var parabola; var start = function () { document.getElementById('myCanvas').width = window.innerWidth; //Sets size of Width document.getElementById('myCanvas').height = window.innerHeight; //Sets size of Height //Creates graph myGraph = new Graph({ centerY: window.innerHeight / 2, centerX: window.innerWidth / 2, minX: 0, minY: 0, maxX: window.innerWidth / (window.innerHeight / 10), maxY: 10, unitsPerTick: 1 }); playLevel(); } var playLevel = function () { Game.parabula.h = Game.parabula.fh(); Game.parabula.k =; parabola = new Line({ equation: function (x) { return Math.pow((x + Game.parabula.h), 2) + Game.parabula.k; }, //positive, shift left to origin hShift: Game.parabula.h, vShift: Game.parabula.k, graph: myGraph }) myGraph.animateLine(parabola, 0, Game.level * 2 + 5); } //document object checks for arrow key presses $(document).on('keyup', function (e) { //only works if a current line is set, and said line is falling (animating) if (Game.currentLine.falling) { switch (e.which) { case 37: //left arrow //shift the line one unit left Game.currentLine.hShift += 1; break; case 38: //up arrow //only if line is sliding horizontally Game.currentLine.shiftAmount += 1; break; case 39: //right arrow Game.currentLine.hShift -= 1; break; case 40: //down arrow Game.currentLine.shiftAmount -= 1; break; default: } } }); $(document).ready(start);