--- date: 2022-12-18 12:55:32-05:00 draft: false math: false medium_enabled: true medium_post_id: 9801b2556737 tags: [] title: Capturing Quoted Strings in Sed --- *Disclaimer: This posts assumes some knowledge about regular expressions.* Recently I was trying to capture an HTML attribute in `sed`. For example, let's say I want to extract the `href` attribute in the following example: ``` ``` Advice you commonly see on the Internet is to use a capture group for anything between the quotes of the href. In regular expression land, we can represent anything as `.*` and define a capture group of some regular expression `X` as `\(X\)`. ```bash sed "s/.*href=\"\(.*\)\".*/\1/g" ``` What does this look like for our input? ```bash echo \\ |\ sed "s/.*href=\"\(.*\)\".*/\1/g" ``` ``` https://brandonrozek.com" rel="me ``` It matches all the way until the second `"`! What we want, is to not match *any* character within the quotations, but match any character that is not the quotation itself `[^\"]*` ```bash sed "s/.*href=\"\([^\"]*\)\".*/\1/g" ``` This then works for our example: ```bash echo \\ |\ sed "s/.*href=\"\([^\"]*\)\".*/\1/g" ``` ``` https://brandonrozek.com ``` Within a bash script, we can make this a little more readable by using multiple variables. ```bash QUOTED_STR="\"\([^\"]*\)\"" BEFORE_TEXT=".*href=$QUOTED_STR.*" AFTER_TEXT="\1" REPLACE_EXPR="s/$BEFORE_TEXT/$AFTER_TEXT/g" INPUT="\\" echo "$INPUT" | sed "$REPLACE_EXPR" ```