versions you want to consider. ```bash pyenv local 3.6.0 3.7.0 3.8.0 ``` Frank warns heavily not to specify multiple python versions with the same `major.minor` numbering. For example, `3.6.0` and `3.6.10` should not be included together. Then install the `tox` package. ```bash pip install tox ``` I made the mistake of making a virtual environment and then installing tox. That gets rid of the python version information we specified before. Now specify a `tox.ini` with a structure similar to below.. ```ini [tox] envlist = py36 py37 py38 [testenv] commands = python3 -m unittest discover tests ```