#!/bin/bash trap killgroup SIGINT SCSSFILE=src/scss/style.scss CSSOUTFILE=bin/css/style.css JSFILES=bin/js/*.js HTTPSPORT=8443 HTTPPORT=8080 DOCKERENABLED=false #Shutdown all background processes when quitted killgroup() { echo "" if $DOCKERENABLED; then echo "Shutting down docker image" sudo docker stop development echo "Removing docker image" sudo docker rm development fi echo "Killing background jobs" kill -9 $(jobs -p) } installbrowsersync() { #If npm is installed then install BrowserSync if command -v npm > /dev/null; then echo "Installing BrowserSync" sudo npm install -g browser-sync else echo "npm is not installed" fi } installjshint() { #If npm is installed then install JSHint if command -v npm > /dev/null; then echo "Installing JSHint" sudo npm install -g jshint else echo "npm is not installed" fi } # Starts BrowserSync to server files in the bin folder and watch for changes in js and css files startbrowsersync() { if command -v browser-sync > /dev/null; then if command -v docker > /dev/null; then browser-sync start --proxy "https://localhost:$HTTPSPORT" --https --files "bin/*.css" "bin/*.js" 2>> error.log else browser-sync start --server "bin" --https --files "bin/*.css" "bin/*.js" 2>> error.log fi else echo "BrowserSync is not installed" fi } # Watches scss files and compiles to css when changed startsassc() { if command -v sassc > /dev/null; then ./watch.sh --no-clear $SCSSFILE "sassc $SCSSFILE > $CSSOUTFILE" 2>> error.log else echo "SassC is not installed" fi } # Watches js files and lints when changed startjshint() { if command -v jshint > /dev/null; then ./watch.sh --no-clear $JSFILES "jshint $JSFILES >> error.log" else echo "JSHint is not installed" fi } # Starts up docker instance with apache and php installed (serves the bin folder) startdocker() { if command -v docker > /dev/null; then sudo docker run -p $HTTPPORT:80 -p $HTTPSPORT:443 --name development -v "$PWD/"bin/:/var/www/html/ -d eboraas/apache-php 2>> error.log DOCKERENABLED=true else echo "Docker is not installed" fi } # Download normalize.css if it doesn't exist from the git repo if [ ! -f src/scss/normalize.scss ]; then wget "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/necolas/normalize.css/master/normalize.css" -O "src/scss/normalize.scss" fi # Install BrowserSync if it doesn't exist if ! command -v browser-sync > /dev/null; then installbrowsersync fi # Install JSHint if it doesn't exist if ! command -v jshint > /dev/null; then installjshint fi startdocker && (startbrowsersync & startsassc & startjshint & # Output all future errors tail -f -n 0 error.log)