const zmq = require('zeromq'); const tf = require('@tensorflow/tfjs-node'); const bodyPix = require('@tensorflow-models/body-pix'); const {decodeJpeg} = require('./decode_image'); let net = null; async function load() { net = await bodyPix.load({ architecture: 'MobileNetV1', outputStride: 16, multiplier: 0.5, quantBytes: 2 }); } async function run() { const sock = new zmq.Reply; await sock.bind('ipc:///tmp/bodypix'); console.log("Bounded to ipc:///tmp/bodypix"); for await (const [msg] of sock) { const image = decodeJpeg(msg) const segmentation = await net.segmentPerson(image); await sock.send(; tf.dispose(image) } } load(); run();