--- title: "Show Applications using the Internet" date: 2020-05-09T11:30:36-04:00 draft: false tags: ["Linux"] --- There's a great thread on [ask ubuntu](https://askubuntu.com/questions/104739/which-applications-are-using-internet) on seeing which applications are using the Internet. I'm going to add my own spin on the answers for future reference. ```bash lsof -i | awk '{print $1}' | uniq | tail -n +2 ``` Breaking it down... - `lsof -i` shows us a lot of information pertaining to processes accessing the Internet. - `awk '{print $1}'` filters the last output to only shown us the `COMMAND` column. - `uniq` filters out multiple occurrences of a single application. - `tail -n +2` removes the first `COMMAND` line.