var promise = require('promise-polyfill'); var prototypes = require('./lib/helpers/additionalPrototypes.js'); var User = require('./User.js'); module.exports = function() { //Store possible commands this.commandList = []; //Store users this.userList = []; //Add commands to the commandList this.extend = function(command) { if (typeof(command) === 'object') { this.commandList.push(command); } else { throw new Error("Extend must take a Command Object"); } }; //Add user to userlist this.addUser = function(username, sendMethod) { var user = new User(username, sendMethod); this.userList.push(user); return user; } //Get's user from userlist by username this.getUser = function(username) { for (var i = 0; i < this.userList.length; i++) { if (this.userList[i].username === username) { return this.userList[i]; } } //User not found return null; } //Gives Rozbot's response this.respond = function(message, user, extra) { //Store if it was a private message or not extra = extra || {}; extra.privateMessage = extra.privateMessage || false; //Store whether or not an app wants to listen to the next message var inAppScope = user.inAppScope //Used to allow apps to get the next message user.listener.emit('message', message); if (!inAppScope) { var args = [message, user.send]; //Find the right command to run var command = this.commandList.find(function(cmd) { var userData = user.getData(; //Attach whether or not this is a private message userData.privateMessage = extra.privateMessage; return cmd.condition(message, userData ) === true; }); //Run the command using user's contextual data (app by app basis) if (command !== undefined) { var userData = user.getData(; command.respond.apply(command, args.concat(userData)); } } } }