# rltorch A reinforcement learning framework with the primary purpose of learning and cleaning up personal scripts. ## Installation From GitHub ``` pip install git+https://github.com/brandon-rozek/rltorch ``` ## Components ### Config This is a dictionary that is shared around the different components. Contains hyperparameters and other configuration values. ### Environment This component needs to support the standard openai functions reset and step. ### Network A network takes a PyTorch nn.Module, PyTorch optimizer, and configuration. ### Target Network Takes in a network and provides methods to sync a copy of the original network. ### Action Selector Typtically takes in a network which it then uses to help make decisions on which actions to take. For example, the ArgMaxSelector chooses the action that produces the highest entry in the output vector of the network. ### Memory Stores experiences during simulations of the environment. Useful for later training. ### Agents Takes in a network and performs some sort of training upon it.