171 lines
5.5 KiB
171 lines
5.5 KiB
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "parser.hpp"
#include "../operations/node.hpp"
#include "../constants.hpp"
/* declare type possibilities of symbols */
%union {
Node* value;
/* declare tokens (default is typeless) */
%token <value> IDENTIFIER
%token <value> VALUE
%token PLUS
%token MINUS
%token DIVIDE
%token TIMES
%token LESS
%token GREATER
%token LESSEQ
%token EQUALS
%token NEQUALS
%token AND
%token OR
%token NOT
%token ASSIGN
%token END
%token IF
%token THEN
%token ELSE
%token WHILE
%token DO
%token PRINT
%token <value> INPUT
%token COMMENT
%token DONE
%token <value> LAMBDATAG
%token COLON
%token COMMA
/* declare non-terminals */
%type <value> program statement assignment if-statement if-else-statement while print statements substatements callfunc vector vectorlist exprlambda expression subexpression term subterm factor atom identvalue ident
/* give us more detailed errors */
program: substatements {result = $1; return 0;}
| "" {return 0;}
statement: assignment { $$ = $1; }
| if-statement { $$ = $1; }
| if-else-statement { $$ = $1; }
| while { $$ = $1; }
| print { $$ = $1; }
| statements { $$ = $1; }
assignment: ident ASSIGN vector SEMICOLON {
$$ = new Node(ASSIGN, NULL, "");
attach_node($$, $1);
attach_node($$, $3);
if-statement: IF expression THEN statement {
$$ = new Node(IF, NULL, "");
attach_node($$, $2);
attach_node($$, $4);
if-else-statement: IF expression THEN statement ELSE statement {
$$ = new Node(IF, NULL, "");
attach_node($$, $2);
attach_node($$, $4);
attach_node($$, $6);
while: WHILE expression DO statement {
$$ = new Node(WHILE, NULL, "");
attach_node($$, $2);
attach_node($$, $4);
print: PRINT vector SEMICOLON {
$$ = new Node(PRINT, NULL, "");
attach_node($$, $2);
statements: BEGINTOK substatements END { $$ = $2; }
substatements: statement substatements {$$ = new Node(STATEMENT, NULL, ""); attach_node($$, $1); attach_node($$, $2); }
| statement {$$ = new Node(STATEMENT, NULL, ""); attach_node($$, $1); }
vector: OPENVECTOR CLOSEVECTOR { $$ = new Node(VECTOR, std::unique_ptr<Value>(nullptr), ""); /*Empty vector*/ }
| OPENVECTOR vectorlist CLOSEVECTOR { $$ = new Node(VECTOR, std::unique_ptr<Value>(nullptr), ""); attach_node($$, $2); }
| exprlambda { $$ = $1; }
vectorlist: exprlambda COMMA vectorlist {$$ = $1; attach_node($$, $3); }
| exprlambda { $$ = $1; }
exprlambda: LAMBDATAG ident COLON expression {
// Only supports one argument functions for now
$$ = new Node(LAMBDATAG, NULL, "");
attach_node($$, $2);
attach_node($$, $4); }
| expression { $$ = $1; }
expression: expression OR subexpression { $$ = new Node(OR, NULL, ""); attach_node($$, $1); attach_node($$, $3);}
| expression AND subexpression { $$ = new Node(AND, NULL, ""); attach_node($$, $1); attach_node($$, $3);}
| subexpression { $$ = $1; }
subexpression: subexpression LESS term { $$ = new Node(LESS, NULL, ""); attach_node($$, $1); attach_node($$, $3);}
| subexpression LESSEQ term { $$ = new Node(LESSEQ, NULL, ""); attach_node($$, $1); attach_node($$, $3);}
| subexpression GREATER term { $$ = new Node(GREATER, NULL, ""); attach_node($$, $1); attach_node($$, $3);}
| subexpression GREATEREQ term { $$ = new Node(GREATEREQ, NULL, ""); attach_node($$, $1); attach_node($$, $3);}
| subexpression EQUALS term { $$ = new Node(EQUALS, NULL, ""); attach_node($$, $1); attach_node($$, $3);}
| subexpression NEQUALS term { $$ = new Node(NEQUALS, NULL, ""); attach_node($$, $1); attach_node($$, $3);}
| term { $$ = $1; }
term : term PLUS subterm { $$ = new Node(PLUS, NULL, ""); attach_node($$, $1); attach_node($$, $3);}
| term MINUS subterm { $$ = new Node(MINUS, NULL, ""); attach_node($$, $1); attach_node($$, $3);}
| subterm { $$ = $1; }
subterm: subterm TIMES factor { $$ = new Node(TIMES, NULL, ""); attach_node($$, $1); attach_node($$, $3);}
| subterm DIVIDE factor { $$ = new Node(DIVIDE, NULL, ""); attach_node($$, $1); attach_node($$, $3);}
| factor { $$ = $1; }
factor : MINUS factor { $$ = new Node(MINUS, NULL, ""); attach_node($$, $2); }
| NOT factor { $$ = new Node(NOT, NULL, ""); attach_node($$, $2); }
| atom { $$ = $1; }
callfunc: ident OPENPAREM expression ENDPAREM { $$ = new Node(CALLFUNC, NULL, ""); attach_node($$, $1); attach_node($$, $3); }
atom: OPENPAREM expression ENDPAREM { $$ = $2; }
| callfunc { $$ = $1; }
| identvalue { $$ = $1; }
ident: IDENTIFIER { $$ = $1; }
identvalue: ident { $$ = $1; }
| VALUE { $$ = $1; }
| INPUT { $$ = new Node(INPUT, NULL , ""); }
| OPENVECTOR identvalue CLOSEVECTOR { $$ = new Node(OPENVECTOR, NULL, ""); attach_node($$, $2); }
int yywrap( ) {
return 1;
void yyerror(const char* str) {
fprintf(stderr, "Compiler error on line %d: '%s'.\n", linenum, str);