+ {{ $scratch := newScratch }}
+ {{ $posts := where site.RegularPages "Type" "blog" }}
+ {{ range last 1 $posts }}
+ {{ $numYears := div (sub now.Unix .Date.Unix) 31536000 }}
+ {{ $firstDate := .Date.Format "January 2, 2006"}}
+ {{ $scratch.Set "firstDate" $firstDate}}
+ {{ $scratch.Set "numYears" $numYears }}
+ {{ end }}
+ {{ range first 1 $posts }}
+ {{ $latestDate := .Date.Format "January 2, 2006"}}
+ {{ $scratch.Set "latestDate" $latestDate }}
+ {{ end }}
+ {{ $postCount := len $posts }}
+ My most recent blog post was written on {{ $scratch.Get "latestDate" }}
+ with my first ever one written on {{ $scratch.Get "firstDate" }} .
+ This means I've been publishing for {{ $scratch.Get "numYears"}} years !
+ Over which I have written a total of {{ $postCount }} posts.
+ {{ .Content }}
+ {{ $tags := .Site.Taxonomies.tags }}
+ {{ $scratch.Set "longCount" 0 }}
+ {{ range $posts }}
+ {{ $scratch.Add "wordcount" .WordCount }}
+ {{ if ge .WordCount ($scratch.Get "longCount") }}
+ {{ $scratch.Set "longestPost" . }}
+ {{ $scratch.Set "longCount" .WordCount }}
+ {{ end }}
+ {{ end }}
+ {{ $mostPopularTag := index .Site.Taxonomies.tags.ByCount 0 }}
+ {{ $wordCount := $scratch.Get "wordcount" }}
+ {{ $avgPostLength := div $wordCount $postCount }}
+ Total Words Written
+ {{ $wordCount | lang.FormatNumberCustom 0 }}
+ Average Words per Post
+ {{ $avgPostLength | lang.FormatNumberCustom 0 }}
+ Number of Topics
+ {{ len $tags | lang.FormatNumberCustom 0 }}
+ Most Popular Topic
+ {{ with $mostPopularTag }}
+ {{ .Page.Title }} with {{ .Count }} posts
+ {{ end }}
+ Longest Post Published
+ {{ with $scratch.Get "longestPost" }}
+ {{ .Title }} with {{ .WordCount }} words
+ {{ end }}
+ Total Wikipedia Edits
+ {{ $data := getJSON "https://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=query&list=users&ususers=BrandonRozek&usprop=editcount&format=json" }}
+ {{ range first 1 $data.query.users }}
+ {{ .editcount }}
+ {{ end }}
+ Total OpenStreetMap Edits
+ {{ $data := getJSON "https://api.openstreetmap.org/api/0.6/user/16068861.json" }}
+ {{ $data.user.changesets.count }}
+ {{ $grouped := $posts.GroupByDate "2006" }}
Posts Per Year
+ Year
+ Number of Posts
+ {{ range $grouped.Reverse }}
+ {{ $yearPostCount := len (where .Pages "Type" "blog") }}
+ {{ .Key }}
+ {{ $yearPostCount | lang.FormatNumberCustom 0 }}
+ {{ $scratch.Add "yearKeys" "'" }}
+ {{ $scratch.Add "yearKeys" .Key }}
+ {{ $scratch.Add "yearKeys" "'," }}
+ {{ $scratch.Add "yearCount" (string $yearPostCount) }}
+ {{ $scratch.Add "yearCount" "," }}
+ {{ end }}
+ {{ $chartPre := "{type: 'line',data: {labels: [" }}
+ {{ $chartYearKeys := trim ($scratch.Get "yearKeys") ","}}
+ {{ $chartYearCount := trim ($scratch.Get "yearCount") ","}}
+ {{ $chartMid := "],datasets: [{label: 'Posts Published',data: [" }}
+ {{ $chartPost := "],backgroundColor: 'rgb(54, 128, 56)',borderColor: 'rgb(54, 128, 56)',borderWidth: 3}]},options: {maintainAspectRatio: false, animation: false, scales: {y: {ticks: {beginAtZero: true}}}}}"
+ }}
+ {{ $chartData := printf "%s" $chartPost | printf "%s%s" $chartYearCount | printf "%s%s" $chartMid | printf "%s%s" $chartYearKeys | printf "%s%s" $chartPre | printf "%s" }}