During my PhD I have been primarily focused on investigating planning and sequential decision
making under uncertainty through integrative methods:
- With [Selmer Bringsjord](https://homepages.rpi.edu/~brings/) in the [RAIR Lab](https://rair.cogsci.rpi.edu/) I have looked at planning through automated reasoning.
I further developed [Spectra](https://github.com/rairlab/spectra) and the underlying
planning with formulas framework to show classes of uncertainty problems that
are easy to encode. Additionally, I wrote a QA algorithm for ShadowProver to integrate to Spectra
for planning under epistemic uncertatinty.
- With [Junkyu Lee](https://researcher.ibm.com/researcher/view.php?person=ibm-Junkyu.Lee),
[Harsha Kokel](https://research.ibm.com/people/harsha-kokel), and [Shirin Sohrabi](https://researcher.watson.ibm.com/researcher/view.php?person=us-ssohrab) at IBM I developed an algorithm
for guiding hiearchical reinforcement agents under partial observability when domain knowledge
can be encoded for characterizing discovery of unknown predicates. This techinque
uses a fully-observable non-deterministic planner to generate a high-level policy
where each high-level action is an option that a reinforcement learning agent
Together we built [CryptoSolve](https://github.com/cryptosolvers/CryptoSolve), a symbolic cryptographic analysis tool, and made it publically available on GitHub. I wrote the term algebra and rewrite libraries, and contributed to the mode of operation library and some unification algorithms.
[Dr. Stephen Davies](http://stephendavies.org/) guided my study of the fundamentals of reinforcement learning. We went over value functions, policy functions, how we can describe our environment as a markov decision processes, and other concepts.
[**Excitation of Rb87**](rb87/): Worked in a Quantum Research lab alongside fellow student Hannah Killian under the guidance of Dr. Hai Nguyen. I provided software tools and assisted in understanding the mathematics behind the phenomena.
[Modeling Population Dynamics of Incoherent and Coherent Excitation](/files/research/modellingpopulationdynamics.pdf)
[Coherent Control of Atomic Population Using the Genetic Algorithm](/files/research/coherentcontrolofatomicpopulation.pdf)
[**Beowulf Cluster:**](lunac) In order to circumvent the frustrations I had with simulation code taking a while, I applied and received funding to build out a Beowulf cluster for the Physics department. Dr. Maia Magrakvilidze was the advisor for this project. [LUNA-C Poster](/files/research/LUNACposter.pdf)
**Cluster Analysis:** The study of grouping similar observations without any prior knowledge. I studied this topic by deep diving Wikipedia articles under the guidance of Dr. Melody Denhere during Spring 2018. **[Extensive notes](clusteranalysis/)**
[**Programming Languages:**](proglang/) Back in the Fall of 2018, under the guidance of Ian Finlayson, I worked towards creating a programming language similar to SLOTH (Simple Language of Tiny Heft). [SLOTH Code](https://github.com/brandon-rozek/SLOTH)
[**Competitive Programming:**](progcomp/) Studying algorithms and data structures necessary for competitive programming. Attended ACM ICPC in November 2018/2019 with a team of two other students.