/* Responsive.js- Handles responsiveness of website Game.Responsive.start()- Initiates Responsive functions Initiates canvas, inputs, and menu functions Draws the appropriate graph for the level Draws points for level Game.Responsive.canvas() - Adjusts canvas on resize Changes width and height to window Game.Responsive.inputs() - Adjusts input boxes on resize Changes it to what seems as an appropriate size Game.Responsive.menu() - Adjusts menu div on resize Sets it to window size [Bug] ---- Draggable div functions ----- Game.Responsive.mouseUp() - removes event listener on mouseup Game.Responsive.mouseDown(e) - prepares for div move stores drag offset from orriginal div calls divMouse function Game.Responsive.divMove(e) - moves the div targets div moves the div according to "offset" variable */ Game.Responsive = { canvas: function () { document.getElementById('myCanvas').width = window.innerWidth; document.getElementById('myCanvas').height = window.innerHeight; }, inputs: function () { $('.input').width(window.innerWidth / 2.8); $('.input').height(window.innerHeight / 10); }, menu: function () { document.getElementById('Menu').width = window.innerWidth; document.getElementById('Menu').height = window.innerHeight; }, start: function () { Game.Responsive.canvas(); Game.Responsive.inputs(); Game.Responsive.menu(); myGraph = {}; myGraph = new Graph({ centerY: (Game.Type != "ZeroQuad") ? window.innerHeight - 60 : window.innerHeight / 2, centerX: 30, minX: 0, minY: 0, maxX: window.innerWidth / (window.innerHeight / 10), maxY: 10, unitsPerTick: 1 }); myGraph.drawPoint(Game.LastX, Game.LastY); myGraph.drawPoint(Game.LastX2, Game.LastY2); } }; Game.Responsive.mouseUp = function () { window.removeEventListener('mousemove', Game.Responsive.divMove, true); }; Game.Responsive.mouseDown = function (e) { target = (e.target || e.srcElement).id; var div = document.getElementById(target); offY = e.clientY - parseInt(div.offsetTop); offX = e.clientX - parseInt(div.offsetLeft); window.addEventListener('mousemove', Game.Responsive.divMove, true); }; Game.Responsive.divMove = function (e) { var div = document.getElementById(target); div.style.top = (e.clientY - offY) + 'px'; div.style.left = (e.clientX - offX) + 'px'; };