--- title: Backtracking showthedate: false --- This algorithm tries to construct a solution to a problem one piece at a time. Whenever the algorithm needs to decide between multiple alternatives to the part of the solution it *recursively* evaluates every option and chooses the best one. ## How to Win To beat any *non-random perfect information* game you can define a Backtracking algorithm that only needs to know the following. - A game state is good if either the current player has already won or if the current player can move to a bad state for the opposing player. - A game state is bad if either the current player has already lost or if every available move leads to a good state for the opposing player. ``` PlayAnyGame(X, player) if player has already won in state X return GOOD if player has lost in state X return BAD for all legal moves X -> Y if PlayAnyGame(y, other player) = Bad return GOOD return BAD ``` In practice, most problems have an enormous number of states not making it possible to traverse the entire game tree. ## Subset Sum For a given set, can you find a subset that sums to a certain value? ``` SubsetSum(X, T): if T = 0 return True else if T < 0 or X is empty return False else x = any element of X with = SubsetSum(X \ {x}, T - x) without = SubsetSum(X \ {x}, T) return (with or without) ``` X \ {x} denotes set subtraction. It means X without x. ``` ConstructSubset(X, i, T): if T = 0 return empty set if T < 0 or n = 0 return None Y = ConstructSubset(X, i - 1, T) if Y does not equal None return Y Y = ConstructSubset(X, i - 1, T - X[i]) if Y does not equal None return Y with X[i] return None ``` ## Big Idea Backtracking algorithms are used to make a *sequence of decisions*. When we design a new recursive backtracking algorithm, we must figure out in advance what information we will need about past decisions in the middle of the algorithm.