--- Title: Reinforcement Learning Description: The study of optimally mapping situations to actions --- Reinforcement learning is the art of analyzing situations and mapping them to actions in order to maximize a numerical reward signal. In this independent study, I as well as Dr. Stephen Davies, will explore the Reinforcement Learning problem and its subproblems. We will go over the bandit problem, markov decision processes, and discover how best to translate a problem in order to **make decisions**. I have provided a list of topics that I wish to explore in a [syllabus](syllabus) ## Readings In order to spend more time learning, I decided to follow a textbook this time. Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction By Richard S. Sutton and Andrew G. Barto [Reading Schedule](readings) ## Notes The notes for this course, is going to be an extreemly summarized version of the textbook. There will also be notes on whatever side tangents Dr. Davies and I explore. [Notes page](notes) I wrote a small little quirky/funny report describing the bandit problem. Great for learning about the common considerations for Reinforcement Learning problems. [The Bandit Report](/files/research/TheBanditReport.pdf) ## Code Code will occasionally be written to solidify the learning material and to act as aids for more exploration. [Github Link](https://github.com/brandon-rozek/ReinforcementLearning) Specifically, if you want to see agents I've created to solve some OpenAI environments, take a look at this specific folder in the Github Repository. [Github Link](https://github.com/Brandon-Rozek/ReinforcementLearning/tree/master/agents)