var Command = require('./Command.js'); var grabURL = require('../helpers/grabURL.js'); var grabTokens = require('../helpers/grabTokens.js'); var condition = function(text) { var tokens = grabTokens(text); return != '' && tokens.contain('weather'); } var command = new Command("Weather", condition, function(text, send, userData) { var tokens = grabTokens(text); var location = tokens.slice(tokens.indexOf('weather') + 1, tokens.length); //Function to get the weather var getWeather = function(loc) { grabURL("" + loc.join('+') + "&units=imperial&appid=" + .then(function(response) { return response.body.toString(); }) .then(function(text) { return JSON.parse(text); }) .then(function(json) { if (json.cod == 401) { send("Invalid API key set"); } else { send([0].description + " and the temperature is " + json.main.temp + " degrees Fahrenheit in " + + "\nWeather provided by OpenWeatherMap"); } }).catch(function(error) { send(error); }); } //Did the person not specify the location and have no location set? if (location.length === 0 && !userData.isset("location")) { userData.prompt("Where do you live?").then(function(loc) { userData.setProperty("location", loc.split(" ")); getWeather(loc.split(" ")); }); } //The person specified the location else if (location.length !== 0) { getWeather(location); } //The person didn't specify but he has a location saved else { getWeather(userData.getProperty("location")); } }); = ''; //Need to call this with a proper id for this command to work command.setId = function(id) { = id; } module.exports = command;