function Graph(config) { // user defined properties this.minX = config.minX; this.minY = config.minY; this.maxX = config.maxX; this.maxY = config.maxY; this.unitsPerTick = config.unitsPerTick; this.centerY = config.centerY; /*center x and y is the "origin" of the graph relative to canvas location*/ this.centerX = config.centerX; // constants this.canvas = document.getElementById('myCanvas'); this.tickSize = 20; // relationships this.context = this.canvas.getContext('2d'); this.rangeX = this.maxX - this.minX; this.rangeY = this.maxY - this.minY; this.unitX = this.canvas.width / this.rangeX; this.unitY = this.canvas.height / this.rangeY; this.iteration = (this.maxX - this.minX) / 1000; this.scaleX = this.canvas.width / this.rangeX; this.scaleY = this.canvas.height / this.rangeY; this.XmaxUnit; this.XminUnit; /////////////change, added next 3 vars this.shiftAmount; this.shiftIncrement; this.timeInterval; // draw x and y axis this.drawXAxis(); this.drawYAxis(); this.drawGrid(); this.getImage(); } Graph.prototype.drawXAxis = function () { var context = this.context;; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(0, this.centerY); context.lineTo(this.canvas.width, this.centerY); context.strokeStyle = 'rgb(25,75,160)'; context.lineWidth = 4; context.stroke(); context.restore(); }; Graph.prototype.drawYAxis = function () { var context = this.context;; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(this.centerX, 0); context.lineTo(this.centerX, this.canvas.height); context.strokeStyle = 'rgb(25,75,160)'; context.lineWidth = 4; context.stroke(); context.restore(); }; Graph.prototype.drawGrid = function () { var context = this.context;; context.beginPath(); context.strokeStyle = '#8c8c8c'; context.fillStyle = 'white'; console.log(context.canvas.width) context.fillRect(0, 0, context.canvas.width, context.canvas.length); context.lineWidth = 2; // Sets up x coordinate tick marks var xPosIncrement = this.unitsPerTick * this.unitX; var xPos, unit; context.font = '12pt Ubuntu'; context.textAlign = 'left'; context.textBaseline = 'top'; // draws vertical lines before x = 0 xPos = this.centerX - xPosIncrement; unit = -1 * this.unitsPerTick; while (xPos > 0) { context.moveTo(xPos, this.centerY - this.tickSize / 2); context.lineTo(xPos, this.canvas.height); context.lineTo(xPos, -this.canvas.height); context.stroke(); context.fillText(unit, xPos, this.centerY + this.tickSize / 2 + 3); unit -= this.unitsPerTick; xPos = Math.round(xPos - xPosIncrement); this.XminUnit = unit; } if (this.XminUnit === undefined) { this.XminUnit = -1; } // draws vertical lines after x = 0 xPos = this.centerX + xPosIncrement; unit = this.unitsPerTick; while (xPos < this.canvas.width) { context.moveTo(xPos, this.centerY - this.tickSize / 2); context.lineTo(xPos, this.canvas.height); context.lineTo(xPos, -this.canvas.height); context.stroke(); context.fillText(unit, xPos, this.centerY + this.tickSize / 2 + 3); unit += this.unitsPerTick; xPos = Math.round(xPos + xPosIncrement); this.XmaxUnit = unit; } // Sets up Y coordinate tick marks var yPosIncrement = this.unitsPerTick * this.unitY; var yPos, unit; context.font = '12pt Ubuntu'; context.textAlign = 'right'; context.textBaseline = 'bottom'; // draws horizontal lines after y = 0 yPos = this.centerY - yPosIncrement; unit = this.unitsPerTick; while (yPos > 0) { context.moveTo(this.centerX - this.tickSize / 2, yPos); context.lineTo(this.canvas.width, yPos); context.lineTo(-this.canvas.width, yPos); context.stroke(); context.fillText(unit, this.centerX - this.tickSize / 2 - 3, yPos); unit += this.unitsPerTick; yPos = Math.round(yPos - yPosIncrement); } // draws horizontal lines before y = 0 yPos = this.centerY + yPosIncrement; unit = -1 * this.unitsPerTick; while (yPos < this.canvas.height) { context.moveTo(this.centerX - this.tickSize / 2, yPos); context.lineTo(this.canvas.width, yPos); context.lineTo(-this.canvas.width, yPos); context.stroke(); context.fillText(unit, this.centerX - this.tickSize / 2 - 3, yPos); unit -= this.unitsPerTick; yPos = Math.round(yPos + yPosIncrement); } context.restore(); }; Graph.prototype.drawEquation = function (equation) { var context = this.context;; this.transformContext(); context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(this.XminUnit, equation(this.XminUnit)); for (var x = this.XminUnit + this.iteration; x <= this.XmaxUnit; x += this.iteration) { context.lineTo(x, equation(x)); } context.restore(); context.lineJoin = 'round'; context.lineWidth = 3; context.strokeStyle = 'red'; /////////////--Added for no spacing in regular lines context.setLineDash([1, 0]); context.stroke(); context.restore(); }; Graph.prototype.drawdottedEquation = function (equation) { var context = this.context;; this.transformContext(); context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(this.XminUnit, equation(this.XminUnit)); for (var x = this.XminUnit + this.iteration; x <= this.XmaxUnit; x += this.iteration) { context.lineTo(x, equation(x)); } context.restore(); context.lineJoin = 'round'; context.lineWidth = 3; context.strokeStyle = 'red'; context.setLineDash([5]); context.stroke(); context.restore(); }; Graph.prototype.drawPoint = function (goalx, goaly) { var context = this.context;; this.transformContext(); context.beginPath(); var c = document.getElementById("myCanvas"); var img = document.getElementById("balloon"); context.drawImage(img, goalx - 0.32, goaly - 0.48, 0.64, 0.96); context.stroke(); context.restore(); }; //sets context to origin Graph.prototype.transformContext = function () { var context = this.context; this.context.translate(this.centerX, this.centerY); context.scale(this.scaleX, -this.scaleY); }; ///////////////deprecated Graph.prototype.reset = function () { var context = this.context;; context.fillStyle = 'black'; context.fillRect(0, 0, myCanvas.width, myCanvas.height); /* this.drawXAxis(); this.drawYAxis(); this.drawGrid();*/ context.restore(); }; ////////////// Graph.prototype.printGrid = function () { var context = this.context;; var currentImage = context.getImageData(0, 0, context.canvas.width, context.canvas.height); }; //////////// Graph.prototype.getImage = function () { this.image = this.context.getImageData(0, 0, this.context.canvas.width, this.context.canvas.height); } //////////////----First test animator, example Graph.prototype.animateLine = function (line, mode, frameRate) { console.log('animate'); line.falling = true; var context = this.context //for test, currentLevel is Quadratic; LEVEL NAME MUST MATCH DIV INPUT NAME Game.currentLevel = 'Quadratic'; var divSelector = "#" + Game.currentLevel + " #"; Game.currentLine = line; this.animator = window.setInterval( function () { //update vals in input boxes $(divSelector + "vShift").val(Math.round(line.goalvShift * 10 + line.shiftAmount * 10) / 10); $(divSelector + "vStretch").val(line.vStretch); $(divSelector + "hStretch").val(line.hStretch); $(divSelector + "hShift").val(line.goalhShift + line.hShift); //setting up each frame of the graph line.graph.context.putImageData(line.graph.image, 0, 0); line.graph.drawdottedEquation(line.equation); line.graph.drawEquation(function (x) { return line.vStretch * line.equation(x / line.hStretch + line.hShift) + line.shiftAmount; }); //line.shiftAmount = Math.round(line.shiftAmount - line.shiftIncrement); line.shiftAmount = Math.round(line.shiftAmount * 10 - line.shiftIncrement * 10) / 10; //ending the animation at bottom (before the curve goes one more increment below 0) if (line.hShift == 0 && line.vShift == (line.shiftAmount + line.vShift + line.shiftIncrement)) { window.clearInterval(line.graph.animator); Game.currentLine = undefined; line.falling = false; Game.level++; playLevel(); } else if (line.shiftAmount < 0 - line.shiftIncrement) { window.clearInterval(line.graph.animator); Game.currentLine = undefined; line.falling = false; alert("You lose . . . . You made it to Level " + Game.level); Game.level = 0; } }, 1000 / frameRate); };