--- title: "Fun with Telnet" date: 2024-01-08T22:33:42-05:00 draft: false tags: [] math: false medium_enabled: false --- Some time ago I came across a cinematic experience ``` ......... @@@@@ @@@@@ ........... ......... @ @ @ @ ........... ......... @@@ @ @ .......... ........ @@ @ @ ......... ........ @@@@@@@ @@@@@ th ....... ...... ----------------------- ...... ..... C E N T U R Y .... .... ----------------------- ... ... @@@@@ @@@@@ @ @ @@@@@ .. == @ @ @ @ @ == __||__ @ @@@@ @ @ __||__ | | @ @ @ @ @ | | _________|______|_____ @ @@@@@ @ @ @ _____|______|_________ ``` It was a Star Wars inspired animation, brought to you by Telnet! ```bash telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl 23 ``` *It's worth watching the entire thing.* Fast forward a few years, and I've come across other great [telnet nuggets](https://www.telnet.org/htm/places.htm) | Address | Description | | ------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | freechess.org 5000 | Chess [[1]](https://www.freechess.org/) | | towel.blinkenlights.nl 23 | Star Wars asciimation | | mtrek.com 1701 | Space combat game (inspired by StarTrek) [[1]](http://mtrek.com/) | | fibs.com 4321 | Backgammon [[1]](http://fibs.com/) [[2]](https://tinysubversions.com/notes/backgammon-fibs/) | | mapscii.me | World map (Can zoom in with mouse) [[1]](https://github.com/rastapasta/mapscii) | | telehack.com | Arpanet/Usenet Simulation. Includes over 60 text-based games [[1]](https://telehack.com/) | Remember that telnet communication is all over plaintext, so don't accidentally leak any secrets. Have fun discovering the quirky old world of Telnet!