/*an actual object for lines includes equation with shifting animation function is in Graph.js, accepts a line object and animates it */ function Line(config) { this.equation = config.equation; this.hShift = config.hShift; //specified like in regular graphing, positive goes to left, negative to right this.vShift = config.vShift; this.hStretch = 1; this.vStretch = 1; this.goalhShift = this.hShift; this.goalvShift = this.vShift; this.graph = config.graph; //console.log('new line'); this.shiftIncrement = 0.2; //amount of change in animation frame this.shiftAmount = 5; //starting vertical shift amount, height of falling graph above goal graph this.stretchFactor; //var for state this.falling = false; this.graph.drawdottedEquation(this.equation); }