
182 lines
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Raw Normal View History

# TODO: I'm kinda using this project to pilot the whole config/network/example separation
# The motivation behind this is that the file sizes are getting large and its increasing cognitive load :(
# Import Python Standard Libraries
from threading import Thread, Lock
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from collections import namedtuple
from datetime import datetime
# Import Pytorch related packages for NNs
from numpy import array as np_array
from numpy import save as np_save
import torch
from torch.optim import Adam
# Import my custom RL library
import rltorch
from rltorch.memory import PrioritizedReplayMemory, ReplayMemory
from rltorch.action_selector import EpsilonGreedySelector, ArgMaxSelector
import rltorch.env as E
import as rn
# Import OpenAI gym and related packages
from gym import make as makeEnv
from gym import Wrapper as GymWrapper
from gym.wrappers import Monitor as GymMonitor
import play
## Networks (Probably want to move this to config file)
from networks import Value
## Play Related Classes
class PlayClass(Thread):
def __init__(self, env, action_selector, agent, sneaky_env, sneaky_actor, sneaky_agent, record_lock, config, sneaky_config):
super(PlayClass, self).__init__() = play.Play(env, action_selector, agent, sneaky_env, sneaky_actor, sneaky_agent, record_lock, config, sneaky_config)
def run(self):
class Record(GymWrapper):
def __init__(self, env, memory, lock, args):
GymWrapper.__init__(self, env)
self.memory = memory
self.lock = lock # Lock for memory access
self.skipframes = args['skip']
self.environment_name = args['environment_name']
self.logdir = args['logdir']
self.current_i = 0
def reset(self):
return self.env.reset()
def step(self, action):
state = self.env.env._get_obs()
next_state, reward, done, info = self.env.step(action)
self.current_i += 1
# Don't add to memory until a certain number of frames is reached
if self.current_i % self.skipframes == 0:
self.memory.append((state, action, reward, next_state, done))
self.current_i = 0
return next_state, reward, done, info
def log_transitions(self):
if len(self.memory) > 0:
basename = self.logdir + "/{}.{}".format(self.environment_name,"%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%s"))
print("Base Filename: ", basename, flush = True)
state, action, reward, next_state, done = zip(*self.memory)
np_save(basename + "-state.npy", np_array(state), allow_pickle = False)
np_save(basename + "-action.npy", np_array(action), allow_pickle = False)
np_save(basename + "-reward.npy", np_array(reward), allow_pickle = False)
np_save(basename + "-nextstate.npy", np_array(next_state), allow_pickle = False)
np_save(basename + "-done.npy", np_array(done), allow_pickle = False)
## Parsing arguments
parser = ArgumentParser(description="Play and log the environment")
parser.add_argument("--environment_name", type=str, help="The environment name in OpenAI gym to play.")
parser.add_argument("--logdir", type=str, help="Directory to log video and (state, action, reward, next_state, done) in.")
parser.add_argument("--skip", type=int, help="Number of frames to skip logging.")
parser.add_argument("--fps", type=int, help="Number of frames per second")
parser.add_argument("--model", type=str, help = "The path location of the PyTorch model")
args = vars(parser.parse_args())
## Main configuration for script
from config import config
from sneaky_config import sneaky_config
# Environment name and log directory is vital so show help message and exit if not provided
if args['environment_name'] is None or args['logdir'] is None:
# Number of frames to skip when recording and fps can have sane defaults
if args['skip'] is None:
args['skip'] = 3
if 'fps' not in args:
args['fps'] = 30
def wrap_preprocessing(env, MaxAndSkipEnv = False):
env = E.NoopResetEnv(
noop_max = 30
if MaxAndSkipEnv:
env = E.MaxAndSkipEnv(env, skip = 4)
return E.ClippedRewardsWrapper(
, 4)
## Set up environment to be recorded and preprocessed
record_memory = []
record_lock = Lock()
env = Record(makeEnv(args['environment_name']), record_memory, record_lock, args)
# Bind record_env to current env so that we can reference log_transitions easier later
record_env = env
# Use native gym monitor to get video recording
env = GymMonitor(env, args['logdir'], force=True)
# Preprocess enviornment
env = wrap_preprocessing(env)
# Set seeds
device = torch.device("cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() and not config['disable_cuda'] else "cpu")
state_size = env.observation_space.shape[0]
action_size = env.action_space.n
# Set up the networks
net = rn.Network(Value(state_size, action_size),
Adam, config, device = device)
target_net = rn.TargetNetwork(net, device = device)
# Relevant components from RLTorch
memory = PrioritizedReplayMemory(capacity = config['memory_size'], alpha = config['prioritized_replay_sampling_priority'])
actor = ArgMaxSelector(net, action_size, device = device)
agent = rltorch.agents.DQNAgent(net, memory, config, target_net = target_net)
# Use a different environment for when the computer trains on the side so that the current game state isn't manipuated
# Also use MaxEnvSkip to speed up processing
sneaky_env = wrap_preprocessing(makeEnv(args['environment_name']), MaxAndSkipEnv = True)
sneaky_memory = ReplayMemory(capacity = sneaky_config['memory_size'])
sneaky_actor = EpsilonGreedySelector(net, action_size, device = device, epsilon = sneaky_config['exploration_rate'])
sneaky_agent = rltorch.agents.DQNAgent(net, sneaky_memory, sneaky_config, target_net = target_net)
# Pass all this information into the thread that will handle the game play and start
playThread = PlayClass(env, actor, agent, sneaky_env, sneaky_actor, sneaky_agent, record_lock, config, sneaky_config)
# While the play thread is running, we'll periodically log transitions we've encountered
while playThread.is_alive():
print("Logging....", end = " ")
# Save what's remaining after process died