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Sentence Worthy </a>
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<h1 class="amp-wp-title">1.</h1>
<div class="amp-wp-meta amp-wp-byline">
<amp-img src=";d=mm&#038;r=g" width="24" height="24" layout="fixed"></amp-img>
<span class="amp-wp-author author vcard">Brandon Rozek</span>
<div class="amp-wp-meta amp-wp-posted-on">
<time datetime="2015-07-15T15:32:15+00:00">
4 years ago </time>
<div class="amp-wp-article-content">
<p><amp-img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-58 amp-wp-enforced-sizes" src="" alt="An airplane flying in the sky" width="2084" height="1228" srcset=" 2084w, 300w, 768w, 1024w" sizes="(min-width: 600px) 600px, 100vw"></amp-img></p>
<p>Eyes in the sky,<br/>
heart on the ground.</p>
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