baseurl = "" title = "Site Title" theme = "pulp" canonifyurls = true pygmentsCodefences = true pygmentsUseClasses = true [params] author = "Kazuki Koide" avatar = "avatar.jpg" discription = """ I’m a Web Engeneer working in Tokyo. I’d like to make products that take people to the future. Have a look at some of my blog posts. If you have a comment, please feel free to follow on Twitter or contact by Email. """ publicationYear = "2018" custom_css = ["css/custom.css"] custom_js = ["js/custom.js"] [[params.nav]] name = "Blog" url = "/post/" [[params.nav]] name = "Twitter" url = "" [[params.nav]] name = "GitHub" url = "" [[params.nav]] name = "Email" url = ""