diff --git a/content/community/_index.md b/content/community/_index.md index a362749..35b417b 100644 --- a/content/community/_index.md +++ b/content/community/_index.md @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ I co-founded the NY Captital Region Logic Reading Group. The idea here is to present papers within automated reasoning, logic-based artificial intelligence, and normative ethics. -[See more](logic-reading-group) +[See more](logic-group) ## ./UMWLUG I was the co-founder and vice president of UMW's Linux Users Group. I mainly brought interesting people to come and talk about Linux and open source. diff --git a/content/community/logic-group.md b/content/community/logic-group.md index 993f00c..bac568c 100644 --- a/content/community/logic-group.md +++ b/content/community/logic-group.md @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ I presented the following: 08/03/2022: [Coming Up with Good Excuses: What To Do When No Plan Can be Found](https://www.aaai.org/ocs/index.php/ICAPS/ICAPS10/paper/viewFile/1453/1532) by Moritz Gobelbecker, Thomas Keller, Patrick Eyerich, Michael Brenner, and Bernhard Nebel. -09/14/2022: [Planning Modulo Theories: Extending the Planning Paradigm](https://www.aaai.org/ocs/index.php/ICAPS/ICAPS12/paper/viewFile/4693/4715) by Peter Gregory, Derek Long, Maria Fox, and J. Christopher Beck. +09/14/2022: [Planning Modulo Theories: Extending the Planning Paradigm](https://ai.dmi.unibas.ch/papers/goebelbecker-et-al-icaps2010.pdf) by Peter Gregory, Derek Long, Maria Fox, and J. Christopher Beck. 10/19/2022: [Evaluation of the Moral Permissibility of Action Plans](https://gki.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/papers/lindner-etal-aij2020.pdf)