--- Title: Transcript Description: Page listing the courses I've taken --- # Transcript Below is a list of courses I've taken in the past for credit. ## Fall 2019 Software Engineering (CPSC 430) Deep Reinforcement Learning (CPSC 491H) Multivariable Calculus (MATH 224A) Number Theory (MATH 321) Abstract Algebra II (MATH 432) ## Spring 2019 Deep Reinforcement Learning (CPSC 491) Real Analysis I (MATH 471) Abstract Algebra I (MATH 431) Operating Systems (CPSC 405) Digital Storytelling (CPSC 106) ## Fall 2018 Reinforcement Learning (CPSC 491) Programming Languages (CPSC 491) Competitive Programming (CPSC 491) Multivariate Statistics (STAT 461) Foundations of Advance Mathematics (MATH 330) Applications of Databases (CPSC 350) ## Spring 2018 Foundations for Data Science (Data 219) Theory of Computation (CPSC 326) Data Structures and Algorithms (CPSC 340) Differential Equations (MATH 312) Cluster Analysis (STAT 491) ## Fall 2017 Computer Systems and Architecture (CPSC 305) Introduction to Data Science (DATA 101) Linear Algebra (MATH 300) Methods in Mathematical Physics (PHYS 317) Probability & Statistical Inference I (STAT 381) Undergraduate Research in Physics (URES 197J) ## Spring 2017 Intro to Discrete Mathematics (CPSC 125A) Object-Oriented Analysis & Design (CPSC 240) Statistical Methods (MATH 280) University Physics II, with Lab (PHYS 106) Undergraduate Research in Physics (URES 197J) ## Fall 2016 Software Development Tools (CPSC 225) Numbers Rule Your World (FSEM 100M1) Intro to Statistics (MATH 200) American Music (MUHL 156) University Physics I, with Lab (PHYS 105) ## Advance Placement Computer Programming and Problem Solving (CPSC 220) Intro to Human Geography (GEOG 102) American History to 1865 (HIST 131) American History since 1865 (HIST 132) Calculus I (MATH 121) Calculus II (MATH 122) Calculus III (MATH 223) General Psychology (PSYCH 100)