--- title: "Managing Python Versions with Pyenv" date: 2020-01-20T09:55:04-05:00 draft: false tags: [ "Python" ] --- I wrote previously about [managing python virtual environments](https://brandonrozek.com/blog/virtualenv/). Since then, I've discovered a software called [Pyenv](https://github.com/pyenv/pyenv) which allows you to not only manage virtual environments but python versions. As someone who likes to develop python programs in his free time, I found this incredibly useful in keeping all my virtual environments in one place and easily upgrading to a more recent version of python. To install, follow the steps outlined in the [pyenv-istaller](https://github.com/pyenv/pyenv-installer) repository. As of now, it's a bash script. ## Python Versions Once it's installed, we need to download a version of python. To see what's available, ```bash pyenv install --list ``` This will give us a very large list of all the different python versions we can install. Let's say we want to install vanilla Python version 3.8.1. Then all we do is specify that after the install keyword, ```bash pyenv install 3.8.1 ``` Now pyenv has a great concept where you can set certain folders to automatically load a specific python version or virtual environment. To set the current directory to use python 3.8.1 by default, run the following command: ```bash pyenv local 3.8.1 ``` This will then create a file called `.python-version` which contains the text `3.8.1`. To set this globally, just replace `local` with `global`, ```bash pyenv global 3.8.1 ``` Finally, if you only want to specify a python version for the current shell. ```bash pyenv shell 3.8.1 ``` ## Python Virtual Environments To create a virtual environment, run the following ```bash pyenv virtualenv name ``` This will create a virtual environment called `name` that is bound to the version of Python you have enabled at the current moment. Once it's created you can activate it with the following, ```bash pyenv activate name ``` You can also use the `local` and `global` pyenv commands to set the current directory or default to be the virtual environment. To do that, all we need to do is replace the python version from above with the environment name ```bash pyenv local name ``` With this, you now have a python virtual environment to play with! ## Other useful commands Which version or virtual environment am I using? ```bash pyenv version ``` Which versions or virtual environments are available to me? ```bash pyenv versions ``` Which virtual environment or version contains a command I'm looking for? (e.g spyder) ```bash pyenv whence executable ```